Initial job offer (probation) changed and is different in the contract? I have declined other job offers. Now...

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down vote


Here's my situation:
I have had several successful interviews and gotten 3 offers from different companies, and decided to accept an offer from one of them.

The thing is this, they had initially offered me a salary slightly lower than my "bid", with a probation of 3 months and a review to my desired salary after that. It was written in email. I am alright with this arrangement as it was still pretty reasonable.

But after accepting the offer and declining other offers, when I was handed the Employment Contract, and it states that the probationary period is 6 months. I highlighted this to my interviewer, but she said that after checking with her colleagues, she "found out" that 6 months is a standard period in their company, and would do a salary review according to my performance after that.

How should I go about doing this? Should I push back, and if so, how should I go about doing it? I wanted to ask for her to stick to the initial 3 months as to what was agreed.

Do you guys think it's reasonable?


I have requested for them to adjust the probationary period as to what was first communicated (i.e. 3 months) as that was part of my consideration in accepting their offer amongst others. They stood firm by 6 months, and now also changed my starting date to January (due to internal shuffling and again, she just found out about it), when I was supposed to start next week (Start of December). She said that it might be too long for me and would completely understand if I chose to withdraw my application.

For me, I'm not too excited about the work I'll be doing there but the pay is fairly reasonable. And there will always be this doubt if I would be able to find other jobs. Also one important thing to note is that I have applied for PR overseas and am waiting for it to be approved, so I will be staying here for another 1 year tops if it gets approved, so there is a pressure of time—I'm trying to get relevant experience and save up as much as I can before immigrating.

All these errors aside, I have actually worked with them as part of my freelance gig and thought they were nice people. So I'm a little confused as to how I should go about doing this.

Would it be acceptable for me to accept their offer for now, and start looking for other jobs? I'm not sure if that is considered a good thing to do. Or should I decline it right now?

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Claire is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 5

    Just walk away. Forget the company.
    – Fattie
    Nov 28 at 11:53

  • 7

    "accepting the offer and declining other offers, when I was handed the Employment Contract" What a lesson. Never turn down anything until you have (at the very least) a written contract.
    – Fattie
    Nov 28 at 11:54

up vote
down vote


Here's my situation:
I have had several successful interviews and gotten 3 offers from different companies, and decided to accept an offer from one of them.

The thing is this, they had initially offered me a salary slightly lower than my "bid", with a probation of 3 months and a review to my desired salary after that. It was written in email. I am alright with this arrangement as it was still pretty reasonable.

But after accepting the offer and declining other offers, when I was handed the Employment Contract, and it states that the probationary period is 6 months. I highlighted this to my interviewer, but she said that after checking with her colleagues, she "found out" that 6 months is a standard period in their company, and would do a salary review according to my performance after that.

How should I go about doing this? Should I push back, and if so, how should I go about doing it? I wanted to ask for her to stick to the initial 3 months as to what was agreed.

Do you guys think it's reasonable?


I have requested for them to adjust the probationary period as to what was first communicated (i.e. 3 months) as that was part of my consideration in accepting their offer amongst others. They stood firm by 6 months, and now also changed my starting date to January (due to internal shuffling and again, she just found out about it), when I was supposed to start next week (Start of December). She said that it might be too long for me and would completely understand if I chose to withdraw my application.

For me, I'm not too excited about the work I'll be doing there but the pay is fairly reasonable. And there will always be this doubt if I would be able to find other jobs. Also one important thing to note is that I have applied for PR overseas and am waiting for it to be approved, so I will be staying here for another 1 year tops if it gets approved, so there is a pressure of time—I'm trying to get relevant experience and save up as much as I can before immigrating.

All these errors aside, I have actually worked with them as part of my freelance gig and thought they were nice people. So I'm a little confused as to how I should go about doing this.

Would it be acceptable for me to accept their offer for now, and start looking for other jobs? I'm not sure if that is considered a good thing to do. Or should I decline it right now?

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New contributor

Claire is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 5

    Just walk away. Forget the company.
    – Fattie
    Nov 28 at 11:53

  • 7

    "accepting the offer and declining other offers, when I was handed the Employment Contract" What a lesson. Never turn down anything until you have (at the very least) a written contract.
    – Fattie
    Nov 28 at 11:54

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Here's my situation:
I have had several successful interviews and gotten 3 offers from different companies, and decided to accept an offer from one of them.

The thing is this, they had initially offered me a salary slightly lower than my "bid", with a probation of 3 months and a review to my desired salary after that. It was written in email. I am alright with this arrangement as it was still pretty reasonable.

