Is there a balanced chess system where players of unknown skill can have an equal chance of winning?

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Is there a chess system where you can make players of differing skill levels compete against each other with an equal chance to win without using different chess variations?

This system should give good players and bad players a level playing field where both of them can win.

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New contributor

Amit TPB is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • unedited question makes no sense. Should change unknown to different. Edit already suggested.
    – Drako
    Nov 22 at 14:03

  • 2

    @Drako: The point, which I fear you may have missed, is specifically that you don't have Elo ranks or other numerical values for the players' relative skill levels. Removing that information makes the question less clear.
    – Kevin
    Nov 23 at 5:24

  • 1

    @Kevin I did not miss that, but I feel people are missing that correct answer is NO. - and answer provided and highly up-voted is just a technical trick how to determine player skill level and is not providing system for unknown skill level players to have an equal chance of winning - instead it provides system to find out their level, that's a good mitigation but it does not change main answer - NO!
    – Drako
    Nov 23 at 8:35

  • 7

    At random moments, switch sides.
    – RemcoGerlich
    Nov 23 at 9:03

  • 1

    Possible duplicate of How to balance the game for uneven players
    – Grade 'Eh' Bacon
    Nov 23 at 13:44

up vote
down vote


Is there a chess system where you can make players of differing skill levels compete against each other with an equal chance to win without using different chess variations?

This system should give good players and bad players a level playing field where both of them can win.

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New contributor

Amit TPB is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • unedited question makes no sense. Should change unknown to different. Edit already suggested.
    – Drako
    Nov 22 at 14:03

  • 2

    @Drako: The point, which I fear you may have missed, is specifically that you don't have Elo ranks or other numerical values for the players' relative skill levels. Removing that information makes the question less clear.
    – Kevin
    Nov 23 at 5:24

  • 1

    @Kevin I did not miss that, but I feel people are missing that correct answer is NO. - and answer provided and highly up-voted is just a technical trick how to determine player skill level and is not providing system for unknown skill level players to have an equal chance of winning - instead it provides system to find out their level, that's a good mitigation but it does not change main answer - NO!
    – Drako
    Nov 23 at 8:35

  • 7

    At random moments, switch sides.
    – RemcoGerlich
    Nov 23 at 9:03

  • 1

    Possible duplicate of How to balance the game for uneven players
    – Grade 'Eh' Bacon
    Nov 23 at 13:44

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



Is there a chess system where you can make players of differing skill levels compete against each other with an equal chance to win without using different chess variations?

This system should give good players and bad players a level playing field where both of them can win.

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New contributor

Amit TPB is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Is there a chess system where you can make players of differing skill levels compete against each other with an equal chance to win without using different chess variations?

This system should give good players and bad players a level playing field where both of them can win.


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New contributor

Amit TPB is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

Amit TPB is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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edited Nov 22 at 11:48




New contributor

Amit TPB is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked Nov 22 at 10:26

Amit TPB



New contributor

Amit TPB is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

Amit TPB is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Amit TPB is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • unedited question makes no sense. Should change unknown to different. Edit already suggested.
    – Drako
    Nov 22 at 14:03

  • 2

    @Drako: The point, which I fear you may have missed, is specifically that you don't have Elo ranks or other numerical values for the players' relative skill levels. Removing that information makes the question less clear.
    – Kevin
    Nov 23 at 5:24

  • 1

    @Kevin I did not miss that, but I feel people are missing that correct answer is NO. - and answer provided and highly up-voted is just a technical trick how to determine player skill level and is not providing system for unknown skill level players to have an equal chance of winning - instead it provides system to find out their level, that's a good mitigation but it does not change main answer - NO!
    – Drako
    Nov 23 at 8:35

  • 7

    At random moments, switch sides.
    – RemcoGerlich
    Nov 23 at 9:03

  • 1

    Possible duplicate of How to balance the game for uneven players
    – Grade 'Eh' Bacon
    Nov 23 at 13:44

  • unedited question makes no sense. Should change unknown to different. Edit already suggested.
    – Drako
    Nov 22 at 14:03

  • 2

    @Drako: The point, which I fear you may have missed, is specifically that you don't have Elo ranks or other numerical values for the players' relative skill levels. Removing that information makes the question less clear.
    – Kevin
    Nov 23 at 5:24

  • 1

    @Kevin I did not miss that, but I feel people are missing that correct answer is NO. - and answer provided and highly up-voted is just a technical trick how to determine player skill level and is not providing system for unknown skill level players to have an equal chance of winning - instead it provides system to find out their level, that's a good mitigation but it does not change main answer - NO!
    – Drako
    Nov 23 at 8:35

  • 7

    At random moments, switch sides.
    – RemcoGerlich
    Nov 23 at 9:03

  • 1

    Possible duplicate of How to balance the game for uneven players
    – Grade 'Eh' Bacon
    Nov 23 at 13:44

unedited question makes no sense. Should change unknown to different. Edit already suggested.
– Drako
Nov 22 at 14:03

unedited question makes no sense. Should change unknown to different. Edit already suggested.
– Drako
Nov 22 at 14:03



@Drako: The point, which I fear you may have missed, is specifically that you don't have Elo ranks or other numerical values for the players' relative skill levels. Removing that information makes the question less clear.
– Kevin
Nov 23 at 5:24

@Drako: The point, which I fear you may have missed, is specifically that you don't have Elo ranks or other numerical values for the players' relative skill levels. Removing that information makes the question less clear.
– Kevin
Nov 23 at 5:24



