Kali linux accessing puplic ip over Mobile Hotspot [closed]
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I am using Kali in virtual box over a windows 10 host, which gets its internet connection from a mobile hotspot of my android phone that has a 4g connection.
I have successfully used exploits over WAN using services like serveo.net but they are not as stable (resets after awhile dropping the connection for some time etc.).
I want use port forwarding or DDNS (which also requires port forwarding) or any other way to connect to my Public IP, how would i do that, since every article i found on port forwarding is about a router.
virtualbox port-forwarding kali-linux mobile-hotspot
closed as too broad by Scott, Burgi, bertieb, music2myear, n8te Nov 28 at 10:17
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
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I am using Kali in virtual box over a windows 10 host, which gets its internet connection from a mobile hotspot of my android phone that has a 4g connection.
I have successfully used exploits over WAN using services like serveo.net but they are not as stable (resets after awhile dropping the connection for some time etc.).
I want use port forwarding or DDNS (which also requires port forwarding) or any other way to connect to my Public IP, how would i do that, since every article i found on port forwarding is about a router.
virtualbox port-forwarding kali-linux mobile-hotspot
closed as too broad by Scott, Burgi, bertieb, music2myear, n8te Nov 28 at 10:17
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
Welcome to Super User! You need such a DNS service that will update your DNS records to point to your IP-address whenever the IP changes. For port forwarding you need software that can do it (e.g. with a router).
– Aulis Ronkainen
Nov 22 at 5:02
Not to be too pessimistic, but getting incoming connections to work with a mobile hot spot without a third-party service (serveo, ngrok, localtunnel, etc.) seems unlikely.
– Anaksunaman
Nov 22 at 5:50
Maybe you want to get a virtual private server, and run the listener there?
– davidbaumann
Nov 22 at 16:07
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up vote
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I am using Kali in virtual box over a windows 10 host, which gets its internet connection from a mobile hotspot of my android phone that has a 4g connection.
I have successfully used exploits over WAN using services like serveo.net but they are not as stable (resets after awhile dropping the connection for some time etc.).
I want use port forwarding or DDNS (which also requires port forwarding) or any other way to connect to my Public IP, how would i do that, since every article i found on port forwarding is about a router.
virtualbox port-forwarding kali-linux mobile-hotspot
I am using Kali in virtual box over a windows 10 host, which gets its internet connection from a mobile hotspot of my android phone that has a 4g connection.
I have successfully used exploits over WAN using services like serveo.net but they are not as stable (resets after awhile dropping the connection for some time etc.).
I want use port forwarding or DDNS (which also requires port forwarding) or any other way to connect to my Public IP, how would i do that, since every article i found on port forwarding is about a router.
virtualbox port-forwarding kali-linux mobile-hotspot
virtualbox port-forwarding kali-linux mobile-hotspot
asked Nov 22 at 4:39

Daniel _K
closed as too broad by Scott, Burgi, bertieb, music2myear, n8te Nov 28 at 10:17
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
closed as too broad by Scott, Burgi, bertieb, music2myear, n8te Nov 28 at 10:17
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
Welcome to Super User! You need such a DNS service that will update your DNS records to point to your IP-address whenever the IP changes. For port forwarding you need software that can do it (e.g. with a router).
– Aulis Ronkainen
Nov 22 at 5:02
Not to be too pessimistic, but getting incoming connections to work with a mobile hot spot without a third-party service (serveo, ngrok, localtunnel, etc.) seems unlikely.
– Anaksunaman
Nov 22 at 5:50
Maybe you want to get a virtual private server, and run the listener there?
– davidbaumann
Nov 22 at 16:07
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Welcome to Super User! You need such a DNS service that will update your DNS records to point to your IP-address whenever the IP changes. For port forwarding you need software that can do it (e.g. with a router).
– Aulis Ronkainen
Nov 22 at 5:02
Not to be too pessimistic, but getting incoming connections to work with a mobile hot spot without a third-party service (serveo, ngrok, localtunnel, etc.) seems unlikely.
– Anaksunaman
Nov 22 at 5:50
Maybe you want to get a virtual private server, and run the listener there?
– davidbaumann
Nov 22 at 16:07
Welcome to Super User! You need such a DNS service that will update your DNS records to point to your IP-address whenever the IP changes. For port forwarding you need software that can do it (e.g. with a router).
– Aulis Ronkainen
Nov 22 at 5:02
Welcome to Super User! You need such a DNS service that will update your DNS records to point to your IP-address whenever the IP changes. For port forwarding you need software that can do it (e.g. with a router).
– Aulis Ronkainen
Nov 22 at 5:02
Not to be too pessimistic, but getting incoming connections to work with a mobile hot spot without a third-party service (serveo, ngrok, localtunnel, etc.) seems unlikely.
– Anaksunaman
Nov 22 at 5:50
Not to be too pessimistic, but getting incoming connections to work with a mobile hot spot without a third-party service (serveo, ngrok, localtunnel, etc.) seems unlikely.
– Anaksunaman
Nov 22 at 5:50
Maybe you want to get a virtual private server, and run the listener there?
– davidbaumann
Nov 22 at 16:07
Maybe you want to get a virtual private server, and run the listener there?
– davidbaumann
Nov 22 at 16:07
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Welcome to Super User! You need such a DNS service that will update your DNS records to point to your IP-address whenever the IP changes. For port forwarding you need software that can do it (e.g. with a router).
– Aulis Ronkainen
Nov 22 at 5:02
Not to be too pessimistic, but getting incoming connections to work with a mobile hot spot without a third-party service (serveo, ngrok, localtunnel, etc.) seems unlikely.
– Anaksunaman
Nov 22 at 5:50
Maybe you want to get a virtual private server, and run the listener there?
– davidbaumann
Nov 22 at 16:07