How to get rid of Bedbugs?

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Is there any natural or other way of getting rid of bedbugs? Is there any kind of chemical with another purpose that also works to kick out the bedbugs that is available in the market?

I know that there are pest control services available, but they are costly and we have to totally pack the room for at least 12 hours.

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  • I'm not going to post this as an answer, but Malathion ( is what I used to get rid of my infestation, after struggling with it for years. Whether it is legal for indoor use varies by country, but it is easy to buy and was very effective. Be very careful with the fumes (vent your home thoroughly and do not use if you have pets or children in the home!). Dilute according to the instructions and spray known infestation sites and on beds and other furniture. Put a waterproof mattress encasement on first to prevent absorption (it smells bad).
    – M Miller
    Nov 28 at 1:43

  • 5

    Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
    – Lee Daniel Crocker
    2 days ago

  • 1

    12 hours of your room being packed is the least of your problems... be ready to live out of plastic bags for a few months.
    – djechlin
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote


Is there any natural or other way of getting rid of bedbugs? Is there any kind of chemical with another purpose that also works to kick out the bedbugs that is available in the market?

I know that there are pest control services available, but they are costly and we have to totally pack the room for at least 12 hours.

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  • I'm not going to post this as an answer, but Malathion ( is what I used to get rid of my infestation, after struggling with it for years. Whether it is legal for indoor use varies by country, but it is easy to buy and was very effective. Be very careful with the fumes (vent your home thoroughly and do not use if you have pets or children in the home!). Dilute according to the instructions and spray known infestation sites and on beds and other furniture. Put a waterproof mattress encasement on first to prevent absorption (it smells bad).
    – M Miller
    Nov 28 at 1:43

  • 5

    Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
    – Lee Daniel Crocker
    2 days ago

  • 1

    12 hours of your room being packed is the least of your problems... be ready to live out of plastic bags for a few months.
    – djechlin
    2 days ago

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up vote
down vote



Is there any natural or other way of getting rid of bedbugs? Is there any kind of chemical with another purpose that also works to kick out the bedbugs that is available in the market?

I know that there are pest control services available, but they are costly and we have to totally pack the room for at least 12 hours.

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Is there any natural or other way of getting rid of bedbugs? Is there any kind of chemical with another purpose that also works to kick out the bedbugs that is available in the market?

I know that there are pest control services available, but they are costly and we have to totally pack the room for at least 12 hours.

cleaning pest-control bedroom insects house-cleaning

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edited Nov 28 at 11:27




asked Nov 27 at 12:16

Creepy Creature



  • I'm not going to post this as an answer, but Malathion ( is what I used to get rid of my infestation, after struggling with it for years. Whether it is legal for indoor use varies by country, but it is easy to buy and was very effective. Be very careful with the fumes (vent your home thoroughly and do not use if you have pets or children in the home!). Dilute according to the instructions and spray known infestation sites and on beds and other furniture. Put a waterproof mattress encasement on first to prevent absorption (it smells bad).
    – M Miller
    Nov 28 at 1:43

  • 5

    Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
    – Lee Daniel Crocker
    2 days ago

  • 1

    12 hours of your room being packed is the least of your problems... be ready to live out of plastic bags for a few months.
    – djechlin
    2 days ago

  • I'm not going to post this as an answer, but Malathion ( is what I used to get rid of my infestation, after struggling with it for years. Whether it is legal for indoor use varies by country, but it is easy to buy and was very effective. Be very careful with the fumes (vent your home thoroughly and do not use if you have pets or children in the home!). Dilute according to the instructions and spray known infestation sites and on beds and other furniture. Put a waterproof mattress encasement on first to prevent absorption (it smells bad).
    – M Miller
    Nov 28 at 1:43

  • 5

    Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
    – Lee Daniel Crocker
    2 days ago

  • 1

    12 hours of your room being packed is the least of your problems... be ready to live out of plastic bags for a few months.
    – djechlin
    2 days ago

I'm not going to post this as an answer, but Malathion ( is what I used to get rid of my infestation, after struggling with it for years. Whether it is legal for indoor use varies by country, but it is easy to buy and was very effective. Be very careful with the fumes (vent your home thoroughly and do not use if you have pets or children in the home!). Dilute according to the instructions and spray known infestation sites and on beds and other furniture. Put a waterproof mattress encasement on first to prevent absorption (it smells bad).
– M Miller
Nov 28 at 1:43

I'm not going to post this as an answer, but Malathion ( is what I used to get rid of my infestation, after struggling with it for years. Whether it is legal for indoor use varies by country, but it is easy to buy and was very effective. Be very careful with the fumes (vent your home thoroughly and do not use if you have pets or children in the home!). Dilute according to the instructions and spray known infestation sites and on beds and other furniture. Put a waterproof mattress encasement on first to prevent absorption (it smells bad).
– M Miller
Nov 28 at 1:43



Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
– Lee Daniel Crocker
2 days ago

Nuke 'em from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
– Lee Daniel Crocker
2 days ago



12 hours of your room being packed is the least of your problems... be ready to live out of plastic bags for a few months.
– djechlin
2 days ago

12 hours of your room being packed is the least of your problems... be ready to live out of plastic bags for a few months.
– djechlin
2 days ago

13 Answers




up vote
down vote

Get an exterminator/pest control expert, especially if you are living close to other people. It is not just your problem if your natural remedy doesn't work, it is their problem too. The only effective way to stop an infestation is to attack it as strongly as possible as quickly as possible. This is not something you should try to lifehack your way out of.

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llama is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 22

    No, pyrethroids are the most commonly used insecticide against bed bugs and they are generally harmless to humans (but toxic to cats). Your neighbours finding out that YOU are responsible for their bedbug infestation is much more harmful to your health.
    – llama
    Nov 27 at 18:40

  • 3

    @CreepyCreature If you can find some way to heat your entire house to 60 degrees or higher for several hours without an exterminator, then go for it. Maybe they will rent you the special heaters and you can do it yourself. But this really is a job for professionals.
    – Michael Hampton
    Nov 27 at 19:14

  • 15

    I know people who have had to move because of bedbugs. Spare no expense in destroying them. Don't be scared of "chemicals" just because they have names that are scary sounding: YOU HAVE LITERAL MONSTERS EATING YOUR BLOOD AT NIGHT.
    – thumbtackthief
    Nov 27 at 22:10

  • 31

    Dammit, cyanide is natural. Arsenic is natural. "Natural" and "safe" are NOT SYNONYMS. Now I'm all angry.
    – thumbtackthief
    Nov 27 at 22:16

  • 11

    @CreepyCreature Correct, this question will help someone later—if they come here and see that the only answer is to call in professionals.
    – KRyan
    Nov 27 at 22:18

up vote
down vote

Heat, cold, and diatomaceous earth all kill bedbugs.

Cold --
I've successfully rid a home of bedbugs by turning off the water, blowing out the pipes, pouring antifreeze in toilets, tanks, and u-traps, then opening the windows in January to let the house freeze (this in a northern climate). Temperatures in the house hovered between -20F and 40F for two months. Not extremely practical, but nobody was living in the house. And it worked. The infestation was crazy (millions) and this apparently killed the bugs and the eggs. I think the important thing here might be (and this is conjecture) that eggs likely hatched on warmer days, then it would freeze again and kill the starving critters.

Heat --
Close your windows, remove any aerosol cans, gas cans, hydrocarbons, clean out and turn off your fridge, get your food out. Common sense things. Take off your baseboards to allow air to circulate better there. Then heat your house to 60C for a few days, using fans to blow the air around. I've never tried this, but logic says it would work. Problem, there may be leaks to the outside, e.g. in a wall, that keep a space cool and the bugs don't all die. Probably best to get an infrared camera and use that to make sure everything is heated enough. Or, get a pro to do this.

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) --
This is like micro glass shards, and totally natural (shells and remains from dead ocean diatoms). Take off baseboards and remove outlet covers. Sprinkle DE everywhere, including in your sheets, on your pillow, on your mattress, in your drawers, in the outlets, and blow it under the drywall. Walk around in the stuff for a few weeks, making sure that your sheets have it every night. This kills by bleeding out the poor bastards, poking them so they loose all their moisture, but it will be soft on your skin. You need to have it around for each hatch, and gotta get enough of it so it kills them before they lay eggs. Hence several weeks.

As you can see, anything other than concentrated chemicals is a PITA.

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Eric Krantz is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 3

    It’s not unheard of for professionals to use these methods, either—and you should still call them. When I was a little kid, our apartment got infested with bedbugs, and while they fumigated the apartment itself, it was decided that my stuffed animals—which were infested, but which I slept with and might well have put in my mouth at that age—were instead put out on the balcony for a good long time, through a Northeast US winter.
    – KRyan
    Nov 28 at 0:02

  • I have heard that people use dry ice to freeze the portion of the house that is infested. They start hibernating during the cold and there activity also decreases. I think cold will work. And luckily it's November now.
    – Creepy Creature
    Nov 28 at 4:45

  • Diatomaceous Earth (DE) looks interesting.
    – Creepy Creature
    Nov 28 at 4:53

  • 9

    About DE, it should be noted that exposure to it significantly heightens the risk of lung cancer (hazard ratio around 2) as well as NMRD (hazard ratio close to 4) with elevated mortality. That's admittedly number for people working in DE production for at least one year, but still... pouring the stuff in your bed sheets is not precisely low-exposure either. So, if someone like the OP is afraid of having pest patrol shed a few chemicals, I don't think this is really the to-go solution. Natural or not. I mean, asbestos is perfectly natural, too.
    – Damon
    Nov 28 at 15:22

  • 8

    Using DE is an absolute nightmare. It works if you do it right, but it's basically impossible to clean up afterwards. If you have vinyl or similar flooring, it will embed itself into it forever. Most household vacuums won't work properly on it with carpet, and you'll probably ruin the vacuum trying. Sweeping it up from hardwood mostly just kicks it up into the air again, while taking days to settle back down for another attempt. It stays around for months and months afterward, and is basically impossible to explain to any visitors without looking crazy. But yes, it did kill the bedbugs.
    – TIO Begs
    Nov 28 at 15:42

up vote
down vote

Tough thing, you probably want to swing the chemical mace. There are mainly two natural ways of getting rid of bed bugs that actually work, but neither one is really easy or straightforward.

  1. Starve them. This takes time. A lot of it. You can starve lice within a day or two, and flea within 4-5 days. Bed bugs, uh... more like 2-3 months. So unless you have a summer residence and can move there over the summer you're out of luck.

  2. Heat them. Bed bugs are moderately sensitive to temperature. What does "moderately" mean? Well, 48-50°C (around 115-120°F). Keep that for an hour or two, and your problem is gone. No, I'm not joking. What can I say but: be grateful it isn't 75°C. I'll admit that heating up your bedroom to that temperature can be a challenge.

So, all in all, chemicals aren't the worst option, really.

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  • My mom earlier used to place all the bedsheets and other thing outside in the sun. The sun used to heat up everything and kick out those bugs and remove the smell also. This method worked. But now living in building, makes it difficult to get some sunlight.
    – Creepy Creature
    2 days ago

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down vote

What did I (with success):

  • Used a steam generator to process all the beds including the smallest holes.

  • Surrounded all the beds' legs with the dry boric acid making sure that the only way for the bugs lays through it (when they go towards their food - sleeping people).

  • Bugs contact with acid and die some time later (not instantly). About a month may be required for getting rid of all of them.

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user is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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    up vote
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    Three words. BORIC ACID POWDER. Period.

    works for small roaches and other insects as well. The powder has long life and is not harmful for humans. Even children. Be sure to spread in the right areas i.e. all around, inside, under beds, electric sockets etc.

    Also second natural ways by leaving house to extreme cold temperatures. Usually a warm area problem so this solution will not be applicable most of the times. In warm climates take all furniture, beds, sheets, Clothing and put under direct sunlight during daytime.

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    Kris is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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      up vote
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      You should seek professional help as @llama suggested. However, I just wanted to add another answer with some references I found from UMN and Cornell due to the lack of references in the other answers and my rep is too low to comment. - Suggests ways to control bedbugs AND - These mention various examples of what not to do when an infestation strikes... Like throwing out the mattress since this can cause further contamination or using chemicals when not a trained professional for health reasons.

      *This is my first post on this SE! Please edit as needed!

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      GurpusMaximus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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        up vote
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        I know one of the process of getting rid of bedbugs but you need to spend some energy. It will take a week but it is very effective. You can call it a natural way or may be other.

        Everyday make a strong diluted solution of detergent powder (we use surf excel or Ariel here) not detergent liquid after which you have to wash your entire floor with that solution. If not possible then sweep with that solution everyday. Also make a strong concentrated solution of detergent powder and pour it in a liquid sprayer bottle. Evenly spray it in infested area everyday.

        A slight contact with this solution instantly kills the bedbug and even it's eggs get infertile.

        The detergent powder solution is alkaline. But I never understood why they were killed?

        share|improve this answer

          up vote
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          I covered the lot in anti bed bug powder that I found in the shop, not sure what it was made off, but I also wrapped all my mattresses and pillows in clingfilm for a couple of months, also covering them in the powder.

          Also used celo gel, the stuff you find in new shoes, on the floor under the bed mixed with the powder.

          And used a spray of places like keyboards etc.

          All that seemed to work, but I lived in a small flat and caught infestation early.