But after accepting the offer and declining other offers, when I was handed the Employment Contract, and it states that the probationary period is 6 months. I highlighted this to my interviewer, but she said that after checking with her colleagues, she "found out" that 6 months is a standard period in their company, and would do a salary review according to my performance after that.

How should I go about doing this? Should I push back, and if so, how should I go about doing it? I wanted to ask for her to stick to the initial 3 months as to what was agreed.

Do you guys think it's reasonable?


I have requested for them to adjust the probationary period as to what was first communicated (i.e. 3 months) as that was part of my consideration in accepting their offer amongst others. They stood firm by 6 months, and now also changed my starting date to January (due to internal shuffling and again, she just found out about it), when I was supposed to start next week (Start of December). She said that it might be too long for me and would completely understand if I chose to withdraw my application.

For me, I'm not too excited about the work I'll be doing there but the pay is fairly reasonable. And there will always be this doubt if I would be able to find other jobs. Also one important thing to note is that I have applied for PR overseas and am waiting for it to be approved, so I will be staying here for another 1 year tops if it gets approved, so there is a pressure of time—I'm trying to get relevant experience and save up as much as I can before immigrating.

All these errors aside, I have actually worked with them as part of my freelance gig and thought they were nice people. So I'm a little confused as to how I should go about doing this.

Would it be acceptable for me to accept their offer for now, and start looking for other jobs? I'm not sure if that is considered a good thing to do. Or should I decline it right now?

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New contributor

Claire is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Here's my situation:
I have had several successful interviews and gotten 3 offers from different companies, and decided to accept an offer from one of them.

The thing is this, they had initially offered me a salary slightly lower than my "bid", with a probation of 3 months and a review to my desired salary after that. It was written in email. I am alright with this arrangement as it was still pretty reasonable.

But after accepting the offer and declining other offers, when I was handed the Employment Contract, and it states that the probationary period is 6 months. I highlighted this to my interviewer, but she said that after checking with her colleagues, she "found out" that 6 months is a standard period in their company, and would do a salary review according to my performance after that.

How should I go about doing this? Should I push back, and if so, how should I go about doing it? I wanted to ask for her to stick to the initial 3 months as to what was agreed.

Do you guys think it's reasonable?


I have requested for them to adjust the probationary period as to what was first communicated (i.e. 3 months) as that was part of my consideration in accepting their offer amongst others. They stood firm by 6 months, and now also changed my starting date to January (due to internal shuffling and again, she just found out about it), when I was supposed to start next week (Start of December). She said that it might be too long for me and would completely understand if I chose to withdraw my application.

For me, I'm not too excited about the work I'll be doing there but the pay is fairly reasonable. And there will always be this doubt if I would be able to find other jobs. Also one important thing to note is that I have applied for PR overseas and am waiting for it to be approved, so I will be staying here for another 1 year tops if it gets approved, so there is a pressure of time—I'm trying to get relevant experience and save up as much as I can before immigrating.

All these errors aside, I have actually worked with them as part of my freelance gig and thought they were nice people. So I'm a little confused as to how I should go about doing this.

Would it be acceptable for me to accept their offer for now, and start looking for other jobs? I'm not sure if that is considered a good thing to do. Or should I decline it right now?

communication job-offer probation employment-agreement

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Claire is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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edited 2 days ago

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Claire is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked Nov 28 at 10:07




New contributor

Claire is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

Claire is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Claire is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 5

    Just walk away. Forget the company.
    – Fattie
    Nov 28 at 11:53

  • 7

    "accepting the offer and declining other offers, when I was handed the Employment Contract" What a lesson. Never turn down anything until you have (at the very least) a written contract.
    – Fattie
    Nov 28 at 11:54

  • 5

    Just walk away. Forget the company.
    – Fattie
    Nov 28 at 11:53

  • 7

    "accepting the offer and declining other offers, when I was handed the Employment Contract" What a lesson. Never turn down anything until you have (at the very least) a written contract.
    – Fattie
    Nov 28 at 11:54



Just walk away. Forget the company.
– Fattie
Nov 28 at 11:53

Just walk away. Forget the company.
– Fattie
Nov 28 at 11:53



"accepting the offer and declining other offers, when I was handed the Employment Contract" What a lesson. Never turn down anything until you have (at the very least) a written contract.
– Fattie
Nov 28 at 11:54

"accepting the offer and declining other offers, when I was handed the Employment Contract" What a lesson. Never turn down anything until you have (at the very least) a written contract.
– Fattie
Nov 28 at 11:54

7 Answers




up vote
down vote

It's entirely reasonable as it was a factor in your choosing the position and you have other options. At this point it is still a negotiation, nothing is set in stone yet.

