Separating multiple first and/or last names in C

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down vote


So I'm working on a small project whereas I want to take mock data and separate them into structs. But I was thinking of the issue of people with multiple first and/or last names.

I want to write first names like you would do (like "Michael") and last names in all capital letters (like "JAMESON").

But what if I'm reading a name like Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE, etc. I don't know how I'd be able to separate "Michael Daniel" as first name, and "VAN DOORNE" as the last name. I tried to separate by stopping at the first capital letter, but I am of course capitalizing the first letter in someone's first names as well.


I want to read Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE, and separate it into "Michael Daniel" as firstname, and "VAN DOORNE" as the surname.

sscanf(buffer, "%s %s", firstName, lastName);

That wouldnt work naturally. But i am kinda stuck on coming up with a solution for mock names with multiple first and last names.

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New contributor

Emil Rasmussen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • use strtok to split a string up using space as delimiter. Then you just have to find out, for each string, whether they're all uppercase or not. You can do that by looping over the string (until the null terminator at the end of the string) and use isupper to find out whether the letter in question is uppercase.
    – Blaze
    Nov 29 at 13:34

  • 1

    Well you can if i am just making mock data, where the first names are not in all uppercase, and the last names are in uppercase
    – Emil Rasmussen
    Nov 29 at 13:37

  • 6

    Read the full name. Iterate from the end and stop at the first lower case letter. At that point you can split the name into first and last names.
    – P.W
    Nov 29 at 13:49

  • 1

    see this article for the misconseptions we programmers usually have about names
    – king_nak
    Nov 29 at 14:18

  • @Lundin Even in the original edit of the question, this said "last names [are] in all capital letters". Please read the entire question before jumping to conclusions next time.
    – Nic Hartley
    Nov 29 at 18:20

up vote
down vote


So I'm working on a small project whereas I want to take mock data and separate them into structs. But I was thinking of the issue of people with multiple first and/or last names.

I want to write first names like you would do (like "Michael") and last names in all capital letters (like "JAMESON").

But what if I'm reading a name like Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE, etc. I don't know how I'd be able to separate "Michael Daniel" as first name, and "VAN DOORNE" as the last name. I tried to separate by stopping at the first capital letter, but I am of course capitalizing the first letter in someone's first names as well.


I want to read Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE, and separate it into "Michael Daniel" as firstname, and "VAN DOORNE" as the surname.

sscanf(buffer, "%s %s", firstName, lastName);

That wouldnt work naturally. But i am kinda stuck on coming up with a solution for mock names with multiple first and last names.

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New contributor

Emil Rasmussen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • use strtok to split a string up using space as delimiter. Then you just have to find out, for each string, whether they're all uppercase or not. You can do that by looping over the string (until the null terminator at the end of the string) and use isupper to find out whether the letter in question is uppercase.
    – Blaze
    Nov 29 at 13:34

  • 1

    Well you can if i am just making mock data, where the first names are not in all uppercase, and the last names are in uppercase
    – Emil Rasmussen
    Nov 29 at 13:37

  • 6

    Read the full name. Iterate from the end and stop at the first lower case letter. At that point you can split the name into first and last names.
    – P.W
    Nov 29 at 13:49

  • 1

    see this article for the misconseptions we programmers usually have about names
    – king_nak
    Nov 29 at 14:18

  • @Lundin Even in the original edit of the question, this said "last names [are] in all capital letters". Please read the entire question before jumping to conclusions next time.
    – Nic Hartley
    Nov 29 at 18:20

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


So I'm working on a small project whereas I want to take mock data and separate them into structs. But I was thinking of the issue of people with multiple first and/or last names.

I want to write first names like you would do (like "Michael") and last names in all capital letters (like "JAMESON").

But what if I'm reading a name like Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE, etc. I don't know how I'd be able to separate "Michael Daniel" as first name, and "VAN DOORNE" as the last name. I tried to separate by stopping at the first capital letter, but I am of course capitalizing the first letter in someone's first names as well.