@Kevin I did not miss that, but I feel people are missing that correct answer is NO. - and answer provided and highly up-voted is just a technical trick how to determine player skill level and is not providing system for unknown skill level players to have an equal chance of winning - instead it provides system to find out their level, that's a good mitigation but it does not change main answer - NO!
– Drako
Nov 23 at 8:35

@Kevin I did not miss that, but I feel people are missing that correct answer is NO. - and answer provided and highly up-voted is just a technical trick how to determine player skill level and is not providing system for unknown skill level players to have an equal chance of winning - instead it provides system to find out their level, that's a good mitigation but it does not change main answer - NO!
– Drako
Nov 23 at 8:35



At random moments, switch sides.
– RemcoGerlich
Nov 23 at 9:03

At random moments, switch sides.
– RemcoGerlich
Nov 23 at 9:03



Possible duplicate of How to balance the game for uneven players
– Grade 'Eh' Bacon
Nov 23 at 13:44

Possible duplicate of How to balance the game for uneven players
– Grade 'Eh' Bacon
Nov 23 at 13:44

4 Answers




up vote
down vote


The way I've done this in the past is to play a series of games with clocks starting with 10 minutes each on the clocks and then the rule for subsequent games that the winner of the previous game gets one minute less and the loser one minute more. This quickly stabilizes at a level where both players have good chances of winning.

share|improve this answer

  • 11

    @Drako after 10 games each will win 50% of the games.
    – DonQuiKong
    Nov 22 at 14:45

  • 25

    @Drako: This is a question about the ordinary world, not programming or pure mathematics; “players of unknown skill” can reasonably be understood as assuming that the players at least know the rules and aren’t newborn babies.
    – Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
    Nov 22 at 14:55

  • 10

    Yeah, if the stronger player is much stronger then no time imbalance will do the trick. They'll just devise a strategy for every possible move while the opponent is thinking about it.
    – leftaroundabout
    Nov 22 at 17:00

  • 5

    @leftaroundabout Yep. You can think on your opponent's time and it's sufficient to devise a counter for just a few of the likely best moves. Any other move will be sufficiently sub-par that a quick response will still let the stronger player win.
    – David Schwartz
    Nov 22 at 21:55

  • 12

    @Drako The GM vs Baby will equalize at 50% too. Eventually, GM gets 0 time and instantly loses. Next game, in his one minute, he crushes his opponent (probably by time unless they accidentally knock a piece on the board into a legal move.)
    – corsiKa
    Nov 22 at 22:32

up vote
down vote

A common way to have a large number of weak players have a chance at beating a single strong player is simultaneous chess:
simultaneous chess

image taken from

The strong player plays multiple simultaneous chess games against each of the weak players, walking from board to board. That means the attention and time of the strong player is divided among all the games while the weak players can focus their full concentrate on just their own game.

The handicap of the strong player can be adjusted by adding or removing opponents.

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New contributor

Philipp is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 10

    The player giving the simultaneous display usually scores over 90%. Against very weak players a GM would score 100% or very close regardless of the number of players. So, this does not answer the question.
    – Brian Towers
    Nov 23 at 10:56

  • 1

    @BrianTowers, I think this answer is totally valid. There is only so much you can do, the difference between a GM and a weak player is so vast. Take your answer for example, I am confident that a GM can beat a weak player with 1 min vs 19 min odds. Carlsen vs Bill Gates game:, it took Carlsen 10 seconds to checkmate him.
    – Akavall
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote

...players of unknown skill can have an equal chance of winning...

This sounds like you want to take the player's skill out of the game which goes against the spirit and rules of chess, I would say. You could introduce elements that equalize skill differences but you may end up with a completely different kind of game, which you wanted to avoid.

For example you could introduce some kind of handicap or bonus (less time for the higher skilled, less chess pieces to begin with for the higher skilled, more chess pieces for the lower skilled (analogously to Go), other side tasks for the higher skilled) but that would require that you know the skill differences in advance or detect them while playing.

Please note, that winning chess for a lower skilled player because the higher skilled opponent had some kind of handicap is not the same as winning under otherwise equal conditions. In chess as most people play it, the definition of winning (in a statistical sense) means that you are higher skilled. Your definition of winning seems to be different (independent of skill). It would be a different kind of winning.

Indeed one could switch sides at random times as RemcoGerlich pointed out, and it would formally solve your problem, but in that case winning would be very much meaningless.

That's why I conclude that no, there is no such way. Either the stronger skilled players will win more often in chess, or the definition of winning becomes meaningless and some other kind of metric depends on the skill (like the handicap) or it's not standard chess any more.

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Trilarion is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 2

    You are discussing why you think the question is bad not answering it. This belongs in a comment not an answer.
    – Brian Towers
    Nov 23 at 18:33

  • 1

    In a handicap system, the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. Individual wins and losses are only relevant insofar as they affect the handicap.
    – supercat
    Nov 23 at 20:37

  • 2

    @BrianTowers I answer the question "Is there" with "there isn't". I think this is an answer.
    – Trilarion
    Nov 23 at 21:22

  • @supercat "... the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. ..." This is true. The one with the lowest handicap at the end can feel himself/herself as the true winner, but that person will also be the most skilled player on average.
    – Trilarion
    Nov 23 at 21:27

  • @Trilarion: The person who is most skilled should fairly consistently finish the night with the lowest handicap, but the the numerical values of handicaps offer more quantitative measure of skill than their mere rankings would indicate.
    – supercat
    Nov 24 at 0:43

up vote
down vote

The ultimate handicap is teaching.

