When a company is sold— do royalty holders get anything? [closed]


I am one of 3 founders of a very small startup company. We want to make rule that says, even if a founding partner leaves, they can still receive a 3% royalty from the company in perpetuity.

Here's my question: If Partner A leaves, gets that 3% royalty-- but then the company is sold for 100 million dollars. Do they get to collect 3 million (3%)? Or would that only be the case if they owned equity instead?

Caveat: we're all very new to this. Most of my knowledge comes from watching Shark Tank ;)

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closed as off-topic by mxyzplk, The Wandering Dev Manager, Sascha, gnat, gazzz0x2z Dec 3 at 9:04

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions seeking advice on company-specific regulations, agreements, or policies should be directed to your manager or HR department. Questions that address only a specific company or position are of limited use to future visitors. Questions seeking legal advice should be directed to legal professionals. For more information, click here." – mxyzplk, The Wandering Dev Manager, Sascha, gazzz0x2z

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • I appreciate the tips-- and from the other answers. We are indeed hiring a lawyer, not going solely off TV ;). Thanks for the clarification.
    – Richard
    Dec 2 at 15:27


I am one of 3 founders of a very small startup company. We want to make rule that says, even if a founding partner leaves, they can still receive a 3% royalty from the company in perpetuity.

Here's my question: If Partner A leaves, gets that 3% royalty-- but then the company is sold for 100 million dollars. Do they get to collect 3 million (3%)? Or would that only be the case if they owned equity instead?

Caveat: we're all very new to this. Most of my knowledge comes from watching Shark Tank ;)

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closed as off-topic by mxyzplk, The Wandering Dev Manager, Sascha, gnat, gazzz0x2z Dec 3 at 9:04

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions seeking advice on company-specific regulations, agreements, or policies should be directed to your manager or HR department. Questions that address only a specific company or position are of limited use to future visitors. Questions seeking legal advice should be directed to legal professionals. For more information, click here." – mxyzplk, The Wandering Dev Manager, Sascha, gazzz0x2z

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • I appreciate the tips-- and from the other answers. We are indeed hiring a lawyer, not going solely off TV ;). Thanks for the clarification.
    – Richard
    Dec 2 at 15:27





I am one of 3 founders of a very small startup company. We want to make rule that says, even if a founding partner leaves, they can still receive a 3% royalty from the company in perpetuity.

Here's my question: If Partner A leaves, gets that 3% royalty-- but then the company is sold for 100 million dollars. Do they get to collect 3 million (3%)? Or would that only be the case if they owned equity instead?

Caveat: we're all very new to this. Most of my knowledge comes from watching Shark Tank ;)

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I am one of 3 founders of a very small startup company. We want to make rule that says, even if a founding partner leaves, they can still receive a 3% royalty from the company in perpetuity.

Here's my question: If Partner A leaves, gets that 3% royalty-- but then the company is sold for 100 million dollars. Do they get to collect 3 million (3%)? Or would that only be the case if they owned equity instead?

Caveat: we're all very new to this. Most of my knowledge comes from watching Shark Tank ;)

startup equity

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asked Dec 1 at 19:34




closed as off-topic by mxyzplk, The Wandering Dev Manager, Sascha, gnat, gazzz0x2z Dec 3 at 9:04

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions seeking advice on company-specific regulations, agreements, or policies should be directed to your manager or HR department. Questions that address only a specific company or position are of limited use to future visitors. Questions seeking legal advice should be directed to legal professionals. For more information, click here." – mxyzplk, The Wandering Dev Manager, Sascha, gazzz0x2z

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as off-topic by mxyzplk, The Wandering Dev Manager, Sascha, gnat, gazzz0x2z Dec 3 at 9:04

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions seeking advice on company-specific regulations, agreements, or policies should be directed to your manager or HR department. Questions that address only a specific company or position are of limited use to future visitors. Questions seeking legal advice should be directed to legal professionals. For more information, click here." – mxyzplk, The Wandering Dev Manager, Sascha, gazzz0x2z

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • I appreciate the tips-- and from the other answers. We are indeed hiring a lawyer, not going solely off TV ;). Thanks for the clarification.
    – Richard
    Dec 2 at 15:27

  • I appreciate the tips-- and from the other answers. We are indeed hiring a lawyer, not going solely off TV ;). Thanks for the clarification.
    – Richard
    Dec 2 at 15:27

I appreciate the tips-- and from the other answers. We are indeed hiring a lawyer, not going solely off TV ;). Thanks for the clarification.
– Richard
Dec 2 at 15:27

I appreciate the tips-- and from the other answers. We are indeed hiring a lawyer, not going solely off TV ;). Thanks for the clarification.
– Richard
Dec 2 at 15:27

3 Answers





It would depend on the contract, but it's unlikely to be 3% of any income the company gets for any reason (eg interest on investments) and even less likely to be 3% of any money that shareholder get in exchange for their shares.