I want to read Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE, and separate it into "Michael Daniel" as firstname, and "VAN DOORNE" as the surname.

sscanf(buffer, "%s %s", firstName, lastName);

That wouldnt work naturally. But i am kinda stuck on coming up with a solution for mock names with multiple first and last names.

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New contributor

Emil Rasmussen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

So I'm working on a small project whereas I want to take mock data and separate them into structs. But I was thinking of the issue of people with multiple first and/or last names.

I want to write first names like you would do (like "Michael") and last names in all capital letters (like "JAMESON").

But what if I'm reading a name like Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE, etc. I don't know how I'd be able to separate "Michael Daniel" as first name, and "VAN DOORNE" as the last name. I tried to separate by stopping at the first capital letter, but I am of course capitalizing the first letter in someone's first names as well.


I want to read Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE, and separate it into "Michael Daniel" as firstname, and "VAN DOORNE" as the surname.

sscanf(buffer, "%s %s", firstName, lastName);

That wouldnt work naturally. But i am kinda stuck on coming up with a solution for mock names with multiple first and last names.


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New contributor

Emil Rasmussen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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New contributor

Emil Rasmussen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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edited Nov 29 at 13:41




New contributor

Emil Rasmussen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked Nov 29 at 13:30

Emil Rasmussen



New contributor

Emil Rasmussen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

Emil Rasmussen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Emil Rasmussen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • use strtok to split a string up using space as delimiter. Then you just have to find out, for each string, whether they're all uppercase or not. You can do that by looping over the string (until the null terminator at the end of the string) and use isupper to find out whether the letter in question is uppercase.
    – Blaze
    Nov 29 at 13:34

  • 1

    Well you can if i am just making mock data, where the first names are not in all uppercase, and the last names are in uppercase
    – Emil Rasmussen
    Nov 29 at 13:37

  • 6

    Read the full name. Iterate from the end and stop at the first lower case letter. At that point you can split the name into first and last names.
    – P.W
    Nov 29 at 13:49

  • 1

    see this article for the misconseptions we programmers usually have about names
    – king_nak
    Nov 29 at 14:18

  • @Lundin Even in the original edit of the question, this said "last names [are] in all capital letters". Please read the entire question before jumping to conclusions next time.
    – Nic Hartley
    Nov 29 at 18:20

  • use strtok to split a string up using space as delimiter. Then you just have to find out, for each string, whether they're all uppercase or not. You can do that by looping over the string (until the null terminator at the end of the string) and use isupper to find out whether the letter in question is uppercase.
    – Blaze
    Nov 29 at 13:34

  • 1

    Well you can if i am just making mock data, where the first names are not in all uppercase, and the last names are in uppercase
    – Emil Rasmussen
    Nov 29 at 13:37

  • 6

    Read the full name. Iterate from the end and stop at the first lower case letter. At that point you can split the name into first and last names.
    – P.W
    Nov 29 at 13:49

  • 1

    see this article for the misconseptions we programmers usually have about names
    – king_nak
    Nov 29 at 14:18

  • @Lundin Even in the original edit of the question, this said "last names [are] in all capital letters". Please read the entire question before jumping to conclusions next time.
    – Nic Hartley
    Nov 29 at 18:20

use strtok to split a string up using space as delimiter. Then you just have to find out, for each string, whether they're all uppercase or not. You can do that by looping over the string (until the null terminator at the end of the string) and use isupper to find out whether the letter in question is uppercase.
– Blaze
Nov 29 at 13:34

use strtok to split a string up using space as delimiter. Then you just have to find out, for each string, whether they're all uppercase or not. You can do that by looping over the string (until the null terminator at the end of the string) and use isupper to find out whether the letter in question is uppercase.
– Blaze
Nov 29 at 13:34



Well you can if i am just making mock data, where the first names are not in all uppercase, and the last names are in uppercase
– Emil Rasmussen
Nov 29 at 13:37

Well you can if i am just making mock data, where the first names are not in all uppercase, and the last names are in uppercase
– Emil Rasmussen
Nov 29 at 13:37



Read the full name. Iterate from the end and stop at the first lower case letter. At that point you can split the name into first and last names.
– P.W
Nov 29 at 13:49

