Starting freelancing as a junior software developer

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As a recent graduate with a masters degree in computer science with a total of 2 years of internship experience and some open source development experience, is it likely to people will take me seriously as a freelance developer? Will possible clients be reluctant to work with a freelancer who does not have significant prior experience as an employee?

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New contributor

Vince is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • I hope this question is on the right site and is well formulated. Otherwise please tell me how to improve it
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 9:16

  • This feels like a question that relates almost only to you. You are asking personal advice for your life decision. Most other users couldn't benefit much from the answers to this question. It is also excessively hard to answer because it mostly depends on what you want to do in your life.
    – everyone
    Nov 14 at 10:09

  • @everyone because the OP is the only junior software who ever has or ever will contemplate a move to a freelance model?
    – motosubatsu
    Nov 14 at 10:14

  • 1

    @everyone could I reformulate to something like "is freelancing viable as a junior" and be less specific about my case, or is my question plain bad ?
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 10:29

  • 1

    Why do you want to become a freelancer? It would be far more beneficial for you to get a normal development job where you can learn from other people for the first few years.
    – ayrton clark
    Nov 14 at 12:49

up vote
down vote


As a recent graduate with a masters degree in computer science with a total of 2 years of internship experience and some open source development experience, is it likely to people will take me seriously as a freelance developer? Will possible clients be reluctant to work with a freelancer who does not have significant prior experience as an employee?

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New contributor

Vince is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • I hope this question is on the right site and is well formulated. Otherwise please tell me how to improve it
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 9:16

  • This feels like a question that relates almost only to you. You are asking personal advice for your life decision. Most other users couldn't benefit much from the answers to this question. It is also excessively hard to answer because it mostly depends on what you want to do in your life.
    – everyone
    Nov 14 at 10:09

  • @everyone because the OP is the only junior software who ever has or ever will contemplate a move to a freelance model?
    – motosubatsu
    Nov 14 at 10:14

  • 1

    @everyone could I reformulate to something like "is freelancing viable as a junior" and be less specific about my case, or is my question plain bad ?
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 10:29

  • 1

    Why do you want to become a freelancer? It would be far more beneficial for you to get a normal development job where you can learn from other people for the first few years.
    – ayrton clark
    Nov 14 at 12:49

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote



As a recent graduate with a masters degree in computer science with a total of 2 years of internship experience and some open source development experience, is it likely to people will take me seriously as a freelance developer? Will possible clients be reluctant to work with a freelancer who does not have significant prior experience as an employee?

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New contributor

Vince is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

As a recent graduate with a masters degree in computer science with a total of 2 years of internship experience and some open source development experience, is it likely to people will take me seriously as a freelance developer? Will possible clients be reluctant to work with a freelancer who does not have significant prior experience as an employee?

software-industry career-development freelancing

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New contributor

Vince is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

Vince is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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edited Nov 14 at 14:41




New contributor

Vince is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked Nov 14 at 9:12




New contributor

Vince is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

Vince is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Vince is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • I hope this question is on the right site and is well formulated. Otherwise please tell me how to improve it
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 9:16

  • This feels like a question that relates almost only to you. You are asking personal advice for your life decision. Most other users couldn't benefit much from the answers to this question. It is also excessively hard to answer because it mostly depends on what you want to do in your life.
    – everyone
    Nov 14 at 10:09

  • @everyone because the OP is the only junior software who ever has or ever will contemplate a move to a freelance model?
    – motosubatsu
    Nov 14 at 10:14

  • 1

    @everyone could I reformulate to something like "is freelancing viable as a junior" and be less specific about my case, or is my question plain bad ?
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 10:29

  • 1

    Why do you want to become a freelancer? It would be far more beneficial for you to get a normal development job where you can learn from other people for the first few years.
    – ayrton clark
    Nov 14 at 12:49

  • I hope this question is on the right site and is well formulated. Otherwise please tell me how to improve it
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 9:16

  • This feels like a question that relates almost only to you. You are asking personal advice for your life decision. Most other users couldn't benefit much from the answers to this question. It is also excessively hard to answer because it mostly depends on what you want to do in your life.
    – everyone
    Nov 14 at 10:09

  • @everyone because the OP is the only junior software who ever has or ever will contemplate a move to a freelance model?
    – motosubatsu
    Nov 14 at 10:14

  • 1

    @everyone could I reformulate to something like "is freelancing viable as a junior" and be less specific about my case, or is my question plain bad ?
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 10:29

