Probation period extended but interim probation successful [on hold]

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down vote


I have a total of 21+ years experience. My first company I worked for 8 years, second company I worked for 6 years, third company I worked for 7 years. Fourth Company I worked for 4 months since I had to quit due to skill mismatch.

My present 5th company I joined six months back. We have total 8,000 employees in my country and worldwide it is some 20,000. I joined a project as a Business Analyst Manager above business analyst team leads. The team leads were not officially reporting to me. They were reporting to the Project Manager (PM). Within a few days, I could make out that the team leads were not putting me in CC related to work. One of the team leads started bullying me, saying that I was not to assign any work to programmers without asking him first.

Shocked I did have a meeting with the PM. Within next week I was rolled off from this project (worked for 2.5 months) and moved to a new project. The reason
he gave me was that there is no role for me in the current project (let's call this project A).

I also got a mail that my interim probation is successful (out of total six months probation) when I was moved to another project (project B). A junior resource (two levels junior to me), who was newly hired in project B, was moved to project A and I replaced him in project B. That junior resource joined project A and left the organisation within 10 days without giving any notice period.

It is now total six months in org and 3.5 months in the new project B. The current manager extended my probation without giving any specifics. He had a meeting for the same but was talking in general. Yes, of course, he did say that I'm not aligned with the company. I did not understand this. In the end when I was getting up, he informed me that he is putting me on a PIP and extending probation for three months and also told me not to think this is firing. I was surprised. I said why this is so since interim probation is successful. He asked whether any meeting happened for interim probation giving me some feedback. I said no. Then he said that does not makes any sense. I politely told him that I will quit if there is a PIP for me. He told me to resign only by giving a serious thought.

One thing I noted that this PM of project B keeps on telling me to upskill on some topics which are some basic topics relating to my technology and these topics are asked in the interview and that is why I'm in this organisation. He told me to do something for the org. But he is not aware that I'm the recruitment head for my area in this org (My hiring manager made me the recruitment spoc for my area of expertise). I clarified this in probation discussion.

I contacted HR. HR said there is no PIP and only probation extension and HR said that they are not aware how much period it is extended. They also told me that they discourage extension beyond one month and that is why interim probation assessment is there for any employee correction. I told HR my role is not clear in the present project. Actually my current manager in project B, tells me that to see what is happening in all the mini projects going around in this main project B. This is not possible since my manager needs to communicate officially to all the members of the mini projects (5 projects) that I need to be looped in mails. This manager looks into all these mini projects. I asked my my manager if I'm suppose to lead these projects. He says no. So I am confused by his statements.

HR asked me that it is the manager who is supposed to give me reasons and I said he did not specifically gave data points for probation extension. HR said they will try to arrange a meeting with the manager but nothing happened till date.


Should I ask for a roll off from project B? Is it possible to keep working like this with same manager? I'm not sure what is happening. One thing that's for sure is that mine is a case of unplanned hiring since project A wanted a junior resource and project B also hired a junior resource but they exchanged the same with me as said above.

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New contributor

Sonu is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

put on hold as unclear what you're asking by Philip Kendall, IDrinkandIKnowThings, gnat, Rory Alsop, Sascha 13 hours ago

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • Any more observations on this topic
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:40

up vote
down vote


I have a total of 21+ years experience. My first company I worked for 8 years, second company I worked for 6 years, third company I worked for 7 years. Fourth Company I worked for 4 months since I had to quit due to skill mismatch.

My present 5th company I joined six months back. We have total 8,000 employees in my country and worldwide it is some 20,000. I joined a project as a Business Analyst Manager above business analyst team leads. The team leads were not officially reporting to me. They were reporting to the Project Manager (PM). Within a few days, I could make out that the team leads were not putting me in CC related to work. One of the team leads started bullying me, saying that I was not to assign any work to programmers without asking him first.

Shocked I did have a meeting with the PM. Within next week I was rolled off from this project (worked for 2.5 months) and moved to a new project. The reason
he gave me was that there is no role for me in the current project (let's call this project A).

I also got a mail that my interim probation is successful (out of total six months probation) when I was moved to another project (project B). A junior resource (two levels junior to me), who was newly hired in project B, was moved to project A and I replaced him in project B. That junior resource joined project A and left the organisation within 10 days without giving any notice period.

