Converting a 2-form on $mathbb{R}^{3}$ to a vector field on $mathbb{R}^{3}$

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How do I convert a 2-form $x dy wedge dz + y^2 dx wedge dz$ on $mathbb{R^{3}}$ to a vector field on $mathbb{R^{3}}$?


Suppose we have two vectors fields a and b in $mathbb{R^{3}}$ such that $a=(a_{1},a_{2},a_{3})$ and $b=(b_{1},b_{2},b_{3})$ .


$(dy wedge dz)(a,b) = det begin{pmatrix} a_{2} & a_{3} \ b_{2} & b_{3} end{pmatrix} = a_{2}b_{3}-a_{3}b_{2}$

$(dx wedge dz)(a,b) = det begin{pmatrix} a_{1} & a_{3} \ b_{1} & b_{3} end{pmatrix} =a_{1}b_{3}-a_{3}b_{1}$

I ended up getting

$x (a_{2}b_{3}-a_{3}b_{2}) + y^2 (a_{1}b_{3}-a{3}b_{1})$

How does the $x$ and the $y^{2}$ convert?

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    How do I convert a 2-form $x dy wedge dz + y^2 dx wedge dz$ on $mathbb{R^{3}}$ to a vector field on $mathbb{R^{3}}$?


    Suppose we have two vectors fields a and b in $mathbb{R^{3}}$ such that $a=(a_{1},a_{2},a_{3})$ and $b=(b_{1},b_{2},b_{3})$ .


    $(dy wedge dz)(a,b) = det begin{pmatrix} a_{2} & a_{3} \ b_{2} & b_{3} end{pmatrix} = a_{2}b_{3}-a_{3}b_{2}$

    $(dx wedge dz)(a,b) = det begin{pmatrix} a_{1} & a_{3} \ b_{1} & b_{3} end{pmatrix} =a_{1}b_{3}-a_{3}b_{1}$

    I ended up getting

    $x (a_{2}b_{3}-a_{3}b_{2}) + y^2 (a_{1}b_{3}-a{3}b_{1})$

    How does the $x$ and the $y^{2}$ convert?

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      How do I convert a 2-form $x dy wedge dz + y^2 dx wedge dz$ on $mathbb{R^{3}}$ to a vector field on $mathbb{R^{3}}$?


      Suppose we have two vectors fields a and b in $mathbb{R^{3}}$ such that $a=(a_{1},a_{2},a_{3})$ and $b=(b_{1},b_{2},b_{3})$ .


      $(dy wedge dz)(a,b) = det begin{pmatrix} a_{2} & a_{3} \ b_{2} & b_{3} end{pmatrix} = a_{2}b_{3}-a_{3}b_{2}$

      $(dx wedge dz)(a,b) = det begin{pmatrix} a_{1} & a_{3} \ b_{1} & b_{3} end{pmatrix} =a_{1}b_{3}-a_{3}b_{1}$

      I ended up getting

      $x (a_{2}b_{3}-a_{3}b_{2}) + y^2 (a_{1}b_{3}-a{3}b_{1})$

      How does the $x$ and the $y^{2}$ convert?

      share|cite|improve this question

      How do I convert a 2-form $x dy wedge dz + y^2 dx wedge dz$ on $mathbb{R^{3}}$ to a vector field on $mathbb{R^{3}}$?


      Suppose we have two vectors fields a and b in $mathbb{R^{3}}$ such that $a=(a_{1},a_{2},a_{3})$ and $b=(b_{1},b_{2},b_{3})$ .


      $(dy wedge dz)(a,b) = det begin{pmatrix} a_{2} & a_{3} \ b_{2} & b_{3} end{pmatrix} = a_{2}b_{3}-a_{3}b_{2}$

      $(dx wedge dz)(a,b) = det begin{pmatrix} a_{1} & a_{3} \ b_{1} & b_{3} end{pmatrix} =a_{1}b_{3}-a_{3}b_{1}$

      I ended up getting

      $x (a_{2}b_{3}-a_{3}b_{2}) + y^2 (a_{1}b_{3}-a{3}b_{1})$

      How does the $x$ and the $y^{2}$ convert?


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      asked Nov 17 at 20:16




          2 Answers




          up vote
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          The user Travis just pointed to an more general way in the comments.

          With the volume from
          $$Omega = mathbf e_1 wedge mathbf e_2 wedge mathbf e_3$$
          we get an isomorphism via
          T mathbb R^3 to Lambda^2 mathbb R^3 : mathbf v mapsto Omega( mathbf v, cdot, cdot).

          It's inverse yields exactly the same map as described below, i.e.
          $$mathrm{d}y wedge mathrm{d}z mapsto mathbf e_1,
          mathrm{d}z wedge mathrm{d} x mapsto mathbf e_2 quad text{and} quad
          mathrm{d}x wedge mathrm{d} y mapsto mathbf e_3.$$

          Old, less general reply:

          There is the Hodge star operator, which assigns
          $$star(mathrm{d}y wedge mathrm{d}z) mapsto mathrm{d} x,
          star(mathrm{d}z wedge mathrm{d} x) mapsto mathrm dy quad text{and} quad
          star(mathrm{d}x wedge mathrm{d} y) mapsto mathrm d z.$$

          You can look up the exact definition of the Hodge star operator in the link above or in books. It is a map $Lambda^k mathcal M to Lambda^{m-k} mathcal M$. In our case it allows us to convert a 2-from into a 1-from.