  • 1

    Why do you want to become a freelancer? It would be far more beneficial for you to get a normal development job where you can learn from other people for the first few years.
    – ayrton clark
    Nov 14 at 12:49

I hope this question is on the right site and is well formulated. Otherwise please tell me how to improve it
– Vince
Nov 14 at 9:16

I hope this question is on the right site and is well formulated. Otherwise please tell me how to improve it
– Vince
Nov 14 at 9:16

This feels like a question that relates almost only to you. You are asking personal advice for your life decision. Most other users couldn't benefit much from the answers to this question. It is also excessively hard to answer because it mostly depends on what you want to do in your life.
– everyone
Nov 14 at 10:09

This feels like a question that relates almost only to you. You are asking personal advice for your life decision. Most other users couldn't benefit much from the answers to this question. It is also excessively hard to answer because it mostly depends on what you want to do in your life.
– everyone
Nov 14 at 10:09

@everyone because the OP is the only junior software who ever has or ever will contemplate a move to a freelance model?
– motosubatsu
Nov 14 at 10:14

@everyone because the OP is the only junior software who ever has or ever will contemplate a move to a freelance model?
– motosubatsu
Nov 14 at 10:14



@everyone could I reformulate to something like "is freelancing viable as a junior" and be less specific about my case, or is my question plain bad ?
– Vince
Nov 14 at 10:29

@everyone could I reformulate to something like "is freelancing viable as a junior" and be less specific about my case, or is my question plain bad ?
– Vince
Nov 14 at 10:29



Why do you want to become a freelancer? It would be far more beneficial for you to get a normal development job where you can learn from other people for the first few years.
– ayrton clark
Nov 14 at 12:49

Why do you want to become a freelancer? It would be far more beneficial for you to get a normal development job where you can learn from other people for the first few years.
– ayrton clark
Nov 14 at 12:49

4 Answers




up vote
down vote


As a recent graduate with a masters degree in computer science with a total of 2 years of internship experience and some open source development experience, is it likely to make it as a freelance developer?

A guy I know, X, is perhaps the 2nd or 3rd best programmer I have ever found (in decades of searching). He didn't even finish college and he was being hired for freelancing like crazy (including by us), indeed in his case for great money. If X wanted to he'd certainly never have to take a salary role (assuming he continues to enjoy doing freelance).

Another guy I know in your situation, Y, who is a truly elite programmer in a certain specialty - I can't hire the guy because he's always too busy, I just keep emailing please please. !

I know many examples like this, so, yeah, it's 100% possible.

Will possible clients be reluctant to work with a freelancer who does not have significant prior experience as an employee?

If you are truly good you will easily find freelance contacts.

Note that, sure, you won't be paid top dollar as a new chum - but that's fine. Why would you?

The fact that you're young, eager, and there's no reason you wouldn't work for a moderate lower rate, makes you very attractive indeed.

The answer is basically "for sure", there's

  • plenty of work for crusty old ultra-expensive freelancers working on major famous products


  • there's plenty of work for eager starter programmers at a moderate rate working on smaller and garage projects.

(Particularly with the www, this is of course very true. We don't do any www but you can always find someone "on your block" who need some sort of programming help with a web site.)

I note that you have two years intern experience which is a lot. You shouldn't have any trouble, so long as you're pretty good.

share|improve this answer

  • Seems you're talking about contracting whereas OP is interested in "freelancing". Pretty different.
    – CrazyPaste
    Nov 14 at 13:29

  • @CrazyPaste do you feel this answer is invalid for freelancing, or are you just pointing out a detail?
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 13:54

  • 1

    I'll say maybe it's invalid for freelancing. At least for where I'm from. Contracting and freelancing are just so different. But in some cases, maybe they're not
    – CrazyPaste
    Nov 14 at 14:08

  • no difference, @CrazyPaste - use either word
    – Fattie
    Nov 14 at 14:54

  • @Fattie You're wrong, freelancing and contracting are similar but there are differences. Freelancers often work for several clients at once, they generally work remotely and they're self employed and pay their own taxes. Contractors generally work through a staffing company, work on the premises of the company AND work with one client at a time.
    – CrazyPaste
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote

Is it a smart move to start freelancing when I have very little professional experience as an employee? Will this hinder my ability to find clients?

No to the first and yes to the second question.

You generally need much more experience to be a (successful) freelance programmer as they are expected to be able to work more independently. Working for somebody would also give you opportunities to network with more people.

I think it would be good if you tried working for a consulatation company full-time. It's somewhere between being a regular full-time employee and being a freelancer. However, be careful when it comes to signing a non-compete agreement since some of them could be strict enough to noticably limit your future employment/freelancing possibilities.

