
Showing posts from January 19, 2019

Excel conditional formatting: formula blanks treated inconsistently?

up vote 1 down vote favorite I am adding some functionality to a spreadsheet I've used for ages and it seems that conditional formatting behaves inconsistently with empties and formula blanks. Please see snippets below, followed by checks I've done so far. Case 1: Old part of spreadsheet working as previously: Formula blank does not get formatted Case 2: New part of spreadsheet, misbehaving: Empty and Formula blank both get formatted, and differently (P44 is a formula blank as you can see, P45 is an empty included for troubleshooting) Intended action: Both places in the spreadsheet are checking what "band" a value falls into, and the band thresholds are defined in "Movement limits". The spreadsheet was originally made on Excel 2007 if not older but all CF was redone when we upgraded to 2016 which a