          Then we are left with the task to convert a 1-from (or a co-tangential vector) into a tangential vector. Such a map is for example provided, if there is a scalar product on the tangential spaces, i.e. a Riemannian metric $langle cdot , cdot rangle$.

          At a point $p in mathcal M$, the map is given by
          $$T_p mathcal M to T^*_p mathcal M: mathbf v mapsto langle mathbf v, cdot rangle_p.$$

          In the case of $mathbb R^3$ the inverse of this map is given by
          $$mathrm dx mapsto mathbf e_1 = begin{pmatrix} 1 \ 0 \ 0 end{pmatrix},
          mathrm dy mapsto mathbf e_2 = begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 1 \ 0 end{pmatrix} quad text{and} quad
          mathrm dz mapsto mathbf e_3 = begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ 1 end{pmatrix}.$$

          Putting those two isomorphism together yields a map $Lambda^2_p mathbb R^3 to T_p mathbb R^3$.

          For an intuition, I always think of $mathrm{d} x wedge mathrm{d} y$ as something which measures two dimensional volumes in $mathbb R^3$ and the vector $mathbf e_1$ is somehow a vector which is needed to span up the rest or $mathbb R^3$, something like a normal vector to the surface.

          Hodge star operator


          In your case, we get the 1-from
          $$star(x mathrm dy wedge mathrm dz + y^2 mathrm dx wedge mathrm dz) = x mathrm d x - y^2 mathrm d y =: omega.$$

          Following the steps from above, the vector field is then defined as
          mathbf v = omega(mathbf e_1) mathbf e_1 + omega(mathbf e_2) mathbf e_2 + omega(mathbf e_3) mathbf e_3.

          Hence, the corresponding vector field is
          begin{pmatrix} x \ -y^2 \ 0 end{pmatrix}.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • Ooooohhhhh so first I have to convert a 2 -form into a 1-form and then use whatever I did to turn it into a vector field on R^3?
            – usukidoll
            Nov 17 at 21:04

          • Maybe there is also another way. But yes, what you did is the same like the second step. (Notice, that $star$ is a linear map, hence after you get used to it, you can read of the vector field, directly from the 2-from, if the two form is provided in terms of $mathrm dxwedge mathrm dy$, $mathrm dywedge mathrm dz$ and $mathrm dzwedge mathrm dx$.
            – Steffen Plunder
            Nov 17 at 21:19

          • 1

            This is correct, but NB the identification $Lambda^2 (Bbb R^3)^* stackrel{cong}{to} Bbb R^3$ doesn't require an inner product on $Bbb R^3$---you only need a volume form, or dually, a volume multivector $Omega in Lambda^3 Bbb R^3$, which up to a constant is just ${bf e}_1 wedge {bf e}_2 wedge {bf e}_3$. Then (up to a constant depending on our convention), the map is just contraction with $Omega$. This gives, e.g., $dx wedge dy leftrightarrow e_3$.
            – Travis
            Nov 17 at 21:37

          • 1

            Thanks for the hint!
            – Steffen Plunder
            Nov 17 at 21:49

          • 1

            Yes, that's fine, of course. I've written my own answer now---not because I think the approach I suggest is necessarily better, but just to give some details of the construction that just uses a volume form.
            – Travis
            Nov 18 at 6:15

          up vote
          down vote

          While the question is about vector fields, the map $phi : Gamma(bigwedge^2 T^* Bbb R^3) stackrel{cong}{to} Gamma(bigwedge^1 T Bbb R^3) = Gamma(T Bbb R^3)$ is tensorial, so it suffices to describe it at a single point, say, $phi_0 : Lambda^2 T^*_0 Bbb R^3 to T_0 Bbb R^3$. Using the canonical identification $T_a Bbb R^3 cong Bbb R^3$ and suppressing the subscript, we'll write $$phi : textstyle{bigwedge^2 (Bbb R^3)^*} stackrel{cong}{to} textstyle{bigwedge^1 Bbb R^3} = Bbb R^3 .$$

          First, since this map is linear, so as with any linear map the coefficients come along for the ride:
          $$phi(x ,dy wedge dz + y^2 dx wedge dz) = x phi(dy wedge dz) + y^2 phi(dx wedge dz) .$$

          We get such a map from any volume form, that is, any nonvanishing top form $omega in bigwedge^3 (Bbb R^3)^*$. With this in hand, it's easier to describe the inverse, which is just interior multiplication,

          $$phi^{-1} : Bbb R^3 to textstyle{bigwedge^2 (Bbb R^3)^*}, qquad X mapsto iota_X omega = omega(X,,cdot,,,cdot,) .$$

          Since it's not stated otherwise, we'll take the standard volume form, $dx wedge dy wedge dz$. So, for example, $$phi^{-1}(partial_x) = iota_{partial_x} (dx wedge dy wedge dz) = dy wedge dz .$$ Thus,
          $$boxed{phi(dy wedge dz) = partial_x} ,$$
          and by symmetry cyclic permutation gives that image under $phi$ of the other two basis elements.