Typically we assume that the person with the winning position on the board is a winner, and the person with the losing position on the board is the loser. But this does not always have to be true. The more advanced player can always choose a different win condition. Why not? It's only a game. If the more advanced player chooses a win condition that isn't in direct opposition to the less advanced player winning, then you can actually reach a win-win situation.

You might be able to develop a clever handicap system where players have to "play their best" to beat the opponent with a specified handicap. Go actually has this, though one quickly progresses to the point where a 2 stone handicap is too much. If you do this, you quickly create a game of "you vs. nature" The game becomes a zero-sum game and it really changes how it feels.

However, if your goal is to create situations to help teach the newer player, it doesn't matter how skilled you are. You are no longer playing on the board. You are playing in the mind. And, honestly, we can all use a little practice in our quest to become a grandmaster at that.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    What "different win condition" could that be? Can you provide an example which would not be "a different chess variation"?
    – Philipp
    2 days ago

  • @Philipp Different win condition: less skilled player gets better at Chess, thanks to your efforts to teach them. Maybe they even get good enough to challenge you, and you learn to become better at Chess.
    – Cort Ammon
    2 days ago

  • So you mean if the stronger player realized that she is winning, she switches from opponent to mentor and advises the weaker player why she is winning and what the weaker player could do about it?
    – Philipp
    2 days ago

  • @Philipp That's one way yes. Another approach I have used is to put myself in positions that are very difficult for me to puzzle through but are more clear from the other side of the board. It's not as formal as some mathematical handicap, nor is it as simple as simply giving them a piece advantage, but it leads to a game that tests both skill as I continuously adapt the game to the players.
    – Cort Ammon
    2 days ago

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4 Answers




4 Answers










up vote
down vote


The way I've done this in the past is to play a series of games with clocks starting with 10 minutes each on the clocks and then the rule for subsequent games that the winner of the previous game gets one minute less and the loser one minute more. This quickly stabilizes at a level where both players have good chances of winning.

share|improve this answer

  • 11

    @Drako after 10 games each will win 50% of the games.
    – DonQuiKong
    Nov 22 at 14:45

  • 25

    @Drako: This is a question about the ordinary world, not programming or pure mathematics; “players of unknown skill” can reasonably be understood as assuming that the players at least know the rules and aren’t newborn babies.
    – Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
    Nov 22 at 14:55

  • 10

    Yeah, if the stronger player is much stronger then no time imbalance will do the trick. They'll just devise a strategy for every possible move while the opponent is thinking about it.
    – leftaroundabout
    Nov 22 at 17:00

  • 5

    @leftaroundabout Yep. You can think on your opponent's time and it's sufficient to devise a counter for just a few of the likely best moves. Any other move will be sufficiently sub-par that a quick response will still let the stronger player win.
    – David Schwartz
    Nov 22 at 21:55

  • 12

    @Drako The GM vs Baby will equalize at 50% too. Eventually, GM gets 0 time and instantly loses. Next game, in his one minute, he crushes his opponent (probably by time unless they accidentally knock a piece on the board into a legal move.)
    – corsiKa
    Nov 22 at 22:32

up vote
down vote


The way I've done this in the past is to play a series of games with clocks starting with 10 minutes each on the clocks and then the rule for subsequent games that the winner of the previous game gets one minute less and the loser one minute more. This quickly stabilizes at a level where both players have good chances of winning.

share|improve this answer

  • 11

    @Drako after 10 games each will win 50% of the games.
    – DonQuiKong
    Nov 22 at 14:45

  • 25

    @Drako: This is a question about the ordinary world, not programming or pure mathematics; “players of unknown skill” can reasonably be understood as assuming that the players at least know the rules and aren’t newborn babies.
    – Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
    Nov 22 at 14:55

  • 10

    Yeah, if the stronger player is much stronger then no time imbalance will do the trick. They'll just devise a strategy for every possible move while the opponent is thinking about it.
    – leftaroundabout
    Nov 22 at 17:00

  • 5

    @leftaroundabout Yep. You can think on your opponent's time and it's sufficient to devise a counter for just a few of the likely best moves. Any other move will be sufficiently sub-par that a quick response will still let the stronger player win.
    – David Schwartz
    Nov 22 at 21:55

  • 12

    @Drako The GM vs Baby will equalize at 50% too. Eventually, GM gets 0 time and instantly loses. Next game, in his one minute, he crushes his opponent (probably by time unless they accidentally knock a piece on the board into a legal move.)
    – corsiKa
    Nov 22 at 22:32

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote


The way I've done this in the past is to play a series of games with clocks starting with 10 minutes each on the clocks and then the rule for subsequent games that the winner of the previous game gets one minute less and the loser one minute more. This quickly stabilizes at a level where both players have good chances of winning.

share|improve this answer


The way I've done this in the past is to play a series of games with clocks starting with 10 minutes each on the clocks and then the rule for subsequent games that the winner of the previous game gets one minute less and the loser one minute more. This quickly stabilizes at a level where both players have good chances of winning.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Nov 22 at 12:19

Brian Towers



  • 11

    @Drako after 10 games each will win 50% of the games.
    – DonQuiKong
    Nov 22 at 14:45

  • 25

    @Drako: This is a question about the ordinary world, not programming or pure mathematics; “players of unknown skill” can reasonably be understood as assuming that the players at least know the rules and aren’t newborn babies.
    – Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
    Nov 22 at 14:55

