
Showing posts from February 22, 2019

Is a neural network consisting of a single softmax classification layer only a linear classifier?

3 Since the softmax function is a generalization of the logistic function it is continuous and non-linear. So the output of the softmax layer is: softmax( weight_matrix * input_activation) weight_matrix * input_activation is purely linear combination of features. The question is: if the application of the softmax activation still yields in a linear classifier or is the model then capable of representing non-linear functions? neural-networks generalized-linear-model softmax share | cite | improve this question asked Nov 22 at 14:07 tamtam_ 36 3

Relation of divisibility {0,1,…,20} - Hasse diagram

1 I am trying to draw a Hasse diagram of divisibility but AFAIK it's not correct. I connected 4 with 8 , 12 and 20. 6 with 18 and 12, 5 with 15 and 10, 3 with 9, 6, 15 H 2 with 6, 4, 10 and 14. 1 with prime numbers Is this correct? Thanks. The rest should correct. relations share | cite | improve this question edited Nov 18 at 15:43 Bernard 118k 6 39 112 asked Nov 18 at 15:36 Shelley 9 2