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          Yuriy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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            up vote
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            Getting rid of bedbugs begins with cleaning up the places where bedbugs live. This should include the following:

            Clean bedding, linens, curtains, and clothing in hot water and dry them on the highest dryer setting. Place stuffed animals, shoes, and other items that can't be washed in the dryer and run on high for 30 minutes.
            Use a stiff brush to scrub mattress seams to remove bedbugs and their eggs before vacuuming.
            Vacuum your bed and surrounding area frequently. After vacuuming, immediately place the vacuum cleaner bag in a plastic bag and place in garbage can outdoors.
            Encase mattress and box springs with a tightly woven, zippered cover to keep bedbugs from entering or escaping. Bedbugs may live up to a year without feeding, so keep the cover on your mattress for at least a year to make sure all bugs in the mattress are dead.
            Repair cracks in plaster and glue down peeling wallpaper to get rid of places bedbugs can hide.
            Get rid of clutter around the bed.


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            life Hacker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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              up vote
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              Don't over look the simple solution. We leased an apartment here in Tulsa for almost five years and until we moved out. The cat lady upstairs had bedbugs (and fleas). The bedbugs would occasionally get through the electrical conduit holes from upstairs, arriving in our bathroom. Until then, I didn't even know what a bedbug looked like.

              What kept us from getting bedbugs was that we put all our mattresses and box springs in bedbug-proof covers. Then get the bed out from touching any wall, or foreign object. Spray the legs of the bed with bedbug spray. Always make the bed up tightly, so insects have difficulty crawling into the bed clothes.

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              Larry Paden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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              • A good post but keep to the point. Remove material not pertinent to bedbugs.
                – RedSonja
                2 days ago

              up vote
              down vote

              Kill bedbugs with heat, but be careful. Raising the indoor temperature with the thermostat or a space heater won't do the job. Special equipment and very high temperatures are necessary for successful heat treatment. Black plastic bag in the sun might work to kill bugs in luggage or small items, if the contents become hot enough. Bed bugs die when their body temperature reaches 45 degrees Celsius. To kill bed bugs with heat, the room or container must be even hotter.

              Another method is to seal your mattress with a mattress cover. The bedbugs living in mattresses will eventually die.

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              sania is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                up vote
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                Use one of these natural methods to remove bed bugs.

                These are from the article Get rid of bed bugs naturally at Natural Living Ideas.

                1. Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, and Oregano Bed Bug Fighting Spray

                This homemade powder is especially effective when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs. The spiciness of cayenne and ginger, combined with the strong smell of oregano essential oil that’s known to offend bed bugs, makes it especially potent.

                To make it you’ll need the following ingredients

                • 1 tsp cayenne pepper

                • 1 tsp grated ginger

                • 1 tsp oregano essential oil

                • 1 cup water


                1. Add the cayenne pepper, grated ginger, and oregano essential oil to the cup of water in a pan on the stove.

                2. Boil the water for about 7 minutes.

                3. Strain the solution into a spray bottle and then spray it around any entry points of rooms that have bed bugs, as well as around bed frames, mattresses, etc. You may need to repeat this process every few days until the problem has been resolved.

                2. Tea Tree Oil

                Tea tree oil is antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiseptic, expectorant and antiviral. It’s not only great for inhibiting viral and bacterial infections, it can also be used to kill insects, including bed bugs, as it has anti-parasitic properties to which make it capable of destroying or suppressing their growth.

                For a minor bed bug infestation, you may be able to use tea tree oil to fight it off before it gets out of hand. Dilute 20 drops of 100% pure tea tree oil in a spray bottle with water and then thoroughly spray affected furnishings. Getting under, around and on all areas of an affected mattresses, as well as walls, cabinets, curtains, cushions and other soft materials, in addition to washing linens and any fabrics in the hottest water possible. Repeat the process once a week until the problem is totally eliminated.

                3. Lavender/Peppermint Oil Pesticide Spray

                While most of us associate the floral aroma of lavender with soaps, relaxation, and calm, surprisingly, it can also be used as an effective way to battle bed bugs. In fact, lavender essential oil has been used as a bug repellent for centuries, often utilized to protect clothes and linens from the infestation of moths and other insects.

                Similar to tea tree oil, lavender essential oil can make an excellent, effective natural spray for killing bed bugs as it contains insect-repelling properties that are toxic to them, but entirely safe for us and our pets. One study that looked at the effects of essential oils and their use for insect and bug control discovered that a combination of lavender oil and peppermint oil managed to effectively kill insects. Lavender oil, in particular, is known to destroy the eggs and larvae of bed bugs, as well as repelling the bed bugs themselves. Peppermint oil also offers powerful repellent action. In fact, one study, published in the Malaria Journal demonstrated why it works – the researchers proved that it provides strong repellent action when applied to exposed body parts. It also showed significant larvicidal and mosquito repellent action, with mosquito larvae killed 24 hours after exposure to a solution of peppermint oil and water.

                To make this natural pesticide spray, simply fill a spray bottle with water, and add about 15 drops of lavender essential oil and 15 drops of peppermint oil – both available to buy from here. Shake well and then spray in all infested areas of your home. Continue to do this daily until all signs of the bed bugs are gone.

                4. Peppermint Leaves

                You can also use peppermint leaves to get rid of bed bugs, for the reasons above – the oil in the leaves offers powerful bug repellent action. Simply crush up dry mint leaves to make about one cup, and then spread the crushed leaves around infested areas. Of course, if you have a bigger problem, you may need two or three cups of the leaves. Repeat once a week until the problem is gone, vacuuming up the old leaves that have lost their potency, replacing with new ones.

                5. Black Walnut Tea

                Black walnut tea offers anti-fungal, antibacterial, insecticidal and repellent properties help to eliminate bed bugs. It’s also a rather ingenious way to use tea bags that you would otherwise have tossed out, but of course, you’d probably rather not have that problem in the first place. Simply place used black walnut tea bags strategically throughout your home, in all nooks and corners, mattresses and bedding, to eliminate the bugs and their eggs.

                Note: These are the natural way of removing bedbugs so they are definitely taking long time as compared to any other chemical.I personally used method #3 which proved to be more effective not only in removing bedbugs but also for mosquitoes.

                Though it took us 4 days to remove them 70% of bedbugs and we kept on doing this for one week(we did it at the very beginning of their appearance) that is why it took less time but it might take longer in other cases.

                To get rid of them in less time then we have to use chemical solutions.

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                Mudassir Awan is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                • 22

                  Do you have any experience you can cite (your own or someone else's) that indicates these methods actually work? These remedies are copied from Natural Living Ideas which doesn't provide any citation of experience of these methods working, just provides "ideas" and writes about them as if they'll work.
                  – doppelgreener
                  Nov 27 at 17:57

                • 19

                  Keep in mind that while something might work as a repellant, that's not the same thing as killing them. With bedbugs, it's critical that you kill them, plus destroy their eggs. Otherwise, you're just chasing them to someone else's house, and they'll be back in yours soon.
                  – bta
                  Nov 27 at 19:18

                • 6

                  @Chenmunka I'm fairly confident we can safely downvote this unresearched answer as a whole.
                  – thumbtackthief
                  Nov 27 at 22:12

                • 11

                  DO NOT DO ANY OF THESE. They will not work. Terrible, uninformed, and incorrect answer. Hire an exterminator. No one ever wants to hire an exterminator. But that is still what you need to do.
                  – only_pro
                  Nov 27 at 22:48

                • 11

                  This is all garbage. Bed Bugs are notoriously resilient and care not about 'repellents' or anything of the sort. Kill them with extreme heat (in the realm of about 60c - 70c) or chemicals that actually kill them. Call an exterminator.
                  – mkautzm
                  Nov 27 at 23:12

                up vote
                down vote

                Funny thing no one will vote this answer up but this is the only answer that works (worked for me).

                You could keep popping them spraying them even heating the whole room up will not help kill them all and a few will survive anyways.

                You could try killing these bedbugs for years but every couple of days they will replenish back to numbers again.

                Anyways the only way to get rid of them is to throw the mattresses out, that's like throwing out their lifesource that puts them into a depression and you have to move living in a uninhabitable room (living room) they wont walk from one room to the other because they will be in a depression and just die out from hunger after a year or so and you could move back in there.

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                SSpoke is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                • 10

                  Tell me again how you know bed bugs experience depression?
                  – mkautzm
                  Nov 27 at 23:13

                • I already explained it when they lose their main source of food and shelter they go into depression and just go into the walls and die out there they don't try to go to the next room they think its all over.
                  – SSpoke
                  Nov 28 at 0:08

                • 4

                  I encourage you to substantiate that claim with research of some kind.
                  – mkautzm
                  Nov 28 at 0:47

                • 8

                  Well, your experience is wrong. There is no evidence to suggest that bed bugs become 'depressed', and there is a lot of research to suggest that they definitely have no problem moving from location to location in a house.
                  – mkautzm
                  Nov 28 at 1:30

                • 3

                  @SSpoke I don't think someone who can't tell the difference between whales and bedbugs should be commenting on anyone else's intelligence.
                  – thumbtackthief
                  2 days ago

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                13 Answers




                13 Answers










                up vote
                down vote

                Get an exterminator/pest control expert, especially if you are living close to other people. It is not just your problem if your natural remedy doesn't work, it is their problem too. The only effective way to stop an infestation is to attack it as strongly as possible as quickly as possible. This is not something you should try to lifehack your way out of.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                llama is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                • 22

                  No, pyrethroids are the most commonly used insecticide against bed bugs and they are generally harmless to humans (but toxic to cats). Your neighbours finding out that YOU are responsible for their bedbug infestation is much more harmful to your health.
                  – llama
                  Nov 27 at 18:40

                • 3

                  @CreepyCreature If you can find some way to heat your entire house to 60 degrees or higher for several hours without an exterminator, then go for it. Maybe they will rent you the special heaters and you can do it yourself. But this really is a job for professionals.
                  – Michael Hampton
                  Nov 27 at 19:14

                • 15

                  I know people who have had to move because of bedbugs. Spare no expense in destroying them. Don't be scared of "chemicals" just because they have names that are scary sounding: YOU HAVE LITERAL MONSTERS EATING YOUR BLOOD AT NIGHT.
                  – thumbtackthief
                  Nov 27 at 22:10

                • 31

                  Dammit, cyanide is natural. Arsenic is natural. "Natural" and "safe" are NOT SYNONYMS. Now I'm all angry.
                  – thumbtackthief
                  Nov 27 at 22:16

                • 11

                  @CreepyCreature Correct, this question will help someone later—if they come here and see that the only answer is to call in professionals.
                  – KRyan
                  Nov 27 at 22:18

                up vote
                down vote

                Get an exterminator/pest control expert, especially if you are living close to other people. It is not just your problem if your natural remedy doesn't work, it is their problem too. The only effective way to stop an infestation is to attack it as strongly as possible as quickly as possible. This is not something you should try to lifehack your way out of.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                llama is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                • 22

                  No, pyrethroids are the most commonly used insecticide against bed bugs and they are generally harmless to humans (but toxic to cats). Your neighbours finding out that YOU are responsible for their bedbug infestation is much more harmful to your health.
                  – llama
                  Nov 27 at 18:40

                • 3

                  @CreepyCreature If you can find some way to heat your entire house to 60 degrees or higher for several hours without an exterminator, then go for it. Maybe they will rent you the special heaters and you can do it yourself. But this really is a job for professionals.
                  – Michael Hampton
                  Nov 27 at 19:14

                • 15

                  I know people who have had to move because of bedbugs. Spare no expense in destroying them. Don't be scared of "chemicals" just because they have names that are scary sounding: YOU HAVE LITERAL MONSTERS EATING YOUR BLOOD AT NIGHT.
                  – thumbtackthief
                  Nov 27 at 22:10

                • 31

                  Dammit, cyanide is natural. Arsenic is natural. "Natural" and "safe" are NOT SYNONYMS. Now I'm all angry.
                  – thumbtackthief
                  Nov 27 at 22:16

                • 11

                  @CreepyCreature Correct, this question will help someone later—if they come here and see that the only answer is to call in professionals.
                  – KRyan
                  Nov 27 at 22:18

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                Get an exterminator/pest control expert, especially if you are living close to other people. It is not just your problem if your natural remedy doesn't work, it is their problem too. The only effective way to stop an infestation is to attack it as strongly as possible as quickly as possible. This is not something you should try to lifehack your way out of.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                llama is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                Get an exterminator/pest control expert, especially if you are living close to other people. It is not just your problem if your natural remedy doesn't work, it is their problem too. The only effective way to stop an infestation is to attack it as strongly as possible as quickly as possible. This is not something you should try to lifehack your way out of.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                llama is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                llama is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                answered Nov 27 at 17:17




                New contributor

                llama is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                New contributor

                llama is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                llama is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                • 22

                  No, pyrethroids are the most commonly used insecticide against bed bugs and they are generally harmless to humans (but toxic to cats). Your neighbours finding out that YOU are responsible for their bedbug infestation is much more harmful to your health.
                  – llama
                  Nov 27 at 18:40

                • 3

                  @CreepyCreature If you can find some way to heat your entire house to 60 degrees or higher for several hours without an exterminator, then go for it. Maybe they will rent you the special heaters and you can do it yourself. But this really is a job for professionals.
                  – Michael Hampton
                  Nov 27 at 19:14

                • 15

                  I know people who have had to move because of bedbugs. Spare no expense in destroying them. Don't be scared of "chemicals" just because they have names that are scary sounding: YOU HAVE LITERAL MONSTERS EATING YOUR BLOOD AT NIGHT.
                  – thumbtackthief
                  Nov 27 at 22:10

