Proof Checking: Elements of Noetherian Domains may be factored into irreducibles

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Edit: I have determined this initial proof to be incorrect. I have answered with what I believe to be a correct proof.

Definition A Noetherian domain is a domain whose ideals are all finitely generated.

Let $R$ be a commutative, Noetherian domain and suppose for contradiction that $ain R$ cannot be factored into irreducibles. Then $a$ must be reducible, so there exists $a_1$ and $a_2$ such that $a=a_1a_2$. If both $a_1$ and $a_2$ are irreducible, then $a$ is a product of irreducibles, so it must be that they are equal to products of reducible elements and process continues ad infinitum. Given such an $a$ exists, we can find an endless list of elements satisfying
&a::=a_1b_1 \
&a_1=a_2b_2 \
&a_2=a_3b_3 \
&;;vdots qquad ; vdots \

Where each of the $b_i$'s is assumed to not be a unit. Consider the ideal
We first note that since $I$ is an ideal in a Noetherian ring, it must be the case that there is a finite subset ${a_k}_{kin K}subset{a_n}$ such that
$$I=sumlimits_{kin K}Ra_k$$

(this is the step I'm most nervous about, I'm not 100% convinced that the spanning set should be a subset of the elements whose infinite linear combination is equal to $I$)

Now the construction of $a_n$ is such that $(a_n)subsetneq (a_{n+1})$, and since $Ksubset mathbb{N}$ is finite and non-empty, it has a greatest element $h$. So then the subset
${a_h}$ generates $I$. But since $(a_h)subsetneq (a_{h+1})$, and since
$$R(a_{h+1})=0+0+dots + R(a_{h+1})+0+dots subset sumlimits_{n=1}^{infty}Ra_n,$$ we find that ${a_h}$ does not span $I$. Therefore $I$ cannot be finitely generated, contradicting $R$ Noetherian. It follows then that for some $a_k$ in the aforementioned list, $a_k$ is irreducible. Therefore every element of $R$ is either irreducible or a product of irreducibles.

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  • Rings where multiplication is commutative are named “commutative rings”, not “abelian rings”. Are you sure the statement doesn't require $R$ being a domain?
    – egreg
    Nov 17 at 23:20

  • My bad. I'm not even sure that commutativity is important for this proof, but it is blanketly assumed for all rings encountered in my algebra course. I will modify the beginning. Also my bad, the definition I gave is for a Noetherian domain.
    – Daniel
    Nov 17 at 23:23

up vote
down vote


Edit: I have determined this initial proof to be incorrect. I have answered with what I believe to be a correct proof.

Definition A Noetherian domain is a domain whose ideals are all finitely generated.

Let $R$ be a commutative, Noetherian domain and suppose for contradiction that $ain R$ cannot be factored into irreducibles. Then $a$ must be reducible, so there exists $a_1$ and $a_2$ such that $a=a_1a_2$. If both $a_1$ and $a_2$ are irreducible, then $a$ is a product of irreducibles, so it must be that they are equal to products of reducible elements and process continues ad infinitum. Given such an $a$ exists, we can find an endless list of elements satisfying
&a::=a_1b_1 \
&a_1=a_2b_2 \
&a_2=a_3b_3 \
&;;vdots qquad ; vdots \

Where each of the $b_i$'s is assumed to not be a unit. Consider the ideal
We first note that since $I$ is an ideal in a Noetherian ring, it must be the case that there is a finite subset ${a_k}_{kin K}subset{a_n}$ such that
$$I=sumlimits_{kin K}Ra_k$$

(this is the step I'm most nervous about, I'm not 100% convinced that the spanning set should be a subset of the elements whose infinite linear combination is equal to $I$)

Now the construction of $a_n$ is such that $(a_n)subsetneq (a_{n+1})$, and since $Ksubset mathbb{N}$ is finite and non-empty, it has a greatest element $h$. So then the subset
${a_h}$ generates $I$. But since $(a_h)subsetneq (a_{h+1})$, and since
$$R(a_{h+1})=0+0+dots + R(a_{h+1})+0+dots subset sumlimits_{n=1}^{infty}Ra_n,$$ we find that ${a_h}$ does not span $I$. Therefore $I$ cannot be finitely generated, contradicting $R$ Noetherian. It follows then that for some $a_k$ in the aforementioned list, $a_k$ is irreducible. Therefore every element of $R$ is either irreducible or a product of irreducibles.