          We can also write down the inverse in an invariant (i.e., coordinate-independent) way: Since the space $bigwedge^3 (Bbb R^3)^*$ is $1$-dimensional, there is a unique element $Omega$ of its dual, $bigwedge^3 Bbb R^3$, that satisfies $omega(Omega) = 3! = 6$. Here, the notation on the l.h.s. just means the full contraction of $omega$ and $Omega$.) Then, checking on a basis (again, by symmetry, it's enough to check a single basis element), we find that
          $$phi(mu) = frac{1}{2} Omega(mu,,cdot,),$$
          where the notation on the r.h.s. just means that we contract $mu$ with the first two slots of $Omega$. Computing gives in our case that $$Omega = partial_x wedge partial_y wedge partial_z .$$

          share|cite|improve this answer

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers










            up vote
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            The user Travis just pointed to an more general way in the comments.

            With the volume from
            $$Omega = mathbf e_1 wedge mathbf e_2 wedge mathbf e_3$$
            we get an isomorphism via
            T mathbb R^3 to Lambda^2 mathbb R^3 : mathbf v mapsto Omega( mathbf v, cdot, cdot).

            It's inverse yields exactly the same map as described below, i.e.
            $$mathrm{d}y wedge mathrm{d}z mapsto mathbf e_1,
            mathrm{d}z wedge mathrm{d} x mapsto mathbf e_2 quad text{and} quad
            mathrm{d}x wedge mathrm{d} y mapsto mathbf e_3.$$

            Old, less general reply:

            There is the Hodge star operator, which assigns
            $$star(mathrm{d}y wedge mathrm{d}z) mapsto mathrm{d} x,
            star(mathrm{d}z wedge mathrm{d} x) mapsto mathrm dy quad text{and} quad
            star(mathrm{d}x wedge mathrm{d} y) mapsto mathrm d z.$$

            You can look up the exact definition of the Hodge star operator in the link above or in books. It is a map $Lambda^k mathcal M to Lambda^{m-k} mathcal M$. In our case it allows us to convert a 2-from into a 1-from.

            Then we are left with the task to convert a 1-from (or a co-tangential vector) into a tangential vector. Such a map is for example provided, if there is a scalar product on the tangential spaces, i.e. a Riemannian metric $langle cdot , cdot rangle$.

            At a point $p in mathcal M$, the map is given by
            $$T_p mathcal M to T^*_p mathcal M: mathbf v mapsto langle mathbf v, cdot rangle_p.$$

            In the case of $mathbb R^3$ the inverse of this map is given by
            $$mathrm dx mapsto mathbf e_1 = begin{pmatrix} 1 \ 0 \ 0 end{pmatrix},
            mathrm dy mapsto mathbf e_2 = begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 1 \ 0 end{pmatrix} quad text{and} quad
            mathrm dz mapsto mathbf e_3 = begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ 1 end{pmatrix}.$$

            Putting those two isomorphism together yields a map $Lambda^2_p mathbb R^3 to T_p mathbb R^3$.

            For an intuition, I always think of $mathrm{d} x wedge mathrm{d} y$ as something which measures two dimensional volumes in $mathbb R^3$ and the vector $mathbf e_1$ is somehow a vector which is needed to span up the rest or $mathbb R^3$, something like a normal vector to the surface.

            Hodge star operator


            In your case, we get the 1-from
            $$star(x mathrm dy wedge mathrm dz + y^2 mathrm dx wedge mathrm dz) = x mathrm d x - y^2 mathrm d y =: omega.$$

            Following the steps from above, the vector field is then defined as
            mathbf v = omega(mathbf e_1) mathbf e_1 + omega(mathbf e_2) mathbf e_2 + omega(mathbf e_3) mathbf e_3.

            Hence, the corresponding vector field is
            begin{pmatrix} x \ -y^2 \ 0 end{pmatrix}.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • Ooooohhhhh so first I have to convert a 2 -form into a 1-form and then use whatever I did to turn it into a vector field on R^3?
              – usukidoll
              Nov 17 at 21:04

            • Maybe there is also another way. But yes, what you did is the same like the second step. (Notice, that $star$ is a linear map, hence after you get used to it, you can read of the vector field, directly from the 2-from, if the two form is provided in terms of $mathrm dxwedge mathrm dy$, $mathrm dywedge mathrm dz$ and $mathrm dzwedge mathrm dx$.
              – Steffen Plunder
              Nov 17 at 21:19

            • 1

              This is correct, but NB the identification $Lambda^2 (Bbb R^3)^* stackrel{cong}{to} Bbb R^3$ doesn't require an inner product on $Bbb R^3$---you only need a volume form, or dually, a volume multivector $Omega in Lambda^3 Bbb R^3$, which up to a constant is just ${bf e}_1 wedge {bf e}_2 wedge {bf e}_3$. Then (up to a constant depending on our convention), the map is just contraction with $Omega$. This gives, e.g., $dx wedge dy leftrightarrow e_3$.
              – Travis
              Nov 17 at 21:37

            • 1

              Thanks for the hint!
              – Steffen Plunder
              Nov 17 at 21:49

            • 1

              Yes, that's fine, of course. I've written my own answer now---not because I think the approach I suggest is necessarily better, but just to give some details of the construction that just uses a volume form.
              – Travis
              Nov 18 at 6:15

            up vote
            down vote


            The user Travis just pointed to an more general way in the comments.

