error: incompatible types: unexpected return value : Java 8 [duplicate]

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down vote


This question already has an answer here:

  • error: incompatible types: unexpected return value Char compare to String

    3 answers

I have written a simple method which returns the boolean value.

private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs){
if(studentConfigs != null)
studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig -> {
if(studentConfig.action() == null || !studentConfig.action().equals(Action.DELETE)) {
return true;
return false;

The method is throwing the following exception .

error: incompatible types: unexpected return value
studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig ->

What's the problem with my code?

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New contributor

Ram R is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

marked as duplicate by Robert Harvey Nov 26 at 16:06

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

    up vote
    down vote


    This question already has an answer here:

    • error: incompatible types: unexpected return value Char compare to String

      3 answers

    I have written a simple method which returns the boolean value.

    private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs){
    if(studentConfigs != null)
    studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig -> {
    if(studentConfig.action() == null || !studentConfig.action().equals(Action.DELETE)) {
    return true;
    return false;

    The method is throwing the following exception .

    error: incompatible types: unexpected return value
    studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig ->

    What's the problem with my code?

    share|improve this question

    New contributor

    Ram R is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    marked as duplicate by Robert Harvey Nov 26 at 16:06

    This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote



      This question already has an answer here:

      • error: incompatible types: unexpected return value Char compare to String

        3 answers

      I have written a simple method which returns the boolean value.

      private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs){
      if(studentConfigs != null)
      studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig -> {
      if(studentConfig.action() == null || !studentConfig.action().equals(Action.DELETE)) {
      return true;
      return false;

      The method is throwing the following exception .

      error: incompatible types: unexpected return value
      studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig ->

      What's the problem with my code?

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Ram R is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      This question already has an answer here:

      • error: incompatible types: unexpected return value Char compare to String

        3 answers

      I have written a simple method which returns the boolean value.

      private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs){
      if(studentConfigs != null)
      studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig -> {
      if(studentConfig.action() == null || !studentConfig.action().equals(Action.DELETE)) {
      return true;
      return false;

      The method is throwing the following exception .

      error: incompatible types: unexpected return value
      studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig ->

      What's the problem with my code?

      This question already has an answer here:

      • error: incompatible types: unexpected return value Char compare to String

        3 answers

      java foreach java-8 java-stream

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Ram R is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Ram R is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 26 at 12:55

      Andrew Tobilko



      New contributor

      Ram R is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      asked Nov 26 at 12:14

      Ram R



      New contributor

      Ram R is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      New contributor

      Ram R is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      Ram R is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      marked as duplicate by Robert Harvey Nov 26 at 16:06

      This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

      marked as duplicate by Robert Harvey Nov 26 at 16:06

      This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

          5 Answers




          up vote
          down vote


          The lambda expression passed to forEach shouldn't have a return value.

          It looks like you want to return true if any of the elements of the input Collection satisfies a condition:

          private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs){
          if(studentConfigs != null) {
          if ( -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE))) {
          return true;
          return false;

          As Holger suggested, this can be reduced to a single statement:

          return studentConfigs != null && -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE));


          return studentConfigs != null ? -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE)) : false;

          share|improve this answer

          • 2

            Why not a simple enhanced forloop? When do you choose one over the other?
            – Luke Garrigan
            Nov 26 at 12:22

          • 1

            @LukeGarrigan Enhanced for loop would also be fine. As to which one to choose, I'd go for the one more readable to you (and to other developers that may read your code). I think using anyMatch in this example better expresses what the method is doing, which is to find whether any of the elements of the input collection satisfies some condition.
            – Eran
            Nov 26 at 12:26

          • 1

            @LukeGarrigan Java is an evolving language. Higher order functions are working their way in. I would suggest you embrace them, rather than get left behind
            – Alexander
            Nov 26 at 14:16

          • 1

            @LukeGarrigan "I suppose it's just because I don't use it as often as I potentially should." Yep, pretty much. This is the future of Java, so you'll only see more and more of these higher order functions.
            – Alexander
            Nov 26 at 15:12