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  • Rings where multiplication is commutative are named “commutative rings”, not “abelian rings”. Are you sure the statement doesn't require $R$ being a domain?
    – egreg
    Nov 17 at 23:20

  • My bad. I'm not even sure that commutativity is important for this proof, but it is blanketly assumed for all rings encountered in my algebra course. I will modify the beginning. Also my bad, the definition I gave is for a Noetherian domain.
    – Daniel
    Nov 17 at 23:23

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Edit: I have determined this initial proof to be incorrect. I have answered with what I believe to be a correct proof.

Definition A Noetherian domain is a domain whose ideals are all finitely generated.

Let $R$ be a commutative, Noetherian domain and suppose for contradiction that $ain R$ cannot be factored into irreducibles. Then $a$ must be reducible, so there exists $a_1$ and $a_2$ such that $a=a_1a_2$. If both $a_1$ and $a_2$ are irreducible, then $a$ is a product of irreducibles, so it must be that they are equal to products of reducible elements and process continues ad infinitum. Given such an $a$ exists, we can find an endless list of elements satisfying
&a::=a_1b_1 \
&a_1=a_2b_2 \
&a_2=a_3b_3 \
&;;vdots qquad ; vdots \

Where each of the $b_i$'s is assumed to not be a unit. Consider the ideal
We first note that since $I$ is an ideal in a Noetherian ring, it must be the case that there is a finite subset ${a_k}_{kin K}subset{a_n}$ such that
$$I=sumlimits_{kin K}Ra_k$$

(this is the step I'm most nervous about, I'm not 100% convinced that the spanning set should be a subset of the elements whose infinite linear combination is equal to $I$)

Now the construction of $a_n$ is such that $(a_n)subsetneq (a_{n+1})$, and since $Ksubset mathbb{N}$ is finite and non-empty, it has a greatest element $h$. So then the subset
${a_h}$ generates $I$. But since $(a_h)subsetneq (a_{h+1})$, and since
$$R(a_{h+1})=0+0+dots + R(a_{h+1})+0+dots subset sumlimits_{n=1}^{infty}Ra_n,$$ we find that ${a_h}$ does not span $I$. Therefore $I$ cannot be finitely generated, contradicting $R$ Noetherian. It follows then that for some $a_k$ in the aforementioned list, $a_k$ is irreducible. Therefore every element of $R$ is either irreducible or a product of irreducibles.

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Edit: I have determined this initial proof to be incorrect. I have answered with what I believe to be a correct proof.

Definition A Noetherian domain is a domain whose ideals are all finitely generated.

Let $R$ be a commutative, Noetherian domain and suppose for contradiction that $ain R$ cannot be factored into irreducibles. Then $a$ must be reducible, so there exists $a_1$ and $a_2$ such that $a=a_1a_2$. If both $a_1$ and $a_2$ are irreducible, then $a$ is a product of irreducibles, so it must be that they are equal to products of reducible elements and process continues ad infinitum. Given such an $a$ exists, we can find an endless list of elements satisfying
&a::=a_1b_1 \
&a_1=a_2b_2 \
&a_2=a_3b_3 \
&;;vdots qquad ; vdots \

Where each of the $b_i$'s is assumed to not be a unit. Consider the ideal
We first note that since $I$ is an ideal in a Noetherian ring, it must be the case that there is a finite subset ${a_k}_{kin K}subset{a_n}$ such that
$$I=sumlimits_{kin K}Ra_k$$

(this is the step I'm most nervous about, I'm not 100% convinced that the spanning set should be a subset of the elements whose infinite linear combination is equal to $I$)

