Conditional formatting on 4th entry?

up vote
down vote


I know how to change the cell color for a duplicated entry, but how/can I change the color on every 4th entry? Value will be an unknown number & letter combo, wanting to highlight every 4th time the same combo is entered.

Hey all, thank you for bearing with me, I have uploaded an example of what I would like the finished sheet to look like, link below.

I have manually highlighted the 4th repeat of the letter/number combo's C020, G020, B004 & F028

As you can see the repeats will not necessarily happen on the same row, or after 4 columns.

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  • Does it mean that the 5th repeat should not be highlighted? It should highlight 4 repeats then 8 repeats and so on?
    – pat2015
    Nov 22 at 10:30

  • Are you able to provide example data? Please take a look at How to Ask and take our tour to learn how to improve your question.
    – Burgi
    Nov 22 at 16:55

  • Thanks pat2015, that is correct, 5th to 7th would not be highlighted, 8th would be and so on
    – James
    Nov 22 at 23:02

  • What program are you using? Have you looked at testing the row number to see if it's a multiple of 4?
    – fixer1234
    Nov 23 at 7:30

  • Hi fixer1234 I am using Excel 2016, the relevant data is in the grayed out column, the repeat might not happen for 15 days/columns, it might happen on the 7th, or 10th etc. it is not uniform. At the moment we are using 2 Excel sheets open side by side and manually checking every entry to highlight the 4th event of the same data.
    – James
    Nov 24 at 0:32

up vote
down vote


I know how to change the cell color for a duplicated entry, but how/can I change the color on every 4th entry? Value will be an unknown number & letter combo, wanting to highlight every 4th time the same combo is entered.

Hey all, thank you for bearing with me, I have uploaded an example of what I would like the finished sheet to look like, link below.

I have manually highlighted the 4th repeat of the letter/number combo's C020, G020, B004 & F028

As you can see the repeats will not necessarily happen on the same row, or after 4 columns.

share|improve this question

  • Does it mean that the 5th repeat should not be highlighted? It should highlight 4 repeats then 8 repeats and so on?
    – pat2015
    Nov 22 at 10:30

  • Are you able to provide example data? Please take a look at How to Ask and take our tour to learn how to improve your question.
    – Burgi
    Nov 22 at 16:55

  • Thanks pat2015, that is correct, 5th to 7th would not be highlighted, 8th would be and so on
    – James
    Nov 22 at 23:02

  • What program are you using? Have you looked at testing the row number to see if it's a multiple of 4?
    – fixer1234
    Nov 23 at 7:30

  • Hi fixer1234 I am using Excel 2016, the relevant data is in the grayed out column, the repeat might not happen for 15 days/columns, it might happen on the 7th, or 10th etc. it is not uniform. At the moment we are using 2 Excel sheets open side by side and manually checking every entry to highlight the 4th event of the same data.
    – James
    Nov 24 at 0:32

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


I know how to change the cell color for a duplicated entry, but how/can I change the color on every 4th entry? Value will be an unknown number & letter combo, wanting to highlight every 4th time the same combo is entered.

Hey all, thank you for bearing with me, I have uploaded an example of what I would like the finished sheet to look like, link below.

I have manually highlighted the 4th repeat of the letter/number combo's C020, G020, B004 & F028

As you can see the repeats will not necessarily happen on the same row, or after 4 columns.

share|improve this question

I know how to change the cell color for a duplicated entry, but how/can I change the color on every 4th entry? Value will be an unknown number & letter combo, wanting to highlight every 4th time the same combo is entered.

Hey all, thank you for bearing with me, I have uploaded an example of what I would like the finished sheet to look like, link below.

