
Showing posts from February 27, 2019

Hadamard theorem about embedding

14 4 The following theorem is commonly attributed to Jacques Hadamard. Assume $Sigma$ is a smooth locally convex immersed surface in the Euclidean space. Then $Sigma$ is embedded and bounds a convex set. Many authors refer to Hadamard's Sur certaines propriétés des trajectoires en Dynamique (1897) (for example, James Stoker in his Über die Gestalt der positiv... (1936)). Likely the statement is there, but the paper is long, it is in French and often the statements are not clearly marked; I was searching for it for several days. I asked a friend and she said that it was there 20 years ago, but she could not find it; she also said that it was not easy to extract it from what is written ( = one has to think). [For sure the word immersion is not there.] I hope someone here knows this paper and can help