
Showing posts from February 6, 2019

Should I include my Github page on my resume?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty{ margin-bottom:0; } up vote 38 down vote favorite 15 I am looking to become a developer and while I have been studying I have made a Github page and have filled it mostly with scripts or simple games that I have made plus a couple basic web applications. Simply put, should I list my Github page on my resume as it is, or should I only include it if it contains something impressive (for example, consisting of many classes and/or being measured in the thousands of LOC as opposed to the hundreds)? I guess I want to show that I do script and program in my own time, but I don't know if the simplicity of these scripts/apps are expected, or if they'd be a negative. resume software-indust