            With the volume from
            $$Omega = mathbf e_1 wedge mathbf e_2 wedge mathbf e_3$$
            we get an isomorphism via
            T mathbb R^3 to Lambda^2 mathbb R^3 : mathbf v mapsto Omega( mathbf v, cdot, cdot).

            It's inverse yields exactly the same map as described below, i.e.
            $$mathrm{d}y wedge mathrm{d}z mapsto mathbf e_1,
            mathrm{d}z wedge mathrm{d} x mapsto mathbf e_2 quad text{and} quad
            mathrm{d}x wedge mathrm{d} y mapsto mathbf e_3.$$

            Old, less general reply:

            There is the Hodge star operator, which assigns
            $$star(mathrm{d}y wedge mathrm{d}z) mapsto mathrm{d} x,
            star(mathrm{d}z wedge mathrm{d} x) mapsto mathrm dy quad text{and} quad
            star(mathrm{d}x wedge mathrm{d} y) mapsto mathrm d z.$$

            You can look up the exact definition of the Hodge star operator in the link above or in books. It is a map $Lambda^k mathcal M to Lambda^{m-k} mathcal M$. In our case it allows us to convert a 2-from into a 1-from.

            Then we are left with the task to convert a 1-from (or a co-tangential vector) into a tangential vector. Such a map is for example provided, if there is a scalar product on the tangential spaces, i.e. a Riemannian metric $langle cdot , cdot rangle$.

            At a point $p in mathcal M$, the map is given by
            $$T_p mathcal M to T^*_p mathcal M: mathbf v mapsto langle mathbf v, cdot rangle_p.$$

            In the case of $mathbb R^3$ the inverse of this map is given by
            $$mathrm dx mapsto mathbf e_1 = begin{pmatrix} 1 \ 0 \ 0 end{pmatrix},
            mathrm dy mapsto mathbf e_2 = begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 1 \ 0 end{pmatrix} quad text{and} quad
            mathrm dz mapsto mathbf e_3 = begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ 1 end{pmatrix}.$$

            Putting those two isomorphism together yields a map $Lambda^2_p mathbb R^3 to T_p mathbb R^3$.

            For an intuition, I always think of $mathrm{d} x wedge mathrm{d} y$ as something which measures two dimensional volumes in $mathbb R^3$ and the vector $mathbf e_1$ is somehow a vector which is needed to span up the rest or $mathbb R^3$, something like a normal vector to the surface.

            Hodge star operator


            In your case, we get the 1-from
            $$star(x mathrm dy wedge mathrm dz + y^2 mathrm dx wedge mathrm dz) = x mathrm d x - y^2 mathrm d y =: omega.$$

            Following the steps from above, the vector field is then defined as
            mathbf v = omega(mathbf e_1) mathbf e_1 + omega(mathbf e_2) mathbf e_2 + omega(mathbf e_3) mathbf e_3.

            Hence, the corresponding vector field is
            begin{pmatrix} x \ -y^2 \ 0 end{pmatrix}.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • Ooooohhhhh so first I have to convert a 2 -form into a 1-form and then use whatever I did to turn it into a vector field on R^3?
              – usukidoll
              Nov 17 at 21:04

            • Maybe there is also another way. But yes, what you did is the same like the second step. (Notice, that $star$ is a linear map, hence after you get used to it, you can read of the vector field, directly from the 2-from, if the two form is provided in terms of $mathrm dxwedge mathrm dy$, $mathrm dywedge mathrm dz$ and $mathrm dzwedge mathrm dx$.
              – Steffen Plunder
              Nov 17 at 21:19

            • 1

              This is correct, but NB the identification $Lambda^2 (Bbb R^3)^* stackrel{cong}{to} Bbb R^3$ doesn't require an inner product on $Bbb R^3$---you only need a volume form, or dually, a volume multivector $Omega in Lambda^3 Bbb R^3$, which up to a constant is just ${bf e}_1 wedge {bf e}_2 wedge {bf e}_3$. Then (up to a constant depending on our convention), the map is just contraction with $Omega$. This gives, e.g., $dx wedge dy leftrightarrow e_3$.
              – Travis
              Nov 17 at 21:37

            • 1

              Thanks for the hint!
              – Steffen Plunder
              Nov 17 at 21:49

            • 1

              Yes, that's fine, of course. I've written my own answer now---not because I think the approach I suggest is necessarily better, but just to give some details of the construction that just uses a volume form.
              – Travis
              Nov 18 at 6:15

            up vote
            down vote


            up vote
            down vote


            The user Travis just pointed to an more general way in the comments.

            With the volume from
            $$Omega = mathbf e_1 wedge mathbf e_2 wedge mathbf e_3$$
            we get an isomorphism via
            T mathbb R^3 to Lambda^2 mathbb R^3 : mathbf v mapsto Omega( mathbf v, cdot, cdot).

            It's inverse yields exactly the same map as described below, i.e.
            $$mathrm{d}y wedge mathrm{d}z mapsto mathbf e_1,
            mathrm{d}z wedge mathrm{d} x mapsto mathbf e_2 quad text{and} quad
            mathrm{d}x wedge mathrm{d} y mapsto mathbf e_3.$$

            Old, less general reply:

            There is the Hodge star operator, which assigns
            $$star(mathrm{d}y wedge mathrm{d}z) mapsto mathrm{d} x,
            star(mathrm{d}z wedge mathrm{d} x) mapsto mathrm dy quad text{and} quad
            star(mathrm{d}x wedge mathrm{d} y) mapsto mathrm d z.$$

            You can look up the exact definition of the Hodge star operator in the link above or in books. It is a map $Lambda^k mathcal M to Lambda^{m-k} mathcal M$. In our case it allows us to convert a 2-from into a 1-from.