Read the full name. Iterate from the end and stop at the first lower case letter. At that point you can split the name into first and last names.
– P.W
Nov 29 at 13:49



see this article for the misconseptions we programmers usually have about names
– king_nak
Nov 29 at 14:18

see this article for the misconseptions we programmers usually have about names
– king_nak
Nov 29 at 14:18

@Lundin Even in the original edit of the question, this said "last names [are] in all capital letters". Please read the entire question before jumping to conclusions next time.
– Nic Hartley
Nov 29 at 18:20

@Lundin Even in the original edit of the question, this said "last names [are] in all capital letters". Please read the entire question before jumping to conclusions next time.
– Nic Hartley
Nov 29 at 18:20

6 Answers




up vote
down vote

As you seem to be in total control of the data, I rather recommend a different approach:

A specific separator character in between forename(s) and surname(s). Then you don't rely on case sensitivity any more, especially the single character name issue appearing in another answer isn't an issue any more.

Separator character should be one that won't ever appear in any name, such as a tab (in contrast to space) character, #, '|', ... Even comma or semicolon should be fine, though the period might appear in abbreviated names and thus should not be used.

share|improve this answer

  • 2

    I suggest using one of the standard ASCII characters designed for this purpose, for example the unit separator 0x1F.
    – pipe
    Nov 29 at 16:58

  • @pipe: Excellent idea, in case someone has a tab in their name. But then what if someone has 0x1F UNIT SEPARATOR in their name‽
    – Kundor
    Nov 29 at 17:59

  • @pipe They are fine for file processing, but less suitable if input file is written by hand with ordinary text editor...
    – Aconcagua
    Nov 30 at 0:28

up vote
down vote

So knowing if it is part of a first name or last name is a bit of a challenge, but from the sound of it, you are in control of the data, so you can either lowercase the first name and capitalize the last or use some other method.

Breaking up the string, this is relatively easy by using strtok.

Making some assumptions that you are reading names line by line and stuffing them into buffer.

Use strtok to break buffer into "names".

char *token
token = strtok(buffer, " "); //note the second parameter is what you want to parse the array by
while(token != NULL)
//store that token into your struct (first or last name) allow for multiple
//store into the other

token = strtok(NULL, " "); //keep looping on string for names

share|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    strspn and strcspn could be used to iterate through the string and locate the first word that is all uppercase.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>

    int main( void) {
    char line = "Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE";
    int last = 0;
    int start = 0;
    int check = 0;
    do {
    last = start + check;
    check += start + 1;
    start = strspn ( line + check, upper);//span of characters that are uppercase
    if ( ' ' != line[start + check]) {//is the next character a space
    start = strcspn ( line + check, " ");//find the space
    if ( line[start + check]) {//not the terminatins zero
    } while ( line[start + check] && ' ' != line[start + check]);

    printf ( "%sn", &line[last]);

    return 0;

    share|improve this answer

    • I believe this fails for people (like my grandfather) with a single character middle name
      – BurnsBA
      Nov 29 at 14:12

    • @BurnsBA yes a single letter not part of the last name is a problem.
      – xing
      Nov 29 at 14:13

    • There are also single character last names:
      – BurnsBA
      Nov 29 at 14:14

    • @BurnsBA the only solution I see is F. M. NAME for first and middle name, follow the letter with a dot??
      – xing
      Nov 29 at 14:19

    up vote
    down vote

    Assuming last names are always written in upper case, start reading the string from the end and see when you have your last lower case.

    int i=strlen(buffer)-1;
    while(!islower(buffer[i]) && i>0)

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Alex is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

      up vote
      down vote

      Here's another solution.Read until there are two capitals after each other or a capital and a space. Then use pointer arithmetic to fill first name and lastname.

      char name = "Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE";

      char *p = name;

      char firstname[100] = { 0 };
      char lastname[100] = { 0 };

      while (*p)
      if (isupper(p[0]) && (isupper(p[1]) || p[1] == ' '))
      strcpy(lastname, p);
      strncpy(firstname, name, p - name - 1);

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        If you're working with ASCII, here is a charset-specific trick that will help you:

        #define TWOUPPER(c0, c1) (!((c0) & 32) && !((c1) & 32))

        This will work even on single character last names since the null character will fail the 5th bit check, and single character middle names will not be taken as the last name since the following space will not succeed the test.

