
Showing posts from February 2, 2019

Is my manager really on vacation or could this be related to being investigated? [on hold]

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty{ margin-bottom:0; } up vote 3 down vote favorite Note: I'm already seeking employment elsewhere, please no advice on that Almost a month ago, my PM gave me a PIP and a final warning. No warning given prior. I kept extensive notes of conversations and events; combined with emails corroborating my documentation, I was able to give compelling evidence that my PM was attempting to put false, negative statements on my employee record, presumably to terminate me. I submitted this to our HR hotline. HR initially said they wanted to focus on mediation between my boss and I, insisting they would turn the PIP into a first warning, nothing serious, you guys can get past this, you can get along again (and, in my still irritated opinion, glossin

Kali linux accessing puplic ip over Mobile Hotspot [closed]

up vote 0 down vote favorite I am using Kali in virtual box over a windows 10 host, which gets its internet connection from a mobile hotspot of my android phone that has a 4g connection. I have successfully used exploits over WAN using services like but they are not as stable (resets after awhile dropping the connection for some time etc.). I want use port forwarding or DDNS (which also requires port forwarding) or any other way to connect to my Public IP, how would i do that, since every article i found on port forwarding is about a router. virtualbox port-forwarding kali-linux mobile-hotspot share | improve this question asked Nov 22 at 4:39