  • 10

    Yeah, if the stronger player is much stronger then no time imbalance will do the trick. They'll just devise a strategy for every possible move while the opponent is thinking about it.
    – leftaroundabout
    Nov 22 at 17:00

  • 5

    @leftaroundabout Yep. You can think on your opponent's time and it's sufficient to devise a counter for just a few of the likely best moves. Any other move will be sufficiently sub-par that a quick response will still let the stronger player win.
    – David Schwartz
    Nov 22 at 21:55

  • 12

    @Drako The GM vs Baby will equalize at 50% too. Eventually, GM gets 0 time and instantly loses. Next game, in his one minute, he crushes his opponent (probably by time unless they accidentally knock a piece on the board into a legal move.)
    – corsiKa
    Nov 22 at 22:32

  • 11

    @Drako after 10 games each will win 50% of the games.
    – DonQuiKong
    Nov 22 at 14:45

  • 25

    @Drako: This is a question about the ordinary world, not programming or pure mathematics; “players of unknown skill” can reasonably be understood as assuming that the players at least know the rules and aren’t newborn babies.
    – Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
    Nov 22 at 14:55

  • 10

    Yeah, if the stronger player is much stronger then no time imbalance will do the trick. They'll just devise a strategy for every possible move while the opponent is thinking about it.
    – leftaroundabout
    Nov 22 at 17:00

  • 5

    @leftaroundabout Yep. You can think on your opponent's time and it's sufficient to devise a counter for just a few of the likely best moves. Any other move will be sufficiently sub-par that a quick response will still let the stronger player win.
    – David Schwartz
    Nov 22 at 21:55

  • 12

    @Drako The GM vs Baby will equalize at 50% too. Eventually, GM gets 0 time and instantly loses. Next game, in his one minute, he crushes his opponent (probably by time unless they accidentally knock a piece on the board into a legal move.)
    – corsiKa
    Nov 22 at 22:32



@Drako after 10 games each will win 50% of the games.
– DonQuiKong
Nov 22 at 14:45

@Drako after 10 games each will win 50% of the games.
– DonQuiKong
Nov 22 at 14:45



@Drako: This is a question about the ordinary world, not programming or pure mathematics; “players of unknown skill” can reasonably be understood as assuming that the players at least know the rules and aren’t newborn babies.
– Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
Nov 22 at 14:55

@Drako: This is a question about the ordinary world, not programming or pure mathematics; “players of unknown skill” can reasonably be understood as assuming that the players at least know the rules and aren’t newborn babies.
– Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
Nov 22 at 14:55



Yeah, if the stronger player is much stronger then no time imbalance will do the trick. They'll just devise a strategy for every possible move while the opponent is thinking about it.
– leftaroundabout
Nov 22 at 17:00

Yeah, if the stronger player is much stronger then no time imbalance will do the trick. They'll just devise a strategy for every possible move while the opponent is thinking about it.
– leftaroundabout
Nov 22 at 17:00



@leftaroundabout Yep. You can think on your opponent's time and it's sufficient to devise a counter for just a few of the likely best moves. Any other move will be sufficiently sub-par that a quick response will still let the stronger player win.
– David Schwartz
Nov 22 at 21:55

@leftaroundabout Yep. You can think on your opponent's time and it's sufficient to devise a counter for just a few of the likely best moves. Any other move will be sufficiently sub-par that a quick response will still let the stronger player win.
– David Schwartz
Nov 22 at 21:55



@Drako The GM vs Baby will equalize at 50% too. Eventually, GM gets 0 time and instantly loses. Next game, in his one minute, he crushes his opponent (probably by time unless they accidentally knock a piece on the board into a legal move.)
– corsiKa
Nov 22 at 22:32

@Drako The GM vs Baby will equalize at 50% too. Eventually, GM gets 0 time and instantly loses. Next game, in his one minute, he crushes his opponent (probably by time unless they accidentally knock a piece on the board into a legal move.)
– corsiKa
Nov 22 at 22:32

up vote
down vote

A common way to have a large number of weak players have a chance at beating a single strong player is simultaneous chess:
simultaneous chess

image taken from

The strong player plays multiple simultaneous chess games against each of the weak players, walking from board to board. That means the attention and time of the strong player is divided among all the games while the weak players can focus their full concentrate on just their own game.

The handicap of the strong player can be adjusted by adding or removing opponents.

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New contributor

Philipp is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 10

    The player giving the simultaneous display usually scores over 90%. Against very weak players a GM would score 100% or very close regardless of the number of players. So, this does not answer the question.
    – Brian Towers
    Nov 23 at 10:56

  • 1

    @BrianTowers, I think this answer is totally valid. There is only so much you can do, the difference between a GM and a weak player is so vast. Take your answer for example, I am confident that a GM can beat a weak player with 1 min vs 19 min odds. Carlsen vs Bill Gates game:, it took Carlsen 10 seconds to checkmate him.
    – Akavall
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote

A common way to have a large number of weak players have a chance at beating a single strong player is simultaneous chess:
simultaneous chess

image taken from

The strong player plays multiple simultaneous chess games against each of the weak players, walking from board to board. That means the attention and time of the strong player is divided among all the games while the weak players can focus their full concentrate on just their own game.