In most cases the company makes widget or product X, and the royalty is 3% of money for selling instances or copies or whatever of that X. It may even specifically exclude some such revenue: for example my book royalty contracts allowed me to get half the normal royalty, or even nothing at all, on certain high-volume, deep-discount sales (eg to Walmart). (This sort of thing is easily gamed if the remaining founders decide not to sell A any more, or to make A free and sell B instead. Royalty contracts need to be very carefully written.)

The way to compensate founders even after they leave is to give them shares. When the company is acquired, what is actually bought and sold is the shares. If you had been given 10% of the company, when it sold for 100 million, your shares would sell for 10 of that 100 million.

A contract like this is not something you should make up based on what you've seen on TV. A good lawyer at a time like this will earn their fee many times over.

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you for your insight! We are indeed hiring a lawyer to review our partnership agreement-- this kind of information makes the task less stressful, if I can go in understanding this bit from the start.
    – Richard
    Dec 2 at 15:26


Normally when startups get creative over things like this instead of just doing this the tried and tested way...... everyone ends up broke blaming each other, at best someone got even more creative and is in the Bahamas under a new name enjoying themselves.

Royalties are a percentage of sales revenue, in no way related to company ownership or even profits usually. So no lump sum like you think. Also, it's extremely unlikely that anyone would buy a company where they would have to turn over 9% of the sales revenue in perpetuity to the previous owners.

share|improve this answer


    No, he does not. He has a contract with the company for 3% royalty (however this is calculated). The sale of the company does not create a new legal entity. He still has a contract with the company. The sales price is not royalty, it is not company revenue etc.

    share|improve this answer

      3 Answers




      3 Answers











      It would depend on the contract, but it's unlikely to be 3% of any income the company gets for any reason (eg interest on investments) and even less likely to be 3% of any money that shareholder get in exchange for their shares.

      In most cases the company makes widget or product X, and the royalty is 3% of money for selling instances or copies or whatever of that X. It may even specifically exclude some such revenue: for example my book royalty contracts allowed me to get half the normal royalty, or even nothing at all, on certain high-volume, deep-discount sales (eg to Walmart). (This sort of thing is easily gamed if the remaining founders decide not to sell A any more, or to make A free and sell B instead. Royalty contracts need to be very carefully written.)

      The way to compensate founders even after they leave is to give them shares. When the company is acquired, what is actually bought and sold is the shares. If you had been given 10% of the company, when it sold for 100 million, your shares would sell for 10 of that 100 million.

      A contract like this is not something you should make up based on what you've seen on TV. A good lawyer at a time like this will earn their fee many times over.

      share|improve this answer

      • Thank you for your insight! We are indeed hiring a lawyer to review our partnership agreement-- this kind of information makes the task less stressful, if I can go in understanding this bit from the start.
        – Richard
        Dec 2 at 15:26


      It would depend on the contract, but it's unlikely to be 3% of any income the company gets for any reason (eg interest on investments) and even less likely to be 3% of any money that shareholder get in exchange for their shares.

      In most cases the company makes widget or product X, and the royalty is 3% of money for selling instances or copies or whatever of that X. It may even specifically exclude some such revenue: for example my book royalty contracts allowed me to get half the normal royalty, or even nothing at all, on certain high-volume, deep-discount sales (eg to Walmart). (This sort of thing is easily gamed if the remaining founders decide not to sell A any more, or to make A free and sell B instead. Royalty contracts need to be very carefully written.)

      The way to compensate founders even after they leave is to give them shares. When the company is acquired, what is actually bought and sold is the shares. If you had been given 10% of the company, when it sold for 100 million, your shares would sell for 10 of that 100 million.

      A contract like this is not something you should make up based on what you've seen on TV. A good lawyer at a time like this will earn their fee many times over.

      share|improve this answer

      • Thank you for your insight! We are indeed hiring a lawyer to review our partnership agreement-- this kind of information makes the task less stressful, if I can go in understanding this bit from the start.
        – Richard
        Dec 2 at 15:26




      It would depend on the contract, but it's unlikely to be 3% of any income the company gets for any reason (eg interest on investments) and even less likely to be 3% of any money that shareholder get in exchange for their shares.

      In most cases the company makes widget or product X, and the royalty is 3% of money for selling instances or copies or whatever of that X. It may even specifically exclude some such revenue: for example my book royalty contracts allowed me to get half the normal royalty, or even nothing at all, on certain high-volume, deep-discount sales (eg to Walmart). (This sort of thing is easily gamed if the remaining founders decide not to sell A any more, or to make A free and sell B instead. Royalty contracts need to be very carefully written.)