It is now total six months in org and 3.5 months in the new project B. The current manager extended my probation without giving any specifics. He had a meeting for the same but was talking in general. Yes, of course, he did say that I'm not aligned with the company. I did not understand this. In the end when I was getting up, he informed me that he is putting me on a PIP and extending probation for three months and also told me not to think this is firing. I was surprised. I said why this is so since interim probation is successful. He asked whether any meeting happened for interim probation giving me some feedback. I said no. Then he said that does not makes any sense. I politely told him that I will quit if there is a PIP for me. He told me to resign only by giving a serious thought.

One thing I noted that this PM of project B keeps on telling me to upskill on some topics which are some basic topics relating to my technology and these topics are asked in the interview and that is why I'm in this organisation. He told me to do something for the org. But he is not aware that I'm the recruitment head for my area in this org (My hiring manager made me the recruitment spoc for my area of expertise). I clarified this in probation discussion.

I contacted HR. HR said there is no PIP and only probation extension and HR said that they are not aware how much period it is extended. They also told me that they discourage extension beyond one month and that is why interim probation assessment is there for any employee correction. I told HR my role is not clear in the present project. Actually my current manager in project B, tells me that to see what is happening in all the mini projects going around in this main project B. This is not possible since my manager needs to communicate officially to all the members of the mini projects (5 projects) that I need to be looped in mails. This manager looks into all these mini projects. I asked my my manager if I'm suppose to lead these projects. He says no. So I am confused by his statements.

HR asked me that it is the manager who is supposed to give me reasons and I said he did not specifically gave data points for probation extension. HR said they will try to arrange a meeting with the manager but nothing happened till date.


Should I ask for a roll off from project B? Is it possible to keep working like this with same manager? I'm not sure what is happening. One thing that's for sure is that mine is a case of unplanned hiring since project A wanted a junior resource and project B also hired a junior resource but they exchanged the same with me as said above.

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New contributor

Sonu is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

put on hold as unclear what you're asking by Philip Kendall, IDrinkandIKnowThings, gnat, Rory Alsop, Sascha 13 hours ago

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • Any more observations on this topic
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:40

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


I have a total of 21+ years experience. My first company I worked for 8 years, second company I worked for 6 years, third company I worked for 7 years. Fourth Company I worked for 4 months since I had to quit due to skill mismatch.

My present 5th company I joined six months back. We have total 8,000 employees in my country and worldwide it is some 20,000. I joined a project as a Business Analyst Manager above business analyst team leads. The team leads were not officially reporting to me. They were reporting to the Project Manager (PM). Within a few days, I could make out that the team leads were not putting me in CC related to work. One of the team leads started bullying me, saying that I was not to assign any work to programmers without asking him first.

Shocked I did have a meeting with the PM. Within next week I was rolled off from this project (worked for 2.5 months) and moved to a new project. The reason
he gave me was that there is no role for me in the current project (let's call this project A).

I also got a mail that my interim probation is successful (out of total six months probation) when I was moved to another project (project B). A junior resource (two levels junior to me), who was newly hired in project B, was moved to project A and I replaced him in project B. That junior resource joined project A and left the organisation within 10 days without giving any notice period.

It is now total six months in org and 3.5 months in the new project B. The current manager extended my probation without giving any specifics. He had a meeting for the same but was talking in general. Yes, of course, he did say that I'm not aligned with the company. I did not understand this. In the end when I was getting up, he informed me that he is putting me on a PIP and extending probation for three months and also told me not to think this is firing. I was surprised. I said why this is so since interim probation is successful. He asked whether any meeting happened for interim probation giving me some feedback. I said no. Then he said that does not makes any sense. I politely told him that I will quit if there is a PIP for me. He told me to resign only by giving a serious thought.

One thing I noted that this PM of project B keeps on telling me to upskill on some topics which are some basic topics relating to my technology and these topics are asked in the interview and that is why I'm in this organisation. He told me to do something for the org. But he is not aware that I'm the recruitment head for my area in this org (My hiring manager made me the recruitment spoc for my area of expertise). I clarified this in probation discussion.