Now the construction of $a_n$ is such that $(a_n)subsetneq (a_{n+1})$, and since $Ksubset mathbb{N}$ is finite and non-empty, it has a greatest element $h$. So then the subset
${a_h}$ generates $I$. But since $(a_h)subsetneq (a_{h+1})$, and since
$$R(a_{h+1})=0+0+dots + R(a_{h+1})+0+dots subset sumlimits_{n=1}^{infty}Ra_n,$$ we find that ${a_h}$ does not span $I$. Therefore $I$ cannot be finitely generated, contradicting $R$ Noetherian. It follows then that for some $a_k$ in the aforementioned list, $a_k$ is irreducible. Therefore every element of $R$ is either irreducible or a product of irreducibles.

abstract-algebra proof-verification ring-theory ideals noetherian

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edited Nov 18 at 3:58

asked Nov 17 at 22:50




  • Rings where multiplication is commutative are named “commutative rings”, not “abelian rings”. Are you sure the statement doesn't require $R$ being a domain?
    – egreg
    Nov 17 at 23:20

  • My bad. I'm not even sure that commutativity is important for this proof, but it is blanketly assumed for all rings encountered in my algebra course. I will modify the beginning. Also my bad, the definition I gave is for a Noetherian domain.
    – Daniel
    Nov 17 at 23:23

  • Rings where multiplication is commutative are named “commutative rings”, not “abelian rings”. Are you sure the statement doesn't require $R$ being a domain?
    – egreg
    Nov 17 at 23:20

  • My bad. I'm not even sure that commutativity is important for this proof, but it is blanketly assumed for all rings encountered in my algebra course. I will modify the beginning. Also my bad, the definition I gave is for a Noetherian domain.
    – Daniel
    Nov 17 at 23:23

Rings where multiplication is commutative are named “commutative rings”, not “abelian rings”. Are you sure the statement doesn't require $R$ being a domain?
– egreg
Nov 17 at 23:20

Rings where multiplication is commutative are named “commutative rings”, not “abelian rings”. Are you sure the statement doesn't require $R$ being a domain?
– egreg
Nov 17 at 23:20

My bad. I'm not even sure that commutativity is important for this proof, but it is blanketly assumed for all rings encountered in my algebra course. I will modify the beginning. Also my bad, the definition I gave is for a Noetherian domain.
– Daniel
Nov 17 at 23:23

My bad. I'm not even sure that commutativity is important for this proof, but it is blanketly assumed for all rings encountered in my algebra course. I will modify the beginning. Also my bad, the definition I gave is for a Noetherian domain.
– Daniel
Nov 17 at 23:23

1 Answer




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down vote

Okay, I have concluded that the step I was concerned about cannot be justified. I have modified to proof into something that I believe is correct:

Let $R$ be a commutative, Noetherian domain and suppose for contradiction that $ain R$ cannot be factored into irreducibles. Then $a$ must be reducible, so there exists $a_1$ and $a_2$ such that $a=a_1a_2$. If both $a_1$ and $a_2$ are irreducible, then $a$ is a product of irreducibles, so it must be that they are equal to products of reducible elements and process continues ad infinitum. Given such an $a$ exists, we can find an endless list of elements satisfying
&a::=a_1b_1 \
&a_1=a_2b_2 \
&a_2=a_3b_3 \
&;;vdots qquad ; vdots \

Where each of the $b_i$'s is assumed to not be a unit. Consider the ideal
We first note that since $I$ is an ideal in a Noetherian ring, it must be the case that there is a finite set ${r_k}_{kin K}subset R$ such that
$$I=sumlimits_{kin K}Rr_k$$