The handicap of the strong player can be adjusted by adding or removing opponents.

share|improve this answer

New contributor

Philipp is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 10

    The player giving the simultaneous display usually scores over 90%. Against very weak players a GM would score 100% or very close regardless of the number of players. So, this does not answer the question.
    – Brian Towers
    Nov 23 at 10:56

  • 1

    @BrianTowers, I think this answer is totally valid. There is only so much you can do, the difference between a GM and a weak player is so vast. Take your answer for example, I am confident that a GM can beat a weak player with 1 min vs 19 min odds. Carlsen vs Bill Gates game:, it took Carlsen 10 seconds to checkmate him.
    – Akavall
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

A common way to have a large number of weak players have a chance at beating a single strong player is simultaneous chess:
simultaneous chess

image taken from

The strong player plays multiple simultaneous chess games against each of the weak players, walking from board to board. That means the attention and time of the strong player is divided among all the games while the weak players can focus their full concentrate on just their own game.

The handicap of the strong player can be adjusted by adding or removing opponents.

share|improve this answer

New contributor

Philipp is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

A common way to have a large number of weak players have a chance at beating a single strong player is simultaneous chess:
simultaneous chess

image taken from

The strong player plays multiple simultaneous chess games against each of the weak players, walking from board to board. That means the attention and time of the strong player is divided among all the games while the weak players can focus their full concentrate on just their own game.

The handicap of the strong player can be adjusted by adding or removing opponents.

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New contributor

Philipp is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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edited Nov 23 at 10:06

New contributor

Philipp is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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answered Nov 23 at 9:59




New contributor

Philipp is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Philipp is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Philipp is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 10

    The player giving the simultaneous display usually scores over 90%. Against very weak players a GM would score 100% or very close regardless of the number of players. So, this does not answer the question.
    – Brian Towers
    Nov 23 at 10:56

  • 1

    @BrianTowers, I think this answer is totally valid. There is only so much you can do, the difference between a GM and a weak player is so vast. Take your answer for example, I am confident that a GM can beat a weak player with 1 min vs 19 min odds. Carlsen vs Bill Gates game:, it took Carlsen 10 seconds to checkmate him.
    – Akavall
    2 days ago

  • 10

    The player giving the simultaneous display usually scores over 90%. Against very weak players a GM would score 100% or very close regardless of the number of players. So, this does not answer the question.
    – Brian Towers
    Nov 23 at 10:56

  • 1

    @BrianTowers, I think this answer is totally valid. There is only so much you can do, the difference between a GM and a weak player is so vast. Take your answer for example, I am confident that a GM can beat a weak player with 1 min vs 19 min odds. Carlsen vs Bill Gates game:, it took Carlsen 10 seconds to checkmate him.
    – Akavall
    2 days ago



The player giving the simultaneous display usually scores over 90%. Against very weak players a GM would score 100% or very close regardless of the number of players. So, this does not answer the question.
– Brian Towers
Nov 23 at 10:56

The player giving the simultaneous display usually scores over 90%. Against very weak players a GM would score 100% or very close regardless of the number of players. So, this does not answer the question.
– Brian Towers
Nov 23 at 10:56



@BrianTowers, I think this answer is totally valid. There is only so much you can do, the difference between a GM and a weak player is so vast. Take your answer for example, I am confident that a GM can beat a weak player with 1 min vs 19 min odds. Carlsen vs Bill Gates game:, it took Carlsen 10 seconds to checkmate him.
– Akavall
2 days ago

@BrianTowers, I think this answer is totally valid. There is only so much you can do, the difference between a GM and a weak player is so vast. Take your answer for example, I am confident that a GM can beat a weak player with 1 min vs 19 min odds. Carlsen vs Bill Gates game:, it took Carlsen 10 seconds to checkmate him.
– Akavall
2 days ago

up vote
down vote

...players of unknown skill can have an equal chance of winning...

This sounds like you want to take the player's skill out of the game which goes against the spirit and rules of chess, I would say. You could introduce elements that equalize skill differences but you may end up with a completely different kind of game, which you wanted to avoid.

For example you could introduce some kind of handicap or bonus (less time for the higher skilled, less chess pieces to begin with for the higher skilled, more chess pieces for the lower skilled (analogously to Go), other side tasks for the higher skilled) but that would require that you know the skill differences in advance or detect them while playing.

Please note, that winning chess for a lower skilled player because the higher skilled opponent had some kind of handicap is not the same as winning under otherwise equal conditions. In chess as most people play it, the definition of winning (in a statistical sense) means that you are higher skilled. Your definition of winning seems to be different (independent of skill). It would be a different kind of winning.

Indeed one could switch sides at random times as RemcoGerlich pointed out, and it would formally solve your problem, but in that case winning would be very much meaningless.

That's why I conclude that no, there is no such way. Either the stronger skilled players will win more often in chess, or the definition of winning becomes meaningless and some other kind of metric depends on the skill (like the handicap) or it's not standard chess any more.

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  • 2

    You are discussing why you think the question is bad not answering it. This belongs in a comment not an answer.
    – Brian Towers
    Nov 23 at 18:33

  • 1

    In a handicap system, the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. Individual wins and losses are only relevant insofar as they affect the handicap.
    – supercat
    Nov 23 at 20:37

  • 2

    @BrianTowers I answer the question "Is there" with "there isn't". I think this is an answer.
    – Trilarion
    Nov 23 at 21:22

  • @supercat "... the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. ..." This is true. The one with the lowest handicap at the end can feel himself/herself as the true winner, but that person will also be the most skilled player on average.
    – Trilarion
    Nov 23 at 21:27

  • @Trilarion: The person who is most skilled should fairly consistently finish the night with the lowest handicap, but the the numerical values of handicaps offer more quantitative measure of skill than their mere rankings would indicate.
    – supercat
    Nov 24 at 0:43

up vote
down vote

...players of unknown skill can have an equal chance of winning...

