How to enable the touchpad on a Compaq Presario?

up vote
down vote


I accidentally disabled the touchpad on a laptop (Presario CQ62 running Windows. I think I must have hit some shortcut key. How can I enable it again?

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  • What operating system do you use?
    – Michael K
    May 19 '11 at 11:50

  • And which model Presario?
    – BBlake
    May 19 '11 at 11:52

  • By hitting the same shortcut key again? There are not that many Fn + F* keys. Some laptops have a dedicated hardware toggle button near the touchpad.
    – sblair
    May 19 '11 at 11:53

up vote
down vote


I accidentally disabled the touchpad on a laptop (Presario CQ62 running Windows. I think I must have hit some shortcut key. How can I enable it again?

share|improve this question

  • What operating system do you use?
    – Michael K
    May 19 '11 at 11:50

  • And which model Presario?
    – BBlake
    May 19 '11 at 11:52

  • By hitting the same shortcut key again? There are not that many Fn + F* keys. Some laptops have a dedicated hardware toggle button near the touchpad.
    – sblair
    May 19 '11 at 11:53

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


I accidentally disabled the touchpad on a laptop (Presario CQ62 running Windows. I think I must have hit some shortcut key. How can I enable it again?

share|improve this question

I accidentally disabled the touchpad on a laptop (Presario CQ62 running Windows. I think I must have hit some shortcut key. How can I enable it again?

touchpad compaq-laptop

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edited Feb 27 '16 at 9:17




asked May 19 '11 at 11:43




  • What operating system do you use?
    – Michael K
    May 19 '11 at 11:50

  • And which model Presario?
    – BBlake
    May 19 '11 at 11:52

  • By hitting the same shortcut key again? There are not that many Fn + F* keys. Some laptops have a dedicated hardware toggle button near the touchpad.
    – sblair
    May 19 '11 at 11:53

  • What operating system do you use?
    – Michael K
    May 19 '11 at 11:50

  • And which model Presario?
    – BBlake
    May 19 '11 at 11:52

  • By hitting the same shortcut key again? There are not that many Fn + F* keys. Some laptops have a dedicated hardware toggle button near the touchpad.
    – sblair
    May 19 '11 at 11:53

What operating system do you use?
– Michael K
May 19 '11 at 11:50

What operating system do you use?
– Michael K
May 19 '11 at 11:50

And which model Presario?
– BBlake
May 19 '11 at 11:52

And which model Presario?
– BBlake
May 19 '11 at 11:52

By hitting the same shortcut key again? There are not that many Fn + F* keys. Some laptops have a dedicated hardware toggle button near the touchpad.
– sblair
May 19 '11 at 11:53

By hitting the same shortcut key again? There are not that many Fn + F* keys. Some laptops have a dedicated hardware toggle button near the touchpad.
– sblair
May 19 '11 at 11:53

13 Answers




up vote
down vote


It depends on your model and operating system. Here are three possible solutions:

  1. (For Windows) Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse -> TouchPad On/Off

  2. (For any OS) Look just above your touchpad for a button, probably with an amber or blue light. If it's not there, look along the top of your function keys for an icon that looks like your touchpad.

  3. (For Windows) Go to Start, right click My Computer. Go to properties. Click on the hardware tab and go into it.
    Click on Device Manager. Look for your touch pad. Right click it and go to properties. You should have an option there to enable it.

share|improve this answer

  • There is a light on the touchpad, but no button there!
    – Casebash
    May 19 '11 at 21:13

up vote
down vote

A double tap within one second (like a double click) on the LED will turn the mouse pad on and off!

share|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    I know on some Compaq Presarios there is a button at the top of the touchpad that will disable it. Check to see if there is a button for that above the touchpad. It could also be built into the touchpad itself, if this were the case you would see a light in one of the corners of the touchpad.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      There is a little button over the keypad with either a red light on or a white one on. if it's red then the keypad is disabled.

      To reactivate it you need to press the button until it turns white.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        This happened to me, and I had to go to the driver recovery (on the hard drive) and re-install the drivers. The prompt showed that the drivers were installed correctly, but the touchpad still didn't function.

        So, I powered down the computer and REMOVED THE BATTERY for a couple minutes.

        I re-installed the battery, booted it up and the computer is back to 100%

        share|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          I had to open device manager; computer management and uninstall the Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad driver. I reinstalled the driver from the following site.

          share|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            My gf has a Compaq CQ42 and after much consternation, we discovered that you tap the light in the corner of the touchpad three times, it re-enables the touchpad. Really stupid ui design there.