                • 31

                  Dammit, cyanide is natural. Arsenic is natural. "Natural" and "safe" are NOT SYNONYMS. Now I'm all angry.
                  – thumbtackthief
                  Nov 27 at 22:16

                • 11

                  @CreepyCreature Correct, this question will help someone later—if they come here and see that the only answer is to call in professionals.
                  – KRyan
                  Nov 27 at 22:18

                • 22

                  No, pyrethroids are the most commonly used insecticide against bed bugs and they are generally harmless to humans (but toxic to cats). Your neighbours finding out that YOU are responsible for their bedbug infestation is much more harmful to your health.
                  – llama
                  Nov 27 at 18:40

                • 3

                  @CreepyCreature If you can find some way to heat your entire house to 60 degrees or higher for several hours without an exterminator, then go for it. Maybe they will rent you the special heaters and you can do it yourself. But this really is a job for professionals.
                  – Michael Hampton
                  Nov 27 at 19:14

                • 15

                  I know people who have had to move because of bedbugs. Spare no expense in destroying them. Don't be scared of "chemicals" just because they have names that are scary sounding: YOU HAVE LITERAL MONSTERS EATING YOUR BLOOD AT NIGHT.
                  – thumbtackthief
                  Nov 27 at 22:10

                • 31

                  Dammit, cyanide is natural. Arsenic is natural. "Natural" and "safe" are NOT SYNONYMS. Now I'm all angry.
                  – thumbtackthief
                  Nov 27 at 22:16

                • 11

                  @CreepyCreature Correct, this question will help someone later—if they come here and see that the only answer is to call in professionals.
                  – KRyan
                  Nov 27 at 22:18



                No, pyrethroids are the most commonly used insecticide against bed bugs and they are generally harmless to humans (but toxic to cats). Your neighbours finding out that YOU are responsible for their bedbug infestation is much more harmful to your health.
                – llama
                Nov 27 at 18:40

                No, pyrethroids are the most commonly used insecticide against bed bugs and they are generally harmless to humans (but toxic to cats). Your neighbours finding out that YOU are responsible for their bedbug infestation is much more harmful to your health.
                – llama
                Nov 27 at 18:40



                @CreepyCreature If you can find some way to heat your entire house to 60 degrees or higher for several hours without an exterminator, then go for it. Maybe they will rent you the special heaters and you can do it yourself. But this really is a job for professionals.
                – Michael Hampton
                Nov 27 at 19:14

                @CreepyCreature If you can find some way to heat your entire house to 60 degrees or higher for several hours without an exterminator, then go for it. Maybe they will rent you the special heaters and you can do it yourself. But this really is a job for professionals.
                – Michael Hampton
                Nov 27 at 19:14



                I know people who have had to move because of bedbugs. Spare no expense in destroying them. Don't be scared of "chemicals" just because they have names that are scary sounding: YOU HAVE LITERAL MONSTERS EATING YOUR BLOOD AT NIGHT.
                – thumbtackthief
                Nov 27 at 22:10

                I know people who have had to move because of bedbugs. Spare no expense in destroying them. Don't be scared of "chemicals" just because they have names that are scary sounding: YOU HAVE LITERAL MONSTERS EATING YOUR BLOOD AT NIGHT.
                – thumbtackthief
                Nov 27 at 22:10



                Dammit, cyanide is natural. Arsenic is natural. "Natural" and "safe" are NOT SYNONYMS. Now I'm all angry.
                – thumbtackthief
                Nov 27 at 22:16

                Dammit, cyanide is natural. Arsenic is natural. "Natural" and "safe" are NOT SYNONYMS. Now I'm all angry.
                – thumbtackthief
                Nov 27 at 22:16



                @CreepyCreature Correct, this question will help someone later—if they come here and see that the only answer is to call in professionals.
                – KRyan
                Nov 27 at 22:18

                @CreepyCreature Correct, this question will help someone later—if they come here and see that the only answer is to call in professionals.
                – KRyan
                Nov 27 at 22:18

                up vote
                down vote

                Heat, cold, and diatomaceous earth all kill bedbugs.

                Cold --
                I've successfully rid a home of bedbugs by turning off the water, blowing out the pipes, pouring antifreeze in toilets, tanks, and u-traps, then opening the windows in January to let the house freeze (this in a northern climate). Temperatures in the house hovered between -20F and 40F for two months. Not extremely practical, but nobody was living in the house. And it worked. The infestation was crazy (millions) and this apparently killed the bugs and the eggs. I think the important thing here might be (and this is conjecture) that eggs likely hatched on warmer days, then it would freeze again and kill the starving critters.

                Heat --
                Close your windows, remove any aerosol cans, gas cans, hydrocarbons, clean out and turn off your fridge, get your food out. Common sense things. Take off your baseboards to allow air to circulate better there. Then heat your house to 60C for a few days, using fans to blow the air around. I've never tried this, but logic says it would work. Problem, there may be leaks to the outside, e.g. in a wall, that keep a space cool and the bugs don't all die. Probably best to get an infrared camera and use that to make sure everything is heated enough. Or, get a pro to do this.

                Diatomaceous Earth (DE) --
                This is like micro glass shards, and totally natural (shells and remains from dead ocean diatoms). Take off baseboards and remove outlet covers. Sprinkle DE everywhere, including in your sheets, on your pillow, on your mattress, in your drawers, in the outlets, and blow it under the drywall. Walk around in the stuff for a few weeks, making sure that your sheets have it every night. This kills by bleeding out the poor bastards, poking them so they loose all their moisture, but it will be soft on your skin. You need to have it around for each hatch, and gotta get enough of it so it kills them before they lay eggs. Hence several weeks.

                As you can see, anything other than concentrated chemicals is a PITA.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Eric Krantz is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                • 3

                  It’s not unheard of for professionals to use these methods, either—and you should still call them. When I was a little kid, our apartment got infested with bedbugs, and while they fumigated the apartment itself, it was decided that my stuffed animals—which were infested, but which I slept with and might well have put in my mouth at that age—were instead put out on the balcony for a good long time, through a Northeast US winter.
                  – KRyan
                  Nov 28 at 0:02

                • I have heard that people use dry ice to freeze the portion of the house that is infested. They start hibernating during the cold and there activity also decreases. I think cold will work. And luckily it's November now.
                  – Creepy Creature
                  Nov 28 at 4:45

                • Diatomaceous Earth (DE) looks interesting.
                  – Creepy Creature
                  Nov 28 at 4:53

                • 9

                  About DE, it should be noted that exposure to it significantly heightens the risk of lung cancer (hazard ratio around 2) as well as NMRD (hazard ratio close to 4) with elevated mortality. That's admittedly number for people working in DE production for at least one year, but still... pouring the stuff in your bed sheets is not precisely low-exposure either. So, if someone like the OP is afraid of having pest patrol shed a few chemicals, I don't think this is really the to-go solution. Natural or not. I mean, asbestos is perfectly natural, too.
                  – Damon
                  Nov 28 at 15:22

                • 8

                  Using DE is an absolute nightmare. It works if you do it right, but it's basically impossible to clean up afterwards. If you have vinyl or similar flooring, it will embed itself into it forever. Most household vacuums won't work properly on it with carpet, and you'll probably ruin the vacuum trying. Sweeping it up from hardwood mostly just kicks it up into the air again, while taking days to settle back down for another attempt. It stays around for months and months afterward, and is basically impossible to explain to any visitors without looking crazy. But yes, it did kill the bedbugs.
                  – TIO Begs
                  Nov 28 at 15:42

                up vote
                down vote

                Heat, cold, and diatomaceous earth all kill bedbugs.

                Cold --
                I've successfully rid a home of bedbugs by turning off the water, blowing out the pipes, pouring antifreeze in toilets, tanks, and u-traps, then opening the windows in January to let the house freeze (this in a northern climate). Temperatures in the house hovered between -20F and 40F for two months. Not extremely practical, but nobody was living in the house. And it worked. The infestation was crazy (millions) and this apparently killed the bugs and the eggs. I think the important thing here might be (and this is conjecture) that eggs likely hatched on warmer days, then it would freeze again and kill the starving critters.

                Heat --
                Close your windows, remove any aerosol cans, gas cans, hydrocarbons, clean out and turn off your fridge, get your food out. Common sense things. Take off your baseboards to allow air to circulate better there. Then heat your house to 60C for a few days, using fans to blow the air around. I've never tried this, but logic says it would work. Problem, there may be leaks to the outside, e.g. in a wall, that keep a space cool and the bugs don't all die. Probably best to get an infrared camera and use that to make sure everything is heated enough. Or, get a pro to do this.

                Diatomaceous Earth (DE) --
                This is like micro glass shards, and totally natural (shells and remains from dead ocean diatoms). Take off baseboards and remove outlet covers. Sprinkle DE everywhere, including in your sheets, on your pillow, on your mattress, in your drawers, in the outlets, and blow it under the drywall. Walk around in the stuff for a few weeks, making sure that your sheets have it every night. This kills by bleeding out the poor bastards, poking them so they loose all their moisture, but it will be soft on your skin. You need to have it around for each hatch, and gotta get enough of it so it kills them before they lay eggs. Hence several weeks.

                As you can see, anything other than concentrated chemicals is a PITA.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Eric Krantz is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                • 3

                  It’s not unheard of for professionals to use these methods, either—and you should still call them. When I was a little kid, our apartment got infested with bedbugs, and while they fumigated the apartment itself, it was decided that my stuffed animals—which were infested, but which I slept with and might well have put in my mouth at that age—were instead put out on the balcony for a good long time, through a Northeast US winter.
                  – KRyan
                  Nov 28 at 0:02

                • I have heard that people use dry ice to freeze the portion of the house that is infested. They start hibernating during the cold and there activity also decreases. I think cold will work. And luckily it's November now.
                  – Creepy Creature
                  Nov 28 at 4:45

                • Diatomaceous Earth (DE) looks interesting.
                  – Creepy Creature
                  Nov 28 at 4:53

                • 9

                  About DE, it should be noted that exposure to it significantly heightens the risk of lung cancer (hazard ratio around 2) as well as NMRD (hazard ratio close to 4) with elevated mortality. That's admittedly number for people working in DE production for at least one year, but still... pouring the stuff in your bed sheets is not precisely low-exposure either. So, if someone like the OP is afraid of having pest patrol shed a few chemicals, I don't think this is really the to-go solution. Natural or not. I mean, asbestos is perfectly natural, too.
                  – Damon
                  Nov 28 at 15:22

                • 8

                  Using DE is an absolute nightmare. It works if you do it right, but it's basically impossible to clean up afterwards. If you have vinyl or similar flooring, it will embed itself into it forever. Most household vacuums won't work properly on it with carpet, and you'll probably ruin the vacuum trying. Sweeping it up from hardwood mostly just kicks it up into the air again, while taking days to settle back down for another attempt. It stays around for months and months afterward, and is basically impossible to explain to any visitors without looking crazy. But yes, it did kill the bedbugs.
                  – TIO Begs
                  Nov 28 at 15:42

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                Heat, cold, and diatomaceous earth all kill bedbugs.

                Cold --
                I've successfully rid a home of bedbugs by turning off the water, blowing out the pipes, pouring antifreeze in toilets, tanks, and u-traps, then opening the windows in January to let the house freeze (this in a northern climate). Temperatures in the house hovered between -20F and 40F for two months. Not extremely practical, but nobody was living in the house. And it worked. The infestation was crazy (millions) and this apparently killed the bugs and the eggs. I think the important thing here might be (and this is conjecture) that eggs likely hatched on warmer days, then it would freeze again and kill the starving critters.

                Heat --
                Close your windows, remove any aerosol cans, gas cans, hydrocarbons, clean out and turn off your fridge, get your food out. Common sense things. Take off your baseboards to allow air to circulate better there. Then heat your house to 60C for a few days, using fans to blow the air around. I've never tried this, but logic says it would work. Problem, there may be leaks to the outside, e.g. in a wall, that keep a space cool and the bugs don't all die. Probably best to get an infrared camera and use that to make sure everything is heated enough. Or, get a pro to do this.

                Diatomaceous Earth (DE) --
                This is like micro glass shards, and totally natural (shells and remains from dead ocean diatoms). Take off baseboards and remove outlet covers. Sprinkle DE everywhere, including in your sheets, on your pillow, on your mattress, in your drawers, in the outlets, and blow it under the drywall. Walk around in the stuff for a few weeks, making sure that your sheets have it every night. This kills by bleeding out the poor bastards, poking them so they loose all their moisture, but it will be soft on your skin. You need to have it around for each hatch, and gotta get enough of it so it kills them before they lay eggs. Hence several weeks.

                As you can see, anything other than concentrated chemicals is a PITA.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Eric Krantz is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                Heat, cold, and diatomaceous earth all kill bedbugs.

                Cold --
                I've successfully rid a home of bedbugs by turning off the water, blowing out the pipes, pouring antifreeze in toilets, tanks, and u-traps, then opening the windows in January to let the house freeze (this in a northern climate). Temperatures in the house hovered between -20F and 40F for two months. Not extremely practical, but nobody was living in the house. And it worked. The infestation was crazy (millions) and this apparently killed the bugs and the eggs. I think the important thing here might be (and this is conjecture) that eggs likely hatched on warmer days, then it would freeze again and kill the starving critters.