This sounds like you want to take the player's skill out of the game which goes against the spirit and rules of chess, I would say. You could introduce elements that equalize skill differences but you may end up with a completely different kind of game, which you wanted to avoid.

For example you could introduce some kind of handicap or bonus (less time for the higher skilled, less chess pieces to begin with for the higher skilled, more chess pieces for the lower skilled (analogously to Go), other side tasks for the higher skilled) but that would require that you know the skill differences in advance or detect them while playing.

Please note, that winning chess for a lower skilled player because the higher skilled opponent had some kind of handicap is not the same as winning under otherwise equal conditions. In chess as most people play it, the definition of winning (in a statistical sense) means that you are higher skilled. Your definition of winning seems to be different (independent of skill). It would be a different kind of winning.

Indeed one could switch sides at random times as RemcoGerlich pointed out, and it would formally solve your problem, but in that case winning would be very much meaningless.

That's why I conclude that no, there is no such way. Either the stronger skilled players will win more often in chess, or the definition of winning becomes meaningless and some other kind of metric depends on the skill (like the handicap) or it's not standard chess any more.

share|improve this answer

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Trilarion is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 2

    You are discussing why you think the question is bad not answering it. This belongs in a comment not an answer.
    – Brian Towers
    Nov 23 at 18:33

  • 1

    In a handicap system, the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. Individual wins and losses are only relevant insofar as they affect the handicap.
    – supercat
    Nov 23 at 20:37

  • 2

    @BrianTowers I answer the question "Is there" with "there isn't". I think this is an answer.
    – Trilarion
    Nov 23 at 21:22

  • @supercat "... the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. ..." This is true. The one with the lowest handicap at the end can feel himself/herself as the true winner, but that person will also be the most skilled player on average.
    – Trilarion
    Nov 23 at 21:27

  • @Trilarion: The person who is most skilled should fairly consistently finish the night with the lowest handicap, but the the numerical values of handicaps offer more quantitative measure of skill than their mere rankings would indicate.
    – supercat
    Nov 24 at 0:43

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

...players of unknown skill can have an equal chance of winning...

This sounds like you want to take the player's skill out of the game which goes against the spirit and rules of chess, I would say. You could introduce elements that equalize skill differences but you may end up with a completely different kind of game, which you wanted to avoid.

For example you could introduce some kind of handicap or bonus (less time for the higher skilled, less chess pieces to begin with for the higher skilled, more chess pieces for the lower skilled (analogously to Go), other side tasks for the higher skilled) but that would require that you know the skill differences in advance or detect them while playing.

Please note, that winning chess for a lower skilled player because the higher skilled opponent had some kind of handicap is not the same as winning under otherwise equal conditions. In chess as most people play it, the definition of winning (in a statistical sense) means that you are higher skilled. Your definition of winning seems to be different (independent of skill). It would be a different kind of winning.

Indeed one could switch sides at random times as RemcoGerlich pointed out, and it would formally solve your problem, but in that case winning would be very much meaningless.

That's why I conclude that no, there is no such way. Either the stronger skilled players will win more often in chess, or the definition of winning becomes meaningless and some other kind of metric depends on the skill (like the handicap) or it's not standard chess any more.

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Trilarion is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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...players of unknown skill can have an equal chance of winning...

This sounds like you want to take the player's skill out of the game which goes against the spirit and rules of chess, I would say. You could introduce elements that equalize skill differences but you may end up with a completely different kind of game, which you wanted to avoid.

For example you could introduce some kind of handicap or bonus (less time for the higher skilled, less chess pieces to begin with for the higher skilled, more chess pieces for the lower skilled (analogously to Go), other side tasks for the higher skilled) but that would require that you know the skill differences in advance or detect them while playing.

Please note, that winning chess for a lower skilled player because the higher skilled opponent had some kind of handicap is not the same as winning under otherwise equal conditions. In chess as most people play it, the definition of winning (in a statistical sense) means that you are higher skilled. Your definition of winning seems to be different (independent of skill). It would be a different kind of winning.

Indeed one could switch sides at random times as RemcoGerlich pointed out, and it would formally solve your problem, but in that case winning would be very much meaningless.

That's why I conclude that no, there is no such way. Either the stronger skilled players will win more often in chess, or the definition of winning becomes meaningless and some other kind of metric depends on the skill (like the handicap) or it's not standard chess any more.

share|improve this answer

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Trilarion is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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answered Nov 23 at 15:17




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Trilarion is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Trilarion is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Trilarion is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 2

    You are discussing why you think the question is bad not answering it. This belongs in a comment not an answer.
    – Brian Towers
    Nov 23 at 18:33

  • 1

    In a handicap system, the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. Individual wins and losses are only relevant insofar as they affect the handicap.
    – supercat
    Nov 23 at 20:37

  • 2

    @BrianTowers I answer the question "Is there" with "there isn't". I think this is an answer.
    – Trilarion
    Nov 23 at 21:22

  • @supercat "... the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. ..." This is true. The one with the lowest handicap at the end can feel himself/herself as the true winner, but that person will also be the most skilled player on average.
    – Trilarion
    Nov 23 at 21:27

  • @Trilarion: The person who is most skilled should fairly consistently finish the night with the lowest handicap, but the the numerical values of handicaps offer more quantitative measure of skill than their mere rankings would indicate.
    – supercat
    Nov 24 at 0:43

  • 2

    You are discussing why you think the question is bad not answering it. This belongs in a comment not an answer.
    – Brian Towers
    Nov 23 at 18:33