Now, given an arbitrary $hat{k}in K$, we consider the fact that there is some set $Jsubset mathbb{N}$ such that
$$(r_{hat{k}})=sumlimits_{jin J}Ra_j$$
Since $Jsubset mathbb{N}$, it inherits its ordering from $mathbb{N}$. Then by the construction of the $a_n$, we know that if $j_a<j_b$, then $(a_{j_a})subset (a_{j_b})$. This means that
$$r_{hat{k}}=bigcuplimits_{jin J}(a_j).$$ Since $r_{hat{k}}in (r_{hat{k}})=bigcuplimits_{jin J}(a_j)$, it follows that $r_{hat{k}}in (a_{hat{j}})$ for some $hat{j}in J$, so $(r_{hat{k}})subset (a_{hat{j}})$. However, we also know that $a_{hat{j}}in (r_{hat{k}})$, so we conclude that $$(r_{hat{k}})=(a_{hat{j}}).$$ It follows then by the construction of the $a_n$ that $$(r_{hat{k}})subsetneq (a_{hat{j}+1}).$$
Thus for each $kin K$ we can find a $N_kin mathbb{N}$ such that
$$(r_k)subsetneq (a_{N_k}).$$
We then find that
$$sumlimits_{kin K}r_ksubsetneq sumlimits_{kin K}(a_{N_k})subset sumlimits_{n=1}^{infty}Ra_n$$ which means that ${r_k}$ does not span $I$. We conclude that $I$ has no finite spanning set, contradicting $R$ being a Noetherian domain. Therefore it must be the case that $a$ may be factored into irreducibles.

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    up vote
    down vote

    Okay, I have concluded that the step I was concerned about cannot be justified. I have modified to proof into something that I believe is correct:

    Let $R$ be a commutative, Noetherian domain and suppose for contradiction that $ain R$ cannot be factored into irreducibles. Then $a$ must be reducible, so there exists $a_1$ and $a_2$ such that $a=a_1a_2$. If both $a_1$ and $a_2$ are irreducible, then $a$ is a product of irreducibles, so it must be that they are equal to products of reducible elements and process continues ad infinitum. Given such an $a$ exists, we can find an endless list of elements satisfying
    &a::=a_1b_1 \
    &a_1=a_2b_2 \
    &a_2=a_3b_3 \
    &;;vdots qquad ; vdots \

    Where each of the $b_i$'s is assumed to not be a unit. Consider the ideal
    We first note that since $I$ is an ideal in a Noetherian ring, it must be the case that there is a finite set ${r_k}_{kin K}subset R$ such that
    $$I=sumlimits_{kin K}Rr_k$$

    Now, given an arbitrary $hat{k}in K$, we consider the fact that there is some set $Jsubset mathbb{N}$ such that
    $$(r_{hat{k}})=sumlimits_{jin J}Ra_j$$
    Since $Jsubset mathbb{N}$, it inherits its ordering from $mathbb{N}$. Then by the construction of the $a_n$, we know that if $j_a<j_b$, then $(a_{j_a})subset (a_{j_b})$. This means that
    $$r_{hat{k}}=bigcuplimits_{jin J}(a_j).$$ Since $r_{hat{k}}in (r_{hat{k}})=bigcuplimits_{jin J}(a_j)$, it follows that $r_{hat{k}}in (a_{hat{j}})$ for some $hat{j}in J$, so $(r_{hat{k}})subset (a_{hat{j}})$. However, we also know that $a_{hat{j}}in (r_{hat{k}})$, so we conclude that $$(r_{hat{k}})=(a_{hat{j}}).$$ It follows then by the construction of the $a_n$ that $$(r_{hat{k}})subsetneq (a_{hat{j}+1}).$$
    Thus for each $kin K$ we can find a $N_kin mathbb{N}$ such that
    $$(r_k)subsetneq (a_{N_k}).$$
    We then find that
    $$sumlimits_{kin K}r_ksubsetneq sumlimits_{kin K}(a_{N_k})subset sumlimits_{n=1}^{infty}Ra_n$$ which means that ${r_k}$ does not span $I$. We conclude that $I$ has no finite spanning set, contradicting $R$ being a Noetherian domain. Therefore it must be the case that $a$ may be factored into irreducibles.