            Then we are left with the task to convert a 1-from (or a co-tangential vector) into a tangential vector. Such a map is for example provided, if there is a scalar product on the tangential spaces, i.e. a Riemannian metric $langle cdot , cdot rangle$.

            At a point $p in mathcal M$, the map is given by
            $$T_p mathcal M to T^*_p mathcal M: mathbf v mapsto langle mathbf v, cdot rangle_p.$$

            In the case of $mathbb R^3$ the inverse of this map is given by
            $$mathrm dx mapsto mathbf e_1 = begin{pmatrix} 1 \ 0 \ 0 end{pmatrix},
            mathrm dy mapsto mathbf e_2 = begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 1 \ 0 end{pmatrix} quad text{and} quad
            mathrm dz mapsto mathbf e_3 = begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ 1 end{pmatrix}.$$

            Putting those two isomorphism together yields a map $Lambda^2_p mathbb R^3 to T_p mathbb R^3$.

            For an intuition, I always think of $mathrm{d} x wedge mathrm{d} y$ as something which measures two dimensional volumes in $mathbb R^3$ and the vector $mathbf e_1$ is somehow a vector which is needed to span up the rest or $mathbb R^3$, something like a normal vector to the surface.

            Hodge star operator


            In your case, we get the 1-from
            $$star(x mathrm dy wedge mathrm dz + y^2 mathrm dx wedge mathrm dz) = x mathrm d x - y^2 mathrm d y =: omega.$$

            Following the steps from above, the vector field is then defined as
            mathbf v = omega(mathbf e_1) mathbf e_1 + omega(mathbf e_2) mathbf e_2 + omega(mathbf e_3) mathbf e_3.

            Hence, the corresponding vector field is
            begin{pmatrix} x \ -y^2 \ 0 end{pmatrix}.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            The user Travis just pointed to an more general way in the comments.

            With the volume from
            $$Omega = mathbf e_1 wedge mathbf e_2 wedge mathbf e_3$$
            we get an isomorphism via
            T mathbb R^3 to Lambda^2 mathbb R^3 : mathbf v mapsto Omega( mathbf v, cdot, cdot).

            It's inverse yields exactly the same map as described below, i.e.
            $$mathrm{d}y wedge mathrm{d}z mapsto mathbf e_1,
            mathrm{d}z wedge mathrm{d} x mapsto mathbf e_2 quad text{and} quad
            mathrm{d}x wedge mathrm{d} y mapsto mathbf e_3.$$

            Old, less general reply:

            There is the Hodge star operator, which assigns
            $$star(mathrm{d}y wedge mathrm{d}z) mapsto mathrm{d} x,
            star(mathrm{d}z wedge mathrm{d} x) mapsto mathrm dy quad text{and} quad
            star(mathrm{d}x wedge mathrm{d} y) mapsto mathrm d z.$$

            You can look up the exact definition of the Hodge star operator in the link above or in books. It is a map $Lambda^k mathcal M to Lambda^{m-k} mathcal M$. In our case it allows us to convert a 2-from into a 1-from.

            Then we are left with the task to convert a 1-from (or a co-tangential vector) into a tangential vector. Such a map is for example provided, if there is a scalar product on the tangential spaces, i.e. a Riemannian metric $langle cdot , cdot rangle$.

            At a point $p in mathcal M$, the map is given by
            $$T_p mathcal M to T^*_p mathcal M: mathbf v mapsto langle mathbf v, cdot rangle_p.$$

            In the case of $mathbb R^3$ the inverse of this map is given by
            $$mathrm dx mapsto mathbf e_1 = begin{pmatrix} 1 \ 0 \ 0 end{pmatrix},
            mathrm dy mapsto mathbf e_2 = begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 1 \ 0 end{pmatrix} quad text{and} quad
            mathrm dz mapsto mathbf e_3 = begin{pmatrix} 0 \ 0 \ 1 end{pmatrix}.$$

            Putting those two isomorphism together yields a map $Lambda^2_p mathbb R^3 to T_p mathbb R^3$.

            For an intuition, I always think of $mathrm{d} x wedge mathrm{d} y$ as something which measures two dimensional volumes in $mathbb R^3$ and the vector $mathbf e_1$ is somehow a vector which is needed to span up the rest or $mathbb R^3$, something like a normal vector to the surface.

            Hodge star operator


            In your case, we get the 1-from
            $$star(x mathrm dy wedge mathrm dz + y^2 mathrm dx wedge mathrm dz) = x mathrm d x - y^2 mathrm d y =: omega.$$

            Following the steps from above, the vector field is then defined as
            mathbf v = omega(mathbf e_1) mathbf e_1 + omega(mathbf e_2) mathbf e_2 + omega(mathbf e_3) mathbf e_3.