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              The best process at any time in case of any malfunction, just shutdown the system for some time let the battery cool down and then restart the computer. 99% this will work out.

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                Where you see the light on the side of the touch pad double tap that to enable. The light turns on when the pad is disabled and off when is enabled.

                PS. The small light in on the upper left hand side of the pad you wanna double tap on the light itself. There is no button there.

                Note: If your touch pad has a "dip" in the upper left corner, double tap that to enable/disable the touch pad.

                share|improve this answer

                • Seems a bit harsh to me to vote down what seems like a reasonable answer.
                  – localhost
                  Apr 7 '13 at 23:45

                up vote
                down vote

                If you have a Compaq Presario CQ62 and your mouse pad is locked, at the top of the keyboard there is a lock picture. Just click that, and it will remove the red light.

                share|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  I have a compaq Presario 57 and have done this repeatedly all you do is double tap the dip in the upper left corner of the pad itself not the light, this will turn it off and since it is disabled it wont turn it back on. you hold the alt key down and double tap it will turn back on instantly.

                  share|improve this answer

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    Go to Control panel, mouse, and you should have a submenu called Device Settings (win8). Press Reset Devices, wait and that's all!

                    share|improve this answer

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      Go to device manager, then Uninstall the driver but don't delete the driver.

                      Then I restart and install the driver again. after it reinstalls VIOLA. It works.

                      share|improve this answer

                        protected by Community Mar 29 '16 at 5:19

                        Thank you for your interest in this question.
                        Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).

                        Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead?

                        13 Answers




                        13 Answers










                        up vote
                        down vote


                        It depends on your model and operating system. Here are three possible solutions:

                        1. (For Windows) Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse -> TouchPad On/Off

                        2. (For any OS) Look just above your touchpad for a button, probably with an amber or blue light. If it's not there, look along the top of your function keys for an icon that looks like your touchpad.

                        3. (For Windows) Go to Start, right click My Computer. Go to properties. Click on the hardware tab and go into it.
                          Click on Device Manager. Look for your touch pad. Right click it and go to properties. You should have an option there to enable it.

                        share|improve this answer

                        • There is a light on the touchpad, but no button there!
                          – Casebash
                          May 19 '11 at 21:13

                        up vote
                        down vote


                        It depends on your model and operating system. Here are three possible solutions:

                        1. (For Windows) Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse -> TouchPad On/Off

                        2. (For any OS) Look just above your touchpad for a button, probably with an amber or blue light. If it's not there, look along the top of your function keys for an icon that looks like your touchpad.

                        3. (For Windows) Go to Start, right click My Computer. Go to properties. Click on the hardware tab and go into it.
                          Click on Device Manager. Look for your touch pad. Right click it and go to properties. You should have an option there to enable it.

                        share|improve this answer

                        • There is a light on the touchpad, but no button there!
                          – Casebash
                          May 19 '11 at 21:13

                        up vote
                        down vote


                        up vote
                        down vote


                        It depends on your model and operating system. Here are three possible solutions:

                        1. (For Windows) Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse -> TouchPad On/Off

                        2. (For any OS) Look just above your touchpad for a button, probably with an amber or blue light. If it's not there, look along the top of your function keys for an icon that looks like your touchpad.

                        3. (For Windows) Go to Start, right click My Computer. Go to properties. Click on the hardware tab and go into it.
                          Click on Device Manager. Look for your touch pad. Right click it and go to properties. You should have an option there to enable it.

                        share|improve this answer

                        It depends on your model and operating system. Here are three possible solutions:

                        1. (For Windows) Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse -> TouchPad On/Off

                        2. (For any OS) Look just above your touchpad for a button, probably with an amber or blue light. If it's not there, look along the top of your function keys for an icon that looks like your touchpad.

                        3. (For Windows) Go to Start, right click My Computer. Go to properties. Click on the hardware tab and go into it.
                          Click on Device Manager. Look for your touch pad. Right click it and go to properties. You should have an option there to enable it.

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        share|improve this answer

                        edited Nov 20 at 16:59

                        Peter Mortensen



                        answered May 19 '11 at 12:59




                        • There is a light on the touchpad, but no button there!
                          – Casebash
                          May 19 '11 at 21:13

                        • There is a light on the touchpad, but no button there!
                          – Casebash
                          May 19 '11 at 21:13

                        There is a light on the touchpad, but no button there!
                        – Casebash
                        May 19 '11 at 21:13

                        There is a light on the touchpad, but no button there!
                        – Casebash
                        May 19 '11 at 21:13

                        up vote
                        down vote

                        A double tap within one second (like a double click) on the LED will turn the mouse pad on and off!