I have manually highlighted the 4th repeat of the letter/number combo's C020, G020, B004 & F028

As you can see the repeats will not necessarily happen on the same row, or after 4 columns.

microsoft-excel microsoft-excel-2016 conditional-formatting

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edited Nov 25 at 7:31

asked Nov 22 at 9:35




  • Does it mean that the 5th repeat should not be highlighted? It should highlight 4 repeats then 8 repeats and so on?
    – pat2015
    Nov 22 at 10:30

  • Are you able to provide example data? Please take a look at How to Ask and take our tour to learn how to improve your question.
    – Burgi
    Nov 22 at 16:55

  • Thanks pat2015, that is correct, 5th to 7th would not be highlighted, 8th would be and so on
    – James
    Nov 22 at 23:02

  • What program are you using? Have you looked at testing the row number to see if it's a multiple of 4?
    – fixer1234
    Nov 23 at 7:30

  • Hi fixer1234 I am using Excel 2016, the relevant data is in the grayed out column, the repeat might not happen for 15 days/columns, it might happen on the 7th, or 10th etc. it is not uniform. At the moment we are using 2 Excel sheets open side by side and manually checking every entry to highlight the 4th event of the same data.
    – James
    Nov 24 at 0:32

  • Does it mean that the 5th repeat should not be highlighted? It should highlight 4 repeats then 8 repeats and so on?
    – pat2015
    Nov 22 at 10:30

  • Are you able to provide example data? Please take a look at How to Ask and take our tour to learn how to improve your question.
    – Burgi
    Nov 22 at 16:55

  • Thanks pat2015, that is correct, 5th to 7th would not be highlighted, 8th would be and so on
    – James
    Nov 22 at 23:02

  • What program are you using? Have you looked at testing the row number to see if it's a multiple of 4?
    – fixer1234
    Nov 23 at 7:30

  • Hi fixer1234 I am using Excel 2016, the relevant data is in the grayed out column, the repeat might not happen for 15 days/columns, it might happen on the 7th, or 10th etc. it is not uniform. At the moment we are using 2 Excel sheets open side by side and manually checking every entry to highlight the 4th event of the same data.
    – James
    Nov 24 at 0:32

Does it mean that the 5th repeat should not be highlighted? It should highlight 4 repeats then 8 repeats and so on?
– pat2015
Nov 22 at 10:30

Does it mean that the 5th repeat should not be highlighted? It should highlight 4 repeats then 8 repeats and so on?
– pat2015
Nov 22 at 10:30

Are you able to provide example data? Please take a look at How to Ask and take our tour to learn how to improve your question.
– Burgi
Nov 22 at 16:55

Are you able to provide example data? Please take a look at How to Ask and take our tour to learn how to improve your question.
– Burgi
Nov 22 at 16:55

Thanks pat2015, that is correct, 5th to 7th would not be highlighted, 8th would be and so on
– James
Nov 22 at 23:02

Thanks pat2015, that is correct, 5th to 7th would not be highlighted, 8th would be and so on
– James
Nov 22 at 23:02

What program are you using? Have you looked at testing the row number to see if it's a multiple of 4?
– fixer1234
Nov 23 at 7:30

What program are you using? Have you looked at testing the row number to see if it's a multiple of 4?
– fixer1234
Nov 23 at 7:30

Hi fixer1234 I am using Excel 2016, the relevant data is in the grayed out column, the repeat might not happen for 15 days/columns, it might happen on the 7th, or 10th etc. it is not uniform. At the moment we are using 2 Excel sheets open side by side and manually checking every entry to highlight the 4th event of the same data.
– James
Nov 24 at 0:32

Hi fixer1234 I am using Excel 2016, the relevant data is in the grayed out column, the repeat might not happen for 15 days/columns, it might happen on the 7th, or 10th etc. it is not uniform. At the moment we are using 2 Excel sheets open side by side and manually checking every entry to highlight the 4th event of the same data.
– James
Nov 24 at 0:32

2 Answers




up vote
down vote

I don't understand exactly what you want,
because the sample spreadsheet that you've provided
doesn't seem to have anything to do with your question. 
You say "the relevant data is in the grayed out column",
but I don't see any repeated values in the grayed out columns. 
Do you mean "RETURN", "RETURN/DC", "TOTAL" and "TOTAL/DC",
which are repeated exclusively in the non-grayed out columns?