            Hence, the corresponding vector field is
            begin{pmatrix} x \ -y^2 \ 0 end{pmatrix}.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            share|cite|improve this answer

            edited Nov 17 at 21:58

            answered Nov 17 at 21:00

            Steffen Plunder



            • Ooooohhhhh so first I have to convert a 2 -form into a 1-form and then use whatever I did to turn it into a vector field on R^3?
              – usukidoll
              Nov 17 at 21:04

            • Maybe there is also another way. But yes, what you did is the same like the second step. (Notice, that $star$ is a linear map, hence after you get used to it, you can read of the vector field, directly from the 2-from, if the two form is provided in terms of $mathrm dxwedge mathrm dy$, $mathrm dywedge mathrm dz$ and $mathrm dzwedge mathrm dx$.
              – Steffen Plunder
              Nov 17 at 21:19

            • 1

              This is correct, but NB the identification $Lambda^2 (Bbb R^3)^* stackrel{cong}{to} Bbb R^3$ doesn't require an inner product on $Bbb R^3$---you only need a volume form, or dually, a volume multivector $Omega in Lambda^3 Bbb R^3$, which up to a constant is just ${bf e}_1 wedge {bf e}_2 wedge {bf e}_3$. Then (up to a constant depending on our convention), the map is just contraction with $Omega$. This gives, e.g., $dx wedge dy leftrightarrow e_3$.
              – Travis
              Nov 17 at 21:37

            • 1

              Thanks for the hint!
              – Steffen Plunder
              Nov 17 at 21:49

            • 1

              Yes, that's fine, of course. I've written my own answer now---not because I think the approach I suggest is necessarily better, but just to give some details of the construction that just uses a volume form.
              – Travis
              Nov 18 at 6:15

            • Ooooohhhhh so first I have to convert a 2 -form into a 1-form and then use whatever I did to turn it into a vector field on R^3?
              – usukidoll
              Nov 17 at 21:04

            • Maybe there is also another way. But yes, what you did is the same like the second step. (Notice, that $star$ is a linear map, hence after you get used to it, you can read of the vector field, directly from the 2-from, if the two form is provided in terms of $mathrm dxwedge mathrm dy$, $mathrm dywedge mathrm dz$ and $mathrm dzwedge mathrm dx$.
              – Steffen Plunder
              Nov 17 at 21:19

            • 1

              This is correct, but NB the identification $Lambda^2 (Bbb R^3)^* stackrel{cong}{to} Bbb R^3$ doesn't require an inner product on $Bbb R^3$---you only need a volume form, or dually, a volume multivector $Omega in Lambda^3 Bbb R^3$, which up to a constant is just ${bf e}_1 wedge {bf e}_2 wedge {bf e}_3$. Then (up to a constant depending on our convention), the map is just contraction with $Omega$. This gives, e.g., $dx wedge dy leftrightarrow e_3$.
              – Travis
              Nov 17 at 21:37

            • 1

              Thanks for the hint!
              – Steffen Plunder
              Nov 17 at 21:49

            • 1

              Yes, that's fine, of course. I've written my own answer now---not because I think the approach I suggest is necessarily better, but just to give some details of the construction that just uses a volume form.
              – Travis
              Nov 18 at 6:15

            Ooooohhhhh so first I have to convert a 2 -form into a 1-form and then use whatever I did to turn it into a vector field on R^3?
            – usukidoll
            Nov 17 at 21:04

            Ooooohhhhh so first I have to convert a 2 -form into a 1-form and then use whatever I did to turn it into a vector field on R^3?
            – usukidoll
            Nov 17 at 21:04

            Maybe there is also another way. But yes, what you did is the same like the second step. (Notice, that $star$ is a linear map, hence after you get used to it, you can read of the vector field, directly from the 2-from, if the two form is provided in terms of $mathrm dxwedge mathrm dy$, $mathrm dywedge mathrm dz$ and $mathrm dzwedge mathrm dx$.
            – Steffen Plunder
            Nov 17 at 21:19

            Maybe there is also another way. But yes, what you did is the same like the second step. (Notice, that $star$ is a linear map, hence after you get used to it, you can read of the vector field, directly from the 2-from, if the two form is provided in terms of $mathrm dxwedge mathrm dy$, $mathrm dywedge mathrm dz$ and $mathrm dzwedge mathrm dx$.
            – Steffen Plunder
            Nov 17 at 21:19



            This is correct, but NB the identification $Lambda^2 (Bbb R^3)^* stackrel{cong}{to} Bbb R^3$ doesn't require an inner product on $Bbb R^3$---you only need a volume form, or dually, a volume multivector $Omega in Lambda^3 Bbb R^3$, which up to a constant is just ${bf e}_1 wedge {bf e}_2 wedge {bf e}_3$. Then (up to a constant depending on our convention), the map is just contraction with $Omega$. This gives, e.g., $dx wedge dy leftrightarrow e_3$.
            – Travis
            Nov 17 at 21:37

            This is correct, but NB the identification $Lambda^2 (Bbb R^3)^* stackrel{cong}{to} Bbb R^3$ doesn't require an inner product on $Bbb R^3$---you only need a volume form, or dually, a volume multivector $Omega in Lambda^3 Bbb R^3$, which up to a constant is just ${bf e}_1 wedge {bf e}_2 wedge {bf e}_3$. Then (up to a constant depending on our convention), the map is just contraction with $Omega$. This gives, e.g., $dx wedge dy leftrightarrow e_3$.
            – Travis
            Nov 17 at 21:37