          • 1

            @LukeGarrigan well, you would use collection.contains(obj) instead of looping over the collection to test each element for equality, wouldn’t you? So is just a generalization of the idea, when the condition is more complex than plain equality.
            – Holger
            Nov 26 at 15:23

          up vote
          down vote

          Alternatively with Java9 and above you can use Stream.ofNullable and update as:

          private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs) {
          return Stream.ofNullable(studentConfigs)
          .anyMatch(studentConfig -> studentConfig.action() == null || !studentConfig.action().equals(Action.DELETE));

          share|improve this answer

          • 4

            It’s debatable whether Stream.ofNullable(studentConfigs) .flatMap(Collection::stream) … is simpler than studentConfigs != null && …
            – Holger
            Nov 26 at 12:54

          • @Holger By simpler here you meant readability aspect or performance as well? Readability I believe would be opinion based, I find it easy to read now, maybe sometimes back I wouldn't have.
            – nullpointer
            Nov 26 at 13:06

          • 2

            I only meant readability when I wrote the comment, but now that you’re asking… There is the lack-of-laziness issue with flatMap which still exists in Java 9, which would be a reason not to use your variant before Java 10. But in recent versions, I wouldn’t think about any remaining minor performance differences.
            – Holger
            Nov 26 at 13:13

          up vote
          down vote

          I don't recommend you use Stream API here. Look at how clear and simple the foreach version is:

          private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigurations) {
          if(studentConfigurations == null) {
          return false;

          for (StudentConfiguration configuration : studentConfigurations) {
          if (!Action.DELETE.equals(configuration.action())) {
          return true;

          return false;

          Otherwise, if you are a fanatic guy,

          private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> configs) {
          return configs != null &&


          share|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            The return statement in your lambda will terminate that lambda, not the isActionAvailable() method. Therefore, the inferred type of the lambda is now wrong, because forEach expects a Consumer.

            See the other answers for how to solve that problem.

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              This is signature of forEach() method forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) .

              It takes reference of Consumer interface which has method void accept(T t).
              In your code you are overriding accept() and returning a value which is not valid as accept() has void return type.

              Therefore it is showing error

               error: incompatible types: unexpected return value
              studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig ->

              share|improve this answer

                5 Answers




                5 Answers










                up vote
                down vote


                The lambda expression passed to forEach shouldn't have a return value.

                It looks like you want to return true if any of the elements of the input Collection satisfies a condition:

                private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs){
                if(studentConfigs != null) {
                if ( -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE))) {
                return true;
                return false;

                As Holger suggested, this can be reduced to a single statement:

                return studentConfigs != null && -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE));


                return studentConfigs != null ? -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE)) : false;

                share|improve this answer

                • 2

                  Why not a simple enhanced forloop? When do you choose one over the other?
                  – Luke Garrigan
                  Nov 26 at 12:22

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan Enhanced for loop would also be fine. As to which one to choose, I'd go for the one more readable to you (and to other developers that may read your code). I think using anyMatch in this example better expresses what the method is doing, which is to find whether any of the elements of the input collection satisfies some condition.
                  – Eran
                  Nov 26 at 12:26

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan Java is an evolving language. Higher order functions are working their way in. I would suggest you embrace them, rather than get left behind
                  – Alexander
                  Nov 26 at 14:16

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan "I suppose it's just because I don't use it as often as I potentially should." Yep, pretty much. This is the future of Java, so you'll only see more and more of these higher order functions.
                  – Alexander
                  Nov 26 at 15:12

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan well, you would use collection.contains(obj) instead of looping over the collection to test each element for equality, wouldn’t you? So is just a generalization of the idea, when the condition is more complex than plain equality.
                  – Holger
                  Nov 26 at 15:23

                up vote
                down vote


                The lambda expression passed to forEach shouldn't have a return value.