But the data that you present in (confusing/unclear) narrative form
give me something to work with. 
I'll assume that the numbers are in Row 1. 
Start with the technique for detecting duplicated entries:


which counts the number of times the value in this cell
has appeared so far in the row, up to and including the current cell. 
This will be 1 for the first occurrence of a value,
and 2 or more for duplicates. 
But you don't want to test whether this count is greater than 1;
you want to test whether it's a multiple of 4. 
So test


Just use the above formula for your conditional format,
starting with the second cell.

In the below,

  • Row 1 is your data (from the question),
    conditionally formatted based on the second formula above,

  • Row 2 is the first formula above, and

  • Row 3 is the second formula above.

spreadsheet with OP's data

So Row 2 shows the number of repetitions in Row 1,
and Row 3 shows the columns where Row 2 is a multiple of 4
(and those are the columns where Row 1 is colored).

share|improve this answer

  • Hi Scott, thank you for your help, row one above looks closest to what I am after. I have posted a link in the original question above with the desired outcome.
    – James
    Nov 25 at 7:49

up vote
down vote

Based on my understanding, I suggest a solution that uses little bit of VBA UDF and a Helper Column.

A slight simplified sheet example is given below. The relevant data is in Columns C,E,G & I. To the right of each of these columns is a Helper Column that you may like to hide if desired.

enter image description here

First of all in your worksheet press ALT + F11 to access VBA Editor. Insert a Module from the Insert Menu and paste the following UDF (User Defined Function) Code into it.

Function prmarr(ParamArray arg()) As Variant

Dim arr1
cnt = 0

For i = LBound(arg) To UBound(arg)

cnt = cnt + arg(i).Rows.Count ' get total rows from all ranges

Next i

ReDim arr1(cnt) ' re dim the array for those many total rows

cnt = 0 ' reuse the counter now

'create a one dimentional list of array from all of the above ranges
For i = LBound(arg) To UBound(arg)
For Each cell In arg(i)
arr1(cnt) = cell.Value
cnt = cnt + 1
Next cell
Next i

prmarr = arr1 ' pass this array as return parameter
End Function

Note it's very basic VBA code and that there are not any validations or error checking in the code. If you pass a horizontal array or overlapping arrays or multi dimensional arrays it could fail. It's assumed that you will only pass a column array to it to work correctly.

This function takes in a variable number of column array ranges and returns a one dimensional array that contains all the cell values from it that we will use to count the total number of occurrences of the current value since the starting cell from first column of data.

Since there's a VBA Code in your Excel, you need to save the file as .XLSM Macro Enabled Excel Worksheet.

In D1 put the following formula and Drag it down up to the intended rows.


Now as you progress thru subsequent Helper Columns. Each Helper column requires a slight modification to the formula. Though the structure remains the same, the number of arguments increase.

In F2 put the following formula and press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER from within the formula bar to create an Array Formula. Excel will now enclose the formula in curly braces to indicate that it's an Array Formula. This step, creating an Array Formula is required else it will give wrong outcome.


Understand this formula. You are passing C1:C9 and E$1:E1 as parameters to UDF i.e. Previous columns(s) + current column first value upto the test condition value and check if there's a match with current cell. If yes SUM will produce the total count of that value since start of first column. Drag it down up to the intended rows.

Similarly now the Array Formula formula in H1 becomes


And so on.

Complete this for all the columns.

Now comes the Conditional Formatting part.

Select the very first cell i.e. C1 in this case.
Go to Conditional Formatting --> New Rule --> Use a Formula to determine which cells to format.

Now in the Rule put the following formula


Select the background color of your choice and click OK to apply the formatting to cell C1.

Now while C1 is selected, double click on Format Painter and paint this formatting to all applicable data columns.

enter image description here

Note that.

