
Showing posts from December 6, 2018

Inheriting Sitecore Roles

up vote 1 down vote favorite I have a role "Editor" which is having certain permissions and don't have read access to Sitecore/Social item. Now i need to create a new role "Approver" which is having same access as Editor but with additional Read and Write access to Sitecore/Social Item. I tried by making Approver as member of Editor and then gave additional access to Approver. But this is not working. security role-management share | improve this question asked Nov 20 at 6:20 Dheeraj p 177 10

Why did Neil Armstrong alone, not NASA, end up coming up with the first words uttered on the moon?

up vote 9 down vote favorite "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind" (Neil Armstrong) These words are now firmly established in the history of space travel, and at least according to his bio, was concocted by himself during his journey to the moon. But why was he allowed to do this (apparently without any supervision/approval by his employer, NASA)? The entire Apollo 11 mission was planned in detail, and they intentionally broadcasted the historic moment live, so there's no doubt that this was a huge publicity stunt for NASA (and by extension the United States). Why didn't anybody think to have a script prepared by someone on the ground in advance so as to make most use of the moment? Nixon even had a speech ready in case something went wrong and the astronauts died; surely someone cou