                It looks like you want to return true if any of the elements of the input Collection satisfies a condition:

                private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs){
                if(studentConfigs != null) {
                if ( -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE))) {
                return true;
                return false;

                As Holger suggested, this can be reduced to a single statement:

                return studentConfigs != null && -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE));


                return studentConfigs != null ? -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE)) : false;

                share|improve this answer

                • 2

                  Why not a simple enhanced forloop? When do you choose one over the other?
                  – Luke Garrigan
                  Nov 26 at 12:22

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan Enhanced for loop would also be fine. As to which one to choose, I'd go for the one more readable to you (and to other developers that may read your code). I think using anyMatch in this example better expresses what the method is doing, which is to find whether any of the elements of the input collection satisfies some condition.
                  – Eran
                  Nov 26 at 12:26

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan Java is an evolving language. Higher order functions are working their way in. I would suggest you embrace them, rather than get left behind
                  – Alexander
                  Nov 26 at 14:16

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan "I suppose it's just because I don't use it as often as I potentially should." Yep, pretty much. This is the future of Java, so you'll only see more and more of these higher order functions.
                  – Alexander
                  Nov 26 at 15:12

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan well, you would use collection.contains(obj) instead of looping over the collection to test each element for equality, wouldn’t you? So is just a generalization of the idea, when the condition is more complex than plain equality.
                  – Holger
                  Nov 26 at 15:23

                up vote
                down vote


                up vote
                down vote


                The lambda expression passed to forEach shouldn't have a return value.

                It looks like you want to return true if any of the elements of the input Collection satisfies a condition:

                private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs){
                if(studentConfigs != null) {
                if ( -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE))) {
                return true;
                return false;

                As Holger suggested, this can be reduced to a single statement:

                return studentConfigs != null && -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE));


                return studentConfigs != null ? -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE)) : false;

                share|improve this answer

                The lambda expression passed to forEach shouldn't have a return value.

                It looks like you want to return true if any of the elements of the input Collection satisfies a condition:

                private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs){
                if(studentConfigs != null) {
                if ( -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE))) {
                return true;
                return false;

                As Holger suggested, this can be reduced to a single statement:

                return studentConfigs != null && -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE));


                return studentConfigs != null ? -> sc.action() == null || !sc.action().equals(Action.DELETE)) : false;

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited Nov 26 at 12:55

                answered Nov 26 at 12:19




                • 2

                  Why not a simple enhanced forloop? When do you choose one over the other?
                  – Luke Garrigan
                  Nov 26 at 12:22

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan Enhanced for loop would also be fine. As to which one to choose, I'd go for the one more readable to you (and to other developers that may read your code). I think using anyMatch in this example better expresses what the method is doing, which is to find whether any of the elements of the input collection satisfies some condition.
                  – Eran
                  Nov 26 at 12:26

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan Java is an evolving language. Higher order functions are working their way in. I would suggest you embrace them, rather than get left behind
                  – Alexander
                  Nov 26 at 14:16

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan "I suppose it's just because I don't use it as often as I potentially should." Yep, pretty much. This is the future of Java, so you'll only see more and more of these higher order functions.
                  – Alexander
                  Nov 26 at 15:12

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan well, you would use collection.contains(obj) instead of looping over the collection to test each element for equality, wouldn’t you? So is just a generalization of the idea, when the condition is more complex than plain equality.
                  – Holger
                  Nov 26 at 15:23

                • 2

                  Why not a simple enhanced forloop? When do you choose one over the other?
                  – Luke Garrigan
                  Nov 26 at 12:22

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan Enhanced for loop would also be fine. As to which one to choose, I'd go for the one more readable to you (and to other developers that may read your code). I think using anyMatch in this example better expresses what the method is doing, which is to find whether any of the elements of the input collection satisfies some condition.
                  – Eran
                  Nov 26 at 12:26

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan Java is an evolving language. Higher order functions are working their way in. I would suggest you embrace them, rather than get left behind
                  – Alexander
                  Nov 26 at 14:16

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan "I suppose it's just because I don't use it as often as I potentially should." Yep, pretty much. This is the future of Java, so you'll only see more and more of these higher order functions.
                  – Alexander
                  Nov 26 at 15:12