  • Excel might have a limit on how many parameters can be passed to a UDF. I am not too sure if and how it may apply if it's declared as ParamArray as Variant

  • I suggest that you first test it in a test worksheet with sample data simulating various conditions to get a confirmation that this works as expected before applying it to your production sheet.

  • If you still face any issues or if any errors are there do update here and I will try to fix it if time permits.

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    2 Answers




    2 Answers










    up vote
    down vote

    I don't understand exactly what you want,
    because the sample spreadsheet that you've provided
    doesn't seem to have anything to do with your question. 
    You say "the relevant data is in the grayed out column",
    but I don't see any repeated values in the grayed out columns. 
    Do you mean "RETURN", "RETURN/DC", "TOTAL" and "TOTAL/DC",
    which are repeated exclusively in the non-grayed out columns?

    But the data that you present in (confusing/unclear) narrative form
    give me something to work with. 
    I'll assume that the numbers are in Row 1. 
    Start with the technique for detecting duplicated entries:


    which counts the number of times the value in this cell
    has appeared so far in the row, up to and including the current cell. 
    This will be 1 for the first occurrence of a value,
    and 2 or more for duplicates. 
    But you don't want to test whether this count is greater than 1;
    you want to test whether it's a multiple of 4. 
    So test


    Just use the above formula for your conditional format,
    starting with the second cell.

    In the below,

    • Row 1 is your data (from the question),
      conditionally formatted based on the second formula above,

    • Row 2 is the first formula above, and

    • Row 3 is the second formula above.

    spreadsheet with OP's data

    So Row 2 shows the number of repetitions in Row 1,
    and Row 3 shows the columns where Row 2 is a multiple of 4
    (and those are the columns where Row 1 is colored).

    share|improve this answer

    • Hi Scott, thank you for your help, row one above looks closest to what I am after. I have posted a link in the original question above with the desired outcome.
      – James
      Nov 25 at 7:49

    up vote
    down vote

    I don't understand exactly what you want,
    because the sample spreadsheet that you've provided
    doesn't seem to have anything to do with your question. 
    You say "the relevant data is in the grayed out column",
    but I don't see any repeated values in the grayed out columns. 
    Do you mean "RETURN", "RETURN/DC", "TOTAL" and "TOTAL/DC",
    which are repeated exclusively in the non-grayed out columns?

    But the data that you present in (confusing/unclear) narrative form
    give me something to work with. 
    I'll assume that the numbers are in Row 1. 
    Start with the technique for detecting duplicated entries:


    which counts the number of times the value in this cell
    has appeared so far in the row, up to and including the current cell. 
    This will be 1 for the first occurrence of a value,
    and 2 or more for duplicates. 
    But you don't want to test whether this count is greater than 1;
    you want to test whether it's a multiple of 4. 
    So test


    Just use the above formula for your conditional format,
    starting with the second cell.

    In the below,

    • Row 1 is your data (from the question),
      conditionally formatted based on the second formula above,

    • Row 2 is the first formula above, and

    • Row 3 is the second formula above.

    spreadsheet with OP's data

    So Row 2 shows the number of repetitions in Row 1,
    and Row 3 shows the columns where Row 2 is a multiple of 4
    (and those are the columns where Row 1 is colored).

    share|improve this answer

    • Hi Scott, thank you for your help, row one above looks closest to what I am after. I have posted a link in the original question above with the desired outcome.
      – James
      Nov 25 at 7:49

    up vote
    down vote

    up vote
    down vote

    I don't understand exactly what you want,
    because the sample spreadsheet that you've provided
    doesn't seem to have anything to do with your question. 
    You say "the relevant data is in the grayed out column",
    but I don't see any repeated values in the grayed out columns. 
    Do you mean "RETURN", "RETURN/DC", "TOTAL" and "TOTAL/DC",
    which are repeated exclusively in the non-grayed out columns?