                        share|improve this answer

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          A double tap within one second (like a double click) on the LED will turn the mouse pad on and off!

                          share|improve this answer

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            A double tap within one second (like a double click) on the LED will turn the mouse pad on and off!

                            share|improve this answer

                            A double tap within one second (like a double click) on the LED will turn the mouse pad on and off!

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered Mar 10 '13 at 9:04




                                up vote
                                down vote

                                I know on some Compaq Presarios there is a button at the top of the touchpad that will disable it. Check to see if there is a button for that above the touchpad. It could also be built into the touchpad itself, if this were the case you would see a light in one of the corners of the touchpad.

                                share|improve this answer

                                  up vote
                                  down vote

                                  I know on some Compaq Presarios there is a button at the top of the touchpad that will disable it. Check to see if there is a button for that above the touchpad. It could also be built into the touchpad itself, if this were the case you would see a light in one of the corners of the touchpad.

                                  share|improve this answer

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    I know on some Compaq Presarios there is a button at the top of the touchpad that will disable it. Check to see if there is a button for that above the touchpad. It could also be built into the touchpad itself, if this were the case you would see a light in one of the corners of the touchpad.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    I know on some Compaq Presarios there is a button at the top of the touchpad that will disable it. Check to see if there is a button for that above the touchpad. It could also be built into the touchpad itself, if this were the case you would see a light in one of the corners of the touchpad.

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    share|improve this answer

                                    answered May 19 '11 at 13:24




                                        up vote
                                        down vote

                                        There is a little button over the keypad with either a red light on or a white one on. if it's red then the keypad is disabled.

                                        To reactivate it you need to press the button until it turns white.

                                        share|improve this answer

                                          up vote
                                          down vote

                                          There is a little button over the keypad with either a red light on or a white one on. if it's red then the keypad is disabled.

                                          To reactivate it you need to press the button until it turns white.

                                          share|improve this answer

                                            up vote
                                            down vote

                                            up vote
                                            down vote

                                            There is a little button over the keypad with either a red light on or a white one on. if it's red then the keypad is disabled.

                                            To reactivate it you need to press the button until it turns white.

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            There is a little button over the keypad with either a red light on or a white one on. if it's red then the keypad is disabled.

                                            To reactivate it you need to press the button until it turns white.

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            edited Dec 14 '11 at 5:44




                                            answered Dec 14 '11 at 5:38




                                                up vote
                                                down vote

                                                This happened to me, and I had to go to the driver recovery (on the hard drive) and re-install the drivers. The prompt showed that the drivers were installed correctly, but the touchpad still didn't function.

                                                So, I powered down the computer and REMOVED THE BATTERY for a couple minutes.

                                                I re-installed the battery, booted it up and the computer is back to 100%

                                                share|improve this answer

                                                  up vote
                                                  down vote

                                                  This happened to me, and I had to go to the driver recovery (on the hard drive) and re-install the drivers. The prompt showed that the drivers were installed correctly, but the touchpad still didn't function.

                                                  So, I powered down the computer and REMOVED THE BATTERY for a couple minutes.

                                                  I re-installed the battery, booted it up and the computer is back to 100%

                                                  share|improve this answer

                                                    up vote
                                                    down vote

                                                    up vote
                                                    down vote

                                                    This happened to me, and I had to go to the driver recovery (on the hard drive) and re-install the drivers. The prompt showed that the drivers were installed correctly, but the touchpad still didn't function.

                                                    So, I powered down the computer and REMOVED THE BATTERY for a couple minutes.

                                                    I re-installed the battery, booted it up and the computer is back to 100%

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    This happened to me, and I had to go to the driver recovery (on the hard drive) and re-install the drivers. The prompt showed that the drivers were installed correctly, but the touchpad still didn't function.

                                                    So, I powered down the computer and REMOVED THE BATTERY for a couple minutes.

                                                    I re-installed the battery, booted it up and the computer is back to 100%

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    answered Feb 17 '12 at 22:15




                                                        up vote
                                                        down vote

                                                        I had to open device manager; computer management and uninstall the Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad driver. I reinstalled the driver from the following site.

                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                          up vote
                                                          down vote

                                                          I had to open device manager; computer management and uninstall the Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad driver. I reinstalled the driver from the following site.