I contacted HR. HR said there is no PIP and only probation extension and HR said that they are not aware how much period it is extended. They also told me that they discourage extension beyond one month and that is why interim probation assessment is there for any employee correction. I told HR my role is not clear in the present project. Actually my current manager in project B, tells me that to see what is happening in all the mini projects going around in this main project B. This is not possible since my manager needs to communicate officially to all the members of the mini projects (5 projects) that I need to be looped in mails. This manager looks into all these mini projects. I asked my my manager if I'm suppose to lead these projects. He says no. So I am confused by his statements.

HR asked me that it is the manager who is supposed to give me reasons and I said he did not specifically gave data points for probation extension. HR said they will try to arrange a meeting with the manager but nothing happened till date.


Should I ask for a roll off from project B? Is it possible to keep working like this with same manager? I'm not sure what is happening. One thing that's for sure is that mine is a case of unplanned hiring since project A wanted a junior resource and project B also hired a junior resource but they exchanged the same with me as said above.

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New contributor

Sonu is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

I have a total of 21+ years experience. My first company I worked for 8 years, second company I worked for 6 years, third company I worked for 7 years. Fourth Company I worked for 4 months since I had to quit due to skill mismatch.

My present 5th company I joined six months back. We have total 8,000 employees in my country and worldwide it is some 20,000. I joined a project as a Business Analyst Manager above business analyst team leads. The team leads were not officially reporting to me. They were reporting to the Project Manager (PM). Within a few days, I could make out that the team leads were not putting me in CC related to work. One of the team leads started bullying me, saying that I was not to assign any work to programmers without asking him first.

Shocked I did have a meeting with the PM. Within next week I was rolled off from this project (worked for 2.5 months) and moved to a new project. The reason
he gave me was that there is no role for me in the current project (let's call this project A).

I also got a mail that my interim probation is successful (out of total six months probation) when I was moved to another project (project B). A junior resource (two levels junior to me), who was newly hired in project B, was moved to project A and I replaced him in project B. That junior resource joined project A and left the organisation within 10 days without giving any notice period.

It is now total six months in org and 3.5 months in the new project B. The current manager extended my probation without giving any specifics. He had a meeting for the same but was talking in general. Yes, of course, he did say that I'm not aligned with the company. I did not understand this. In the end when I was getting up, he informed me that he is putting me on a PIP and extending probation for three months and also told me not to think this is firing. I was surprised. I said why this is so since interim probation is successful. He asked whether any meeting happened for interim probation giving me some feedback. I said no. Then he said that does not makes any sense. I politely told him that I will quit if there is a PIP for me. He told me to resign only by giving a serious thought.

One thing I noted that this PM of project B keeps on telling me to upskill on some topics which are some basic topics relating to my technology and these topics are asked in the interview and that is why I'm in this organisation. He told me to do something for the org. But he is not aware that I'm the recruitment head for my area in this org (My hiring manager made me the recruitment spoc for my area of expertise). I clarified this in probation discussion.

I contacted HR. HR said there is no PIP and only probation extension and HR said that they are not aware how much period it is extended. They also told me that they discourage extension beyond one month and that is why interim probation assessment is there for any employee correction. I told HR my role is not clear in the present project. Actually my current manager in project B, tells me that to see what is happening in all the mini projects going around in this main project B. This is not possible since my manager needs to communicate officially to all the members of the mini projects (5 projects) that I need to be looped in mails. This manager looks into all these mini projects. I asked my my manager if I'm suppose to lead these projects. He says no. So I am confused by his statements.

HR asked me that it is the manager who is supposed to give me reasons and I said he did not specifically gave data points for probation extension. HR said they will try to arrange a meeting with the manager but nothing happened till date.


Should I ask for a roll off from project B? Is it possible to keep working like this with same manager? I'm not sure what is happening. One thing that's for sure is that mine is a case of unplanned hiring since project A wanted a junior resource and project B also hired a junior resource but they exchanged the same with me as said above.

management probation

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Sonu is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

Sonu is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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edited Nov 30 at 7:24

Anne Daunted



New contributor

Sonu is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked Nov 29 at 18:21




New contributor

Sonu is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

Sonu is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Sonu is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

put on hold as unclear what you're asking by Philip Kendall, IDrinkandIKnowThings, gnat, Rory Alsop, Sascha 13 hours ago

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

put on hold as unclear what you're asking by Philip Kendall, IDrinkandIKnowThings, gnat, Rory Alsop, Sascha 13 hours ago

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • Any more observations on this topic
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:40

  • Any more observations on this topic
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:40

Any more observations on this topic
– Sonu
Nov 30 at 12:40

Any more observations on this topic
– Sonu
Nov 30 at 12:40

2 Answers




up vote
down vote

You are a skilled and experienced person. You know that. Your manager knows it.