                Heat --
                Close your windows, remove any aerosol cans, gas cans, hydrocarbons, clean out and turn off your fridge, get your food out. Common sense things. Take off your baseboards to allow air to circulate better there. Then heat your house to 60C for a few days, using fans to blow the air around. I've never tried this, but logic says it would work. Problem, there may be leaks to the outside, e.g. in a wall, that keep a space cool and the bugs don't all die. Probably best to get an infrared camera and use that to make sure everything is heated enough. Or, get a pro to do this.

                Diatomaceous Earth (DE) --
                This is like micro glass shards, and totally natural (shells and remains from dead ocean diatoms). Take off baseboards and remove outlet covers. Sprinkle DE everywhere, including in your sheets, on your pillow, on your mattress, in your drawers, in the outlets, and blow it under the drywall. Walk around in the stuff for a few weeks, making sure that your sheets have it every night. This kills by bleeding out the poor bastards, poking them so they loose all their moisture, but it will be soft on your skin. You need to have it around for each hatch, and gotta get enough of it so it kills them before they lay eggs. Hence several weeks.

                As you can see, anything other than concentrated chemicals is a PITA.

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Eric Krantz is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Eric Krantz is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                answered Nov 27 at 19:43

                Eric Krantz



                New contributor

                Eric Krantz is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                New contributor

                Eric Krantz is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                Eric Krantz is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                • 3

                  It’s not unheard of for professionals to use these methods, either—and you should still call them. When I was a little kid, our apartment got infested with bedbugs, and while they fumigated the apartment itself, it was decided that my stuffed animals—which were infested, but which I slept with and might well have put in my mouth at that age—were instead put out on the balcony for a good long time, through a Northeast US winter.
                  – KRyan
                  Nov 28 at 0:02

                • I have heard that people use dry ice to freeze the portion of the house that is infested. They start hibernating during the cold and there activity also decreases. I think cold will work. And luckily it's November now.
                  – Creepy Creature
                  Nov 28 at 4:45

                • Diatomaceous Earth (DE) looks interesting.
                  – Creepy Creature
                  Nov 28 at 4:53

                • 9

                  About DE, it should be noted that exposure to it significantly heightens the risk of lung cancer (hazard ratio around 2) as well as NMRD (hazard ratio close to 4) with elevated mortality. That's admittedly number for people working in DE production for at least one year, but still... pouring the stuff in your bed sheets is not precisely low-exposure either. So, if someone like the OP is afraid of having pest patrol shed a few chemicals, I don't think this is really the to-go solution. Natural or not. I mean, asbestos is perfectly natural, too.
                  – Damon
                  Nov 28 at 15:22

                • 8

                  Using DE is an absolute nightmare. It works if you do it right, but it's basically impossible to clean up afterwards. If you have vinyl or similar flooring, it will embed itself into it forever. Most household vacuums won't work properly on it with carpet, and you'll probably ruin the vacuum trying. Sweeping it up from hardwood mostly just kicks it up into the air again, while taking days to settle back down for another attempt. It stays around for months and months afterward, and is basically impossible to explain to any visitors without looking crazy. But yes, it did kill the bedbugs.
                  – TIO Begs
                  Nov 28 at 15:42

                • 3

                  It’s not unheard of for professionals to use these methods, either—and you should still call them. When I was a little kid, our apartment got infested with bedbugs, and while they fumigated the apartment itself, it was decided that my stuffed animals—which were infested, but which I slept with and might well have put in my mouth at that age—were instead put out on the balcony for a good long time, through a Northeast US winter.
                  – KRyan
                  Nov 28 at 0:02

                • I have heard that people use dry ice to freeze the portion of the house that is infested. They start hibernating during the cold and there activity also decreases. I think cold will work. And luckily it's November now.
                  – Creepy Creature
                  Nov 28 at 4:45

                • Diatomaceous Earth (DE) looks interesting.
                  – Creepy Creature
                  Nov 28 at 4:53

                • 9

                  About DE, it should be noted that exposure to it significantly heightens the risk of lung cancer (hazard ratio around 2) as well as NMRD (hazard ratio close to 4) with elevated mortality. That's admittedly number for people working in DE production for at least one year, but still... pouring the stuff in your bed sheets is not precisely low-exposure either. So, if someone like the OP is afraid of having pest patrol shed a few chemicals, I don't think this is really the to-go solution. Natural or not. I mean, asbestos is perfectly natural, too.
                  – Damon
                  Nov 28 at 15:22

                • 8

                  Using DE is an absolute nightmare. It works if you do it right, but it's basically impossible to clean up afterwards. If you have vinyl or similar flooring, it will embed itself into it forever. Most household vacuums won't work properly on it with carpet, and you'll probably ruin the vacuum trying. Sweeping it up from hardwood mostly just kicks it up into the air again, while taking days to settle back down for another attempt. It stays around for months and months afterward, and is basically impossible to explain to any visitors without looking crazy. But yes, it did kill the bedbugs.
                  – TIO Begs
                  Nov 28 at 15:42



                It’s not unheard of for professionals to use these methods, either—and you should still call them. When I was a little kid, our apartment got infested with bedbugs, and while they fumigated the apartment itself, it was decided that my stuffed animals—which were infested, but which I slept with and might well have put in my mouth at that age—were instead put out on the balcony for a good long time, through a Northeast US winter.
                – KRyan
                Nov 28 at 0:02

                It’s not unheard of for professionals to use these methods, either—and you should still call them. When I was a little kid, our apartment got infested with bedbugs, and while they fumigated the apartment itself, it was decided that my stuffed animals—which were infested, but which I slept with and might well have put in my mouth at that age—were instead put out on the balcony for a good long time, through a Northeast US winter.
                – KRyan
                Nov 28 at 0:02

                I have heard that people use dry ice to freeze the portion of the house that is infested. They start hibernating during the cold and there activity also decreases. I think cold will work. And luckily it's November now.
                – Creepy Creature
                Nov 28 at 4:45

                I have heard that people use dry ice to freeze the portion of the house that is infested. They start hibernating during the cold and there activity also decreases. I think cold will work. And luckily it's November now.
                – Creepy Creature
                Nov 28 at 4:45

                Diatomaceous Earth (DE) looks interesting.
                – Creepy Creature
                Nov 28 at 4:53

                Diatomaceous Earth (DE) looks interesting.
                – Creepy Creature
                Nov 28 at 4:53



                About DE, it should be noted that exposure to it significantly heightens the risk of lung cancer (hazard ratio around 2) as well as NMRD (hazard ratio close to 4) with elevated mortality. That's admittedly number for people working in DE production for at least one year, but still... pouring the stuff in your bed sheets is not precisely low-exposure either. So, if someone like the OP is afraid of having pest patrol shed a few chemicals, I don't think this is really the to-go solution. Natural or not. I mean, asbestos is perfectly natural, too.
                – Damon
                Nov 28 at 15:22

                About DE, it should be noted that exposure to it significantly heightens the risk of lung cancer (hazard ratio around 2) as well as NMRD (hazard ratio close to 4) with elevated mortality. That's admittedly number for people working in DE production for at least one year, but still... pouring the stuff in your bed sheets is not precisely low-exposure either. So, if someone like the OP is afraid of having pest patrol shed a few chemicals, I don't think this is really the to-go solution. Natural or not. I mean, asbestos is perfectly natural, too.
                – Damon
                Nov 28 at 15:22



                Using DE is an absolute nightmare. It works if you do it right, but it's basically impossible to clean up afterwards. If you have vinyl or similar flooring, it will embed itself into it forever. Most household vacuums won't work properly on it with carpet, and you'll probably ruin the vacuum trying. Sweeping it up from hardwood mostly just kicks it up into the air again, while taking days to settle back down for another attempt. It stays around for months and months afterward, and is basically impossible to explain to any visitors without looking crazy. But yes, it did kill the bedbugs.
                – TIO Begs
                Nov 28 at 15:42

                Using DE is an absolute nightmare. It works if you do it right, but it's basically impossible to clean up afterwards. If you have vinyl or similar flooring, it will embed itself into it forever. Most household vacuums won't work properly on it with carpet, and you'll probably ruin the vacuum trying. Sweeping it up from hardwood mostly just kicks it up into the air again, while taking days to settle back down for another attempt. It stays around for months and months afterward, and is basically impossible to explain to any visitors without looking crazy. But yes, it did kill the bedbugs.
                – TIO Begs
                Nov 28 at 15:42

                up vote
                down vote

                Tough thing, you probably want to swing the chemical mace. There are mainly two natural ways of getting rid of bed bugs that actually work, but neither one is really easy or straightforward.

                1. Starve them. This takes time. A lot of it. You can starve lice within a day or two, and flea within 4-5 days. Bed bugs, uh... more like 2-3 months. So unless you have a summer residence and can move there over the summer you're out of luck.

                2. Heat them. Bed bugs are moderately sensitive to temperature. What does "moderately" mean? Well, 48-50°C (around 115-120°F). Keep that for an hour or two, and your problem is gone. No, I'm not joking. What can I say but: be grateful it isn't 75°C. I'll admit that heating up your bedroom to that temperature can be a challenge.

                So, all in all, chemicals aren't the worst option, really.

                share|improve this answer

                • My mom earlier used to place all the bedsheets and other thing outside in the sun. The sun used to heat up everything and kick out those bugs and remove the smell also. This method worked. But now living in building, makes it difficult to get some sunlight.
                  – Creepy Creature
                  2 days ago

                up vote
                down vote

                Tough thing, you probably want to swing the chemical mace. There are mainly two natural ways of getting rid of bed bugs that actually work, but neither one is really easy or straightforward.

                1. Starve them. This takes time. A lot of it. You can starve lice within a day or two, and flea within 4-5 days. Bed bugs, uh... more like 2-3 months. So unless you have a summer residence and can move there over the summer you're out of luck.

                2. Heat them. Bed bugs are moderately sensitive to temperature. What does "moderately" mean? Well, 48-50°C (around 115-120°F). Keep that for an hour or two, and your problem is gone. No, I'm not joking. What can I say but: be grateful it isn't 75°C. I'll admit that heating up your bedroom to that temperature can be a challenge.

                So, all in all, chemicals aren't the worst option, really.

                share|improve this answer

                • My mom earlier used to place all the bedsheets and other thing outside in the sun. The sun used to heat up everything and kick out those bugs and remove the smell also. This method worked. But now living in building, makes it difficult to get some sunlight.
                  – Creepy Creature
                  2 days ago

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                Tough thing, you probably want to swing the chemical mace. There are mainly two natural ways of getting rid of bed bugs that actually work, but neither one is really easy or straightforward.

                1. Starve them. This takes time. A lot of it. You can starve lice within a day or two, and flea within 4-5 days. Bed bugs, uh... more like 2-3 months. So unless you have a summer residence and can move there over the summer you're out of luck.

                2. Heat them. Bed bugs are moderately sensitive to temperature. What does "moderately" mean? Well, 48-50°C (around 115-120°F). Keep that for an hour or two, and your problem is gone. No, I'm not joking. What can I say but: be grateful it isn't 75°C. I'll admit that heating up your bedroom to that temperature can be a challenge.

                So, all in all, chemicals aren't the worst option, really.

                share|improve this answer

                Tough thing, you probably want to swing the chemical mace. There are mainly two natural ways of getting rid of bed bugs that actually work, but neither one is really easy or straightforward.

                1. Starve them. This takes time. A lot of it. You can starve lice within a day or two, and flea within 4-5 days. Bed bugs, uh... more like 2-3 months. So unless you have a summer residence and can move there over the summer you're out of luck.

                2. Heat them. Bed bugs are moderately sensitive to temperature. What does "moderately" mean? Well, 48-50°C (around 115-120°F). Keep that for an hour or two, and your problem is gone. No, I'm not joking. What can I say but: be grateful it isn't 75°C. I'll admit that heating up your bedroom to that temperature can be a challenge.

                So, all in all, chemicals aren't the worst option, really.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Nov 27 at 19:43




                • My mom earlier used to place all the bedsheets and other thing outside in the sun. The sun used to heat up everything and kick out those bugs and remove the smell also. This method worked. But now living in building, makes it difficult to get some sunlight.
                  – Creepy Creature
                  2 days ago

                • My mom earlier used to place all the bedsheets and other thing outside in the sun. The sun used to heat up everything and kick out those bugs and remove the smell also. This method worked. But now living in building, makes it difficult to get some sunlight.
                  – Creepy Creature
                  2 days ago

                My mom earlier used to place all the bedsheets and other thing outside in the sun. The sun used to heat up everything and kick out those bugs and remove the smell also. This method worked. But now living in building, makes it difficult to get some sunlight.
                – Creepy Creature
                2 days ago

                My mom earlier used to place all the bedsheets and other thing outside in the sun. The sun used to heat up everything and kick out those bugs and remove the smell also. This method worked. But now living in building, makes it difficult to get some sunlight.
                – Creepy Creature
                2 days ago

                up vote
                down vote

                What did I (with success):

                • Used a steam generator to process all the beds including the smallest holes.

                • Surrounded all the beds' legs with the dry boric acid making sure that the only way for the bugs lays through it (when they go towards their food - sleeping people).

                • Bugs contact with acid and die some time later (not instantly). About a month may be required for getting rid of all of them.

                share|improve this answer

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                user is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                  up vote
                  down vote

                  What did I (with success):

                  • Used a steam generator to process all the beds including the smallest holes.

                  • Surrounded all the beds' legs with the dry boric acid making sure that the only way for the bugs lays through it (when they go towards their food - sleeping people).

                  • Bugs contact with acid and die some time later (not instantly). About a month may be required for getting rid of all of them.

                  share|improve this answer

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                    up vote
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                    up vote
                    down vote

                    What did I (with success):

                    • Used a steam generator to process all the beds including the smallest holes.