                                                          share|improve this answer

                                                            up vote
                                                            down vote

                                                            up vote
                                                            down vote

                                                            I had to open device manager; computer management and uninstall the Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad driver. I reinstalled the driver from the following site.

                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                            I had to open device manager; computer management and uninstall the Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad driver. I reinstalled the driver from the following site.

                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                            answered Aug 11 '12 at 19:00

                                                            Ernie Midkiff



                                                                up vote
                                                                down vote

                                                                My gf has a Compaq CQ42 and after much consternation, we discovered that you tap the light in the corner of the touchpad three times, it re-enables the touchpad. Really stupid ui design there.

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                  up vote
                                                                  down vote

                                                                  My gf has a Compaq CQ42 and after much consternation, we discovered that you tap the light in the corner of the touchpad three times, it re-enables the touchpad. Really stupid ui design there.

                                                                  share|improve this answer

                                                                    up vote
                                                                    down vote

                                                                    up vote
                                                                    down vote

                                                                    My gf has a Compaq CQ42 and after much consternation, we discovered that you tap the light in the corner of the touchpad three times, it re-enables the touchpad. Really stupid ui design there.

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    My gf has a Compaq CQ42 and after much consternation, we discovered that you tap the light in the corner of the touchpad three times, it re-enables the touchpad. Really stupid ui design there.

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    answered Apr 5 '13 at 10:01




                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        The best process at any time in case of any malfunction, just shutdown the system for some time let the battery cool down and then restart the computer. 99% this will work out.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                          up vote
                                                                          down vote

                                                                          The best process at any time in case of any malfunction, just shutdown the system for some time let the battery cool down and then restart the computer. 99% this will work out.

                                                                          share|improve this answer

                                                                            up vote
                                                                            down vote

                                                                            up vote
                                                                            down vote

                                                                            The best process at any time in case of any malfunction, just shutdown the system for some time let the battery cool down and then restart the computer. 99% this will work out.

                                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                                            The best process at any time in case of any malfunction, just shutdown the system for some time let the battery cool down and then restart the computer. 99% this will work out.

                                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                                            answered Mar 16 '14 at 16:41




                                                                                up vote
                                                                                down vote

                                                                                Where you see the light on the side of the touch pad double tap that to enable. The light turns on when the pad is disabled and off when is enabled.

                                                                                PS. The small light in on the upper left hand side of the pad you wanna double tap on the light itself. There is no button there.

                                                                                Note: If your touch pad has a "dip" in the upper left corner, double tap that to enable/disable the touch pad.

                                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                                • Seems a bit harsh to me to vote down what seems like a reasonable answer.
                                                                                  – localhost
                                                                                  Apr 7 '13 at 23:45

                                                                                up vote
                                                                                down vote

                                                                                Where you see the light on the side of the touch pad double tap that to enable. The light turns on when the pad is disabled and off when is enabled.

                                                                                PS. The small light in on the upper left hand side of the pad you wanna double tap on the light itself. There is no button there.

                                                                                Note: If your touch pad has a "dip" in the upper left corner, double tap that to enable/disable the touch pad.

                                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                                • Seems a bit harsh to me to vote down what seems like a reasonable answer.
                                                                                  – localhost
                                                                                  Apr 7 '13 at 23:45

                                                                                up vote
                                                                                down vote

                                                                                up vote
                                                                                down vote

                                                                                Where you see the light on the side of the touch pad double tap that to enable. The light turns on when the pad is disabled and off when is enabled.

                                                                                PS. The small light in on the upper left hand side of the pad you wanna double tap on the light itself. There is no button there.

                                                                                Note: If your touch pad has a "dip" in the upper left corner, double tap that to enable/disable the touch pad.

                                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                                Where you see the light on the side of the touch pad double tap that to enable. The light turns on when the pad is disabled and off when is enabled.

                                                                                PS. The small light in on the upper left hand side of the pad you wanna double tap on the light itself. There is no button there.

                                                                                Note: If your touch pad has a "dip" in the upper left corner, double tap that to enable/disable the touch pad.

                                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                                edited Mar 8 '13 at 13:50




                                                                                answered Aug 8 '12 at 20:49




                                                                                • Seems a bit harsh to me to vote down what seems like a reasonable answer.
                                                                                  – localhost
                                                                                  Apr 7 '13 at 23:45

                                                                                • Seems a bit harsh to me to vote down what seems like a reasonable answer.
                                                                                  – localhost
                                                                                  Apr 7 '13 at 23:45

                                                                                Seems a bit harsh to me to vote down what seems like a reasonable answer.
                                                                                – localhost
                                                                                Apr 7 '13 at 23:45

                                                                                Seems a bit harsh to me to vote down what seems like a reasonable answer.
                                                                                – localhost
                                                                                Apr 7 '13 at 23:45

                                                                                up vote
                                                                                down vote

                                                                                If you have a Compaq Presario CQ62 and your mouse pad is locked, at the top of the keyboard there is a lock picture. Just click that, and it will remove the red light.

