
Showing posts from December 20, 2018

Skip a Level in LaTex enumitem

up vote 5 down vote favorite 1 I have a 3-level list with the levels formatted as follows: A. 1. (a) I would like to skip a level at one point, so that I have the following: A. 1. (a) (b) B. (a) (b) C. 1. 2. Notice that I don't want to use the 1. (i.e. enumii) in the level that follows "B." and just use level 3 as the next set of labels. I tried to use the following: begin{enumerate} deflabelenumiii{(alph{enumiii})} But that didn't produce the result I was looking for. It ignored the def and just used level 2 (enumii). enumitem share | improve this question asked Nov 20 at 15

Voronoi cell volume inside the ball

up vote 10 down vote favorite 4 I have the following problem: Let us denote a ball with center $C$ and radius $R$ in $mathbb{R}^d$ as $B(C, R)$ . Given a unit ball $B(0, 1)$ and vector $u$ has a uniform distribution inside the ball: $u sim U(B(0, 1))$ . Then we sample $M$ points $v_1, dots, v_M$ that are uniformly distributed in the ball $B(0, 1)$ and the distance between $u$ and $v_i$ is not greater than $r$ , that is $v_i$ are i.i.d. in $B(0, 1) cap B(u, r)$ . How to estimate the volume of the Voronoi cell of $u$ inside the ball $B(0, 1)$ ? I need an upper bound here. I can obtain only very rough estimates which do not depend on the dimension of the space $d$ and radius $r$ . It is clear that the desired values are growing monotonically as $r$ growing and if we put $r ge 2$ , then $v_1, dots, v_M$ are unifor