Can one construct a convergent series out of a non-decreasing Cauchy sequence in $mathbb{R}$ [closed]

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If we have a non-decreasing Cauchy sequence of non-negative real numbers ${x_n}$, will the sequence of partial sums ${S_n}_{n=1}^{infty}$ where $S_n= x_1 + x_2 +..+x_n$ converges?

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closed as off-topic by Did, amWhy, Shailesh, max_zorn, Rebellos Nov 18 at 11:59

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  • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – Did, amWhy, Shailesh, max_zorn, Rebellos

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    If we have a non-decreasing Cauchy sequence of non-negative real numbers ${x_n}$, will the sequence of partial sums ${S_n}_{n=1}^{infty}$ where $S_n= x_1 + x_2 +..+x_n$ converges?

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    closed as off-topic by Did, amWhy, Shailesh, max_zorn, Rebellos Nov 18 at 11:59

    This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

    • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – Did, amWhy, Shailesh, max_zorn, Rebellos

    If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

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      If we have a non-decreasing Cauchy sequence of non-negative real numbers ${x_n}$, will the sequence of partial sums ${S_n}_{n=1}^{infty}$ where $S_n= x_1 + x_2 +..+x_n$ converges?

      share|cite|improve this question

      If we have a non-decreasing Cauchy sequence of non-negative real numbers ${x_n}$, will the sequence of partial sums ${S_n}_{n=1}^{infty}$ where $S_n= x_1 + x_2 +..+x_n$ converges?

      real-analysis sequences-and-series convergence

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      edited Nov 17 at 15:28

      asked Nov 17 at 13:00




      closed as off-topic by Did, amWhy, Shailesh, max_zorn, Rebellos Nov 18 at 11:59

      This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

      • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – Did, amWhy, Shailesh, max_zorn, Rebellos

      If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

      closed as off-topic by Did, amWhy, Shailesh, max_zorn, Rebellos Nov 18 at 11:59

      This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

      • "This question is missing context or other details: Please improve the question by providing additional context, which ideally includes your thoughts on the problem and any attempts you have made to solve it. This information helps others identify where you have difficulties and helps them write answers appropriate to your experience level." – Did, amWhy, Shailesh, max_zorn, Rebellos

      If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

          3 Answers




          up vote
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          Suppose $S_n$ converges, it implies $x_nto 0$

          Since we have $x_nge 0$ then the sequence will be globally decreasing (e.g $forall n exists n_0>n mid forall i> n_0,,x_ile x_{n_0}$)

          But the sequence can be non-decreasing while being globally decreasing. It suffice for instance to interleave two decreasing sequences.

          $x_{2n} = dfrac{1}{n^alpha}$ and $x_{2n+1}=dfrac{2}{n^alpha}$ for instance.

          We have $(x_{2n})_nsearrow$ and $(x_{2n+1})_nsearrow$ but $x_{2n+1}>x_{2n}$ so $(x_n)_n$ is non-decreasing.

          Depending on the value of $alpha$ the partial sum $S_n$ will converge or diverge.

          So the answer for the TITLE is YES, you can construct such series, take $alpha=2$ for instance.

          And the answer for the wording below is NOT NECESSARILY, take $alpha=1$ for instance.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • Nice answer Zwim!!
            – BAYMAX
            Nov 17 at 16:19

          up vote
          down vote

          No. All that being a Cauchy sequence tells you is that the terms eventually get very close to each other. However, the could do this in the vicinity of $5$, for example $a_n = 5 + dfrac 1n$. Then the sum is $ge 5+5+5 + cdots$, which diverges.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • Well $a_nsearrow$, and OP asks explicitly for non-decreasing sequences...
            – zwim
            Nov 17 at 15:55

          • 1

            @zwim Oh sorry forgot. Anyways it's wasy to modify this example to $5-1/n$ whose sum still diverges.
            – Ovi
            Nov 17 at 15:58

          up vote
          down vote

          No. All convergent sequences are Cauchy, but that doesn't mean that a series of positive terms which tend to $0$ (hence the sequence of these terms is Cauchy) is itself Cauchy, as this would imply that a series with positive terms converges if and only if its general tends to $0$, which false in $mathbf R$ (but is true in the field of $p$-adic numbers).