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New contributor

Simon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • Thanks, this is what I expected although not what I hoped...
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 9:50

  • well fortunately that's not the case, @Vince :)
    – Fattie
    Nov 14 at 14:55

up vote
down vote

Although a lack of experience may turn clients away, something more likely to turn them away would be inability to show your work. If you have a personal web portfolio plus side projects that are live on the internet, and can show them off and how they're made, that's huge. To the clients, that's proof that you know what you're doing. This doesn't just go for finding clients in freelancing, but for entering the regular job market as well.

Finding freelance work is difficult. Sites like or are there but you end up with too much foreign competition working for $3/hour, making it difficult to get your foot in the door.

When you start your freelancing journey you're going to rely on word of mouth and learning to market and advertise yourself to get started and keep a clientele. And I believe that's where challenge is, not your lack of experience.

tl;dr The challenge of starting freelance will be finding the clients, not hooking them.

share|improve this answer

  • Indeed, "upwork" (rofl) and "freelancer" (rofl) are jokes. Forget them.
    – Fattie
    Nov 14 at 15:53

up vote
down vote

Most of the other questions already get to the point: it is probably not a good idea to start as a freelancer when you don't have work experience, in general: it is difficult to find clients.

I want, however, to focus on some points other answers did not touch:

  • Professional network: while websites that put freelancers and potential clients in contact do exists, the real freelancers I know get the majority of their clients from contacts they made in the past, while working as employees. This was also my case when I worked as a freelancer.

If you don't have a strong professional network, it will be difficult to find clients. A potential client that never worked with you in the past has probably no good reason to hire you over another potential freelancer. But managers and co-workers of the past who know that you can get the job done and are professional will absolutely hire you over an unknown freelancer.

  • Being a freelancer has a lot of variance: you don't have a secure income. In order to gain an average salary, you will earn almost no money some months, and a lot some other months: be prepared to that. If you're the kind of person who have problems to save money, you will have a lot of problems.

  • If you fail to find clients and projects for some long time, this will somehow appear like a gap in your resume. This not be a problem for you since you're right out of school and involved in open source development, but be wary.

  • At last, personally, I had a lot of problems to keep in touch with new frameworks and tech stuff when I was a freelance. Working in a team with other developers, you will always be learning new things even if you don't actively try to. Working by your own, you really need to be careful about learning new stuff constantly.

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    4 Answers




    4 Answers










    up vote
    down vote


    As a recent graduate with a masters degree in computer science with a total of 2 years of internship experience and some open source development experience, is it likely to make it as a freelance developer?

    A guy I know, X, is perhaps the 2nd or 3rd best programmer I have ever found (in decades of searching). He didn't even finish college and he was being hired for freelancing like crazy (including by us), indeed in his case for great money. If X wanted to he'd certainly never have to take a salary role (assuming he continues to enjoy doing freelance).

    Another guy I know in your situation, Y, who is a truly elite programmer in a certain specialty - I can't hire the guy because he's always too busy, I just keep emailing please please. !

    I know many examples like this, so, yeah, it's 100% possible.

    Will possible clients be reluctant to work with a freelancer who does not have significant prior experience as an employee?

    If you are truly good you will easily find freelance contacts.

    Note that, sure, you won't be paid top dollar as a new chum - but that's fine. Why would you?

    The fact that you're young, eager, and there's no reason you wouldn't work for a moderate lower rate, makes you very attractive indeed.

    The answer is basically "for sure", there's

    • plenty of work for crusty old ultra-expensive freelancers working on major famous products


    • there's plenty of work for eager starter programmers at a moderate rate working on smaller and garage projects.

    (Particularly with the www, this is of course very true. We don't do any www but you can always find someone "on your block" who need some sort of programming help with a web site.)

    I note that you have two years intern experience which is a lot. You shouldn't have any trouble, so long as you're pretty good.

    share|improve this answer

    • Seems you're talking about contracting whereas OP is interested in "freelancing". Pretty different.
      – CrazyPaste
      Nov 14 at 13:29

    • @CrazyPaste do you feel this answer is invalid for freelancing, or are you just pointing out a detail?
      – Vince
      Nov 14 at 13:54

    • 1

      I'll say maybe it's invalid for freelancing. At least for where I'm from. Contracting and freelancing are just so different. But in some cases, maybe they're not
      – CrazyPaste
      Nov 14 at 14:08

    • no difference, @CrazyPaste - use either word
      – Fattie
      Nov 14 at 14:54

    • @Fattie You're wrong, freelancing and contracting are similar but there are differences. Freelancers often work for several clients at once, they generally work remotely and they're self employed and pay their own taxes. Contractors generally work through a staffing company, work on the premises of the company AND work with one client at a time.
      – CrazyPaste
      2 days ago

    up vote
    down vote


    As a recent graduate with a masters degree in computer science with a total of 2 years of internship experience and some open source development experience, is it likely to make it as a freelance developer?