    share|cite|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      Okay, I have concluded that the step I was concerned about cannot be justified. I have modified to proof into something that I believe is correct:

      Let $R$ be a commutative, Noetherian domain and suppose for contradiction that $ain R$ cannot be factored into irreducibles. Then $a$ must be reducible, so there exists $a_1$ and $a_2$ such that $a=a_1a_2$. If both $a_1$ and $a_2$ are irreducible, then $a$ is a product of irreducibles, so it must be that they are equal to products of reducible elements and process continues ad infinitum. Given such an $a$ exists, we can find an endless list of elements satisfying
      &a::=a_1b_1 \
      &a_1=a_2b_2 \
      &a_2=a_3b_3 \
      &;;vdots qquad ; vdots \

      Where each of the $b_i$'s is assumed to not be a unit. Consider the ideal
      We first note that since $I$ is an ideal in a Noetherian ring, it must be the case that there is a finite set ${r_k}_{kin K}subset R$ such that
      $$I=sumlimits_{kin K}Rr_k$$

      Now, given an arbitrary $hat{k}in K$, we consider the fact that there is some set $Jsubset mathbb{N}$ such that
      $$(r_{hat{k}})=sumlimits_{jin J}Ra_j$$
      Since $Jsubset mathbb{N}$, it inherits its ordering from $mathbb{N}$. Then by the construction of the $a_n$, we know that if $j_a<j_b$, then $(a_{j_a})subset (a_{j_b})$. This means that
      $$r_{hat{k}}=bigcuplimits_{jin J}(a_j).$$ Since $r_{hat{k}}in (r_{hat{k}})=bigcuplimits_{jin J}(a_j)$, it follows that $r_{hat{k}}in (a_{hat{j}})$ for some $hat{j}in J$, so $(r_{hat{k}})subset (a_{hat{j}})$. However, we also know that $a_{hat{j}}in (r_{hat{k}})$, so we conclude that $$(r_{hat{k}})=(a_{hat{j}}).$$ It follows then by the construction of the $a_n$ that $$(r_{hat{k}})subsetneq (a_{hat{j}+1}).$$
      Thus for each $kin K$ we can find a $N_kin mathbb{N}$ such that
      $$(r_k)subsetneq (a_{N_k}).$$
      We then find that
      $$sumlimits_{kin K}r_ksubsetneq sumlimits_{kin K}(a_{N_k})subset sumlimits_{n=1}^{infty}Ra_n$$ which means that ${r_k}$ does not span $I$. We conclude that $I$ has no finite spanning set, contradicting $R$ being a Noetherian domain. Therefore it must be the case that $a$ may be factored into irreducibles.

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        Okay, I have concluded that the step I was concerned about cannot be justified. I have modified to proof into something that I believe is correct:

        Let $R$ be a commutative, Noetherian domain and suppose for contradiction that $ain R$ cannot be factored into irreducibles. Then $a$ must be reducible, so there exists $a_1$ and $a_2$ such that $a=a_1a_2$. If both $a_1$ and $a_2$ are irreducible, then $a$ is a product of irreducibles, so it must be that they are equal to products of reducible elements and process continues ad infinitum. Given such an $a$ exists, we can find an endless list of elements satisfying
        &a::=a_1b_1 \
        &a_1=a_2b_2 \
        &a_2=a_3b_3 \
        &;;vdots qquad ; vdots \

        Where each of the $b_i$'s is assumed to not be a unit. Consider the ideal
        We first note that since $I$ is an ideal in a Noetherian ring, it must be the case that there is a finite set ${r_k}_{kin K}subset R$ such that
        $$I=sumlimits_{kin K}Rr_k$$