      The way to compensate founders even after they leave is to give them shares. When the company is acquired, what is actually bought and sold is the shares. If you had been given 10% of the company, when it sold for 100 million, your shares would sell for 10 of that 100 million.

      A contract like this is not something you should make up based on what you've seen on TV. A good lawyer at a time like this will earn their fee many times over.

      share|improve this answer

      It would depend on the contract, but it's unlikely to be 3% of any income the company gets for any reason (eg interest on investments) and even less likely to be 3% of any money that shareholder get in exchange for their shares.

      In most cases the company makes widget or product X, and the royalty is 3% of money for selling instances or copies or whatever of that X. It may even specifically exclude some such revenue: for example my book royalty contracts allowed me to get half the normal royalty, or even nothing at all, on certain high-volume, deep-discount sales (eg to Walmart). (This sort of thing is easily gamed if the remaining founders decide not to sell A any more, or to make A free and sell B instead. Royalty contracts need to be very carefully written.)

      The way to compensate founders even after they leave is to give them shares. When the company is acquired, what is actually bought and sold is the shares. If you had been given 10% of the company, when it sold for 100 million, your shares would sell for 10 of that 100 million.

      A contract like this is not something you should make up based on what you've seen on TV. A good lawyer at a time like this will earn their fee many times over.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      answered Dec 1 at 19:52

      Kate Gregory



      • Thank you for your insight! We are indeed hiring a lawyer to review our partnership agreement-- this kind of information makes the task less stressful, if I can go in understanding this bit from the start.
        – Richard
        Dec 2 at 15:26

      • Thank you for your insight! We are indeed hiring a lawyer to review our partnership agreement-- this kind of information makes the task less stressful, if I can go in understanding this bit from the start.
        – Richard
        Dec 2 at 15:26

      Thank you for your insight! We are indeed hiring a lawyer to review our partnership agreement-- this kind of information makes the task less stressful, if I can go in understanding this bit from the start.
      – Richard
      Dec 2 at 15:26

      Thank you for your insight! We are indeed hiring a lawyer to review our partnership agreement-- this kind of information makes the task less stressful, if I can go in understanding this bit from the start.
      – Richard
      Dec 2 at 15:26


      Normally when startups get creative over things like this instead of just doing this the tried and tested way...... everyone ends up broke blaming each other, at best someone got even more creative and is in the Bahamas under a new name enjoying themselves.

      Royalties are a percentage of sales revenue, in no way related to company ownership or even profits usually. So no lump sum like you think. Also, it's extremely unlikely that anyone would buy a company where they would have to turn over 9% of the sales revenue in perpetuity to the previous owners.

      share|improve this answer


        Normally when startups get creative over things like this instead of just doing this the tried and tested way...... everyone ends up broke blaming each other, at best someone got even more creative and is in the Bahamas under a new name enjoying themselves.

        Royalties are a percentage of sales revenue, in no way related to company ownership or even profits usually. So no lump sum like you think. Also, it's extremely unlikely that anyone would buy a company where they would have to turn over 9% of the sales revenue in perpetuity to the previous owners.

        share|improve this answer




          Normally when startups get creative over things like this instead of just doing this the tried and tested way...... everyone ends up broke blaming each other, at best someone got even more creative and is in the Bahamas under a new name enjoying themselves.

          Royalties are a percentage of sales revenue, in no way related to company ownership or even profits usually. So no lump sum like you think. Also, it's extremely unlikely that anyone would buy a company where they would have to turn over 9% of the sales revenue in perpetuity to the previous owners.

          share|improve this answer

          Normally when startups get creative over things like this instead of just doing this the tried and tested way...... everyone ends up broke blaming each other, at best someone got even more creative and is in the Bahamas under a new name enjoying themselves.

          Royalties are a percentage of sales revenue, in no way related to company ownership or even profits usually. So no lump sum like you think. Also, it's extremely unlikely that anyone would buy a company where they would have to turn over 9% of the sales revenue in perpetuity to the previous owners.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Dec 2 at 1:03





              No, he does not. He has a contract with the company for 3% royalty (however this is calculated). The sale of the company does not create a new legal entity. He still has a contract with the company. The sales price is not royalty, it is not company revenue etc.

              share|improve this answer


                No, he does not. He has a contract with the company for 3% royalty (however this is calculated). The sale of the company does not create a new legal entity. He still has a contract with the company. The sales price is not royalty, it is not company revenue etc.

                share|improve this answer




                  No, he does not. He has a contract with the company for 3% royalty (however this is calculated). The sale of the company does not create a new legal entity. He still has a contract with the company. The sales price is not royalty, it is not company revenue etc.

                  share|improve this answer

                  No, he does not. He has a contract with the company for 3% royalty (however this is calculated). The sale of the company does not create a new legal entity. He still has a contract with the company. The sales price is not royalty, it is not company revenue etc.

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered Dec 2 at 15:29




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