            Thanks for the hint!
            – Steffen Plunder
            Nov 17 at 21:49

            Thanks for the hint!
            – Steffen Plunder
            Nov 17 at 21:49



            Yes, that's fine, of course. I've written my own answer now---not because I think the approach I suggest is necessarily better, but just to give some details of the construction that just uses a volume form.
            – Travis
            Nov 18 at 6:15

            Yes, that's fine, of course. I've written my own answer now---not because I think the approach I suggest is necessarily better, but just to give some details of the construction that just uses a volume form.
            – Travis
            Nov 18 at 6:15

            up vote
            down vote

            While the question is about vector fields, the map $phi : Gamma(bigwedge^2 T^* Bbb R^3) stackrel{cong}{to} Gamma(bigwedge^1 T Bbb R^3) = Gamma(T Bbb R^3)$ is tensorial, so it suffices to describe it at a single point, say, $phi_0 : Lambda^2 T^*_0 Bbb R^3 to T_0 Bbb R^3$. Using the canonical identification $T_a Bbb R^3 cong Bbb R^3$ and suppressing the subscript, we'll write $$phi : textstyle{bigwedge^2 (Bbb R^3)^*} stackrel{cong}{to} textstyle{bigwedge^1 Bbb R^3} = Bbb R^3 .$$

            First, since this map is linear, so as with any linear map the coefficients come along for the ride:
            $$phi(x ,dy wedge dz + y^2 dx wedge dz) = x phi(dy wedge dz) + y^2 phi(dx wedge dz) .$$

            We get such a map from any volume form, that is, any nonvanishing top form $omega in bigwedge^3 (Bbb R^3)^*$. With this in hand, it's easier to describe the inverse, which is just interior multiplication,

            $$phi^{-1} : Bbb R^3 to textstyle{bigwedge^2 (Bbb R^3)^*}, qquad X mapsto iota_X omega = omega(X,,cdot,,,cdot,) .$$

            Since it's not stated otherwise, we'll take the standard volume form, $dx wedge dy wedge dz$. So, for example, $$phi^{-1}(partial_x) = iota_{partial_x} (dx wedge dy wedge dz) = dy wedge dz .$$ Thus,
            $$boxed{phi(dy wedge dz) = partial_x} ,$$
            and by symmetry cyclic permutation gives that image under $phi$ of the other two basis elements.

            We can also write down the inverse in an invariant (i.e., coordinate-independent) way: Since the space $bigwedge^3 (Bbb R^3)^*$ is $1$-dimensional, there is a unique element $Omega$ of its dual, $bigwedge^3 Bbb R^3$, that satisfies $omega(Omega) = 3! = 6$. Here, the notation on the l.h.s. just means the full contraction of $omega$ and $Omega$.) Then, checking on a basis (again, by symmetry, it's enough to check a single basis element), we find that
            $$phi(mu) = frac{1}{2} Omega(mu,,cdot,),$$
            where the notation on the r.h.s. just means that we contract $mu$ with the first two slots of $Omega$. Computing gives in our case that $$Omega = partial_x wedge partial_y wedge partial_z .$$

            share|cite|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              While the question is about vector fields, the map $phi : Gamma(bigwedge^2 T^* Bbb R^3) stackrel{cong}{to} Gamma(bigwedge^1 T Bbb R^3) = Gamma(T Bbb R^3)$ is tensorial, so it suffices to describe it at a single point, say, $phi_0 : Lambda^2 T^*_0 Bbb R^3 to T_0 Bbb R^3$. Using the canonical identification $T_a Bbb R^3 cong Bbb R^3$ and suppressing the subscript, we'll write $$phi : textstyle{bigwedge^2 (Bbb R^3)^*} stackrel{cong}{to} textstyle{bigwedge^1 Bbb R^3} = Bbb R^3 .$$

              First, since this map is linear, so as with any linear map the coefficients come along for the ride:
              $$phi(x ,dy wedge dz + y^2 dx wedge dz) = x phi(dy wedge dz) + y^2 phi(dx wedge dz) .$$

              We get such a map from any volume form, that is, any nonvanishing top form $omega in bigwedge^3 (Bbb R^3)^*$. With this in hand, it's easier to describe the inverse, which is just interior multiplication,

              $$phi^{-1} : Bbb R^3 to textstyle{bigwedge^2 (Bbb R^3)^*}, qquad X mapsto iota_X omega = omega(X,,cdot,,,cdot,) .$$

              Since it's not stated otherwise, we'll take the standard volume form, $dx wedge dy wedge dz$. So, for example, $$phi^{-1}(partial_x) = iota_{partial_x} (dx wedge dy wedge dz) = dy wedge dz .$$ Thus,
              $$boxed{phi(dy wedge dz) = partial_x} ,$$
              and by symmetry cyclic permutation gives that image under $phi$ of the other two basis elements.