                    • Surrounded all the beds' legs with the dry boric acid making sure that the only way for the bugs lays through it (when they go towards their food - sleeping people).

                    • Bugs contact with acid and die some time later (not instantly). About a month may be required for getting rid of all of them.

                    share|improve this answer

                    New contributor

                    user is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                    What did I (with success):

                    • Used a steam generator to process all the beds including the smallest holes.

                    • Surrounded all the beds' legs with the dry boric acid making sure that the only way for the bugs lays through it (when they go towards their food - sleeping people).

                    • Bugs contact with acid and die some time later (not instantly). About a month may be required for getting rid of all of them.

                    share|improve this answer

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                    share|improve this answer

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                    answered 2 days ago




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                        up vote
                        down vote

                        Three words. BORIC ACID POWDER. Period.

                        works for small roaches and other insects as well. The powder has long life and is not harmful for humans. Even children. Be sure to spread in the right areas i.e. all around, inside, under beds, electric sockets etc.

                        Also second natural ways by leaving house to extreme cold temperatures. Usually a warm area problem so this solution will not be applicable most of the times. In warm climates take all furniture, beds, sheets, Clothing and put under direct sunlight during daytime.

                        share|improve this answer

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                        Kris is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                          up vote
                          down vote

                          Three words. BORIC ACID POWDER. Period.

                          works for small roaches and other insects as well. The powder has long life and is not harmful for humans. Even children. Be sure to spread in the right areas i.e. all around, inside, under beds, electric sockets etc.

                          Also second natural ways by leaving house to extreme cold temperatures. Usually a warm area problem so this solution will not be applicable most of the times. In warm climates take all furniture, beds, sheets, Clothing and put under direct sunlight during daytime.

                          share|improve this answer

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                            up vote
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                            up vote
                            down vote

                            Three words. BORIC ACID POWDER. Period.

                            works for small roaches and other insects as well. The powder has long life and is not harmful for humans. Even children. Be sure to spread in the right areas i.e. all around, inside, under beds, electric sockets etc.

                            Also second natural ways by leaving house to extreme cold temperatures. Usually a warm area problem so this solution will not be applicable most of the times. In warm climates take all furniture, beds, sheets, Clothing and put under direct sunlight during daytime.

                            share|improve this answer

                            New contributor

                            Kris is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                            Three words. BORIC ACID POWDER. Period.

                            works for small roaches and other insects as well. The powder has long life and is not harmful for humans. Even children. Be sure to spread in the right areas i.e. all around, inside, under beds, electric sockets etc.

                            Also second natural ways by leaving house to extreme cold temperatures. Usually a warm area problem so this solution will not be applicable most of the times. In warm climates take all furniture, beds, sheets, Clothing and put under direct sunlight during daytime.

                            share|improve this answer

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                            share|improve this answer

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                            answered 2 days ago




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                            Kris is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                up vote
                                down vote

                                You should seek professional help as @llama suggested. However, I just wanted to add another answer with some references I found from UMN and Cornell due to the lack of references in the other answers and my rep is too low to comment.

                       - Suggests ways to control bedbugs

                       AND - These mention various examples of what not to do when an infestation strikes... Like throwing out the mattress since this can cause further contamination or using chemicals when not a trained professional for health reasons.

                                *This is my first post on this SE! Please edit as needed!

                                share|improve this answer

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                                GurpusMaximus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                  up vote
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                                  You should seek professional help as @llama suggested. However, I just wanted to add another answer with some references I found from UMN and Cornell due to the lack of references in the other answers and my rep is too low to comment.

                         - Suggests ways to control bedbugs

                         AND - These mention various examples of what not to do when an infestation strikes... Like throwing out the mattress since this can cause further contamination or using chemicals when not a trained professional for health reasons.

                                  *This is my first post on this SE! Please edit as needed!

                                  share|improve this answer

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                                    up vote
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                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    You should seek professional help as @llama suggested. However, I just wanted to add another answer with some references I found from UMN and Cornell due to the lack of references in the other answers and my rep is too low to comment.

                           - Suggests ways to control bedbugs

                           AND - These mention various examples of what not to do when an infestation strikes... Like throwing out the mattress since this can cause further contamination or using chemicals when not a trained professional for health reasons.

                                    *This is my first post on this SE! Please edit as needed!

                                    share|improve this answer

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                                    GurpusMaximus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                    You should seek professional help as @llama suggested. However, I just wanted to add another answer with some references I found from UMN and Cornell due to the lack of references in the other answers and my rep is too low to comment.

                           - Suggests ways to control bedbugs

                           AND - These mention various examples of what not to do when an infestation strikes... Like throwing out the mattress since this can cause further contamination or using chemicals when not a trained professional for health reasons.

                                    *This is my first post on this SE! Please edit as needed!

                                    share|improve this answer

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                                    answered 2 days ago




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                                    GurpusMaximus is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                        up vote
                                        down vote

                                        I know one of the process of getting rid of bedbugs but you need to spend some energy. It will take a week but it is very effective. You can call it a natural way or may be other.

                                        Everyday make a strong diluted solution of detergent powder (we use surf excel or Ariel here) not detergent liquid after which you have to wash your entire floor with that solution. If not possible then sweep with that solution everyday. Also make a strong concentrated solution of detergent powder and pour it in a liquid sprayer bottle. Evenly spray it in infested area everyday.

                                        A slight contact with this solution instantly kills the bedbug and even it's eggs get infertile.

                                        The detergent powder solution is alkaline. But I never understood why they were killed?

                                        share|improve this answer

                                          up vote
                                          down vote

                                          I know one of the process of getting rid of bedbugs but you need to spend some energy. It will take a week but it is very effective. You can call it a natural way or may be other.

                                          Everyday make a strong diluted solution of detergent powder (we use surf excel or Ariel here) not detergent liquid after which you have to wash your entire floor with that solution. If not possible then sweep with that solution everyday. Also make a strong concentrated solution of detergent powder and pour it in a liquid sprayer bottle. Evenly spray it in infested area everyday.

                                          A slight contact with this solution instantly kills the bedbug and even it's eggs get infertile.

                                          The detergent powder solution is alkaline. But I never understood why they were killed?

                                          share|improve this answer

                                            up vote
                                            down vote

                                            up vote
                                            down vote

                                            I know one of the process of getting rid of bedbugs but you need to spend some energy. It will take a week but it is very effective. You can call it a natural way or may be other.

                                            Everyday make a strong diluted solution of detergent powder (we use surf excel or Ariel here) not detergent liquid after which you have to wash your entire floor with that solution. If not possible then sweep with that solution everyday. Also make a strong concentrated solution of detergent powder and pour it in a liquid sprayer bottle. Evenly spray it in infested area everyday.

                                            A slight contact with this solution instantly kills the bedbug and even it's eggs get infertile.

                                            The detergent powder solution is alkaline. But I never understood why they were killed?

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            I know one of the process of getting rid of bedbugs but you need to spend some energy. It will take a week but it is very effective. You can call it a natural way or may be other.

                                            Everyday make a strong diluted solution of detergent powder (we use surf excel or Ariel here) not detergent liquid after which you have to wash your entire floor with that solution. If not possible then sweep with that solution everyday. Also make a strong concentrated solution of detergent powder and pour it in a liquid sprayer bottle. Evenly spray it in infested area everyday.

                                            A slight contact with this solution instantly kills the bedbug and even it's eggs get infertile.

                                            The detergent powder solution is alkaline. But I never understood why they were killed?

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            share|improve this answer

                                            edited 2 days ago

                                            answered 2 days ago

                                            Creepy Creature



                                                up vote
                                                down vote

                                                I covered the lot in anti bed bug powder that I found in the shop, not sure what it was made off, but I also wrapped all my mattresses and pillows in clingfilm for a couple of months, also covering them in the powder.

                                                Also used celo gel, the stuff you find in new shoes, on the floor under the bed mixed with the powder.

                                                And used a spray of places like keyboards etc.

                                                All that seemed to work, but I lived in a small flat and caught infestation early.

                                                share|improve this answer

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                                                Yuriy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                  up vote
                                                  down vote

                                                  I covered the lot in anti bed bug powder that I found in the shop, not sure what it was made off, but I also wrapped all my mattresses and pillows in clingfilm for a couple of months, also covering them in the powder.

                                                  Also used celo gel, the stuff you find in new shoes, on the floor under the bed mixed with the powder.

                                                  And used a spray of places like keyboards etc.

                                                  All that seemed to work, but I lived in a small flat and caught infestation early.

                                                  share|improve this answer

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                                                    up vote
                                                    down vote

                                                    up vote
                                                    down vote

                                                    I covered the lot in anti bed bug powder that I found in the shop, not sure what it was made off, but I also wrapped all my mattresses and pillows in clingfilm for a couple of months, also covering them in the powder.

                                                    Also used celo gel, the stuff you find in new shoes, on the floor under the bed mixed with the powder.

                                                    And used a spray of places like keyboards etc.

                                                    All that seemed to work, but I lived in a small flat and caught infestation early.

                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    New contributor

                                                    Yuriy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                    I covered the lot in anti bed bug powder that I found in the shop, not sure what it was made off, but I also wrapped all my mattresses and pillows in clingfilm for a couple of months, also covering them in the powder.

                                                    Also used celo gel, the stuff you find in new shoes, on the floor under the bed mixed with the powder.

                                                    And used a spray of places like keyboards etc.

                                                    All that seemed to work, but I lived in a small flat and caught infestation early.

                                                    share|improve this answer

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                                                    Yuriy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                    share|improve this answer

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                                                    answered 2 days ago




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                                                    Yuriy is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                        up vote
                                                        down vote

                                                        Getting rid of bedbugs begins with cleaning up the places where bedbugs live. This should include the following:

                                                        Clean bedding, linens, curtains, and clothing in hot water and dry them on the highest dryer setting. Place stuffed animals, shoes, and other items that can't be washed in the dryer and run on high for 30 minutes.
                                                        Use a stiff brush to scrub mattress seams to remove bedbugs and their eggs before vacuuming.
                                                        Vacuum your bed and surrounding area frequently. After vacuuming, immediately place the vacuum cleaner bag in a plastic bag and place in garbage can outdoors.
                                                        Encase mattress and box springs with a tightly woven, zippered cover to keep bedbugs from entering or escaping. Bedbugs may live up to a year without feeding, so keep the cover on your mattress for at least a year to make sure all bugs in the mattress are dead.
                                                        Repair cracks in plaster and glue down peeling wallpaper to get rid of places bedbugs can hide.
                                                        Get rid of clutter around the bed.


                                                        share|improve this answer

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                                                        life Hacker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                          up vote
                                                          down vote

                                                          Getting rid of bedbugs begins with cleaning up the places where bedbugs live. This should include the following:

                                                          Clean bedding, linens, curtains, and clothing in hot water and dry them on the highest dryer setting. Place stuffed animals, shoes, and other items that can't be washed in the dryer and run on high for 30 minutes.
                                                          Use a stiff brush to scrub mattress seams to remove bedbugs and their eggs before vacuuming.
                                                          Vacuum your bed and surrounding area frequently. After vacuuming, immediately place the vacuum cleaner bag in a plastic bag and place in garbage can outdoors.
                                                          Encase mattress and box springs with a tightly woven, zippered cover to keep bedbugs from entering or escaping. Bedbugs may live up to a year without feeding, so keep the cover on your mattress for at least a year to make sure all bugs in the mattress are dead.
                                                          Repair cracks in plaster and glue down peeling wallpaper to get rid of places bedbugs can hide.
                                                          Get rid of clutter around the bed.


                                                          share|improve this answer

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                                                          life Hacker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                            up vote
                                                            down vote

                                                            up vote
                                                            down vote

                                                            Getting rid of bedbugs begins with cleaning up the places where bedbugs live. This should include the following:

                                                            Clean bedding, linens, curtains, and clothing in hot water and dry them on the highest dryer setting. Place stuffed animals, shoes, and other items that can't be washed in the dryer and run on high for 30 minutes.
                                                            Use a stiff brush to scrub mattress seams to remove bedbugs and their eggs before vacuuming.
                                                            Vacuum your bed and surrounding area frequently. After vacuuming, immediately place the vacuum cleaner bag in a plastic bag and place in garbage can outdoors.
                                                            Encase mattress and box springs with a tightly woven, zippered cover to keep bedbugs from entering or escaping. Bedbugs may live up to a year without feeding, so keep the cover on your mattress for at least a year to make sure all bugs in the mattress are dead.
                                                            Repair cracks in plaster and glue down peeling wallpaper to get rid of places bedbugs can hide.
                                                            Get rid of clutter around the bed.


                                                            share|improve this answer

                                                            New contributor

                                                            life Hacker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                            Getting rid of bedbugs begins with cleaning up the places where bedbugs live. This should include the following:

                                                            Clean bedding, linens, curtains, and clothing in hot water and dry them on the highest dryer setting. Place stuffed animals, shoes, and other items that can't be washed in the dryer and run on high for 30 minutes.
                                                            Use a stiff brush to scrub mattress seams to remove bedbugs and their eggs before vacuuming.
                                                            Vacuum your bed and surrounding area frequently. After vacuuming, immediately place the vacuum cleaner bag in a plastic bag and place in garbage can outdoors.
                                                            Encase mattress and box springs with a tightly woven, zippered cover to keep bedbugs from entering or escaping. Bedbugs may live up to a year without feeding, so keep the cover on your mattress for at least a year to make sure all bugs in the mattress are dead.
                                                            Repair cracks in plaster and glue down peeling wallpaper to get rid of places bedbugs can hide.
                                                            Get rid of clutter around the bed.