It's really a trade off between how much you want the job and how hard you want to negotiate, but it's not off to a good start when they change things at the last minute. If I had other options I'd respectfully decline. They should have been aware of company policy from the start, so this is rubbish.

share|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    Take this experience as a lesson and learn from it.

    You should not quit your job or in your case decline a job offer unless you have already accepted and signed a written offer.

    I would argue against pushing back as this company has at best demonstrated that they are incompetent and at worst demonstrated that they are deceptive.

    Walk away and pursue your other opportunities.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      This is a bad sign, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad company, at least in the parts you'll be working in. (Are you talking to HR here, or a hiring manager?) If you really want to work for that company, it's reasonable to negotiate.

      At this point, I'd feel a little dubious about any promised review. Since the offered salary is only slightly below what you wanted, you could offer to accept a six-month probation period at a slightly higher salary. If they were willing to pay you your desired salary after a few months, they would probably be willing to pay it to you for the extra months. If they're not willing to give you a concession in exchange for a longer probationary period than originally stated, I'd take that as a bad sign also, since it implies that your interviewer doesn't even recognize the change as bad for you.

      This is the most negotiating power you will ever have with the company. They've decided to hire you, and that sort of decision normally has a certain psychological momentum.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        Would it be acceptable for me to accept their offer for now, and start looking for other jobs?

        Normally this is frowned upon, but given the circumstances I think it's fair game. Theoretically, if you sign the contract, and end up not joining without giving enough notice, you could be sued for damage (different countries have different rules about this, so you have to check the local law). However, I've never heard somebody actually being sued for this.

        But most importantly: YOU CAN GO BACK TO THE OTHER OFFERS! Go send an email to your second preference that you declined. In most cases, they wouldn't have found a better candidate yet. If you explain what happened, most hiring managers will be thrilled to offer you again. Just try not to sound disgruntled.

        share|improve this answer

        New contributor

        825ufolittle is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
        Check out our Code of Conduct.

        • I'd suggest neutral language like "an offer fell through at the last minute". If you can avoid it, never assign nor accept blame when you can just gloss over it.
          – David Thornley

        up vote
        down vote

        Walk away now!

        You negotiated with the company, and they choose not to honor the terms that were agreed on. The company has back-tracked on it's promise, and presented a different contract that what was agreed on.

        It's completely ok to push back and hold the company to the original negotiated deal, but I doubt they will honor it. If the company is already lying to you before your first day, imagine what they will do once you're on the payroll!

        In the future, do not decline job offers until you've read the employment contract.

        Immediately call the other companies and see if their offers are valid

        share|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          I think this may be an honest mistake.

          Anyway, after 3 months and you are still there, does your behaviour change? So I guess not. Next 12 weeks will be a brieze

          share|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            You call the interviewer and nicely state that she had offered, and you had accepted, a 3 month review plan and if they cannot honor that agreement then you cannot start work with them.

            Then you contact one or more of the prior companies that had given you an offer and accept one of those and forget this place.

            share|improve this answer

            • you should do these the other way around
              – tomdemaine
              2 days ago

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            7 Answers




            7 Answers










            up vote
            down vote

            It's entirely reasonable as it was a factor in your choosing the position and you have other options. At this point it is still a negotiation, nothing is set in stone yet.

            It's really a trade off between how much you want the job and how hard you want to negotiate, but it's not off to a good start when they change things at the last minute. If I had other options I'd respectfully decline. They should have been aware of company policy from the start, so this is rubbish.

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              It's entirely reasonable as it was a factor in your choosing the position and you have other options. At this point it is still a negotiation, nothing is set in stone yet.

              It's really a trade off between how much you want the job and how hard you want to negotiate, but it's not off to a good start when they change things at the last minute. If I had other options I'd respectfully decline. They should have been aware of company policy from the start, so this is rubbish.

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                It's entirely reasonable as it was a factor in your choosing the position and you have other options. At this point it is still a negotiation, nothing is set in stone yet.

                It's really a trade off between how much you want the job and how hard you want to negotiate, but it's not off to a good start when they change things at the last minute. If I had other options I'd respectfully decline. They should have been aware of company policy from the start, so this is rubbish.

                share|improve this answer

                It's entirely reasonable as it was a factor in your choosing the position and you have other options. At this point it is still a negotiation, nothing is set in stone yet.