I fear you made a mistake saying you would resign in response to a PIP. That kind of statement is a serious threat to a manager: they hear about resignations in their performance reviews. That's something you don't say, you just do. So, if you stay, you have to get beyond that statement with your manager.

It's obvious this employer / department is not a perfect match for you. So you have a couple of choices.

  1. Try to find an assignment in this company that works for you.

  2. Take another job, move on, and don't look back. You can't get back any time you waste: life is short. Your resume can say "this turned out to be a mismatch of skills" for this time in your career.

If you decide to resign, they may try to persuade you to stay with some kind of negotiation. If that happens, just say "thanks, but I have made my decision." Don't let them play games any more; they've played enough games with you.

Be prepared to answer the question 'what did you learn from this experience?` if someone asks you. At your level in your career, interpersonal skills become very important, not just tech skills.

Good luck and courage!

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks for the feedback
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • Thanks Jones for the feedback. The manager asked me questions which are asked during interview . He was putting me down.
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • Jones one update is this manager has reserved me in his project till next yr 2019. Do u think it makes sense to work with him
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • And secondly we are sent onsite to another country . Even if we are sent for one month. this company gets a bond filled that on coming back one cannot resign for six months and if one resigns one has to pay some lumpsum money
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • IAM 45 and I wanted this to be my last company. In sap technology completion is tough and jobs are not easy to find since companies can get the work done from someone at half the cost. Bit depressed
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote

Chances are it was less costly to have the junior resource work on Project A and the company did not want to lose you so you were moved into the first available spot to buy some time figuring out what to do with you.

Seems like the new manager either did not like you or did not want to pay for a senior resource. He was getting ready to fire you and was trying to do the PIP in case he could not get rid of you during the probation extension.

If I were you I would update my resume and start looking.

share|improve this answer

  • Should I ask for a roll off from project B . Should one work with the same manager. IAM not sure since things are not clear to me and how IAM sure current manager will not clear also
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:36

  • But the manager told me that don't take it as firing. Iam from an Asian country.
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:45

2 Answers




2 Answers










up vote
down vote

You are a skilled and experienced person. You know that. Your manager knows it.

I fear you made a mistake saying you would resign in response to a PIP. That kind of statement is a serious threat to a manager: they hear about resignations in their performance reviews. That's something you don't say, you just do. So, if you stay, you have to get beyond that statement with your manager.

It's obvious this employer / department is not a perfect match for you. So you have a couple of choices.

  1. Try to find an assignment in this company that works for you.

  2. Take another job, move on, and don't look back. You can't get back any time you waste: life is short. Your resume can say "this turned out to be a mismatch of skills" for this time in your career.

If you decide to resign, they may try to persuade you to stay with some kind of negotiation. If that happens, just say "thanks, but I have made my decision." Don't let them play games any more; they've played enough games with you.

Be prepared to answer the question 'what did you learn from this experience?` if someone asks you. At your level in your career, interpersonal skills become very important, not just tech skills.

Good luck and courage!

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks for the feedback
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • Thanks Jones for the feedback. The manager asked me questions which are asked during interview . He was putting me down.
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • Jones one update is this manager has reserved me in his project till next yr 2019. Do u think it makes sense to work with him
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • And secondly we are sent onsite to another country . Even if we are sent for one month. this company gets a bond filled that on coming back one cannot resign for six months and if one resigns one has to pay some lumpsum money
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • IAM 45 and I wanted this to be my last company. In sap technology completion is tough and jobs are not easy to find since companies can get the work done from someone at half the cost. Bit depressed
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote

You are a skilled and experienced person. You know that. Your manager knows it.

I fear you made a mistake saying you would resign in response to a PIP. That kind of statement is a serious threat to a manager: they hear about resignations in their performance reviews. That's something you don't say, you just do. So, if you stay, you have to get beyond that statement with your manager.

It's obvious this employer / department is not a perfect match for you. So you have a couple of choices.