                                                            share|improve this answer

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                                                            answered 2 days ago

                                                            life Hacker



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                                                            life Hacker is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                                up vote
                                                                down vote

                                                                Don't over look the simple solution. We leased an apartment here in Tulsa for almost five years and until we moved out. The cat lady upstairs had bedbugs (and fleas). The bedbugs would occasionally get through the electrical conduit holes from upstairs, arriving in our bathroom. Until then, I didn't even know what a bedbug looked like.

                                                                What kept us from getting bedbugs was that we put all our mattresses and box springs in bedbug-proof covers. Then get the bed out from touching any wall, or foreign object. Spray the legs of the bed with bedbug spray. Always make the bed up tightly, so insects have difficulty crawling into the bed clothes.

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                New contributor

                                                                Larry Paden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                                • A good post but keep to the point. Remove material not pertinent to bedbugs.
                                                                  – RedSonja
                                                                  2 days ago

                                                                up vote
                                                                down vote

                                                                Don't over look the simple solution. We leased an apartment here in Tulsa for almost five years and until we moved out. The cat lady upstairs had bedbugs (and fleas). The bedbugs would occasionally get through the electrical conduit holes from upstairs, arriving in our bathroom. Until then, I didn't even know what a bedbug looked like.

                                                                What kept us from getting bedbugs was that we put all our mattresses and box springs in bedbug-proof covers. Then get the bed out from touching any wall, or foreign object. Spray the legs of the bed with bedbug spray. Always make the bed up tightly, so insects have difficulty crawling into the bed clothes.

                                                                share|improve this answer

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                                                                Larry Paden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                                • A good post but keep to the point. Remove material not pertinent to bedbugs.
                                                                  – RedSonja
                                                                  2 days ago

                                                                up vote
                                                                down vote

                                                                up vote
                                                                down vote

                                                                Don't over look the simple solution. We leased an apartment here in Tulsa for almost five years and until we moved out. The cat lady upstairs had bedbugs (and fleas). The bedbugs would occasionally get through the electrical conduit holes from upstairs, arriving in our bathroom. Until then, I didn't even know what a bedbug looked like.

                                                                What kept us from getting bedbugs was that we put all our mattresses and box springs in bedbug-proof covers. Then get the bed out from touching any wall, or foreign object. Spray the legs of the bed with bedbug spray. Always make the bed up tightly, so insects have difficulty crawling into the bed clothes.

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                New contributor

                                                                Larry Paden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                                Don't over look the simple solution. We leased an apartment here in Tulsa for almost five years and until we moved out. The cat lady upstairs had bedbugs (and fleas). The bedbugs would occasionally get through the electrical conduit holes from upstairs, arriving in our bathroom. Until then, I didn't even know what a bedbug looked like.

                                                                What kept us from getting bedbugs was that we put all our mattresses and box springs in bedbug-proof covers. Then get the bed out from touching any wall, or foreign object. Spray the legs of the bed with bedbug spray. Always make the bed up tightly, so insects have difficulty crawling into the bed clothes.

                                                                share|improve this answer

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                                                                Larry Paden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                edited yesterday




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                                                                Larry Paden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                                answered 2 days ago

                                                                Larry Paden



                                                                New contributor

                                                                Larry Paden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                                New contributor

                                                                Larry Paden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                                Larry Paden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                • A good post but keep to the point. Remove material not pertinent to bedbugs.
                                                                  – RedSonja
                                                                  2 days ago

                                                                • A good post but keep to the point. Remove material not pertinent to bedbugs.
                                                                  – RedSonja
                                                                  2 days ago

                                                                A good post but keep to the point. Remove material not pertinent to bedbugs.
                                                                – RedSonja
                                                                2 days ago

                                                                A good post but keep to the point. Remove material not pertinent to bedbugs.
                                                                – RedSonja
                                                                2 days ago

                                                                up vote
                                                                down vote

                                                                Kill bedbugs with heat, but be careful. Raising the indoor temperature with the thermostat or a space heater won't do the job. Special equipment and very high temperatures are necessary for successful heat treatment. Black plastic bag in the sun might work to kill bugs in luggage or small items, if the contents become hot enough. Bed bugs die when their body temperature reaches 45 degrees Celsius. To kill bed bugs with heat, the room or container must be even hotter.

                                                                Another method is to seal your mattress with a mattress cover. The bedbugs living in mattresses will eventually die.

                                                                share|improve this answer

                                                                New contributor

                                                                sania is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                  up vote
                                                                  down vote

                                                                  Kill bedbugs with heat, but be careful. Raising the indoor temperature with the thermostat or a space heater won't do the job. Special equipment and very high temperatures are necessary for successful heat treatment. Black plastic bag in the sun might work to kill bugs in luggage or small items, if the contents become hot enough. Bed bugs die when their body temperature reaches 45 degrees Celsius. To kill bed bugs with heat, the room or container must be even hotter.

                                                                  Another method is to seal your mattress with a mattress cover. The bedbugs living in mattresses will eventually die.

                                                                  share|improve this answer

                                                                  New contributor

                                                                  sania is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                    up vote
                                                                    down vote

                                                                    up vote
                                                                    down vote

                                                                    Kill bedbugs with heat, but be careful. Raising the indoor temperature with the thermostat or a space heater won't do the job. Special equipment and very high temperatures are necessary for successful heat treatment. Black plastic bag in the sun might work to kill bugs in luggage or small items, if the contents become hot enough. Bed bugs die when their body temperature reaches 45 degrees Celsius. To kill bed bugs with heat, the room or container must be even hotter.

                                                                    Another method is to seal your mattress with a mattress cover. The bedbugs living in mattresses will eventually die.

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    New contributor

                                                                    sania is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                    Kill bedbugs with heat, but be careful. Raising the indoor temperature with the thermostat or a space heater won't do the job. Special equipment and very high temperatures are necessary for successful heat treatment. Black plastic bag in the sun might work to kill bugs in luggage or small items, if the contents become hot enough. Bed bugs die when their body temperature reaches 45 degrees Celsius. To kill bed bugs with heat, the room or container must be even hotter.

                                                                    Another method is to seal your mattress with a mattress cover. The bedbugs living in mattresses will eventually die.

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    New contributor

                                                                    sania is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    share|improve this answer

                                                                    edited 2 hours ago




                                                                    New contributor

                                                                    sania is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                                    answered yesterday




                                                                    New contributor

                                                                    sania is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                                                    New contributor

                                                                    sania is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                    sania is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        Use one of these natural methods to remove bed bugs.

                                                                        These are from the article Get rid of bed bugs naturally at Natural Living Ideas.

                                                                        1. Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, and Oregano Bed Bug Fighting Spray

                                                                        This homemade powder is especially effective when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs. The spiciness of cayenne and ginger, combined with the strong smell of oregano essential oil that’s known to offend bed bugs, makes it especially potent.

                                                                        To make it you’ll need the following ingredients

                                                                        • 1 tsp cayenne pepper

                                                                        • 1 tsp grated ginger

                                                                        • 1 tsp oregano essential oil

                                                                        • 1 cup water


                                                                        1. Add the cayenne pepper, grated ginger, and oregano essential oil to the cup of water in a pan on the stove.

                                                                        2. Boil the water for about 7 minutes.

                                                                        3. Strain the solution into a spray bottle and then spray it around any entry points of rooms that have bed bugs, as well as around bed frames, mattresses, etc. You may need to repeat this process every few days until the problem has been resolved.

                                                                        2. Tea Tree Oil

                                                                        Tea tree oil is antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiseptic, expectorant and antiviral. It’s not only great for inhibiting viral and bacterial infections, it can also be used to kill insects, including bed bugs, as it has anti-parasitic properties to which make it capable of destroying or suppressing their growth.

                                                                        For a minor bed bug infestation, you may be able to use tea tree oil to fight it off before it gets out of hand. Dilute 20 drops of 100% pure tea tree oil in a spray bottle with water and then thoroughly spray affected furnishings. Getting under, around and on all areas of an affected mattresses, as well as walls, cabinets, curtains, cushions and other soft materials, in addition to washing linens and any fabrics in the hottest water possible. Repeat the process once a week until the problem is totally eliminated.

                                                                        3. Lavender/Peppermint Oil Pesticide Spray

                                                                        While most of us associate the floral aroma of lavender with soaps, relaxation, and calm, surprisingly, it can also be used as an effective way to battle bed bugs. In fact, lavender essential oil has been used as a bug repellent for centuries, often utilized to protect clothes and linens from the infestation of moths and other insects.

                                                                        Similar to tea tree oil, lavender essential oil can make an excellent, effective natural spray for killing bed bugs as it contains insect-repelling properties that are toxic to them, but entirely safe for us and our pets. One study that looked at the effects of essential oils and their use for insect and bug control discovered that a combination of lavender oil and peppermint oil managed to effectively kill insects. Lavender oil, in particular, is known to destroy the eggs and larvae of bed bugs, as well as repelling the bed bugs themselves. Peppermint oil also offers powerful repellent action. In fact, one study, published in the Malaria Journal demonstrated why it works – the researchers proved that it provides strong repellent action when applied to exposed body parts. It also showed significant larvicidal and mosquito repellent action, with mosquito larvae killed 24 hours after exposure to a solution of peppermint oil and water.

                                                                        To make this natural pesticide spray, simply fill a spray bottle with water, and add about 15 drops of lavender essential oil and 15 drops of peppermint oil – both available to buy from here. Shake well and then spray in all infested areas of your home. Continue to do this daily until all signs of the bed bugs are gone.

                                                                        4. Peppermint Leaves

                                                                        You can also use peppermint leaves to get rid of bed bugs, for the reasons above – the oil in the leaves offers powerful bug repellent action. Simply crush up dry mint leaves to make about one cup, and then spread the crushed leaves around infested areas. Of course, if you have a bigger problem, you may need two or three cups of the leaves. Repeat once a week until the problem is gone, vacuuming up the old leaves that have lost their potency, replacing with new ones.

                                                                        5. Black Walnut Tea

                                                                        Black walnut tea offers anti-fungal, antibacterial, insecticidal and repellent properties help to eliminate bed bugs. It’s also a rather ingenious way to use tea bags that you would otherwise have tossed out, but of course, you’d probably rather not have that problem in the first place. Simply place used black walnut tea bags strategically throughout your home, in all nooks and corners, mattresses and bedding, to eliminate the bugs and their eggs.

                                                                        Note: These are the natural way of removing bedbugs so they are definitely taking long time as compared to any other chemical.I personally used method #3 which proved to be more effective not only in removing bedbugs but also for mosquitoes.

                                                                        Though it took us 4 days to remove them 70% of bedbugs and we kept on doing this for one week(we did it at the very beginning of their appearance) that is why it took less time but it might take longer in other cases.

                                                                        To get rid of them in less time then we have to use chemical solutions.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        Mudassir Awan is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        • 22

                                                                          Do you have any experience you can cite (your own or someone else's) that indicates these methods actually work? These remedies are copied from Natural Living Ideas which doesn't provide any citation of experience of these methods working, just provides "ideas" and writes about them as if they'll work.
                                                                          – doppelgreener
                                                                          Nov 27 at 17:57

                                                                        • 19

                                                                          Keep in mind that while something might work as a repellant, that's not the same thing as killing them. With bedbugs, it's critical that you kill them, plus destroy their eggs. Otherwise, you're just chasing them to someone else's house, and they'll be back in yours soon.
                                                                          – bta
                                                                          Nov 27 at 19:18

                                                                        • 6

                                                                          @Chenmunka I'm fairly confident we can safely downvote this unresearched answer as a whole.
                                                                          – thumbtackthief
                                                                          Nov 27 at 22:12

                                                                        • 11

                                                                          DO NOT DO ANY OF THESE. They will not work. Terrible, uninformed, and incorrect answer. Hire an exterminator. No one ever wants to hire an exterminator. But that is still what you need to do.
                                                                          – only_pro
                                                                          Nov 27 at 22:48

                                                                        • 11

                                                                          This is all garbage. Bed Bugs are notoriously resilient and care not about 'repellents' or anything of the sort. Kill them with extreme heat (in the realm of about 60c - 70c) or chemicals that actually kill them. Call an exterminator.
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 27 at 23:12

                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        Use one of these natural methods to remove bed bugs.

                                                                        These are from the article Get rid of bed bugs naturally at Natural Living Ideas.

                                                                        1. Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, and Oregano Bed Bug Fighting Spray

                                                                        This homemade powder is especially effective when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs. The spiciness of cayenne and ginger, combined with the strong smell of oregano essential oil that’s known to offend bed bugs, makes it especially potent.

                                                                        To make it you’ll need the following ingredients

                                                                        • 1 tsp cayenne pepper

                                                                        • 1 tsp grated ginger

                                                                        • 1 tsp oregano essential oil

                                                                        • 1 cup water


                                                                        1. Add the cayenne pepper, grated ginger, and oregano essential oil to the cup of water in a pan on the stove.

                                                                        2. Boil the water for about 7 minutes.

                                                                        3. Strain the solution into a spray bottle and then spray it around any entry points of rooms that have bed bugs, as well as around bed frames, mattresses, etc. You may need to repeat this process every few days until the problem has been resolved.