                • 1

                  @LukeGarrigan well, you would use collection.contains(obj) instead of looping over the collection to test each element for equality, wouldn’t you? So is just a generalization of the idea, when the condition is more complex than plain equality.
                  – Holger
                  Nov 26 at 15:23



                Why not a simple enhanced forloop? When do you choose one over the other?
                – Luke Garrigan
                Nov 26 at 12:22

                Why not a simple enhanced forloop? When do you choose one over the other?
                – Luke Garrigan
                Nov 26 at 12:22



                @LukeGarrigan Enhanced for loop would also be fine. As to which one to choose, I'd go for the one more readable to you (and to other developers that may read your code). I think using anyMatch in this example better expresses what the method is doing, which is to find whether any of the elements of the input collection satisfies some condition.
                – Eran
                Nov 26 at 12:26

                @LukeGarrigan Enhanced for loop would also be fine. As to which one to choose, I'd go for the one more readable to you (and to other developers that may read your code). I think using anyMatch in this example better expresses what the method is doing, which is to find whether any of the elements of the input collection satisfies some condition.
                – Eran
                Nov 26 at 12:26



                @LukeGarrigan Java is an evolving language. Higher order functions are working their way in. I would suggest you embrace them, rather than get left behind
                – Alexander
                Nov 26 at 14:16

                @LukeGarrigan Java is an evolving language. Higher order functions are working their way in. I would suggest you embrace them, rather than get left behind
                – Alexander
                Nov 26 at 14:16



                @LukeGarrigan "I suppose it's just because I don't use it as often as I potentially should." Yep, pretty much. This is the future of Java, so you'll only see more and more of these higher order functions.
                – Alexander
                Nov 26 at 15:12

                @LukeGarrigan "I suppose it's just because I don't use it as often as I potentially should." Yep, pretty much. This is the future of Java, so you'll only see more and more of these higher order functions.
                – Alexander
                Nov 26 at 15:12



                @LukeGarrigan well, you would use collection.contains(obj) instead of looping over the collection to test each element for equality, wouldn’t you? So is just a generalization of the idea, when the condition is more complex than plain equality.
                – Holger
                Nov 26 at 15:23

                @LukeGarrigan well, you would use collection.contains(obj) instead of looping over the collection to test each element for equality, wouldn’t you? So is just a generalization of the idea, when the condition is more complex than plain equality.
                – Holger
                Nov 26 at 15:23

                up vote
                down vote

                Alternatively with Java9 and above you can use Stream.ofNullable and update as:

                private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs) {
                return Stream.ofNullable(studentConfigs)
                .anyMatch(studentConfig -> studentConfig.action() == null || !studentConfig.action().equals(Action.DELETE));

                share|improve this answer

                • 4

                  It’s debatable whether Stream.ofNullable(studentConfigs) .flatMap(Collection::stream) … is simpler than studentConfigs != null && …
                  – Holger
                  Nov 26 at 12:54

                • @Holger By simpler here you meant readability aspect or performance as well? Readability I believe would be opinion based, I find it easy to read now, maybe sometimes back I wouldn't have.
                  – nullpointer
                  Nov 26 at 13:06

                • 2

                  I only meant readability when I wrote the comment, but now that you’re asking… There is the lack-of-laziness issue with flatMap which still exists in Java 9, which would be a reason not to use your variant before Java 10. But in recent versions, I wouldn’t think about any remaining minor performance differences.
                  – Holger
                  Nov 26 at 13:13

                up vote
                down vote

                Alternatively with Java9 and above you can use Stream.ofNullable and update as:

                private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs) {
                return Stream.ofNullable(studentConfigs)
                .anyMatch(studentConfig -> studentConfig.action() == null || !studentConfig.action().equals(Action.DELETE));

                share|improve this answer

                • 4

                  It’s debatable whether Stream.ofNullable(studentConfigs) .flatMap(Collection::stream) … is simpler than studentConfigs != null && …
                  – Holger
                  Nov 26 at 12:54

                • @Holger By simpler here you meant readability aspect or performance as well? Readability I believe would be opinion based, I find it easy to read now, maybe sometimes back I wouldn't have.
                  – nullpointer
                  Nov 26 at 13:06

