Can I write $log_{2^3*5^5} x = frac{1}{3*5} log_{2*5} x$? [closed]

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Since there is a property where we can take take the power of base into division

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closed as unclear what you're asking by Henno Brandsma, user302797, amWhy, user10354138, tatan Nov 24 at 19:04

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • I cannot read the equation. Is it $2^3*5^5(x)=frac{1}{3*5}text{log}_{(2*5)}(x)$?
    – Joey Kilpatrick
    Nov 18 at 6:52

  • @Rohan This is what MathJax looks like. If this is not what you wanted, you can change it yourself.
    – Toby Mak
    Nov 18 at 6:54

  • it's correct now
    – Rohan
    Nov 18 at 7:02

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Since there is a property where we can take take the power of base into division

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closed as unclear what you're asking by Henno Brandsma, user302797, amWhy, user10354138, tatan Nov 24 at 19:04

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • I cannot read the equation. Is it $2^3*5^5(x)=frac{1}{3*5}text{log}_{(2*5)}(x)$?
    – Joey Kilpatrick
    Nov 18 at 6:52

  • @Rohan This is what MathJax looks like. If this is not what you wanted, you can change it yourself.
    – Toby Mak
    Nov 18 at 6:54

  • it's correct now
    – Rohan
    Nov 18 at 7:02

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Since there is a property where we can take take the power of base into division

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Since there is a property where we can take take the power of base into division


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edited Nov 18 at 6:53

Toby Mak



asked Nov 18 at 6:49




closed as unclear what you're asking by Henno Brandsma, user302797, amWhy, user10354138, tatan Nov 24 at 19:04

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as unclear what you're asking by Henno Brandsma, user302797, amWhy, user10354138, tatan Nov 24 at 19:04

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • I cannot read the equation. Is it $2^3*5^5(x)=frac{1}{3*5}text{log}_{(2*5)}(x)$?
    – Joey Kilpatrick
    Nov 18 at 6:52

  • @Rohan This is what MathJax looks like. If this is not what you wanted, you can change it yourself.
    – Toby Mak
    Nov 18 at 6:54

  • it's correct now
    – Rohan
    Nov 18 at 7:02

  • I cannot read the equation. Is it $2^3*5^5(x)=frac{1}{3*5}text{log}_{(2*5)}(x)$?
    – Joey Kilpatrick
    Nov 18 at 6:52

  • @Rohan This is what MathJax looks like. If this is not what you wanted, you can change it yourself.
    – Toby Mak
    Nov 18 at 6:54

  • it's correct now
    – Rohan
    Nov 18 at 7:02

I cannot read the equation. Is it $2^3*5^5(x)=frac{1}{3*5}text{log}_{(2*5)}(x)$?
– Joey Kilpatrick
Nov 18 at 6:52

I cannot read the equation. Is it $2^3*5^5(x)=frac{1}{3*5}text{log}_{(2*5)}(x)$?
– Joey Kilpatrick
Nov 18 at 6:52

@Rohan This is what MathJax looks like. If this is not what you wanted, you can change it yourself.
– Toby Mak
Nov 18 at 6:54

@Rohan This is what MathJax looks like. If this is not what you wanted, you can change it yourself.
– Toby Mak
Nov 18 at 6:54

it's correct now
– Rohan
Nov 18 at 7:02

it's correct now
– Rohan
Nov 18 at 7:02

2 Answers




up vote
down vote

The answer is no.

Let $x=10$ and the $RHS$ will be $frac {1}{15}$

The $LHS$ then implies $$2^3 times 5^5 =10^{15}$$ which is not true.

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    up vote
    down vote

    By the change of base formula:

    $$log_{color{red}{b}} (x) = frac{log_color{blue}{d} (x)}{log_color{blue}{d} (color{red}{b})}$$
    $$log_{color{red}{2 cdot 5}} (x) = frac{log_color{blue}{2^3 cdot 5^5} (x)}{log_color{blue}{2^3 cdot 5^5} (color{red}{2 cdot 5})}$$
    $$log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} (x) = frac{1}{log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} ({2 cdot 5})} cdot log_{2 cdot 5} (x)$$

    but $log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} ({2 cdot 5}) ne 15$.

    share|cite|improve this answer

      2 Answers




      2 Answers










      up vote
      down vote

      The answer is no.

      Let $x=10$ and the $RHS$ will be $frac {1}{15}$

      The $LHS$ then implies $$2^3 times 5^5 =10^{15}$$ which is not true.

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        The answer is no.

        Let $x=10$ and the $RHS$ will be $frac {1}{15}$

        The $LHS$ then implies $$2^3 times 5^5 =10^{15}$$ which is not true.

        share|cite|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          up vote
          down vote

          The answer is no.

          Let $x=10$ and the $RHS$ will be $frac {1}{15}$

          The $LHS$ then implies $$2^3 times 5^5 =10^{15}$$ which is not true.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          The answer is no.

          Let $x=10$ and the $RHS$ will be $frac {1}{15}$

          The $LHS$ then implies $$2^3 times 5^5 =10^{15}$$ which is not true.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          answered Nov 18 at 7:37

          Mohammad Riazi-Kermani



              up vote
              down vote

              By the change of base formula:

              $$log_{color{red}{b}} (x) = frac{log_color{blue}{d} (x)}{log_color{blue}{d} (color{red}{b})}$$
              $$log_{color{red}{2 cdot 5}} (x) = frac{log_color{blue}{2^3 cdot 5^5} (x)}{log_color{blue}{2^3 cdot 5^5} (color{red}{2 cdot 5})}$$
              $$log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} (x) = frac{1}{log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} ({2 cdot 5})} cdot log_{2 cdot 5} (x)$$

              but $log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} ({2 cdot 5}) ne 15$.

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                By the change of base formula:

                $$log_{color{red}{b}} (x) = frac{log_color{blue}{d} (x)}{log_color{blue}{d} (color{red}{b})}$$
                $$log_{color{red}{2 cdot 5}} (x) = frac{log_color{blue}{2^3 cdot 5^5} (x)}{log_color{blue}{2^3 cdot 5^5} (color{red}{2 cdot 5})}$$
                $$log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} (x) = frac{1}{log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} ({2 cdot 5})} cdot log_{2 cdot 5} (x)$$

                but $log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} ({2 cdot 5}) ne 15$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  By the change of base formula:

                  $$log_{color{red}{b}} (x) = frac{log_color{blue}{d} (x)}{log_color{blue}{d} (color{red}{b})}$$
                  $$log_{color{red}{2 cdot 5}} (x) = frac{log_color{blue}{2^3 cdot 5^5} (x)}{log_color{blue}{2^3 cdot 5^5} (color{red}{2 cdot 5})}$$
                  $$log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} (x) = frac{1}{log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} ({2 cdot 5})} cdot log_{2 cdot 5} (x)$$

                  but $log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} ({2 cdot 5}) ne 15$.

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  By the change of base formula:

                  $$log_{color{red}{b}} (x) = frac{log_color{blue}{d} (x)}{log_color{blue}{d} (color{red}{b})}$$
                  $$log_{color{red}{2 cdot 5}} (x) = frac{log_color{blue}{2^3 cdot 5^5} (x)}{log_color{blue}{2^3 cdot 5^5} (color{red}{2 cdot 5})}$$
                  $$log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} (x) = frac{1}{log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} ({2 cdot 5})} cdot log_{2 cdot 5} (x)$$

                  but $log_{2^3 cdot 5^5} ({2 cdot 5}) ne 15$.

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  edited Nov 18 at 7:12

                  answered Nov 18 at 7:07

                  Toby Mak



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