        Works with the following test cases for me by comparing every two characters in the string and stopping on a match:

            char test1[100] = "Otto VON BISMARK",
        test2[100] = "Johannes Diderik VAN DER WAALS",
        test3[100] = "Vincent VAN GOGH",
        test4[100] = "Govind A B C D P"; // Only the "P" is counted as the last name here

        share|improve this answer

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          6 Answers




          6 Answers










          up vote
          down vote

          As you seem to be in total control of the data, I rather recommend a different approach:

          A specific separator character in between forename(s) and surname(s). Then you don't rely on case sensitivity any more, especially the single character name issue appearing in another answer isn't an issue any more.

          Separator character should be one that won't ever appear in any name, such as a tab (in contrast to space) character, #, '|', ... Even comma or semicolon should be fine, though the period might appear in abbreviated names and thus should not be used.

          share|improve this answer

          • 2

            I suggest using one of the standard ASCII characters designed for this purpose, for example the unit separator 0x1F.
            – pipe
            Nov 29 at 16:58

          • @pipe: Excellent idea, in case someone has a tab in their name. But then what if someone has 0x1F UNIT SEPARATOR in their name‽
            – Kundor
            Nov 29 at 17:59

          • @pipe They are fine for file processing, but less suitable if input file is written by hand with ordinary text editor...
            – Aconcagua
            Nov 30 at 0:28

          up vote
          down vote

          As you seem to be in total control of the data, I rather recommend a different approach:

          A specific separator character in between forename(s) and surname(s). Then you don't rely on case sensitivity any more, especially the single character name issue appearing in another answer isn't an issue any more.

          Separator character should be one that won't ever appear in any name, such as a tab (in contrast to space) character, #, '|', ... Even comma or semicolon should be fine, though the period might appear in abbreviated names and thus should not be used.

          share|improve this answer

          • 2

            I suggest using one of the standard ASCII characters designed for this purpose, for example the unit separator 0x1F.
            – pipe
            Nov 29 at 16:58

          • @pipe: Excellent idea, in case someone has a tab in their name. But then what if someone has 0x1F UNIT SEPARATOR in their name‽
            – Kundor
            Nov 29 at 17:59

          • @pipe They are fine for file processing, but less suitable if input file is written by hand with ordinary text editor...
            – Aconcagua
            Nov 30 at 0:28

          up vote
          down vote

          up vote
          down vote

          As you seem to be in total control of the data, I rather recommend a different approach:

          A specific separator character in between forename(s) and surname(s). Then you don't rely on case sensitivity any more, especially the single character name issue appearing in another answer isn't an issue any more.

          Separator character should be one that won't ever appear in any name, such as a tab (in contrast to space) character, #, '|', ... Even comma or semicolon should be fine, though the period might appear in abbreviated names and thus should not be used.

          share|improve this answer

          As you seem to be in total control of the data, I rather recommend a different approach:

          A specific separator character in between forename(s) and surname(s). Then you don't rely on case sensitivity any more, especially the single character name issue appearing in another answer isn't an issue any more.

          Separator character should be one that won't ever appear in any name, such as a tab (in contrast to space) character, #, '|', ... Even comma or semicolon should be fine, though the period might appear in abbreviated names and thus should not be used.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Nov 29 at 14:22




          • 2

            I suggest using one of the standard ASCII characters designed for this purpose, for example the unit separator 0x1F.
            – pipe
            Nov 29 at 16:58

          • @pipe: Excellent idea, in case someone has a tab in their name. But then what if someone has 0x1F UNIT SEPARATOR in their name‽
            – Kundor
            Nov 29 at 17:59

          • @pipe They are fine for file processing, but less suitable if input file is written by hand with ordinary text editor...
            – Aconcagua
            Nov 30 at 0:28

          • 2

            I suggest using one of the standard ASCII characters designed for this purpose, for example the unit separator 0x1F.
            – pipe
            Nov 29 at 16:58