                                                                        2. Tea Tree Oil

                                                                        Tea tree oil is antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiseptic, expectorant and antiviral. It’s not only great for inhibiting viral and bacterial infections, it can also be used to kill insects, including bed bugs, as it has anti-parasitic properties to which make it capable of destroying or suppressing their growth.

                                                                        For a minor bed bug infestation, you may be able to use tea tree oil to fight it off before it gets out of hand. Dilute 20 drops of 100% pure tea tree oil in a spray bottle with water and then thoroughly spray affected furnishings. Getting under, around and on all areas of an affected mattresses, as well as walls, cabinets, curtains, cushions and other soft materials, in addition to washing linens and any fabrics in the hottest water possible. Repeat the process once a week until the problem is totally eliminated.

                                                                        3. Lavender/Peppermint Oil Pesticide Spray

                                                                        While most of us associate the floral aroma of lavender with soaps, relaxation, and calm, surprisingly, it can also be used as an effective way to battle bed bugs. In fact, lavender essential oil has been used as a bug repellent for centuries, often utilized to protect clothes and linens from the infestation of moths and other insects.

                                                                        Similar to tea tree oil, lavender essential oil can make an excellent, effective natural spray for killing bed bugs as it contains insect-repelling properties that are toxic to them, but entirely safe for us and our pets. One study that looked at the effects of essential oils and their use for insect and bug control discovered that a combination of lavender oil and peppermint oil managed to effectively kill insects. Lavender oil, in particular, is known to destroy the eggs and larvae of bed bugs, as well as repelling the bed bugs themselves. Peppermint oil also offers powerful repellent action. In fact, one study, published in the Malaria Journal demonstrated why it works – the researchers proved that it provides strong repellent action when applied to exposed body parts. It also showed significant larvicidal and mosquito repellent action, with mosquito larvae killed 24 hours after exposure to a solution of peppermint oil and water.

                                                                        To make this natural pesticide spray, simply fill a spray bottle with water, and add about 15 drops of lavender essential oil and 15 drops of peppermint oil – both available to buy from here. Shake well and then spray in all infested areas of your home. Continue to do this daily until all signs of the bed bugs are gone.

                                                                        4. Peppermint Leaves

                                                                        You can also use peppermint leaves to get rid of bed bugs, for the reasons above – the oil in the leaves offers powerful bug repellent action. Simply crush up dry mint leaves to make about one cup, and then spread the crushed leaves around infested areas. Of course, if you have a bigger problem, you may need two or three cups of the leaves. Repeat once a week until the problem is gone, vacuuming up the old leaves that have lost their potency, replacing with new ones.

                                                                        5. Black Walnut Tea

                                                                        Black walnut tea offers anti-fungal, antibacterial, insecticidal and repellent properties help to eliminate bed bugs. It’s also a rather ingenious way to use tea bags that you would otherwise have tossed out, but of course, you’d probably rather not have that problem in the first place. Simply place used black walnut tea bags strategically throughout your home, in all nooks and corners, mattresses and bedding, to eliminate the bugs and their eggs.

                                                                        Note: These are the natural way of removing bedbugs so they are definitely taking long time as compared to any other chemical.I personally used method #3 which proved to be more effective not only in removing bedbugs but also for mosquitoes.

                                                                        Though it took us 4 days to remove them 70% of bedbugs and we kept on doing this for one week(we did it at the very beginning of their appearance) that is why it took less time but it might take longer in other cases.

                                                                        To get rid of them in less time then we have to use chemical solutions.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        Mudassir Awan is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        • 22

                                                                          Do you have any experience you can cite (your own or someone else's) that indicates these methods actually work? These remedies are copied from Natural Living Ideas which doesn't provide any citation of experience of these methods working, just provides "ideas" and writes about them as if they'll work.
                                                                          – doppelgreener
                                                                          Nov 27 at 17:57

                                                                        • 19

                                                                          Keep in mind that while something might work as a repellant, that's not the same thing as killing them. With bedbugs, it's critical that you kill them, plus destroy their eggs. Otherwise, you're just chasing them to someone else's house, and they'll be back in yours soon.
                                                                          – bta
                                                                          Nov 27 at 19:18

                                                                        • 6

                                                                          @Chenmunka I'm fairly confident we can safely downvote this unresearched answer as a whole.
                                                                          – thumbtackthief
                                                                          Nov 27 at 22:12

                                                                        • 11

                                                                          DO NOT DO ANY OF THESE. They will not work. Terrible, uninformed, and incorrect answer. Hire an exterminator. No one ever wants to hire an exterminator. But that is still what you need to do.
                                                                          – only_pro
                                                                          Nov 27 at 22:48

                                                                        • 11

                                                                          This is all garbage. Bed Bugs are notoriously resilient and care not about 'repellents' or anything of the sort. Kill them with extreme heat (in the realm of about 60c - 70c) or chemicals that actually kill them. Call an exterminator.
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 27 at 23:12

                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        Use one of these natural methods to remove bed bugs.

                                                                        These are from the article Get rid of bed bugs naturally at Natural Living Ideas.

                                                                        1. Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, and Oregano Bed Bug Fighting Spray

                                                                        This homemade powder is especially effective when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs. The spiciness of cayenne and ginger, combined with the strong smell of oregano essential oil that’s known to offend bed bugs, makes it especially potent.

                                                                        To make it you’ll need the following ingredients

                                                                        • 1 tsp cayenne pepper

                                                                        • 1 tsp grated ginger

                                                                        • 1 tsp oregano essential oil

                                                                        • 1 cup water


                                                                        1. Add the cayenne pepper, grated ginger, and oregano essential oil to the cup of water in a pan on the stove.

                                                                        2. Boil the water for about 7 minutes.

                                                                        3. Strain the solution into a spray bottle and then spray it around any entry points of rooms that have bed bugs, as well as around bed frames, mattresses, etc. You may need to repeat this process every few days until the problem has been resolved.

                                                                        2. Tea Tree Oil

                                                                        Tea tree oil is antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiseptic, expectorant and antiviral. It’s not only great for inhibiting viral and bacterial infections, it can also be used to kill insects, including bed bugs, as it has anti-parasitic properties to which make it capable of destroying or suppressing their growth.

                                                                        For a minor bed bug infestation, you may be able to use tea tree oil to fight it off before it gets out of hand. Dilute 20 drops of 100% pure tea tree oil in a spray bottle with water and then thoroughly spray affected furnishings. Getting under, around and on all areas of an affected mattresses, as well as walls, cabinets, curtains, cushions and other soft materials, in addition to washing linens and any fabrics in the hottest water possible. Repeat the process once a week until the problem is totally eliminated.

                                                                        3. Lavender/Peppermint Oil Pesticide Spray

                                                                        While most of us associate the floral aroma of lavender with soaps, relaxation, and calm, surprisingly, it can also be used as an effective way to battle bed bugs. In fact, lavender essential oil has been used as a bug repellent for centuries, often utilized to protect clothes and linens from the infestation of moths and other insects.

                                                                        Similar to tea tree oil, lavender essential oil can make an excellent, effective natural spray for killing bed bugs as it contains insect-repelling properties that are toxic to them, but entirely safe for us and our pets. One study that looked at the effects of essential oils and their use for insect and bug control discovered that a combination of lavender oil and peppermint oil managed to effectively kill insects. Lavender oil, in particular, is known to destroy the eggs and larvae of bed bugs, as well as repelling the bed bugs themselves. Peppermint oil also offers powerful repellent action. In fact, one study, published in the Malaria Journal demonstrated why it works – the researchers proved that it provides strong repellent action when applied to exposed body parts. It also showed significant larvicidal and mosquito repellent action, with mosquito larvae killed 24 hours after exposure to a solution of peppermint oil and water.

                                                                        To make this natural pesticide spray, simply fill a spray bottle with water, and add about 15 drops of lavender essential oil and 15 drops of peppermint oil – both available to buy from here. Shake well and then spray in all infested areas of your home. Continue to do this daily until all signs of the bed bugs are gone.

                                                                        4. Peppermint Leaves

                                                                        You can also use peppermint leaves to get rid of bed bugs, for the reasons above – the oil in the leaves offers powerful bug repellent action. Simply crush up dry mint leaves to make about one cup, and then spread the crushed leaves around infested areas. Of course, if you have a bigger problem, you may need two or three cups of the leaves. Repeat once a week until the problem is gone, vacuuming up the old leaves that have lost their potency, replacing with new ones.

                                                                        5. Black Walnut Tea

                                                                        Black walnut tea offers anti-fungal, antibacterial, insecticidal and repellent properties help to eliminate bed bugs. It’s also a rather ingenious way to use tea bags that you would otherwise have tossed out, but of course, you’d probably rather not have that problem in the first place. Simply place used black walnut tea bags strategically throughout your home, in all nooks and corners, mattresses and bedding, to eliminate the bugs and their eggs.

                                                                        Note: These are the natural way of removing bedbugs so they are definitely taking long time as compared to any other chemical.I personally used method #3 which proved to be more effective not only in removing bedbugs but also for mosquitoes.

                                                                        Though it took us 4 days to remove them 70% of bedbugs and we kept on doing this for one week(we did it at the very beginning of their appearance) that is why it took less time but it might take longer in other cases.

                                                                        To get rid of them in less time then we have to use chemical solutions.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        Mudassir Awan is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        Use one of these natural methods to remove bed bugs.

                                                                        These are from the article Get rid of bed bugs naturally at Natural Living Ideas.

                                                                        1. Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, and Oregano Bed Bug Fighting Spray

                                                                        This homemade powder is especially effective when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs. The spiciness of cayenne and ginger, combined with the strong smell of oregano essential oil that’s known to offend bed bugs, makes it especially potent.

                                                                        To make it you’ll need the following ingredients

                                                                        • 1 tsp cayenne pepper

                                                                        • 1 tsp grated ginger

                                                                        • 1 tsp oregano essential oil

                                                                        • 1 cup water


                                                                        1. Add the cayenne pepper, grated ginger, and oregano essential oil to the cup of water in a pan on the stove.

                                                                        2. Boil the water for about 7 minutes.

                                                                        3. Strain the solution into a spray bottle and then spray it around any entry points of rooms that have bed bugs, as well as around bed frames, mattresses, etc. You may need to repeat this process every few days until the problem has been resolved.

                                                                        2. Tea Tree Oil

                                                                        Tea tree oil is antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiseptic, expectorant and antiviral. It’s not only great for inhibiting viral and bacterial infections, it can also be used to kill insects, including bed bugs, as it has anti-parasitic properties to which make it capable of destroying or suppressing their growth.

                                                                        For a minor bed bug infestation, you may be able to use tea tree oil to fight it off before it gets out of hand. Dilute 20 drops of 100% pure tea tree oil in a spray bottle with water and then thoroughly spray affected furnishings. Getting under, around and on all areas of an affected mattresses, as well as walls, cabinets, curtains, cushions and other soft materials, in addition to washing linens and any fabrics in the hottest water possible. Repeat the process once a week until the problem is totally eliminated.

                                                                        3. Lavender/Peppermint Oil Pesticide Spray

                                                                        While most of us associate the floral aroma of lavender with soaps, relaxation, and calm, surprisingly, it can also be used as an effective way to battle bed bugs. In fact, lavender essential oil has been used as a bug repellent for centuries, often utilized to protect clothes and linens from the infestation of moths and other insects.

                                                                        Similar to tea tree oil, lavender essential oil can make an excellent, effective natural spray for killing bed bugs as it contains insect-repelling properties that are toxic to them, but entirely safe for us and our pets. One study that looked at the effects of essential oils and their use for insect and bug control discovered that a combination of lavender oil and peppermint oil managed to effectively kill insects. Lavender oil, in particular, is known to destroy the eggs and larvae of bed bugs, as well as repelling the bed bugs themselves. Peppermint oil also offers powerful repellent action. In fact, one study, published in the Malaria Journal demonstrated why it works – the researchers proved that it provides strong repellent action when applied to exposed body parts. It also showed significant larvicidal and mosquito repellent action, with mosquito larvae killed 24 hours after exposure to a solution of peppermint oil and water.

                                                                        To make this natural pesticide spray, simply fill a spray bottle with water, and add about 15 drops of lavender essential oil and 15 drops of peppermint oil – both available to buy from here. Shake well and then spray in all infested areas of your home. Continue to do this daily until all signs of the bed bugs are gone.

                                                                        4. Peppermint Leaves

                                                                        You can also use peppermint leaves to get rid of bed bugs, for the reasons above – the oil in the leaves offers powerful bug repellent action. Simply crush up dry mint leaves to make about one cup, and then spread the crushed leaves around infested areas. Of course, if you have a bigger problem, you may need two or three cups of the leaves. Repeat once a week until the problem is gone, vacuuming up the old leaves that have lost their potency, replacing with new ones.

                                                                        5. Black Walnut Tea

                                                                        Black walnut tea offers anti-fungal, antibacterial, insecticidal and repellent properties help to eliminate bed bugs. It’s also a rather ingenious way to use tea bags that you would otherwise have tossed out, but of course, you’d probably rather not have that problem in the first place. Simply place used black walnut tea bags strategically throughout your home, in all nooks and corners, mattresses and bedding, to eliminate the bugs and their eggs.

                                                                        Note: These are the natural way of removing bedbugs so they are definitely taking long time as compared to any other chemical.I personally used method #3 which proved to be more effective not only in removing bedbugs but also for mosquitoes.

                                                                        Though it took us 4 days to remove them 70% of bedbugs and we kept on doing this for one week(we did it at the very beginning of their appearance) that is why it took less time but it might take longer in other cases.