                It's really a trade off between how much you want the job and how hard you want to negotiate, but it's not off to a good start when they change things at the last minute. If I had other options I'd respectfully decline. They should have been aware of company policy from the start, so this is rubbish.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Nov 28 at 10:41




                    up vote
                    down vote

                    Take this experience as a lesson and learn from it.

                    You should not quit your job or in your case decline a job offer unless you have already accepted and signed a written offer.

                    I would argue against pushing back as this company has at best demonstrated that they are incompetent and at worst demonstrated that they are deceptive.

                    Walk away and pursue your other opportunities.

                    share|improve this answer

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      Take this experience as a lesson and learn from it.

                      You should not quit your job or in your case decline a job offer unless you have already accepted and signed a written offer.

                      I would argue against pushing back as this company has at best demonstrated that they are incompetent and at worst demonstrated that they are deceptive.

                      Walk away and pursue your other opportunities.

                      share|improve this answer

                        up vote
                        down vote

                        up vote
                        down vote

                        Take this experience as a lesson and learn from it.

                        You should not quit your job or in your case decline a job offer unless you have already accepted and signed a written offer.

                        I would argue against pushing back as this company has at best demonstrated that they are incompetent and at worst demonstrated that they are deceptive.

                        Walk away and pursue your other opportunities.

                        share|improve this answer

                        Take this experience as a lesson and learn from it.

                        You should not quit your job or in your case decline a job offer unless you have already accepted and signed a written offer.

                        I would argue against pushing back as this company has at best demonstrated that they are incompetent and at worst demonstrated that they are deceptive.

                        Walk away and pursue your other opportunities.

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        answered Nov 28 at 21:17




                            up vote
                            down vote

                            This is a bad sign, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad company, at least in the parts you'll be working in. (Are you talking to HR here, or a hiring manager?) If you really want to work for that company, it's reasonable to negotiate.

                            At this point, I'd feel a little dubious about any promised review. Since the offered salary is only slightly below what you wanted, you could offer to accept a six-month probation period at a slightly higher salary. If they were willing to pay you your desired salary after a few months, they would probably be willing to pay it to you for the extra months. If they're not willing to give you a concession in exchange for a longer probationary period than originally stated, I'd take that as a bad sign also, since it implies that your interviewer doesn't even recognize the change as bad for you.

                            This is the most negotiating power you will ever have with the company. They've decided to hire you, and that sort of decision normally has a certain psychological momentum.

                            share|improve this answer

                              up vote
                              down vote

                              This is a bad sign, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad company, at least in the parts you'll be working in. (Are you talking to HR here, or a hiring manager?) If you really want to work for that company, it's reasonable to negotiate.

                              At this point, I'd feel a little dubious about any promised review. Since the offered salary is only slightly below what you wanted, you could offer to accept a six-month probation period at a slightly higher salary. If they were willing to pay you your desired salary after a few months, they would probably be willing to pay it to you for the extra months. If they're not willing to give you a concession in exchange for a longer probationary period than originally stated, I'd take that as a bad sign also, since it implies that your interviewer doesn't even recognize the change as bad for you.

                              This is the most negotiating power you will ever have with the company. They've decided to hire you, and that sort of decision normally has a certain psychological momentum.

                              share|improve this answer

                                up vote
                                down vote

                                up vote
                                down vote

                                This is a bad sign, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad company, at least in the parts you'll be working in. (Are you talking to HR here, or a hiring manager?) If you really want to work for that company, it's reasonable to negotiate.

                                At this point, I'd feel a little dubious about any promised review. Since the offered salary is only slightly below what you wanted, you could offer to accept a six-month probation period at a slightly higher salary. If they were willing to pay you your desired salary after a few months, they would probably be willing to pay it to you for the extra months. If they're not willing to give you a concession in exchange for a longer probationary period than originally stated, I'd take that as a bad sign also, since it implies that your interviewer doesn't even recognize the change as bad for you.

                                This is the most negotiating power you will ever have with the company. They've decided to hire you, and that sort of decision normally has a certain psychological momentum.

                                share|improve this answer

                                This is a bad sign, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad company, at least in the parts you'll be working in. (Are you talking to HR here, or a hiring manager?) If you really want to work for that company, it's reasonable to negotiate.