          • @pipe: Excellent idea, in case someone has a tab in their name. But then what if someone has 0x1F UNIT SEPARATOR in their name‽
            – Kundor
            Nov 29 at 17:59

          • @pipe They are fine for file processing, but less suitable if input file is written by hand with ordinary text editor...
            – Aconcagua
            Nov 30 at 0:28



          I suggest using one of the standard ASCII characters designed for this purpose, for example the unit separator 0x1F.
          – pipe
          Nov 29 at 16:58

          I suggest using one of the standard ASCII characters designed for this purpose, for example the unit separator 0x1F.
          – pipe
          Nov 29 at 16:58

          @pipe: Excellent idea, in case someone has a tab in their name. But then what if someone has 0x1F UNIT SEPARATOR in their name‽
          – Kundor
          Nov 29 at 17:59

          @pipe: Excellent idea, in case someone has a tab in their name. But then what if someone has 0x1F UNIT SEPARATOR in their name‽
          – Kundor
          Nov 29 at 17:59

          @pipe They are fine for file processing, but less suitable if input file is written by hand with ordinary text editor...
          – Aconcagua
          Nov 30 at 0:28

          @pipe They are fine for file processing, but less suitable if input file is written by hand with ordinary text editor...
          – Aconcagua
          Nov 30 at 0:28

          up vote
          down vote

          So knowing if it is part of a first name or last name is a bit of a challenge, but from the sound of it, you are in control of the data, so you can either lowercase the first name and capitalize the last or use some other method.

          Breaking up the string, this is relatively easy by using strtok.

          Making some assumptions that you are reading names line by line and stuffing them into buffer.

          Use strtok to break buffer into "names".

          char *token
          token = strtok(buffer, " "); //note the second parameter is what you want to parse the array by
          while(token != NULL)
          //store that token into your struct (first or last name) allow for multiple
          //store into the other

          token = strtok(NULL, " "); //keep looping on string for names

          share|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            So knowing if it is part of a first name or last name is a bit of a challenge, but from the sound of it, you are in control of the data, so you can either lowercase the first name and capitalize the last or use some other method.

            Breaking up the string, this is relatively easy by using strtok.

            Making some assumptions that you are reading names line by line and stuffing them into buffer.

            Use strtok to break buffer into "names".

            char *token
            token = strtok(buffer, " "); //note the second parameter is what you want to parse the array by
            while(token != NULL)
            //store that token into your struct (first or last name) allow for multiple
            //store into the other

            token = strtok(NULL, " "); //keep looping on string for names

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              up vote
              down vote

              So knowing if it is part of a first name or last name is a bit of a challenge, but from the sound of it, you are in control of the data, so you can either lowercase the first name and capitalize the last or use some other method.

              Breaking up the string, this is relatively easy by using strtok.

              Making some assumptions that you are reading names line by line and stuffing them into buffer.

              Use strtok to break buffer into "names".

              char *token
              token = strtok(buffer, " "); //note the second parameter is what you want to parse the array by
              while(token != NULL)
              //store that token into your struct (first or last name) allow for multiple
              //store into the other

              token = strtok(NULL, " "); //keep looping on string for names

              share|improve this answer

              So knowing if it is part of a first name or last name is a bit of a challenge, but from the sound of it, you are in control of the data, so you can either lowercase the first name and capitalize the last or use some other method.

              Breaking up the string, this is relatively easy by using strtok.

              Making some assumptions that you are reading names line by line and stuffing them into buffer.

              Use strtok to break buffer into "names".

              char *token
              token = strtok(buffer, " "); //note the second parameter is what you want to parse the array by
              while(token != NULL)
              //store that token into your struct (first or last name) allow for multiple
              //store into the other

              token = strtok(NULL, " "); //keep looping on string for names

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Nov 29 at 14:24

              answered Nov 29 at 14:15




                  up vote
                  down vote

                  strspn and strcspn could be used to iterate through the string and locate the first word that is all uppercase.