  • 1

    In a handicap system, the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. Individual wins and losses are only relevant insofar as they affect the handicap.
    – supercat
    Nov 23 at 20:37

  • 2

    @BrianTowers I answer the question "Is there" with "there isn't". I think this is an answer.
    – Trilarion
    Nov 23 at 21:22

  • @supercat "... the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. ..." This is true. The one with the lowest handicap at the end can feel himself/herself as the true winner, but that person will also be the most skilled player on average.
    – Trilarion
    Nov 23 at 21:27

  • @Trilarion: The person who is most skilled should fairly consistently finish the night with the lowest handicap, but the the numerical values of handicaps offer more quantitative measure of skill than their mere rankings would indicate.
    – supercat
    Nov 24 at 0:43



You are discussing why you think the question is bad not answering it. This belongs in a comment not an answer.
– Brian Towers
Nov 23 at 18:33

You are discussing why you think the question is bad not answering it. This belongs in a comment not an answer.
– Brian Towers
Nov 23 at 18:33



In a handicap system, the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. Individual wins and losses are only relevant insofar as they affect the handicap.
– supercat
Nov 23 at 20:37

In a handicap system, the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. Individual wins and losses are only relevant insofar as they affect the handicap.
– supercat
Nov 23 at 20:37



@BrianTowers I answer the question "Is there" with "there isn't". I think this is an answer.
– Trilarion
Nov 23 at 21:22

@BrianTowers I answer the question "Is there" with "there isn't". I think this is an answer.
– Trilarion
Nov 23 at 21:22

@supercat "... the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. ..." This is true. The one with the lowest handicap at the end can feel himself/herself as the true winner, but that person will also be the most skilled player on average.
– Trilarion
Nov 23 at 21:27

@supercat "... the goal of a player is not simply to win individual games against particular opponents, but to achieve the lowest handicap. ..." This is true. The one with the lowest handicap at the end can feel himself/herself as the true winner, but that person will also be the most skilled player on average.
– Trilarion
Nov 23 at 21:27

@Trilarion: The person who is most skilled should fairly consistently finish the night with the lowest handicap, but the the numerical values of handicaps offer more quantitative measure of skill than their mere rankings would indicate.
– supercat
Nov 24 at 0:43

@Trilarion: The person who is most skilled should fairly consistently finish the night with the lowest handicap, but the the numerical values of handicaps offer more quantitative measure of skill than their mere rankings would indicate.
– supercat
Nov 24 at 0:43

up vote
down vote

The ultimate handicap is teaching.

Typically we assume that the person with the winning position on the board is a winner, and the person with the losing position on the board is the loser. But this does not always have to be true. The more advanced player can always choose a different win condition. Why not? It's only a game. If the more advanced player chooses a win condition that isn't in direct opposition to the less advanced player winning, then you can actually reach a win-win situation.

You might be able to develop a clever handicap system where players have to "play their best" to beat the opponent with a specified handicap. Go actually has this, though one quickly progresses to the point where a 2 stone handicap is too much. If you do this, you quickly create a game of "you vs. nature" The game becomes a zero-sum game and it really changes how it feels.

However, if your goal is to create situations to help teach the newer player, it doesn't matter how skilled you are. You are no longer playing on the board. You are playing in the mind. And, honestly, we can all use a little practice in our quest to become a grandmaster at that.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    What "different win condition" could that be? Can you provide an example which would not be "a different chess variation"?
    – Philipp
    2 days ago

  • @Philipp Different win condition: less skilled player gets better at Chess, thanks to your efforts to teach them. Maybe they even get good enough to challenge you, and you learn to become better at Chess.
    – Cort Ammon
    2 days ago

  • So you mean if the stronger player realized that she is winning, she switches from opponent to mentor and advises the weaker player why she is winning and what the weaker player could do about it?
    – Philipp
    2 days ago

  • @Philipp That's one way yes. Another approach I have used is to put myself in positions that are very difficult for me to puzzle through but are more clear from the other side of the board. It's not as formal as some mathematical handicap, nor is it as simple as simply giving them a piece advantage, but it leads to a game that tests both skill as I continuously adapt the game to the players.
    – Cort Ammon
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote

The ultimate handicap is teaching.

Typically we assume that the person with the winning position on the board is a winner, and the person with the losing position on the board is the loser. But this does not always have to be true. The more advanced player can always choose a different win condition. Why not? It's only a game. If the more advanced player chooses a win condition that isn't in direct opposition to the less advanced player winning, then you can actually reach a win-win situation.

You might be able to develop a clever handicap system where players have to "play their best" to beat the opponent with a specified handicap. Go actually has this, though one quickly progresses to the point where a 2 stone handicap is too much. If you do this, you quickly create a game of "you vs. nature" The game becomes a zero-sum game and it really changes how it feels.

However, if your goal is to create situations to help teach the newer player, it doesn't matter how skilled you are. You are no longer playing on the board. You are playing in the mind. And, honestly, we can all use a little practice in our quest to become a grandmaster at that.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    What "different win condition" could that be? Can you provide an example which would not be "a different chess variation"?
    – Philipp
    2 days ago

  • @Philipp Different win condition: less skilled player gets better at Chess, thanks to your efforts to teach them. Maybe they even get good enough to challenge you, and you learn to become better at Chess.
    – Cort Ammon
    2 days ago

  • So you mean if the stronger player realized that she is winning, she switches from opponent to mentor and advises the weaker player why she is winning and what the weaker player could do about it?
    – Philipp
    2 days ago

  • @Philipp That's one way yes. Another approach I have used is to put myself in positions that are very difficult for me to puzzle through but are more clear from the other side of the board. It's not as formal as some mathematical handicap, nor is it as simple as simply giving them a piece advantage, but it leads to a game that tests both skill as I continuously adapt the game to the players.
    – Cort Ammon
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

The ultimate handicap is teaching.