    But the data that you present in (confusing/unclear) narrative form
    give me something to work with. 
    I'll assume that the numbers are in Row 1. 
    Start with the technique for detecting duplicated entries:


    which counts the number of times the value in this cell
    has appeared so far in the row, up to and including the current cell. 
    This will be 1 for the first occurrence of a value,
    and 2 or more for duplicates. 
    But you don't want to test whether this count is greater than 1;
    you want to test whether it's a multiple of 4. 
    So test


    Just use the above formula for your conditional format,
    starting with the second cell.

    In the below,

    • Row 1 is your data (from the question),
      conditionally formatted based on the second formula above,

    • Row 2 is the first formula above, and

    • Row 3 is the second formula above.

    spreadsheet with OP's data

    So Row 2 shows the number of repetitions in Row 1,
    and Row 3 shows the columns where Row 2 is a multiple of 4
    (and those are the columns where Row 1 is colored).

    share|improve this answer

    I don't understand exactly what you want,
    because the sample spreadsheet that you've provided
    doesn't seem to have anything to do with your question. 
    You say "the relevant data is in the grayed out column",
    but I don't see any repeated values in the grayed out columns. 
    Do you mean "RETURN", "RETURN/DC", "TOTAL" and "TOTAL/DC",
    which are repeated exclusively in the non-grayed out columns?

    But the data that you present in (confusing/unclear) narrative form
    give me something to work with. 
    I'll assume that the numbers are in Row 1. 
    Start with the technique for detecting duplicated entries:


    which counts the number of times the value in this cell
    has appeared so far in the row, up to and including the current cell. 
    This will be 1 for the first occurrence of a value,
    and 2 or more for duplicates. 
    But you don't want to test whether this count is greater than 1;
    you want to test whether it's a multiple of 4. 
    So test


    Just use the above formula for your conditional format,
    starting with the second cell.

    In the below,

    • Row 1 is your data (from the question),
      conditionally formatted based on the second formula above,

    • Row 2 is the first formula above, and

    • Row 3 is the second formula above.

    spreadsheet with OP's data

    So Row 2 shows the number of repetitions in Row 1,
    and Row 3 shows the columns where Row 2 is a multiple of 4
    (and those are the columns where Row 1 is colored).

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered Nov 25 at 1:16




    • Hi Scott, thank you for your help, row one above looks closest to what I am after. I have posted a link in the original question above with the desired outcome.
      – James
      Nov 25 at 7:49

    • Hi Scott, thank you for your help, row one above looks closest to what I am after. I have posted a link in the original question above with the desired outcome.
      – James
      Nov 25 at 7:49

    Hi Scott, thank you for your help, row one above looks closest to what I am after. I have posted a link in the original question above with the desired outcome.
    – James
    Nov 25 at 7:49

    Hi Scott, thank you for your help, row one above looks closest to what I am after. I have posted a link in the original question above with the desired outcome.
    – James
    Nov 25 at 7:49

    up vote
    down vote

    Based on my understanding, I suggest a solution that uses little bit of VBA UDF and a Helper Column.

    A slight simplified sheet example is given below. The relevant data is in Columns C,E,G & I. To the right of each of these columns is a Helper Column that you may like to hide if desired.

    enter image description here

    First of all in your worksheet press ALT + F11 to access VBA Editor. Insert a Module from the Insert Menu and paste the following UDF (User Defined Function) Code into it.

    Function prmarr(ParamArray arg()) As Variant

    Dim arr1
    cnt = 0

    For i = LBound(arg) To UBound(arg)

    cnt = cnt + arg(i).Rows.Count ' get total rows from all ranges

    Next i

    ReDim arr1(cnt) ' re dim the array for those many total rows

    cnt = 0 ' reuse the counter now

    'create a one dimentional list of array from all of the above ranges
    For i = LBound(arg) To UBound(arg)
    For Each cell In arg(i)
    arr1(cnt) = cell.Value
    cnt = cnt + 1
    Next cell
    Next i

    prmarr = arr1 ' pass this array as return parameter
    End Function

    Note it's very basic VBA code and that there are not any validations or error checking in the code. If you pass a horizontal array or overlapping arrays or multi dimensional arrays it could fail. It's assumed that you will only pass a column array to it to work correctly.