                  #include <stdio.h>
                  #include <string.h>

                  int main( void) {
                  char line = "Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE";
                  char upper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQURSTUVWXYZ";
                  int last = 0;
                  int start = 0;
                  int check = 0;
                  do {
                  last = start + check;
                  check += start + 1;
                  start = strspn ( line + check, upper);//span of characters that are uppercase
                  if ( ' ' != line[start + check]) {//is the next character a space
                  start = strcspn ( line + check, " ");//find the space
                  if ( line[start + check]) {//not the terminatins zero
                  } while ( line[start + check] && ' ' != line[start + check]);

                  printf ( "%sn", &line[last]);

                  return 0;

                  share|improve this answer

                  • I believe this fails for people (like my grandfather) with a single character middle name
                    – BurnsBA
                    Nov 29 at 14:12

                  • @BurnsBA yes a single letter not part of the last name is a problem.
                    – xing
                    Nov 29 at 14:13

                  • There are also single character last names:
                    – BurnsBA
                    Nov 29 at 14:14

                  • @BurnsBA the only solution I see is F. M. NAME for first and middle name, follow the letter with a dot??
                    – xing
                    Nov 29 at 14:19

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  strspn and strcspn could be used to iterate through the string and locate the first word that is all uppercase.

                  #include <stdio.h>
                  #include <string.h>

                  int main( void) {
                  char line = "Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE";
                  char upper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQURSTUVWXYZ";
                  int last = 0;
                  int start = 0;
                  int check = 0;
                  do {
                  last = start + check;
                  check += start + 1;
                  start = strspn ( line + check, upper);//span of characters that are uppercase
                  if ( ' ' != line[start + check]) {//is the next character a space
                  start = strcspn ( line + check, " ");//find the space
                  if ( line[start + check]) {//not the terminatins zero
                  } while ( line[start + check] && ' ' != line[start + check]);

                  printf ( "%sn", &line[last]);

                  return 0;

                  share|improve this answer

                  • I believe this fails for people (like my grandfather) with a single character middle name
                    – BurnsBA
                    Nov 29 at 14:12

                  • @BurnsBA yes a single letter not part of the last name is a problem.
                    – xing
                    Nov 29 at 14:13

                  • There are also single character last names:
                    – BurnsBA
                    Nov 29 at 14:14

                  • @BurnsBA the only solution I see is F. M. NAME for first and middle name, follow the letter with a dot??
                    – xing
                    Nov 29 at 14:19

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  strspn and strcspn could be used to iterate through the string and locate the first word that is all uppercase.

                  #include <stdio.h>
                  #include <string.h>

                  int main( void) {
                  char line = "Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE";
                  char upper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQURSTUVWXYZ";
                  int last = 0;
                  int start = 0;
                  int check = 0;
                  do {
                  last = start + check;
                  check += start + 1;
                  start = strspn ( line + check, upper);//span of characters that are uppercase
                  if ( ' ' != line[start + check]) {//is the next character a space
                  start = strcspn ( line + check, " ");//find the space
                  if ( line[start + check]) {//not the terminatins zero
                  } while ( line[start + check] && ' ' != line[start + check]);

                  printf ( "%sn", &line[last]);

                  return 0;

                  share|improve this answer

                  strspn and strcspn could be used to iterate through the string and locate the first word that is all uppercase.

                  #include <stdio.h>
                  #include <string.h>

                  int main( void) {
                  char line = "Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE";
                  char upper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQURSTUVWXYZ";
                  int last = 0;
                  int start = 0;
                  int check = 0;
                  do {
                  last = start + check;
                  check += start + 1;
                  start = strspn ( line + check, upper);//span of characters that are uppercase
                  if ( ' ' != line[start + check]) {//is the next character a space
                  start = strcspn ( line + check, " ");//find the space
                  if ( line[start + check]) {//not the terminatins zero
                  } while ( line[start + check] && ' ' != line[start + check]);

                  printf ( "%sn", &line[last]);

                  return 0;

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  edited Nov 29 at 14:12

                  answered Nov 29 at 14:10




                  • I believe this fails for people (like my grandfather) with a single character middle name
                    – BurnsBA
                    Nov 29 at 14:12

                  • @BurnsBA yes a single letter not part of the last name is a problem.
                    – xing
                    Nov 29 at 14:13