Typically we assume that the person with the winning position on the board is a winner, and the person with the losing position on the board is the loser. But this does not always have to be true. The more advanced player can always choose a different win condition. Why not? It's only a game. If the more advanced player chooses a win condition that isn't in direct opposition to the less advanced player winning, then you can actually reach a win-win situation.

You might be able to develop a clever handicap system where players have to "play their best" to beat the opponent with a specified handicap. Go actually has this, though one quickly progresses to the point where a 2 stone handicap is too much. If you do this, you quickly create a game of "you vs. nature" The game becomes a zero-sum game and it really changes how it feels.

However, if your goal is to create situations to help teach the newer player, it doesn't matter how skilled you are. You are no longer playing on the board. You are playing in the mind. And, honestly, we can all use a little practice in our quest to become a grandmaster at that.

share|improve this answer

The ultimate handicap is teaching.

Typically we assume that the person with the winning position on the board is a winner, and the person with the losing position on the board is the loser. But this does not always have to be true. The more advanced player can always choose a different win condition. Why not? It's only a game. If the more advanced player chooses a win condition that isn't in direct opposition to the less advanced player winning, then you can actually reach a win-win situation.

You might be able to develop a clever handicap system where players have to "play their best" to beat the opponent with a specified handicap. Go actually has this, though one quickly progresses to the point where a 2 stone handicap is too much. If you do this, you quickly create a game of "you vs. nature" The game becomes a zero-sum game and it really changes how it feels.

However, if your goal is to create situations to help teach the newer player, it doesn't matter how skilled you are. You are no longer playing on the board. You are playing in the mind. And, honestly, we can all use a little practice in our quest to become a grandmaster at that.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Nov 24 at 0:02

Cort Ammon



  • 1

    What "different win condition" could that be? Can you provide an example which would not be "a different chess variation"?
    – Philipp
    2 days ago

  • @Philipp Different win condition: less skilled player gets better at Chess, thanks to your efforts to teach them. Maybe they even get good enough to challenge you, and you learn to become better at Chess.
    – Cort Ammon
    2 days ago

  • So you mean if the stronger player realized that she is winning, she switches from opponent to mentor and advises the weaker player why she is winning and what the weaker player could do about it?
    – Philipp
    2 days ago

  • @Philipp That's one way yes. Another approach I have used is to put myself in positions that are very difficult for me to puzzle through but are more clear from the other side of the board. It's not as formal as some mathematical handicap, nor is it as simple as simply giving them a piece advantage, but it leads to a game that tests both skill as I continuously adapt the game to the players.
    – Cort Ammon
    2 days ago

  • 1

    What "different win condition" could that be? Can you provide an example which would not be "a different chess variation"?
    – Philipp
    2 days ago

  • @Philipp Different win condition: less skilled player gets better at Chess, thanks to your efforts to teach them. Maybe they even get good enough to challenge you, and you learn to become better at Chess.
    – Cort Ammon
    2 days ago

  • So you mean if the stronger player realized that she is winning, she switches from opponent to mentor and advises the weaker player why she is winning and what the weaker player could do about it?
    – Philipp
    2 days ago

  • @Philipp That's one way yes. Another approach I have used is to put myself in positions that are very difficult for me to puzzle through but are more clear from the other side of the board. It's not as formal as some mathematical handicap, nor is it as simple as simply giving them a piece advantage, but it leads to a game that tests both skill as I continuously adapt the game to the players.
    – Cort Ammon
    2 days ago



What "different win condition" could that be? Can you provide an example which would not be "a different chess variation"?
– Philipp
2 days ago

What "different win condition" could that be? Can you provide an example which would not be "a different chess variation"?
– Philipp
2 days ago

@Philipp Different win condition: less skilled player gets better at Chess, thanks to your efforts to teach them. Maybe they even get good enough to challenge you, and you learn to become better at Chess.
– Cort Ammon
2 days ago

@Philipp Different win condition: less skilled player gets better at Chess, thanks to your efforts to teach them. Maybe they even get good enough to challenge you, and you learn to become better at Chess.
– Cort Ammon
2 days ago

So you mean if the stronger player realized that she is winning, she switches from opponent to mentor and advises the weaker player why she is winning and what the weaker player could do about it?
– Philipp
2 days ago

So you mean if the stronger player realized that she is winning, she switches from opponent to mentor and advises the weaker player why she is winning and what the weaker player could do about it?
– Philipp
2 days ago

@Philipp That's one way yes. Another approach I have used is to put myself in positions that are very difficult for me to puzzle through but are more clear from the other side of the board. It's not as formal as some mathematical handicap, nor is it as simple as simply giving them a piece advantage, but it leads to a game that tests both skill as I continuously adapt the game to the players.
– Cort Ammon
2 days ago

@Philipp That's one way yes. Another approach I have used is to put myself in positions that are very difficult for me to puzzle through but are more clear from the other side of the board. It's not as formal as some mathematical handicap, nor is it as simple as simply giving them a piece advantage, but it leads to a game that tests both skill as I continuously adapt the game to the players.
– Cort Ammon
2 days ago

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