              We can also write down the inverse in an invariant (i.e., coordinate-independent) way: Since the space $bigwedge^3 (Bbb R^3)^*$ is $1$-dimensional, there is a unique element $Omega$ of its dual, $bigwedge^3 Bbb R^3$, that satisfies $omega(Omega) = 3! = 6$. Here, the notation on the l.h.s. just means the full contraction of $omega$ and $Omega$.) Then, checking on a basis (again, by symmetry, it's enough to check a single basis element), we find that
              $$phi(mu) = frac{1}{2} Omega(mu,,cdot,),$$
              where the notation on the r.h.s. just means that we contract $mu$ with the first two slots of $Omega$. Computing gives in our case that $$Omega = partial_x wedge partial_y wedge partial_z .$$

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                While the question is about vector fields, the map $phi : Gamma(bigwedge^2 T^* Bbb R^3) stackrel{cong}{to} Gamma(bigwedge^1 T Bbb R^3) = Gamma(T Bbb R^3)$ is tensorial, so it suffices to describe it at a single point, say, $phi_0 : Lambda^2 T^*_0 Bbb R^3 to T_0 Bbb R^3$. Using the canonical identification $T_a Bbb R^3 cong Bbb R^3$ and suppressing the subscript, we'll write $$phi : textstyle{bigwedge^2 (Bbb R^3)^*} stackrel{cong}{to} textstyle{bigwedge^1 Bbb R^3} = Bbb R^3 .$$

                First, since this map is linear, so as with any linear map the coefficients come along for the ride:
                $$phi(x ,dy wedge dz + y^2 dx wedge dz) = x phi(dy wedge dz) + y^2 phi(dx wedge dz) .$$

                We get such a map from any volume form, that is, any nonvanishing top form $omega in bigwedge^3 (Bbb R^3)^*$. With this in hand, it's easier to describe the inverse, which is just interior multiplication,

                $$phi^{-1} : Bbb R^3 to textstyle{bigwedge^2 (Bbb R^3)^*}, qquad X mapsto iota_X omega = omega(X,,cdot,,,cdot,) .$$

                Since it's not stated otherwise, we'll take the standard volume form, $dx wedge dy wedge dz$. So, for example, $$phi^{-1}(partial_x) = iota_{partial_x} (dx wedge dy wedge dz) = dy wedge dz .$$ Thus,
                $$boxed{phi(dy wedge dz) = partial_x} ,$$
                and by symmetry cyclic permutation gives that image under $phi$ of the other two basis elements.

                We can also write down the inverse in an invariant (i.e., coordinate-independent) way: Since the space $bigwedge^3 (Bbb R^3)^*$ is $1$-dimensional, there is a unique element $Omega$ of its dual, $bigwedge^3 Bbb R^3$, that satisfies $omega(Omega) = 3! = 6$. Here, the notation on the l.h.s. just means the full contraction of $omega$ and $Omega$.) Then, checking on a basis (again, by symmetry, it's enough to check a single basis element), we find that
                $$phi(mu) = frac{1}{2} Omega(mu,,cdot,),$$
                where the notation on the r.h.s. just means that we contract $mu$ with the first two slots of $Omega$. Computing gives in our case that $$Omega = partial_x wedge partial_y wedge partial_z .$$

                share|cite|improve this answer

                While the question is about vector fields, the map $phi : Gamma(bigwedge^2 T^* Bbb R^3) stackrel{cong}{to} Gamma(bigwedge^1 T Bbb R^3) = Gamma(T Bbb R^3)$ is tensorial, so it suffices to describe it at a single point, say, $phi_0 : Lambda^2 T^*_0 Bbb R^3 to T_0 Bbb R^3$. Using the canonical identification $T_a Bbb R^3 cong Bbb R^3$ and suppressing the subscript, we'll write $$phi : textstyle{bigwedge^2 (Bbb R^3)^*} stackrel{cong}{to} textstyle{bigwedge^1 Bbb R^3} = Bbb R^3 .$$

                First, since this map is linear, so as with any linear map the coefficients come along for the ride:
                $$phi(x ,dy wedge dz + y^2 dx wedge dz) = x phi(dy wedge dz) + y^2 phi(dx wedge dz) .$$

                We get such a map from any volume form, that is, any nonvanishing top form $omega in bigwedge^3 (Bbb R^3)^*$. With this in hand, it's easier to describe the inverse, which is just interior multiplication,

                $$phi^{-1} : Bbb R^3 to textstyle{bigwedge^2 (Bbb R^3)^*}, qquad X mapsto iota_X omega = omega(X,,cdot,,,cdot,) .$$

                Since it's not stated otherwise, we'll take the standard volume form, $dx wedge dy wedge dz$. So, for example, $$phi^{-1}(partial_x) = iota_{partial_x} (dx wedge dy wedge dz) = dy wedge dz .$$ Thus,
                $$boxed{phi(dy wedge dz) = partial_x} ,$$
                and by symmetry cyclic permutation gives that image under $phi$ of the other two basis elements.

                We can also write down the inverse in an invariant (i.e., coordinate-independent) way: Since the space $bigwedge^3 (Bbb R^3)^*$ is $1$-dimensional, there is a unique element $Omega$ of its dual, $bigwedge^3 Bbb R^3$, that satisfies $omega(Omega) = 3! = 6$. Here, the notation on the l.h.s. just means the full contraction of $omega$ and $Omega$.) Then, checking on a basis (again, by symmetry, it's enough to check a single basis element), we find that
                $$phi(mu) = frac{1}{2} Omega(mu,,cdot,),$$
                where the notation on the r.h.s. just means that we contract $mu$ with the first two slots of $Omega$. Computing gives in our case that $$Omega = partial_x wedge partial_y wedge partial_z .$$

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                edited Nov 18 at 9:46

                answered Nov 18 at 6:10




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