  1. Try to find an assignment in this company that works for you.

  2. Take another job, move on, and don't look back. You can't get back any time you waste: life is short. Your resume can say "this turned out to be a mismatch of skills" for this time in your career.

If you decide to resign, they may try to persuade you to stay with some kind of negotiation. If that happens, just say "thanks, but I have made my decision." Don't let them play games any more; they've played enough games with you.

Be prepared to answer the question 'what did you learn from this experience?` if someone asks you. At your level in your career, interpersonal skills become very important, not just tech skills.

Good luck and courage!

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks for the feedback
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • Thanks Jones for the feedback. The manager asked me questions which are asked during interview . He was putting me down.
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • Jones one update is this manager has reserved me in his project till next yr 2019. Do u think it makes sense to work with him
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • And secondly we are sent onsite to another country . Even if we are sent for one month. this company gets a bond filled that on coming back one cannot resign for six months and if one resigns one has to pay some lumpsum money
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • IAM 45 and I wanted this to be my last company. In sap technology completion is tough and jobs are not easy to find since companies can get the work done from someone at half the cost. Bit depressed
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

You are a skilled and experienced person. You know that. Your manager knows it.

I fear you made a mistake saying you would resign in response to a PIP. That kind of statement is a serious threat to a manager: they hear about resignations in their performance reviews. That's something you don't say, you just do. So, if you stay, you have to get beyond that statement with your manager.

It's obvious this employer / department is not a perfect match for you. So you have a couple of choices.

  1. Try to find an assignment in this company that works for you.

  2. Take another job, move on, and don't look back. You can't get back any time you waste: life is short. Your resume can say "this turned out to be a mismatch of skills" for this time in your career.

If you decide to resign, they may try to persuade you to stay with some kind of negotiation. If that happens, just say "thanks, but I have made my decision." Don't let them play games any more; they've played enough games with you.

Be prepared to answer the question 'what did you learn from this experience?` if someone asks you. At your level in your career, interpersonal skills become very important, not just tech skills.

Good luck and courage!

share|improve this answer

You are a skilled and experienced person. You know that. Your manager knows it.

I fear you made a mistake saying you would resign in response to a PIP. That kind of statement is a serious threat to a manager: they hear about resignations in their performance reviews. That's something you don't say, you just do. So, if you stay, you have to get beyond that statement with your manager.

It's obvious this employer / department is not a perfect match for you. So you have a couple of choices.

  1. Try to find an assignment in this company that works for you.

  2. Take another job, move on, and don't look back. You can't get back any time you waste: life is short. Your resume can say "this turned out to be a mismatch of skills" for this time in your career.

If you decide to resign, they may try to persuade you to stay with some kind of negotiation. If that happens, just say "thanks, but I have made my decision." Don't let them play games any more; they've played enough games with you.

Be prepared to answer the question 'what did you learn from this experience?` if someone asks you. At your level in your career, interpersonal skills become very important, not just tech skills.

Good luck and courage!

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered 2 days ago

O. Jones



  • Thanks for the feedback
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • Thanks Jones for the feedback. The manager asked me questions which are asked during interview . He was putting me down.
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • Jones one update is this manager has reserved me in his project till next yr 2019. Do u think it makes sense to work with him
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • And secondly we are sent onsite to another country . Even if we are sent for one month. this company gets a bond filled that on coming back one cannot resign for six months and if one resigns one has to pay some lumpsum money
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • IAM 45 and I wanted this to be my last company. In sap technology completion is tough and jobs are not easy to find since companies can get the work done from someone at half the cost. Bit depressed
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • Thanks for the feedback
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • Thanks Jones for the feedback. The manager asked me questions which are asked during interview . He was putting me down.
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • Jones one update is this manager has reserved me in his project till next yr 2019. Do u think it makes sense to work with him
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • And secondly we are sent onsite to another country . Even if we are sent for one month. this company gets a bond filled that on coming back one cannot resign for six months and if one resigns one has to pay some lumpsum money
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

  • IAM 45 and I wanted this to be my last company. In sap technology completion is tough and jobs are not easy to find since companies can get the work done from someone at half the cost. Bit depressed
    – Sonu
    2 days ago

Thanks for the feedback
– Sonu
2 days ago

Thanks for the feedback
– Sonu
2 days ago

Thanks Jones for the feedback. The manager asked me questions which are asked during interview . He was putting me down.
– Sonu
2 days ago