                • 2

                  I only meant readability when I wrote the comment, but now that you’re asking… There is the lack-of-laziness issue with flatMap which still exists in Java 9, which would be a reason not to use your variant before Java 10. But in recent versions, I wouldn’t think about any remaining minor performance differences.
                  – Holger
                  Nov 26 at 13:13

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                Alternatively with Java9 and above you can use Stream.ofNullable and update as:

                private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs) {
                return Stream.ofNullable(studentConfigs)
                .anyMatch(studentConfig -> studentConfig.action() == null || !studentConfig.action().equals(Action.DELETE));

                share|improve this answer

                Alternatively with Java9 and above you can use Stream.ofNullable and update as:

                private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigs) {
                return Stream.ofNullable(studentConfigs)
                .anyMatch(studentConfig -> studentConfig.action() == null || !studentConfig.action().equals(Action.DELETE));

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Nov 26 at 12:33




                • 4

                  It’s debatable whether Stream.ofNullable(studentConfigs) .flatMap(Collection::stream) … is simpler than studentConfigs != null && …
                  – Holger
                  Nov 26 at 12:54

                • @Holger By simpler here you meant readability aspect or performance as well? Readability I believe would be opinion based, I find it easy to read now, maybe sometimes back I wouldn't have.
                  – nullpointer
                  Nov 26 at 13:06

                • 2

                  I only meant readability when I wrote the comment, but now that you’re asking… There is the lack-of-laziness issue with flatMap which still exists in Java 9, which would be a reason not to use your variant before Java 10. But in recent versions, I wouldn’t think about any remaining minor performance differences.
                  – Holger
                  Nov 26 at 13:13

                • 4

                  It’s debatable whether Stream.ofNullable(studentConfigs) .flatMap(Collection::stream) … is simpler than studentConfigs != null && …
                  – Holger
                  Nov 26 at 12:54

                • @Holger By simpler here you meant readability aspect or performance as well? Readability I believe would be opinion based, I find it easy to read now, maybe sometimes back I wouldn't have.
                  – nullpointer
                  Nov 26 at 13:06

                • 2

                  I only meant readability when I wrote the comment, but now that you’re asking… There is the lack-of-laziness issue with flatMap which still exists in Java 9, which would be a reason not to use your variant before Java 10. But in recent versions, I wouldn’t think about any remaining minor performance differences.
                  – Holger
                  Nov 26 at 13:13



                It’s debatable whether Stream.ofNullable(studentConfigs) .flatMap(Collection::stream) … is simpler than studentConfigs != null && …
                – Holger
                Nov 26 at 12:54

                It’s debatable whether Stream.ofNullable(studentConfigs) .flatMap(Collection::stream) … is simpler than studentConfigs != null && …
                – Holger
                Nov 26 at 12:54

                @Holger By simpler here you meant readability aspect or performance as well? Readability I believe would be opinion based, I find it easy to read now, maybe sometimes back I wouldn't have.
                – nullpointer
                Nov 26 at 13:06

                @Holger By simpler here you meant readability aspect or performance as well? Readability I believe would be opinion based, I find it easy to read now, maybe sometimes back I wouldn't have.
                – nullpointer
                Nov 26 at 13:06



                I only meant readability when I wrote the comment, but now that you’re asking… There is the lack-of-laziness issue with flatMap which still exists in Java 9, which would be a reason not to use your variant before Java 10. But in recent versions, I wouldn’t think about any remaining minor performance differences.
                – Holger
                Nov 26 at 13:13

                I only meant readability when I wrote the comment, but now that you’re asking… There is the lack-of-laziness issue with flatMap which still exists in Java 9, which would be a reason not to use your variant before Java 10. But in recent versions, I wouldn’t think about any remaining minor performance differences.
                – Holger
                Nov 26 at 13:13

                up vote
                down vote

                I don't recommend you use Stream API here. Look at how clear and simple the foreach version is:

                private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigurations) {
                if(studentConfigurations == null) {
                return false;

                for (StudentConfiguration configuration : studentConfigurations) {
                if (!Action.DELETE.equals(configuration.action())) {
                return true;

                return false;