    This function takes in a variable number of column array ranges and returns a one dimensional array that contains all the cell values from it that we will use to count the total number of occurrences of the current value since the starting cell from first column of data.

    Since there's a VBA Code in your Excel, you need to save the file as .XLSM Macro Enabled Excel Worksheet.

    In D1 put the following formula and Drag it down up to the intended rows.


    Now as you progress thru subsequent Helper Columns. Each Helper column requires a slight modification to the formula. Though the structure remains the same, the number of arguments increase.

    In F2 put the following formula and press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER from within the formula bar to create an Array Formula. Excel will now enclose the formula in curly braces to indicate that it's an Array Formula. This step, creating an Array Formula is required else it will give wrong outcome.


    Understand this formula. You are passing C1:C9 and E$1:E1 as parameters to UDF i.e. Previous columns(s) + current column first value upto the test condition value and check if there's a match with current cell. If yes SUM will produce the total count of that value since start of first column. Drag it down up to the intended rows.

    Similarly now the Array Formula formula in H1 becomes


    And so on.

    Complete this for all the columns.

    Now comes the Conditional Formatting part.

    Select the very first cell i.e. C1 in this case.
    Go to Conditional Formatting --> New Rule --> Use a Formula to determine which cells to format.

    Now in the Rule put the following formula


    Select the background color of your choice and click OK to apply the formatting to cell C1.

    Now while C1 is selected, double click on Format Painter and paint this formatting to all applicable data columns.

    enter image description here

    Note that.

    • Excel might have a limit on how many parameters can be passed to a UDF. I am not too sure if and how it may apply if it's declared as ParamArray as Variant

    • I suggest that you first test it in a test worksheet with sample data simulating various conditions to get a confirmation that this works as expected before applying it to your production sheet.

    • If you still face any issues or if any errors are there do update here and I will try to fix it if time permits.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      Based on my understanding, I suggest a solution that uses little bit of VBA UDF and a Helper Column.

      A slight simplified sheet example is given below. The relevant data is in Columns C,E,G & I. To the right of each of these columns is a Helper Column that you may like to hide if desired.

      enter image description here

      First of all in your worksheet press ALT + F11 to access VBA Editor. Insert a Module from the Insert Menu and paste the following UDF (User Defined Function) Code into it.

      Function prmarr(ParamArray arg()) As Variant

      Dim arr1
      cnt = 0

      For i = LBound(arg) To UBound(arg)

      cnt = cnt + arg(i).Rows.Count ' get total rows from all ranges

      Next i

      ReDim arr1(cnt) ' re dim the array for those many total rows

      cnt = 0 ' reuse the counter now

      'create a one dimentional list of array from all of the above ranges
      For i = LBound(arg) To UBound(arg)
      For Each cell In arg(i)
      arr1(cnt) = cell.Value
      cnt = cnt + 1
      Next cell
      Next i

      prmarr = arr1 ' pass this array as return parameter
      End Function

      Note it's very basic VBA code and that there are not any validations or error checking in the code. If you pass a horizontal array or overlapping arrays or multi dimensional arrays it could fail. It's assumed that you will only pass a column array to it to work correctly.

      This function takes in a variable number of column array ranges and returns a one dimensional array that contains all the cell values from it that we will use to count the total number of occurrences of the current value since the starting cell from first column of data.

      Since there's a VBA Code in your Excel, you need to save the file as .XLSM Macro Enabled Excel Worksheet.

      In D1 put the following formula and Drag it down up to the intended rows.