Thanks Jones for the feedback. The manager asked me questions which are asked during interview . He was putting me down.
– Sonu
2 days ago

Jones one update is this manager has reserved me in his project till next yr 2019. Do u think it makes sense to work with him
– Sonu
2 days ago

Jones one update is this manager has reserved me in his project till next yr 2019. Do u think it makes sense to work with him
– Sonu
2 days ago

And secondly we are sent onsite to another country . Even if we are sent for one month. this company gets a bond filled that on coming back one cannot resign for six months and if one resigns one has to pay some lumpsum money
– Sonu
2 days ago

And secondly we are sent onsite to another country . Even if we are sent for one month. this company gets a bond filled that on coming back one cannot resign for six months and if one resigns one has to pay some lumpsum money
– Sonu
2 days ago

IAM 45 and I wanted this to be my last company. In sap technology completion is tough and jobs are not easy to find since companies can get the work done from someone at half the cost. Bit depressed
– Sonu
2 days ago

IAM 45 and I wanted this to be my last company. In sap technology completion is tough and jobs are not easy to find since companies can get the work done from someone at half the cost. Bit depressed
– Sonu
2 days ago

up vote
down vote

Chances are it was less costly to have the junior resource work on Project A and the company did not want to lose you so you were moved into the first available spot to buy some time figuring out what to do with you.

Seems like the new manager either did not like you or did not want to pay for a senior resource. He was getting ready to fire you and was trying to do the PIP in case he could not get rid of you during the probation extension.

If I were you I would update my resume and start looking.

share|improve this answer

  • Should I ask for a roll off from project B . Should one work with the same manager. IAM not sure since things are not clear to me and how IAM sure current manager will not clear also
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:36

  • But the manager told me that don't take it as firing. Iam from an Asian country.
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:45

up vote
down vote

Chances are it was less costly to have the junior resource work on Project A and the company did not want to lose you so you were moved into the first available spot to buy some time figuring out what to do with you.

Seems like the new manager either did not like you or did not want to pay for a senior resource. He was getting ready to fire you and was trying to do the PIP in case he could not get rid of you during the probation extension.

If I were you I would update my resume and start looking.

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  • Should I ask for a roll off from project B . Should one work with the same manager. IAM not sure since things are not clear to me and how IAM sure current manager will not clear also
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:36

  • But the manager told me that don't take it as firing. Iam from an Asian country.
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:45

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

Chances are it was less costly to have the junior resource work on Project A and the company did not want to lose you so you were moved into the first available spot to buy some time figuring out what to do with you.

Seems like the new manager either did not like you or did not want to pay for a senior resource. He was getting ready to fire you and was trying to do the PIP in case he could not get rid of you during the probation extension.

If I were you I would update my resume and start looking.

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Chances are it was less costly to have the junior resource work on Project A and the company did not want to lose you so you were moved into the first available spot to buy some time figuring out what to do with you.

Seems like the new manager either did not like you or did not want to pay for a senior resource. He was getting ready to fire you and was trying to do the PIP in case he could not get rid of you during the probation extension.

If I were you I would update my resume and start looking.

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answered Nov 29 at 20:47

Victor S



  • Should I ask for a roll off from project B . Should one work with the same manager. IAM not sure since things are not clear to me and how IAM sure current manager will not clear also
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:36

  • But the manager told me that don't take it as firing. Iam from an Asian country.
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:45

  • Should I ask for a roll off from project B . Should one work with the same manager. IAM not sure since things are not clear to me and how IAM sure current manager will not clear also
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:36

  • But the manager told me that don't take it as firing. Iam from an Asian country.
    – Sonu
    Nov 30 at 12:45

Should I ask for a roll off from project B . Should one work with the same manager. IAM not sure since things are not clear to me and how IAM sure current manager will not clear also
– Sonu
Nov 30 at 12:36

Should I ask for a roll off from project B . Should one work with the same manager. IAM not sure since things are not clear to me and how IAM sure current manager will not clear also
– Sonu
Nov 30 at 12:36

But the manager told me that don't take it as firing. Iam from an Asian country.
– Sonu
Nov 30 at 12:45

But the manager told me that don't take it as firing. Iam from an Asian country.
– Sonu
Nov 30 at 12:45

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