                                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                                  up vote
                                                                                  down vote

                                                                                  If you have a Compaq Presario CQ62 and your mouse pad is locked, at the top of the keyboard there is a lock picture. Just click that, and it will remove the red light.

                                                                                  share|improve this answer

                                                                                    up vote
                                                                                    down vote

                                                                                    up vote
                                                                                    down vote

                                                                                    If you have a Compaq Presario CQ62 and your mouse pad is locked, at the top of the keyboard there is a lock picture. Just click that, and it will remove the red light.

                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                    If you have a Compaq Presario CQ62 and your mouse pad is locked, at the top of the keyboard there is a lock picture. Just click that, and it will remove the red light.

                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                    edited Jun 26 '13 at 19:04




                                                                                    answered Jun 26 '13 at 18:44




                                                                                        up vote
                                                                                        down vote

                                                                                        I have a compaq Presario 57 and have done this repeatedly all you do is double tap the dip in the upper left corner of the pad itself not the light, this will turn it off and since it is disabled it wont turn it back on. you hold the alt key down and double tap it will turn back on instantly.

                                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                                          up vote
                                                                                          down vote

                                                                                          I have a compaq Presario 57 and have done this repeatedly all you do is double tap the dip in the upper left corner of the pad itself not the light, this will turn it off and since it is disabled it wont turn it back on. you hold the alt key down and double tap it will turn back on instantly.

                                                                                          share|improve this answer

                                                                                            up vote
                                                                                            down vote

                                                                                            up vote
                                                                                            down vote

                                                                                            I have a compaq Presario 57 and have done this repeatedly all you do is double tap the dip in the upper left corner of the pad itself not the light, this will turn it off and since it is disabled it wont turn it back on. you hold the alt key down and double tap it will turn back on instantly.

                                                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                                                            I have a compaq Presario 57 and have done this repeatedly all you do is double tap the dip in the upper left corner of the pad itself not the light, this will turn it off and since it is disabled it wont turn it back on. you hold the alt key down and double tap it will turn back on instantly.

                                                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                                                            answered Sep 2 '14 at 9:09




                                                                                                up vote
                                                                                                down vote

                                                                                                Go to Control panel, mouse, and you should have a submenu called Device Settings (win8). Press Reset Devices, wait and that's all!

                                                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                                                  up vote
                                                                                                  down vote

                                                                                                  Go to Control panel, mouse, and you should have a submenu called Device Settings (win8). Press Reset Devices, wait and that's all!

                                                                                                  share|improve this answer

                                                                                                    up vote
                                                                                                    down vote

                                                                                                    up vote
                                                                                                    down vote

                                                                                                    Go to Control panel, mouse, and you should have a submenu called Device Settings (win8). Press Reset Devices, wait and that's all!

                                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                                    Go to Control panel, mouse, and you should have a submenu called Device Settings (win8). Press Reset Devices, wait and that's all!

                                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                                                    answered Mar 30 '15 at 17:32




                                                                                                        up vote
                                                                                                        down vote

                                                                                                        Go to device manager, then Uninstall the driver but don't delete the driver.

                                                                                                        Then I restart and install the driver again. after it reinstalls VIOLA. It works.

                                                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                                                          up vote
                                                                                                          down vote

                                                                                                          Go to device manager, then Uninstall the driver but don't delete the driver.

                                                                                                          Then I restart and install the driver again. after it reinstalls VIOLA. It works.

                                                                                                          share|improve this answer

                                                                                                            up vote
                                                                                                            down vote

                                                                                                            up vote
                                                                                                            down vote

                                                                                                            Go to device manager, then Uninstall the driver but don't delete the driver.

                                                                                                            Then I restart and install the driver again. after it reinstalls VIOLA. It works.

                                                                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                                                                            Go to device manager, then Uninstall the driver but don't delete the driver.

                                                                                                            Then I restart and install the driver again. after it reinstalls VIOLA. It works.

                                                                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                                                                            edited Feb 20 '14 at 18:54




                                                                                                            answered Feb 20 '14 at 16:58




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