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            3 Answers




            3 Answers










            up vote
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            Suppose $S_n$ converges, it implies $x_nto 0$

            Since we have $x_nge 0$ then the sequence will be globally decreasing (e.g $forall n exists n_0>n mid forall i> n_0,,x_ile x_{n_0}$)

            But the sequence can be non-decreasing while being globally decreasing. It suffice for instance to interleave two decreasing sequences.

            $x_{2n} = dfrac{1}{n^alpha}$ and $x_{2n+1}=dfrac{2}{n^alpha}$ for instance.

            We have $(x_{2n})_nsearrow$ and $(x_{2n+1})_nsearrow$ but $x_{2n+1}>x_{2n}$ so $(x_n)_n$ is non-decreasing.

            Depending on the value of $alpha$ the partial sum $S_n$ will converge or diverge.

            So the answer for the TITLE is YES, you can construct such series, take $alpha=2$ for instance.

            And the answer for the wording below is NOT NECESSARILY, take $alpha=1$ for instance.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • Nice answer Zwim!!
              – BAYMAX
              Nov 17 at 16:19

            up vote
            down vote


            Suppose $S_n$ converges, it implies $x_nto 0$

            Since we have $x_nge 0$ then the sequence will be globally decreasing (e.g $forall n exists n_0>n mid forall i> n_0,,x_ile x_{n_0}$)

            But the sequence can be non-decreasing while being globally decreasing. It suffice for instance to interleave two decreasing sequences.

            $x_{2n} = dfrac{1}{n^alpha}$ and $x_{2n+1}=dfrac{2}{n^alpha}$ for instance.

            We have $(x_{2n})_nsearrow$ and $(x_{2n+1})_nsearrow$ but $x_{2n+1}>x_{2n}$ so $(x_n)_n$ is non-decreasing.

            Depending on the value of $alpha$ the partial sum $S_n$ will converge or diverge.

            So the answer for the TITLE is YES, you can construct such series, take $alpha=2$ for instance.

            And the answer for the wording below is NOT NECESSARILY, take $alpha=1$ for instance.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • Nice answer Zwim!!
              – BAYMAX
              Nov 17 at 16:19

            up vote
            down vote


            up vote
            down vote


            Suppose $S_n$ converges, it implies $x_nto 0$

            Since we have $x_nge 0$ then the sequence will be globally decreasing (e.g $forall n exists n_0>n mid forall i> n_0,,x_ile x_{n_0}$)

            But the sequence can be non-decreasing while being globally decreasing. It suffice for instance to interleave two decreasing sequences.

            $x_{2n} = dfrac{1}{n^alpha}$ and $x_{2n+1}=dfrac{2}{n^alpha}$ for instance.

            We have $(x_{2n})_nsearrow$ and $(x_{2n+1})_nsearrow$ but $x_{2n+1}>x_{2n}$ so $(x_n)_n$ is non-decreasing.

            Depending on the value of $alpha$ the partial sum $S_n$ will converge or diverge.

            So the answer for the TITLE is YES, you can construct such series, take $alpha=2$ for instance.

            And the answer for the wording below is NOT NECESSARILY, take $alpha=1$ for instance.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            Suppose $S_n$ converges, it implies $x_nto 0$

            Since we have $x_nge 0$ then the sequence will be globally decreasing (e.g $forall n exists n_0>n mid forall i> n_0,,x_ile x_{n_0}$)

            But the sequence can be non-decreasing while being globally decreasing. It suffice for instance to interleave two decreasing sequences.

            $x_{2n} = dfrac{1}{n^alpha}$ and $x_{2n+1}=dfrac{2}{n^alpha}$ for instance.

            We have $(x_{2n})_nsearrow$ and $(x_{2n+1})_nsearrow$ but $x_{2n+1}>x_{2n}$ so $(x_n)_n$ is non-decreasing.

            Depending on the value of $alpha$ the partial sum $S_n$ will converge or diverge.

            So the answer for the TITLE is YES, you can construct such series, take $alpha=2$ for instance.