                  • There are also single character last names:
                    – BurnsBA
                    Nov 29 at 14:14

                  • @BurnsBA the only solution I see is F. M. NAME for first and middle name, follow the letter with a dot??
                    – xing
                    Nov 29 at 14:19

                  • I believe this fails for people (like my grandfather) with a single character middle name
                    – BurnsBA
                    Nov 29 at 14:12

                  • @BurnsBA yes a single letter not part of the last name is a problem.
                    – xing
                    Nov 29 at 14:13

                  • There are also single character last names:
                    – BurnsBA
                    Nov 29 at 14:14

                  • @BurnsBA the only solution I see is F. M. NAME for first and middle name, follow the letter with a dot??
                    – xing
                    Nov 29 at 14:19

                  I believe this fails for people (like my grandfather) with a single character middle name
                  – BurnsBA
                  Nov 29 at 14:12

                  I believe this fails for people (like my grandfather) with a single character middle name
                  – BurnsBA
                  Nov 29 at 14:12

                  @BurnsBA yes a single letter not part of the last name is a problem.
                  – xing
                  Nov 29 at 14:13

                  @BurnsBA yes a single letter not part of the last name is a problem.
                  – xing
                  Nov 29 at 14:13

                  There are also single character last names:
                  – BurnsBA
                  Nov 29 at 14:14

                  There are also single character last names:
                  – BurnsBA
                  Nov 29 at 14:14

                  @BurnsBA the only solution I see is F. M. NAME for first and middle name, follow the letter with a dot??
                  – xing
                  Nov 29 at 14:19

                  @BurnsBA the only solution I see is F. M. NAME for first and middle name, follow the letter with a dot??
                  – xing
                  Nov 29 at 14:19

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  Assuming last names are always written in upper case, start reading the string from the end and see when you have your last lower case.

                  int i=strlen(buffer)-1;
                  while(!islower(buffer[i]) && i>0)

                  share|improve this answer

                  New contributor

                  Alex is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                  Check out our Code of Conduct.

                    up vote
                    down vote

                    Assuming last names are always written in upper case, start reading the string from the end and see when you have your last lower case.

                    int i=strlen(buffer)-1;
                    while(!islower(buffer[i]) && i>0)

                    share|improve this answer

                    New contributor

                    Alex is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                    Check out our Code of Conduct.

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      up vote
                      down vote

                      Assuming last names are always written in upper case, start reading the string from the end and see when you have your last lower case.

                      int i=strlen(buffer)-1;
                      while(!islower(buffer[i]) && i>0)

                      share|improve this answer

                      New contributor

                      Alex is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.

                      Assuming last names are always written in upper case, start reading the string from the end and see when you have your last lower case.

                      int i=strlen(buffer)-1;
                      while(!islower(buffer[i]) && i>0)

                      share|improve this answer

                      New contributor

                      Alex is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      New contributor

                      Alex is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.

                      answered Nov 29 at 14:15




                      New contributor

                      Alex is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                      New contributor

                      Alex is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                      Alex is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                      Check out our Code of Conduct.

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          Here's another solution.Read until there are two capitals after each other or a capital and a space. Then use pointer arithmetic to fill first name and lastname.

                          char name = "Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE";

                          char *p = name;

                          char firstname[100] = { 0 };
                          char lastname[100] = { 0 };

                          while (*p)
                          if (isupper(p[0]) && (isupper(p[1]) || p[1] == ' '))
                          strcpy(lastname, p);
                          strncpy(firstname, name, p - name - 1);

                          share|improve this answer

                            up vote
                            down vote

                            Here's another solution.Read until there are two capitals after each other or a capital and a space. Then use pointer arithmetic to fill first name and lastname.

                            char name = "Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE";

                            char *p = name;

                            char firstname[100] = { 0 };
                            char lastname[100] = { 0 };

                            while (*p)
                            if (isupper(p[0]) && (isupper(p[1]) || p[1] == ' '))
                            strcpy(lastname, p);
                            strncpy(firstname, name, p - name - 1);

                            share|improve this answer

                              up vote
                              down vote

                              up vote
                              down vote

                              Here's another solution.Read until there are two capitals after each other or a capital and a space. Then use pointer arithmetic to fill first name and lastname.