      Now as you progress thru subsequent Helper Columns. Each Helper column requires a slight modification to the formula. Though the structure remains the same, the number of arguments increase.

      In F2 put the following formula and press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER from within the formula bar to create an Array Formula. Excel will now enclose the formula in curly braces to indicate that it's an Array Formula. This step, creating an Array Formula is required else it will give wrong outcome.


      Understand this formula. You are passing C1:C9 and E$1:E1 as parameters to UDF i.e. Previous columns(s) + current column first value upto the test condition value and check if there's a match with current cell. If yes SUM will produce the total count of that value since start of first column. Drag it down up to the intended rows.

      Similarly now the Array Formula formula in H1 becomes


      And so on.

      Complete this for all the columns.

      Now comes the Conditional Formatting part.

      Select the very first cell i.e. C1 in this case.
      Go to Conditional Formatting --> New Rule --> Use a Formula to determine which cells to format.

      Now in the Rule put the following formula


      Select the background color of your choice and click OK to apply the formatting to cell C1.

      Now while C1 is selected, double click on Format Painter and paint this formatting to all applicable data columns.

      enter image description here

      Note that.

      • Excel might have a limit on how many parameters can be passed to a UDF. I am not too sure if and how it may apply if it's declared as ParamArray as Variant

      • I suggest that you first test it in a test worksheet with sample data simulating various conditions to get a confirmation that this works as expected before applying it to your production sheet.

      • If you still face any issues or if any errors are there do update here and I will try to fix it if time permits.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        Based on my understanding, I suggest a solution that uses little bit of VBA UDF and a Helper Column.

        A slight simplified sheet example is given below. The relevant data is in Columns C,E,G & I. To the right of each of these columns is a Helper Column that you may like to hide if desired.

        enter image description here

        First of all in your worksheet press ALT + F11 to access VBA Editor. Insert a Module from the Insert Menu and paste the following UDF (User Defined Function) Code into it.

        Function prmarr(ParamArray arg()) As Variant

        Dim arr1
        cnt = 0

        For i = LBound(arg) To UBound(arg)

        cnt = cnt + arg(i).Rows.Count ' get total rows from all ranges

        Next i

        ReDim arr1(cnt) ' re dim the array for those many total rows

        cnt = 0 ' reuse the counter now

        'create a one dimentional list of array from all of the above ranges
        For i = LBound(arg) To UBound(arg)
        For Each cell In arg(i)
        arr1(cnt) = cell.Value
        cnt = cnt + 1
        Next cell
        Next i

        prmarr = arr1 ' pass this array as return parameter
        End Function

        Note it's very basic VBA code and that there are not any validations or error checking in the code. If you pass a horizontal array or overlapping arrays or multi dimensional arrays it could fail. It's assumed that you will only pass a column array to it to work correctly.

        This function takes in a variable number of column array ranges and returns a one dimensional array that contains all the cell values from it that we will use to count the total number of occurrences of the current value since the starting cell from first column of data.

        Since there's a VBA Code in your Excel, you need to save the file as .XLSM Macro Enabled Excel Worksheet.

        In D1 put the following formula and Drag it down up to the intended rows.


        Now as you progress thru subsequent Helper Columns. Each Helper column requires a slight modification to the formula. Though the structure remains the same, the number of arguments increase.

        In F2 put the following formula and press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER from within the formula bar to create an Array Formula. Excel will now enclose the formula in curly braces to indicate that it's an Array Formula. This step, creating an Array Formula is required else it will give wrong outcome.


        Understand this formula. You are passing C1:C9 and E$1:E1 as parameters to UDF i.e. Previous columns(s) + current column first value upto the test condition value and check if there's a match with current cell. If yes SUM will produce the total count of that value since start of first column. Drag it down up to the intended rows.

        Similarly now the Array Formula formula in H1 becomes


        And so on.

        Complete this for all the columns.

        Now comes the Conditional Formatting part.

