
Showing posts from February 3, 2019

Another difficult 2D trigonometric integral

up vote 8 down vote favorite 1 This is a follow-up question to A difficult 2d trigonometric integral. Unfortunately, I had a mistake in my calculations and I need a different (yet similar) seemingly simple integral solved: $$int_{a}^{b}int_{a}^{y}frac{sin(x-y)}{xy}mathop{mathrm{d}x}mathop{mathrm{d}y}$$ For some $0<a<b$ . The same methods as before can not be applied here, and I've been sitting for hours trying to solve this. Solutions (also using $mathop{mathrm{Si}}$ & $mathop{mathrm{Ci}}$ functions) would be very-very-very appreciated. Thanks! multivariable-calculus definite-integrals trigonometric-integrals share | cite | improve this question asked Oct