                              char name = "Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE";

                              char *p = name;

                              char firstname[100] = { 0 };
                              char lastname[100] = { 0 };

                              while (*p)
                              if (isupper(p[0]) && (isupper(p[1]) || p[1] == ' '))
                              strcpy(lastname, p);
                              strncpy(firstname, name, p - name - 1);

                              share|improve this answer

                              Here's another solution.Read until there are two capitals after each other or a capital and a space. Then use pointer arithmetic to fill first name and lastname.

                              char name = "Michael Daniel VAN DOORNE";

                              char *p = name;

                              char firstname[100] = { 0 };
                              char lastname[100] = { 0 };

                              while (*p)
                              if (isupper(p[0]) && (isupper(p[1]) || p[1] == ' '))
                              strcpy(lastname, p);
                              strncpy(firstname, name, p - name - 1);

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              answered Nov 29 at 14:22

                              Serve Laurijssen



                                  up vote
                                  down vote

                                  If you're working with ASCII, here is a charset-specific trick that will help you:

                                  #define TWOUPPER(c0, c1) (!((c0) & 32) && !((c1) & 32))

                                  This will work even on single character last names since the null character will fail the 5th bit check, and single character middle names will not be taken as the last name since the following space will not succeed the test.

                                  Works with the following test cases for me by comparing every two characters in the string and stopping on a match:

                                      char test1[100] = "Otto VON BISMARK",
                                  test2[100] = "Johannes Diderik VAN DER WAALS",
                                  test3[100] = "Vincent VAN GOGH",
                                  test4[100] = "Govind A B C D P"; // Only the "P" is counted as the last name here

                                  share|improve this answer

                                    up vote
                                    down vote

                                    If you're working with ASCII, here is a charset-specific trick that will help you:

                                    #define TWOUPPER(c0, c1) (!((c0) & 32) && !((c1) & 32))

                                    This will work even on single character last names since the null character will fail the 5th bit check, and single character middle names will not be taken as the last name since the following space will not succeed the test.

                                    Works with the following test cases for me by comparing every two characters in the string and stopping on a match:

                                        char test1[100] = "Otto VON BISMARK",
                                    test2[100] = "Johannes Diderik VAN DER WAALS",
                                    test3[100] = "Vincent VAN GOGH",
                                    test4[100] = "Govind A B C D P"; // Only the "P" is counted as the last name here

                                    share|improve this answer

                                      up vote
                                      down vote

                                      up vote
                                      down vote

                                      If you're working with ASCII, here is a charset-specific trick that will help you:

                                      #define TWOUPPER(c0, c1) (!((c0) & 32) && !((c1) & 32))

                                      This will work even on single character last names since the null character will fail the 5th bit check, and single character middle names will not be taken as the last name since the following space will not succeed the test.

                                      Works with the following test cases for me by comparing every two characters in the string and stopping on a match:

                                          char test1[100] = "Otto VON BISMARK",
                                      test2[100] = "Johannes Diderik VAN DER WAALS",
                                      test3[100] = "Vincent VAN GOGH",
                                      test4[100] = "Govind A B C D P"; // Only the "P" is counted as the last name here

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      If you're working with ASCII, here is a charset-specific trick that will help you:

                                      #define TWOUPPER(c0, c1) (!((c0) & 32) && !((c1) & 32))

                                      This will work even on single character last names since the null character will fail the 5th bit check, and single character middle names will not be taken as the last name since the following space will not succeed the test.

                                      Works with the following test cases for me by comparing every two characters in the string and stopping on a match:

                                          char test1[100] = "Otto VON BISMARK",
                                      test2[100] = "Johannes Diderik VAN DER WAALS",
                                      test3[100] = "Vincent VAN GOGH",
                                      test4[100] = "Govind A B C D P"; // Only the "P" is counted as the last name here

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      edited Nov 29 at 15:00

                                      answered Nov 29 at 14:46

                                      Govind Parmar



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