Wake on LAN on Asus motherboard

up vote
down vote


Trying to enable Wake on LAN on my 5 years old Asus motherboard with integrated NIC. Trying to find and enable this feature in bios, but can't find where it is.

I was expecting to find it under Advanced->APM, but there is no such thing:

enter image description here

How to enable WOL in Asus bios?

Motherboard model : Asus B85M-E


I have configured following settings in Windows:

enter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description here
And I'm using wakemeonlan software

enter image description here

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  • Look for a BIOS upgrade?
    – DavidPostill
    Jul 8 at 13:01

  • 1

    You didn’t specify the model of your motherboard. How will anybody be able to help you?
    – Appleoddity
    Jul 8 at 14:32

  • Motherboard model : Asus B85M-E
    – vico
    Jul 8 at 16:09

  • I believe what @C. Wong is trying to say is that WOL might be already enabled. Have you enabled the feature from the properties of your network adapter (If running Windows)? If yes, how are you sending the magic packet?
    – Aulis Ronkainen
    Nov 19 at 3:44

  • I have updated my question body with more details
    – vico
    Nov 21 at 17:14

up vote
down vote


Trying to enable Wake on LAN on my 5 years old Asus motherboard with integrated NIC. Trying to find and enable this feature in bios, but can't find where it is.

I was expecting to find it under Advanced->APM, but there is no such thing:

enter image description here

How to enable WOL in Asus bios?

Motherboard model : Asus B85M-E


I have configured following settings in Windows:

enter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description here
And I'm using wakemeonlan software

enter image description here

share|improve this question

  • Look for a BIOS upgrade?
    – DavidPostill
    Jul 8 at 13:01

  • 1

    You didn’t specify the model of your motherboard. How will anybody be able to help you?
    – Appleoddity
    Jul 8 at 14:32

  • Motherboard model : Asus B85M-E
    – vico
    Jul 8 at 16:09

  • I believe what @C. Wong is trying to say is that WOL might be already enabled. Have you enabled the feature from the properties of your network adapter (If running Windows)? If yes, how are you sending the magic packet?
    – Aulis Ronkainen
    Nov 19 at 3:44

  • I have updated my question body with more details
    – vico
    Nov 21 at 17:14

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Trying to enable Wake on LAN on my 5 years old Asus motherboard with integrated NIC. Trying to find and enable this feature in bios, but can't find where it is.

I was expecting to find it under Advanced->APM, but there is no such thing:

enter image description here

How to enable WOL in Asus bios?

Motherboard model : Asus B85M-E


I have configured following settings in Windows:

enter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description here
And I'm using wakemeonlan software

enter image description here

share|improve this question

Trying to enable Wake on LAN on my 5 years old Asus motherboard with integrated NIC. Trying to find and enable this feature in bios, but can't find where it is.

I was expecting to find it under Advanced->APM, but there is no such thing:

enter image description here

How to enable WOL in Asus bios?

Motherboard model : Asus B85M-E


I have configured following settings in Windows:

enter image description here

enter image description hereenter image description here
And I'm using wakemeonlan software

enter image description here

motherboard bios wake-on-lan

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edited Nov 21 at 21:30

asked Jul 8 at 12:52




  • Look for a BIOS upgrade?
    – DavidPostill
    Jul 8 at 13:01

  • 1

    You didn’t specify the model of your motherboard. How will anybody be able to help you?
    – Appleoddity
    Jul 8 at 14:32

  • Motherboard model : Asus B85M-E
    – vico
    Jul 8 at 16:09

  • I believe what @C. Wong is trying to say is that WOL might be already enabled. Have you enabled the feature from the properties of your network adapter (If running Windows)? If yes, how are you sending the magic packet?
    – Aulis Ronkainen
    Nov 19 at 3:44

  • I have updated my question body with more details
    – vico
    Nov 21 at 17:14

  • Look for a BIOS upgrade?
    – DavidPostill
    Jul 8 at 13:01

  • 1

    You didn’t specify the model of your motherboard. How will anybody be able to help you?
    – Appleoddity
    Jul 8 at 14:32