            And the answer for the wording below is NOT NECESSARILY, take $alpha=1$ for instance.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            answered Nov 17 at 15:53




            • Nice answer Zwim!!
              – BAYMAX
              Nov 17 at 16:19

            • Nice answer Zwim!!
              – BAYMAX
              Nov 17 at 16:19

            Nice answer Zwim!!
            – BAYMAX
            Nov 17 at 16:19

            Nice answer Zwim!!
            – BAYMAX
            Nov 17 at 16:19

            up vote
            down vote

            No. All that being a Cauchy sequence tells you is that the terms eventually get very close to each other. However, the could do this in the vicinity of $5$, for example $a_n = 5 + dfrac 1n$. Then the sum is $ge 5+5+5 + cdots$, which diverges.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • Well $a_nsearrow$, and OP asks explicitly for non-decreasing sequences...
              – zwim
              Nov 17 at 15:55

            • 1

              @zwim Oh sorry forgot. Anyways it's wasy to modify this example to $5-1/n$ whose sum still diverges.
              – Ovi
              Nov 17 at 15:58

            up vote
            down vote

            No. All that being a Cauchy sequence tells you is that the terms eventually get very close to each other. However, the could do this in the vicinity of $5$, for example $a_n = 5 + dfrac 1n$. Then the sum is $ge 5+5+5 + cdots$, which diverges.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • Well $a_nsearrow$, and OP asks explicitly for non-decreasing sequences...
              – zwim
              Nov 17 at 15:55

            • 1

              @zwim Oh sorry forgot. Anyways it's wasy to modify this example to $5-1/n$ whose sum still diverges.
              – Ovi
              Nov 17 at 15:58

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            No. All that being a Cauchy sequence tells you is that the terms eventually get very close to each other. However, the could do this in the vicinity of $5$, for example $a_n = 5 + dfrac 1n$. Then the sum is $ge 5+5+5 + cdots$, which diverges.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            No. All that being a Cauchy sequence tells you is that the terms eventually get very close to each other. However, the could do this in the vicinity of $5$, for example $a_n = 5 + dfrac 1n$. Then the sum is $ge 5+5+5 + cdots$, which diverges.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            answered Nov 17 at 15:32




            • Well $a_nsearrow$, and OP asks explicitly for non-decreasing sequences...
              – zwim
              Nov 17 at 15:55

            • 1

              @zwim Oh sorry forgot. Anyways it's wasy to modify this example to $5-1/n$ whose sum still diverges.
              – Ovi
              Nov 17 at 15:58

            • Well $a_nsearrow$, and OP asks explicitly for non-decreasing sequences...
              – zwim
              Nov 17 at 15:55

            • 1

              @zwim Oh sorry forgot. Anyways it's wasy to modify this example to $5-1/n$ whose sum still diverges.
              – Ovi
              Nov 17 at 15:58

            Well $a_nsearrow$, and OP asks explicitly for non-decreasing sequences...
            – zwim
            Nov 17 at 15:55

            Well $a_nsearrow$, and OP asks explicitly for non-decreasing sequences...
            – zwim
            Nov 17 at 15:55



            @zwim Oh sorry forgot. Anyways it's wasy to modify this example to $5-1/n$ whose sum still diverges.
            – Ovi
            Nov 17 at 15:58

            @zwim Oh sorry forgot. Anyways it's wasy to modify this example to $5-1/n$ whose sum still diverges.
            – Ovi
            Nov 17 at 15:58

            up vote
            down vote

            No. All convergent sequences are Cauchy, but that doesn't mean that a series of positive terms which tend to $0$ (hence the sequence of these terms is Cauchy) is itself Cauchy, as this would imply that a series with positive terms converges if and only if its general tends to $0$, which false in $mathbf R$ (but is true in the field of $p$-adic numbers).

            share|cite|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              No. All convergent sequences are Cauchy, but that doesn't mean that a series of positive terms which tend to $0$ (hence the sequence of these terms is Cauchy) is itself Cauchy, as this would imply that a series with positive terms converges if and only if its general tends to $0$, which false in $mathbf R$ (but is true in the field of $p$-adic numbers).

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                No. All convergent sequences are Cauchy, but that doesn't mean that a series of positive terms which tend to $0$ (hence the sequence of these terms is Cauchy) is itself Cauchy, as this would imply that a series with positive terms converges if and only if its general tends to $0$, which false in $mathbf R$ (but is true in the field of $p$-adic numbers).

                share|cite|improve this answer

                No. All convergent sequences are Cauchy, but that doesn't mean that a series of positive terms which tend to $0$ (hence the sequence of these terms is Cauchy) is itself Cauchy, as this would imply that a series with positive terms converges if and only if its general tends to $0$, which false in $mathbf R$ (but is true in the field of $p$-adic numbers).

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                answered Nov 17 at 13:16




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