                Otherwise, if you are a fanatic guy,

                private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> configs) {
                return configs != null &&

                share|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  I don't recommend you use Stream API here. Look at how clear and simple the foreach version is:

                  private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigurations) {
                  if(studentConfigurations == null) {
                  return false;

                  for (StudentConfiguration configuration : studentConfigurations) {
                  if (!Action.DELETE.equals(configuration.action())) {
                  return true;

                  return false;

                  Otherwise, if you are a fanatic guy,

                  private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> configs) {
                  return configs != null &&

                  share|improve this answer

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    I don't recommend you use Stream API here. Look at how clear and simple the foreach version is:

                    private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigurations) {
                    if(studentConfigurations == null) {
                    return false;

                    for (StudentConfiguration configuration : studentConfigurations) {
                    if (!Action.DELETE.equals(configuration.action())) {
                    return true;

                    return false;

                    Otherwise, if you are a fanatic guy,

                    private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> configs) {
                    return configs != null &&

                    share|improve this answer

                    I don't recommend you use Stream API here. Look at how clear and simple the foreach version is:

                    private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> studentConfigurations) {
                    if(studentConfigurations == null) {
                    return false;

                    for (StudentConfiguration configuration : studentConfigurations) {
                    if (!Action.DELETE.equals(configuration.action())) {
                    return true;

                    return false;

                    Otherwise, if you are a fanatic guy,

                    private boolean isActionAvailable(Collection<StudentConfiguration> configs) {
                    return configs != null &&

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    edited Nov 26 at 12:57

                    answered Nov 26 at 12:45

                    Andrew Tobilko



                        up vote
                        down vote

                        The return statement in your lambda will terminate that lambda, not the isActionAvailable() method. Therefore, the inferred type of the lambda is now wrong, because forEach expects a Consumer.

                        See the other answers for how to solve that problem.

                        share|improve this answer

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          The return statement in your lambda will terminate that lambda, not the isActionAvailable() method. Therefore, the inferred type of the lambda is now wrong, because forEach expects a Consumer.

                          See the other answers for how to solve that problem.

                          share|improve this answer

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            The return statement in your lambda will terminate that lambda, not the isActionAvailable() method. Therefore, the inferred type of the lambda is now wrong, because forEach expects a Consumer.

                            See the other answers for how to solve that problem.

                            share|improve this answer

                            The return statement in your lambda will terminate that lambda, not the isActionAvailable() method. Therefore, the inferred type of the lambda is now wrong, because forEach expects a Consumer.

                            See the other answers for how to solve that problem.

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered Nov 26 at 12:50




                                up vote
                                down vote

                                This is signature of forEach() method forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) .

                                It takes reference of Consumer interface which has method void accept(T t).
                                In your code you are overriding accept() and returning a value which is not valid as accept() has void return type.

                                Therefore it is showing error

                                 error: incompatible types: unexpected return value
                                studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig ->

                                share|improve this answer

                                  up vote
                                  down vote

                                  This is signature of forEach() method forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) .

                                  It takes reference of Consumer interface which has method void accept(T t).
                                  In your code you are overriding accept() and returning a value which is not valid as accept() has void return type.

                                  Therefore it is showing error

                                   error: incompatible types: unexpected return value
                                  studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig ->

                                  share|improve this answer

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    This is signature of forEach() method forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) .

                                    It takes reference of Consumer interface which has method void accept(T t).
                                    In your code you are overriding accept() and returning a value which is not valid as accept() has void return type.

                                    Therefore it is showing error

                                     error: incompatible types: unexpected return value
                                    studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig ->

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    This is signature of forEach() method forEach(Consumer<? super T> action) .

                                    It takes reference of Consumer interface which has method void accept(T t).
                                    In your code you are overriding accept() and returning a value which is not valid as accept() has void return type.

                                    Therefore it is showing error

                                     error: incompatible types: unexpected return value
                                    studentConfigs.forEach(studentConfig ->

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    answered Nov 26 at 12:56




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