  • Motherboard model : Asus B85M-E
    – vico
    Jul 8 at 16:09

  • I believe what @C. Wong is trying to say is that WOL might be already enabled. Have you enabled the feature from the properties of your network adapter (If running Windows)? If yes, how are you sending the magic packet?
    – Aulis Ronkainen
    Nov 19 at 3:44

  • I have updated my question body with more details
    – vico
    Nov 21 at 17:14

Look for a BIOS upgrade?
– DavidPostill
Jul 8 at 13:01

Look for a BIOS upgrade?
– DavidPostill
Jul 8 at 13:01



You didn’t specify the model of your motherboard. How will anybody be able to help you?
– Appleoddity
Jul 8 at 14:32

You didn’t specify the model of your motherboard. How will anybody be able to help you?
– Appleoddity
Jul 8 at 14:32

Motherboard model : Asus B85M-E
– vico
Jul 8 at 16:09

Motherboard model : Asus B85M-E
– vico
Jul 8 at 16:09

I believe what @C. Wong is trying to say is that WOL might be already enabled. Have you enabled the feature from the properties of your network adapter (If running Windows)? If yes, how are you sending the magic packet?
– Aulis Ronkainen
Nov 19 at 3:44

I believe what @C. Wong is trying to say is that WOL might be already enabled. Have you enabled the feature from the properties of your network adapter (If running Windows)? If yes, how are you sending the magic packet?
– Aulis Ronkainen
Nov 19 at 3:44

I have updated my question body with more details
– vico
Nov 21 at 17:14

I have updated my question body with more details
– vico
Nov 21 at 17:14

1 Answer




up vote
down vote

According to the manual for that mainboard the feature is called Power On By PCIE/PCI

Power On By PCIE/PCI

[Disabled] Disables the PCIE/PCI> devices to
generate a wake‑on‑LAN feature of the Intel ® /Realtek LAN device.

[Enabled] Enables the PCIE/PCI devices to generate a wake‑on‑LAN
feature of the Intel ® /Realtek LAN device.


NOTE: The settings in Windows have no effect on being able to wake the PC from a power off state.

share|improve this answer

    protected by Ramhound Nov 19 at 3:15

    Thank you for your interest in this question.
    Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).

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    1 Answer




    1 Answer










    up vote
    down vote

    According to the manual for that mainboard the feature is called Power On By PCIE/PCI

    Power On By PCIE/PCI

    [Disabled] Disables the PCIE/PCI> devices to
    generate a wake‑on‑LAN feature of the Intel ® /Realtek LAN device.

    [Enabled] Enables the PCIE/PCI devices to generate a wake‑on‑LAN
    feature of the Intel ® /Realtek LAN device.


    NOTE: The settings in Windows have no effect on being able to wake the PC from a power off state.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      According to the manual for that mainboard the feature is called Power On By PCIE/PCI

      Power On By PCIE/PCI

      [Disabled] Disables the PCIE/PCI> devices to
      generate a wake‑on‑LAN feature of the Intel ® /Realtek LAN device.

      [Enabled] Enables the PCIE/PCI devices to generate a wake‑on‑LAN
      feature of the Intel ® /Realtek LAN device.


      NOTE: The settings in Windows have no effect on being able to wake the PC from a power off state.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        According to the manual for that mainboard the feature is called Power On By PCIE/PCI

        Power On By PCIE/PCI

        [Disabled] Disables the PCIE/PCI> devices to
        generate a wake‑on‑LAN feature of the Intel ® /Realtek LAN device.

        [Enabled] Enables the PCIE/PCI devices to generate a wake‑on‑LAN
        feature of the Intel ® /Realtek LAN device.


        NOTE: The settings in Windows have no effect on being able to wake the PC from a power off state.

        share|improve this answer

        According to the manual for that mainboard the feature is called Power On By PCIE/PCI

        Power On By PCIE/PCI

        [Disabled] Disables the PCIE/PCI> devices to
        generate a wake‑on‑LAN feature of the Intel ® /Realtek LAN device.

        [Enabled] Enables the PCIE/PCI devices to generate a wake‑on‑LAN
        feature of the Intel ® /Realtek LAN device.


        NOTE: The settings in Windows have no effect on being able to wake the PC from a power off state.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Nov 21 at 18:26




            protected by Ramhound Nov 19 at 3:15

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            Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site (the association bonus does not count).

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