                                                                        To get rid of them in less time then we have to use chemical solutions.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        Mudassir Awan is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        edited Nov 28 at 2:26

                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        Mudassir Awan is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        answered Nov 27 at 13:31

                                                                        Mudassir Awan



                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        Mudassir Awan is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        Mudassir Awan is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        Mudassir Awan is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        • 22

                                                                          Do you have any experience you can cite (your own or someone else's) that indicates these methods actually work? These remedies are copied from Natural Living Ideas which doesn't provide any citation of experience of these methods working, just provides "ideas" and writes about them as if they'll work.
                                                                          – doppelgreener
                                                                          Nov 27 at 17:57

                                                                        • 19

                                                                          Keep in mind that while something might work as a repellant, that's not the same thing as killing them. With bedbugs, it's critical that you kill them, plus destroy their eggs. Otherwise, you're just chasing them to someone else's house, and they'll be back in yours soon.
                                                                          – bta
                                                                          Nov 27 at 19:18

                                                                        • 6

                                                                          @Chenmunka I'm fairly confident we can safely downvote this unresearched answer as a whole.
                                                                          – thumbtackthief
                                                                          Nov 27 at 22:12

                                                                        • 11

                                                                          DO NOT DO ANY OF THESE. They will not work. Terrible, uninformed, and incorrect answer. Hire an exterminator. No one ever wants to hire an exterminator. But that is still what you need to do.
                                                                          – only_pro
                                                                          Nov 27 at 22:48

                                                                        • 11

                                                                          This is all garbage. Bed Bugs are notoriously resilient and care not about 'repellents' or anything of the sort. Kill them with extreme heat (in the realm of about 60c - 70c) or chemicals that actually kill them. Call an exterminator.
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 27 at 23:12

                                                                        • 22

                                                                          Do you have any experience you can cite (your own or someone else's) that indicates these methods actually work? These remedies are copied from Natural Living Ideas which doesn't provide any citation of experience of these methods working, just provides "ideas" and writes about them as if they'll work.
                                                                          – doppelgreener
                                                                          Nov 27 at 17:57

                                                                        • 19

                                                                          Keep in mind that while something might work as a repellant, that's not the same thing as killing them. With bedbugs, it's critical that you kill them, plus destroy their eggs. Otherwise, you're just chasing them to someone else's house, and they'll be back in yours soon.
                                                                          – bta
                                                                          Nov 27 at 19:18

                                                                        • 6

                                                                          @Chenmunka I'm fairly confident we can safely downvote this unresearched answer as a whole.
                                                                          – thumbtackthief
                                                                          Nov 27 at 22:12

                                                                        • 11

                                                                          DO NOT DO ANY OF THESE. They will not work. Terrible, uninformed, and incorrect answer. Hire an exterminator. No one ever wants to hire an exterminator. But that is still what you need to do.
                                                                          – only_pro
                                                                          Nov 27 at 22:48

                                                                        • 11

                                                                          This is all garbage. Bed Bugs are notoriously resilient and care not about 'repellents' or anything of the sort. Kill them with extreme heat (in the realm of about 60c - 70c) or chemicals that actually kill them. Call an exterminator.
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 27 at 23:12



                                                                        Do you have any experience you can cite (your own or someone else's) that indicates these methods actually work? These remedies are copied from Natural Living Ideas which doesn't provide any citation of experience of these methods working, just provides "ideas" and writes about them as if they'll work.
                                                                        – doppelgreener
                                                                        Nov 27 at 17:57

                                                                        Do you have any experience you can cite (your own or someone else's) that indicates these methods actually work? These remedies are copied from Natural Living Ideas which doesn't provide any citation of experience of these methods working, just provides "ideas" and writes about them as if they'll work.
                                                                        – doppelgreener
                                                                        Nov 27 at 17:57



                                                                        Keep in mind that while something might work as a repellant, that's not the same thing as killing them. With bedbugs, it's critical that you kill them, plus destroy their eggs. Otherwise, you're just chasing them to someone else's house, and they'll be back in yours soon.
                                                                        – bta
                                                                        Nov 27 at 19:18

                                                                        Keep in mind that while something might work as a repellant, that's not the same thing as killing them. With bedbugs, it's critical that you kill them, plus destroy their eggs. Otherwise, you're just chasing them to someone else's house, and they'll be back in yours soon.
                                                                        – bta
                                                                        Nov 27 at 19:18



                                                                        @Chenmunka I'm fairly confident we can safely downvote this unresearched answer as a whole.
                                                                        – thumbtackthief
                                                                        Nov 27 at 22:12

                                                                        @Chenmunka I'm fairly confident we can safely downvote this unresearched answer as a whole.
                                                                        – thumbtackthief
                                                                        Nov 27 at 22:12



                                                                        DO NOT DO ANY OF THESE. They will not work. Terrible, uninformed, and incorrect answer. Hire an exterminator. No one ever wants to hire an exterminator. But that is still what you need to do.
                                                                        – only_pro
                                                                        Nov 27 at 22:48

                                                                        DO NOT DO ANY OF THESE. They will not work. Terrible, uninformed, and incorrect answer. Hire an exterminator. No one ever wants to hire an exterminator. But that is still what you need to do.
                                                                        – only_pro
                                                                        Nov 27 at 22:48



                                                                        This is all garbage. Bed Bugs are notoriously resilient and care not about 'repellents' or anything of the sort. Kill them with extreme heat (in the realm of about 60c - 70c) or chemicals that actually kill them. Call an exterminator.
                                                                        – mkautzm
                                                                        Nov 27 at 23:12

                                                                        This is all garbage. Bed Bugs are notoriously resilient and care not about 'repellents' or anything of the sort. Kill them with extreme heat (in the realm of about 60c - 70c) or chemicals that actually kill them. Call an exterminator.
                                                                        – mkautzm
                                                                        Nov 27 at 23:12

                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        Funny thing no one will vote this answer up but this is the only answer that works (worked for me).

                                                                        You could keep popping them spraying them even heating the whole room up will not help kill them all and a few will survive anyways.

                                                                        You could try killing these bedbugs for years but every couple of days they will replenish back to numbers again.

                                                                        Anyways the only way to get rid of them is to throw the mattresses out, that's like throwing out their lifesource that puts them into a depression and you have to move living in a uninhabitable room (living room) they wont walk from one room to the other because they will be in a depression and just die out from hunger after a year or so and you could move back in there.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        SSpoke is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        • 10

                                                                          Tell me again how you know bed bugs experience depression?
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 27 at 23:13

                                                                        • I already explained it when they lose their main source of food and shelter they go into depression and just go into the walls and die out there they don't try to go to the next room they think its all over.
                                                                          – SSpoke
                                                                          Nov 28 at 0:08

                                                                        • 4

                                                                          I encourage you to substantiate that claim with research of some kind.
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 28 at 0:47

                                                                        • 8

                                                                          Well, your experience is wrong. There is no evidence to suggest that bed bugs become 'depressed', and there is a lot of research to suggest that they definitely have no problem moving from location to location in a house.
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 28 at 1:30

                                                                        • 3

                                                                          @SSpoke I don't think someone who can't tell the difference between whales and bedbugs should be commenting on anyone else's intelligence.
                                                                          – thumbtackthief
                                                                          2 days ago

                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        Funny thing no one will vote this answer up but this is the only answer that works (worked for me).

                                                                        You could keep popping them spraying them even heating the whole room up will not help kill them all and a few will survive anyways.

                                                                        You could try killing these bedbugs for years but every couple of days they will replenish back to numbers again.

                                                                        Anyways the only way to get rid of them is to throw the mattresses out, that's like throwing out their lifesource that puts them into a depression and you have to move living in a uninhabitable room (living room) they wont walk from one room to the other because they will be in a depression and just die out from hunger after a year or so and you could move back in there.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        SSpoke is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        • 10

                                                                          Tell me again how you know bed bugs experience depression?
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 27 at 23:13

                                                                        • I already explained it when they lose their main source of food and shelter they go into depression and just go into the walls and die out there they don't try to go to the next room they think its all over.
                                                                          – SSpoke
                                                                          Nov 28 at 0:08

                                                                        • 4

                                                                          I encourage you to substantiate that claim with research of some kind.
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 28 at 0:47

                                                                        • 8

                                                                          Well, your experience is wrong. There is no evidence to suggest that bed bugs become 'depressed', and there is a lot of research to suggest that they definitely have no problem moving from location to location in a house.
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 28 at 1:30

                                                                        • 3

                                                                          @SSpoke I don't think someone who can't tell the difference between whales and bedbugs should be commenting on anyone else's intelligence.
                                                                          – thumbtackthief
                                                                          2 days ago

                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        up vote
                                                                        down vote

                                                                        Funny thing no one will vote this answer up but this is the only answer that works (worked for me).

                                                                        You could keep popping them spraying them even heating the whole room up will not help kill them all and a few will survive anyways.

                                                                        You could try killing these bedbugs for years but every couple of days they will replenish back to numbers again.

                                                                        Anyways the only way to get rid of them is to throw the mattresses out, that's like throwing out their lifesource that puts them into a depression and you have to move living in a uninhabitable room (living room) they wont walk from one room to the other because they will be in a depression and just die out from hunger after a year or so and you could move back in there.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        SSpoke is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        Funny thing no one will vote this answer up but this is the only answer that works (worked for me).

                                                                        You could keep popping them spraying them even heating the whole room up will not help kill them all and a few will survive anyways.

                                                                        You could try killing these bedbugs for years but every couple of days they will replenish back to numbers again.

                                                                        Anyways the only way to get rid of them is to throw the mattresses out, that's like throwing out their lifesource that puts them into a depression and you have to move living in a uninhabitable room (living room) they wont walk from one room to the other because they will be in a depression and just die out from hunger after a year or so and you could move back in there.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        SSpoke is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        share|improve this answer

                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        SSpoke is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        answered Nov 27 at 23:07




                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        SSpoke is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        New contributor

                                                                        SSpoke is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        SSpoke is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                                                        Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                                                        • 10

                                                                          Tell me again how you know bed bugs experience depression?
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 27 at 23:13

                                                                        • I already explained it when they lose their main source of food and shelter they go into depression and just go into the walls and die out there they don't try to go to the next room they think its all over.
                                                                          – SSpoke
                                                                          Nov 28 at 0:08

                                                                        • 4

                                                                          I encourage you to substantiate that claim with research of some kind.
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 28 at 0:47

                                                                        • 8

                                                                          Well, your experience is wrong. There is no evidence to suggest that bed bugs become 'depressed', and there is a lot of research to suggest that they definitely have no problem moving from location to location in a house.
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 28 at 1:30

                                                                        • 3

                                                                          @SSpoke I don't think someone who can't tell the difference between whales and bedbugs should be commenting on anyone else's intelligence.
                                                                          – thumbtackthief
                                                                          2 days ago

                                                                        • 10

                                                                          Tell me again how you know bed bugs experience depression?
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 27 at 23:13

                                                                        • I already explained it when they lose their main source of food and shelter they go into depression and just go into the walls and die out there they don't try to go to the next room they think its all over.
                                                                          – SSpoke
                                                                          Nov 28 at 0:08

                                                                        • 4

                                                                          I encourage you to substantiate that claim with research of some kind.
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 28 at 0:47

                                                                        • 8

                                                                          Well, your experience is wrong. There is no evidence to suggest that bed bugs become 'depressed', and there is a lot of research to suggest that they definitely have no problem moving from location to location in a house.
                                                                          – mkautzm
                                                                          Nov 28 at 1:30

                                                                        • 3

                                                                          @SSpoke I don't think someone who can't tell the difference between whales and bedbugs should be commenting on anyone else's intelligence.
                                                                          – thumbtackthief
                                                                          2 days ago



                                                                        Tell me again how you know bed bugs experience depression?
                                                                        – mkautzm
                                                                        Nov 27 at 23:13

                                                                        Tell me again how you know bed bugs experience depression?
                                                                        – mkautzm
                                                                        Nov 27 at 23:13

                                                                        I already explained it when they lose their main source of food and shelter they go into depression and just go into the walls and die out there they don't try to go to the next room they think its all over.
                                                                        – SSpoke
                                                                        Nov 28 at 0:08

                                                                        I already explained it when they lose their main source of food and shelter they go into depression and just go into the walls and die out there they don't try to go to the next room they think its all over.
                                                                        – SSpoke
                                                                        Nov 28 at 0:08



                                                                        I encourage you to substantiate that claim with research of some kind.
                                                                        – mkautzm
                                                                        Nov 28 at 0:47

                                                                        I encourage you to substantiate that claim with research of some kind.
                                                                        – mkautzm
                                                                        Nov 28 at 0:47



                                                                        Well, your experience is wrong. There is no evidence to suggest that bed bugs become 'depressed', and there is a lot of research to suggest that they definitely have no problem moving from location to location in a house.
                                                                        – mkautzm
                                                                        Nov 28 at 1:30

                                                                        Well, your experience is wrong. There is no evidence to suggest that bed bugs become 'depressed', and there is a lot of research to suggest that they definitely have no problem moving from location to location in a house.
                                                                        – mkautzm
                                                                        Nov 28 at 1:30



                                                                        @SSpoke I don't think someone who can't tell the difference between whales and bedbugs should be commenting on anyone else's intelligence.
                                                                        – thumbtackthief
                                                                        2 days ago

                                                                        @SSpoke I don't think someone who can't tell the difference between whales and bedbugs should be commenting on anyone else's intelligence.
                                                                        – thumbtackthief
                                                                        2 days ago

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