                                At this point, I'd feel a little dubious about any promised review. Since the offered salary is only slightly below what you wanted, you could offer to accept a six-month probation period at a slightly higher salary. If they were willing to pay you your desired salary after a few months, they would probably be willing to pay it to you for the extra months. If they're not willing to give you a concession in exchange for a longer probationary period than originally stated, I'd take that as a bad sign also, since it implies that your interviewer doesn't even recognize the change as bad for you.

                                This is the most negotiating power you will ever have with the company. They've decided to hire you, and that sort of decision normally has a certain psychological momentum.

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                answered Nov 28 at 22:38

                                David Thornley



                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    Would it be acceptable for me to accept their offer for now, and start looking for other jobs?

                                    Normally this is frowned upon, but given the circumstances I think it's fair game. Theoretically, if you sign the contract, and end up not joining without giving enough notice, you could be sued for damage (different countries have different rules about this, so you have to check the local law). However, I've never heard somebody actually being sued for this.

                                    But most importantly: YOU CAN GO BACK TO THE OTHER OFFERS! Go send an email to your second preference that you declined. In most cases, they wouldn't have found a better candidate yet. If you explain what happened, most hiring managers will be thrilled to offer you again. Just try not to sound disgruntled.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    New contributor

                                    825ufolittle is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                    • I'd suggest neutral language like "an offer fell through at the last minute". If you can avoid it, never assign nor accept blame when you can just gloss over it.
                                      – David Thornley

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    Would it be acceptable for me to accept their offer for now, and start looking for other jobs?

                                    Normally this is frowned upon, but given the circumstances I think it's fair game. Theoretically, if you sign the contract, and end up not joining without giving enough notice, you could be sued for damage (different countries have different rules about this, so you have to check the local law). However, I've never heard somebody actually being sued for this.

                                    But most importantly: YOU CAN GO BACK TO THE OTHER OFFERS! Go send an email to your second preference that you declined. In most cases, they wouldn't have found a better candidate yet. If you explain what happened, most hiring managers will be thrilled to offer you again. Just try not to sound disgruntled.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    New contributor

                                    825ufolittle is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                    • I'd suggest neutral language like "an offer fell through at the last minute". If you can avoid it, never assign nor accept blame when you can just gloss over it.
                                      – David Thornley

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    Would it be acceptable for me to accept their offer for now, and start looking for other jobs?

                                    Normally this is frowned upon, but given the circumstances I think it's fair game. Theoretically, if you sign the contract, and end up not joining without giving enough notice, you could be sued for damage (different countries have different rules about this, so you have to check the local law). However, I've never heard somebody actually being sued for this.

                                    But most importantly: YOU CAN GO BACK TO THE OTHER OFFERS! Go send an email to your second preference that you declined. In most cases, they wouldn't have found a better candidate yet. If you explain what happened, most hiring managers will be thrilled to offer you again. Just try not to sound disgruntled.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    New contributor

                                    825ufolittle is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                    Would it be acceptable for me to accept their offer for now, and start looking for other jobs?

                                    Normally this is frowned upon, but given the circumstances I think it's fair game. Theoretically, if you sign the contract, and end up not joining without giving enough notice, you could be sued for damage (different countries have different rules about this, so you have to check the local law). However, I've never heard somebody actually being sued for this.

                                    But most importantly: YOU CAN GO BACK TO THE OTHER OFFERS! Go send an email to your second preference that you declined. In most cases, they wouldn't have found a better candidate yet. If you explain what happened, most hiring managers will be thrilled to offer you again. Just try not to sound disgruntled.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    New contributor

                                    825ufolittle is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    New contributor

                                    825ufolittle is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                    answered 2 days ago




                                    New contributor

                                    825ufolittle is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                    New contributor

                                    825ufolittle is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                    825ufolittle is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                    • I'd suggest neutral language like "an offer fell through at the last minute". If you can avoid it, never assign nor accept blame when you can just gloss over it.
                                      – David Thornley

                                    • I'd suggest neutral language like "an offer fell through at the last minute". If you can avoid it, never assign nor accept blame when you can just gloss over it.
                                      – David Thornley

                                    I'd suggest neutral language like "an offer fell through at the last minute". If you can avoid it, never assign nor accept blame when you can just gloss over it.
                                    – David Thornley

                                    I'd suggest neutral language like "an offer fell through at the last minute". If you can avoid it, never assign nor accept blame when you can just gloss over it.
                                    – David Thornley

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    Walk away now!

                                    You negotiated with the company, and they choose not to honor the terms that were agreed on. The company has back-tracked on it's promise, and presented a different contract that what was agreed on.