        Now, given an arbitrary $hat{k}in K$, we consider the fact that there is some set $Jsubset mathbb{N}$ such that
        $$(r_{hat{k}})=sumlimits_{jin J}Ra_j$$
        Since $Jsubset mathbb{N}$, it inherits its ordering from $mathbb{N}$. Then by the construction of the $a_n$, we know that if $j_a<j_b$, then $(a_{j_a})subset (a_{j_b})$. This means that
        $$r_{hat{k}}=bigcuplimits_{jin J}(a_j).$$ Since $r_{hat{k}}in (r_{hat{k}})=bigcuplimits_{jin J}(a_j)$, it follows that $r_{hat{k}}in (a_{hat{j}})$ for some $hat{j}in J$, so $(r_{hat{k}})subset (a_{hat{j}})$. However, we also know that $a_{hat{j}}in (r_{hat{k}})$, so we conclude that $$(r_{hat{k}})=(a_{hat{j}}).$$ It follows then by the construction of the $a_n$ that $$(r_{hat{k}})subsetneq (a_{hat{j}+1}).$$
        Thus for each $kin K$ we can find a $N_kin mathbb{N}$ such that
        $$(r_k)subsetneq (a_{N_k}).$$
        We then find that
        $$sumlimits_{kin K}r_ksubsetneq sumlimits_{kin K}(a_{N_k})subset sumlimits_{n=1}^{infty}Ra_n$$ which means that ${r_k}$ does not span $I$. We conclude that $I$ has no finite spanning set, contradicting $R$ being a Noetherian domain. Therefore it must be the case that $a$ may be factored into irreducibles.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        Okay, I have concluded that the step I was concerned about cannot be justified. I have modified to proof into something that I believe is correct:

        Let $R$ be a commutative, Noetherian domain and suppose for contradiction that $ain R$ cannot be factored into irreducibles. Then $a$ must be reducible, so there exists $a_1$ and $a_2$ such that $a=a_1a_2$. If both $a_1$ and $a_2$ are irreducible, then $a$ is a product of irreducibles, so it must be that they are equal to products of reducible elements and process continues ad infinitum. Given such an $a$ exists, we can find an endless list of elements satisfying
        &a::=a_1b_1 \
        &a_1=a_2b_2 \
        &a_2=a_3b_3 \
        &;;vdots qquad ; vdots \

        Where each of the $b_i$'s is assumed to not be a unit. Consider the ideal
        We first note that since $I$ is an ideal in a Noetherian ring, it must be the case that there is a finite set ${r_k}_{kin K}subset R$ such that
        $$I=sumlimits_{kin K}Rr_k$$

        Now, given an arbitrary $hat{k}in K$, we consider the fact that there is some set $Jsubset mathbb{N}$ such that
        $$(r_{hat{k}})=sumlimits_{jin J}Ra_j$$
        Since $Jsubset mathbb{N}$, it inherits its ordering from $mathbb{N}$. Then by the construction of the $a_n$, we know that if $j_a<j_b$, then $(a_{j_a})subset (a_{j_b})$. This means that
        $$r_{hat{k}}=bigcuplimits_{jin J}(a_j).$$ Since $r_{hat{k}}in (r_{hat{k}})=bigcuplimits_{jin J}(a_j)$, it follows that $r_{hat{k}}in (a_{hat{j}})$ for some $hat{j}in J$, so $(r_{hat{k}})subset (a_{hat{j}})$. However, we also know that $a_{hat{j}}in (r_{hat{k}})$, so we conclude that $$(r_{hat{k}})=(a_{hat{j}}).$$ It follows then by the construction of the $a_n$ that $$(r_{hat{k}})subsetneq (a_{hat{j}+1}).$$
        Thus for each $kin K$ we can find a $N_kin mathbb{N}$ such that
        $$(r_k)subsetneq (a_{N_k}).$$
        We then find that
        $$sumlimits_{kin K}r_ksubsetneq sumlimits_{kin K}(a_{N_k})subset sumlimits_{n=1}^{infty}Ra_n$$ which means that ${r_k}$ does not span $I$. We conclude that $I$ has no finite spanning set, contradicting $R$ being a Noetherian domain. Therefore it must be the case that $a$ may be factored into irreducibles.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        answered Nov 18 at 3:56




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