        Select the very first cell i.e. C1 in this case.
        Go to Conditional Formatting --> New Rule --> Use a Formula to determine which cells to format.

        Now in the Rule put the following formula


        Select the background color of your choice and click OK to apply the formatting to cell C1.

        Now while C1 is selected, double click on Format Painter and paint this formatting to all applicable data columns.

        enter image description here

        Note that.

        • Excel might have a limit on how many parameters can be passed to a UDF. I am not too sure if and how it may apply if it's declared as ParamArray as Variant

        • I suggest that you first test it in a test worksheet with sample data simulating various conditions to get a confirmation that this works as expected before applying it to your production sheet.

        • If you still face any issues or if any errors are there do update here and I will try to fix it if time permits.

        share|improve this answer

        Based on my understanding, I suggest a solution that uses little bit of VBA UDF and a Helper Column.

        A slight simplified sheet example is given below. The relevant data is in Columns C,E,G & I. To the right of each of these columns is a Helper Column that you may like to hide if desired.

        enter image description here

        First of all in your worksheet press ALT + F11 to access VBA Editor. Insert a Module from the Insert Menu and paste the following UDF (User Defined Function) Code into it.

        Function prmarr(ParamArray arg()) As Variant

        Dim arr1
        cnt = 0

        For i = LBound(arg) To UBound(arg)

        cnt = cnt + arg(i).Rows.Count ' get total rows from all ranges

        Next i

        ReDim arr1(cnt) ' re dim the array for those many total rows

        cnt = 0 ' reuse the counter now

        'create a one dimentional list of array from all of the above ranges
        For i = LBound(arg) To UBound(arg)
        For Each cell In arg(i)
        arr1(cnt) = cell.Value
        cnt = cnt + 1
        Next cell
        Next i

        prmarr = arr1 ' pass this array as return parameter
        End Function

        Note it's very basic VBA code and that there are not any validations or error checking in the code. If you pass a horizontal array or overlapping arrays or multi dimensional arrays it could fail. It's assumed that you will only pass a column array to it to work correctly.

        This function takes in a variable number of column array ranges and returns a one dimensional array that contains all the cell values from it that we will use to count the total number of occurrences of the current value since the starting cell from first column of data.

        Since there's a VBA Code in your Excel, you need to save the file as .XLSM Macro Enabled Excel Worksheet.

        In D1 put the following formula and Drag it down up to the intended rows.


        Now as you progress thru subsequent Helper Columns. Each Helper column requires a slight modification to the formula. Though the structure remains the same, the number of arguments increase.

        In F2 put the following formula and press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER from within the formula bar to create an Array Formula. Excel will now enclose the formula in curly braces to indicate that it's an Array Formula. This step, creating an Array Formula is required else it will give wrong outcome.


        Understand this formula. You are passing C1:C9 and E$1:E1 as parameters to UDF i.e. Previous columns(s) + current column first value upto the test condition value and check if there's a match with current cell. If yes SUM will produce the total count of that value since start of first column. Drag it down up to the intended rows.

        Similarly now the Array Formula formula in H1 becomes


        And so on.

        Complete this for all the columns.

        Now comes the Conditional Formatting part.

        Select the very first cell i.e. C1 in this case.
        Go to Conditional Formatting --> New Rule --> Use a Formula to determine which cells to format.

        Now in the Rule put the following formula


        Select the background color of your choice and click OK to apply the formatting to cell C1.

        Now while C1 is selected, double click on Format Painter and paint this formatting to all applicable data columns.

        enter image description here

        Note that.

        • Excel might have a limit on how many parameters can be passed to a UDF. I am not too sure if and how it may apply if it's declared as ParamArray as Variant

        • I suggest that you first test it in a test worksheet with sample data simulating various conditions to get a confirmation that this works as expected before applying it to your production sheet.

        • If you still face any issues or if any errors are there do update here and I will try to fix it if time permits.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Nov 25 at 22:52




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