                                    It's completely ok to push back and hold the company to the original negotiated deal, but I doubt they will honor it. If the company is already lying to you before your first day, imagine what they will do once you're on the payroll!

                                    In the future, do not decline job offers until you've read the employment contract.

                                    Immediately call the other companies and see if their offers are valid

                                    share|improve this answer

                                      up vote
                                      down vote

                                      Walk away now!

                                      You negotiated with the company, and they choose not to honor the terms that were agreed on. The company has back-tracked on it's promise, and presented a different contract that what was agreed on.

                                      It's completely ok to push back and hold the company to the original negotiated deal, but I doubt they will honor it. If the company is already lying to you before your first day, imagine what they will do once you're on the payroll!

                                      In the future, do not decline job offers until you've read the employment contract.

                                      Immediately call the other companies and see if their offers are valid

                                      share|improve this answer

                                        up vote
                                        down vote

                                        up vote
                                        down vote

                                        Walk away now!

                                        You negotiated with the company, and they choose not to honor the terms that were agreed on. The company has back-tracked on it's promise, and presented a different contract that what was agreed on.

                                        It's completely ok to push back and hold the company to the original negotiated deal, but I doubt they will honor it. If the company is already lying to you before your first day, imagine what they will do once you're on the payroll!

                                        In the future, do not decline job offers until you've read the employment contract.

                                        Immediately call the other companies and see if their offers are valid

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        Walk away now!

                                        You negotiated with the company, and they choose not to honor the terms that were agreed on. The company has back-tracked on it's promise, and presented a different contract that what was agreed on.

                                        It's completely ok to push back and hold the company to the original negotiated deal, but I doubt they will honor it. If the company is already lying to you before your first day, imagine what they will do once you're on the payroll!

                                        In the future, do not decline job offers until you've read the employment contract.

                                        Immediately call the other companies and see if their offers are valid

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        share|improve this answer

                                        answered Nov 28 at 22:46




                                            up vote
                                            down vote

                                            I think this may be an honest mistake.

                                            Anyway, after 3 months and you are still there, does your behaviour change? So I guess not. Next 12 weeks will be a brieze

                                            share|improve this answer

                                              up vote
                                              down vote

                                              I think this may be an honest mistake.

                                              Anyway, after 3 months and you are still there, does your behaviour change? So I guess not. Next 12 weeks will be a brieze

                                              share|improve this answer

                                                up vote
                                                down vote

                                                up vote
                                                down vote

                                                I think this may be an honest mistake.

                                                Anyway, after 3 months and you are still there, does your behaviour change? So I guess not. Next 12 weeks will be a brieze

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                I think this may be an honest mistake.

                                                Anyway, after 3 months and you are still there, does your behaviour change? So I guess not. Next 12 weeks will be a brieze

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                answered Nov 28 at 22:50

                                                Ed Heal



                                                    up vote
                                                    down vote

                                                    You call the interviewer and nicely state that she had offered, and you had accepted, a 3 month review plan and if they cannot honor that agreement then you cannot start work with them.

                                                    Then you contact one or more of the prior companies that had given you an offer and accept one of those and forget this place.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    • you should do these the other way around
                                                      – tomdemaine
                                                      2 days ago

                                                    up vote
                                                    down vote

                                                    You call the interviewer and nicely state that she had offered, and you had accepted, a 3 month review plan and if they cannot honor that agreement then you cannot start work with them.

                                                    Then you contact one or more of the prior companies that had given you an offer and accept one of those and forget this place.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    • you should do these the other way around
                                                      – tomdemaine
                                                      2 days ago

                                                    up vote
                                                    down vote

                                                    up vote
                                                    down vote

                                                    You call the interviewer and nicely state that she had offered, and you had accepted, a 3 month review plan and if they cannot honor that agreement then you cannot start work with them.

                                                    Then you contact one or more of the prior companies that had given you an offer and accept one of those and forget this place.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    You call the interviewer and nicely state that she had offered, and you had accepted, a 3 month review plan and if they cannot honor that agreement then you cannot start work with them.

                                                    Then you contact one or more of the prior companies that had given you an offer and accept one of those and forget this place.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    answered Nov 29 at 1:12




                                                    • you should do these the other way around
                                                      – tomdemaine
                                                      2 days ago

                                                    • you should do these the other way around
                                                      – tomdemaine
                                                      2 days ago

                                                    you should do these the other way around
                                                    – tomdemaine
                                                    2 days ago

                                                    you should do these the other way around
                                                    – tomdemaine
                                                    2 days ago

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                                                    Claire is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

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