
Showing posts from March 12, 2019

VIM - running a shell command fails within a macro

0 I have a list of items in a file, and I am trying to add an id on the line before each one. The id is generated by an external shell command and added to the buffer: :r !php _setup/getid/php item | tail -1 This works fine in normal mode. However, when I record a macro containing only the above command and then run it I get the error: Could not open input file: _set added to the buffer. Does anyone know what's happening here? vim shell macros share | improve this question asked Nov 23 '18 at 11:28 Simon Brahan 111 2

Ивакино (Тотемский район)

У этого топонима есть и другие значения, см. Ивакино. Деревня Ивакино 59°42′01″ с. ш. 42°01′36″ в. д. H G Я O Страна Россия   Россия Субъект Федерации Вологодская область Муниципальный район Тотемский район Сельское поселение Погореловское История и география Тип климата умеренно-континентальный Часовой пояс UTC+3 Население Население 33 человека ( 2002 ) Национальности русские Цифровые идентификаторы Почтовый индекс 161327 Код ОКАТО 19 246 848 008 Код ОКТМО 19 646 448 136 Прочее Рег. номер 6261 Показать/скрыть карты Ивакино Ивакино Ивакино Ивакино — деревня в Тотемском районе Вологодской области. Входит в состав Погореловского сельского поселения [1] , с точки зрения административно-территориального деления — в Погореловский сельсовет. Расстояние по автодороге до районного центра Тотьмы — 61,5 км, до центра муниципального образования деревни Погорелово — 1,5 км.

Why would an attacker ever want to sit on a zero-day exploit?

92 20 I am trying to understand why an attacker would want to wait to use a zero-day exploit. I have read that an attacker does not want to waste the zero-day because they are typically very expensive to obtain in the first place, but it is not clear to me what is meant by “waste” here. Zero-days can be discovered by the community (e.g. security researchers) which would render it useless. In this sense, the zero-day has been wasted by the inaction of the attacker. Is there a risk with using the zero-day exploit too soon? It seems that an attacker would want to minimize the chances of the zero-day being discovered, and thus use it as quickly as possible. Question: What factors would cause the attacker to wait to use a zero-day exploit? zero-day