    A guy I know, X, is perhaps the 2nd or 3rd best programmer I have ever found (in decades of searching). He didn't even finish college and he was being hired for freelancing like crazy (including by us), indeed in his case for great money. If X wanted to he'd certainly never have to take a salary role (assuming he continues to enjoy doing freelance).

    Another guy I know in your situation, Y, who is a truly elite programmer in a certain specialty - I can't hire the guy because he's always too busy, I just keep emailing please please. !

    I know many examples like this, so, yeah, it's 100% possible.

    Will possible clients be reluctant to work with a freelancer who does not have significant prior experience as an employee?

    If you are truly good you will easily find freelance contacts.

    Note that, sure, you won't be paid top dollar as a new chum - but that's fine. Why would you?

    The fact that you're young, eager, and there's no reason you wouldn't work for a moderate lower rate, makes you very attractive indeed.

    The answer is basically "for sure", there's

    • plenty of work for crusty old ultra-expensive freelancers working on major famous products


    • there's plenty of work for eager starter programmers at a moderate rate working on smaller and garage projects.

    (Particularly with the www, this is of course very true. We don't do any www but you can always find someone "on your block" who need some sort of programming help with a web site.)

    I note that you have two years intern experience which is a lot. You shouldn't have any trouble, so long as you're pretty good.

    share|improve this answer

    • Seems you're talking about contracting whereas OP is interested in "freelancing". Pretty different.
      – CrazyPaste
      Nov 14 at 13:29

    • @CrazyPaste do you feel this answer is invalid for freelancing, or are you just pointing out a detail?
      – Vince
      Nov 14 at 13:54

    • 1

      I'll say maybe it's invalid for freelancing. At least for where I'm from. Contracting and freelancing are just so different. But in some cases, maybe they're not
      – CrazyPaste
      Nov 14 at 14:08

    • no difference, @CrazyPaste - use either word
      – Fattie
      Nov 14 at 14:54

    • @Fattie You're wrong, freelancing and contracting are similar but there are differences. Freelancers often work for several clients at once, they generally work remotely and they're self employed and pay their own taxes. Contractors generally work through a staffing company, work on the premises of the company AND work with one client at a time.
      – CrazyPaste
      2 days ago

    up vote
    down vote


    up vote
    down vote


    As a recent graduate with a masters degree in computer science with a total of 2 years of internship experience and some open source development experience, is it likely to make it as a freelance developer?

    A guy I know, X, is perhaps the 2nd or 3rd best programmer I have ever found (in decades of searching). He didn't even finish college and he was being hired for freelancing like crazy (including by us), indeed in his case for great money. If X wanted to he'd certainly never have to take a salary role (assuming he continues to enjoy doing freelance).

    Another guy I know in your situation, Y, who is a truly elite programmer in a certain specialty - I can't hire the guy because he's always too busy, I just keep emailing please please. !

    I know many examples like this, so, yeah, it's 100% possible.

    Will possible clients be reluctant to work with a freelancer who does not have significant prior experience as an employee?

    If you are truly good you will easily find freelance contacts.

    Note that, sure, you won't be paid top dollar as a new chum - but that's fine. Why would you?

    The fact that you're young, eager, and there's no reason you wouldn't work for a moderate lower rate, makes you very attractive indeed.

    The answer is basically "for sure", there's

    • plenty of work for crusty old ultra-expensive freelancers working on major famous products


    • there's plenty of work for eager starter programmers at a moderate rate working on smaller and garage projects.

    (Particularly with the www, this is of course very true. We don't do any www but you can always find someone "on your block" who need some sort of programming help with a web site.)

    I note that you have two years intern experience which is a lot. You shouldn't have any trouble, so long as you're pretty good.

    share|improve this answer

    As a recent graduate with a masters degree in computer science with a total of 2 years of internship experience and some open source development experience, is it likely to make it as a freelance developer?

    A guy I know, X, is perhaps the 2nd or 3rd best programmer I have ever found (in decades of searching). He didn't even finish college and he was being hired for freelancing like crazy (including by us), indeed in his case for great money. If X wanted to he'd certainly never have to take a salary role (assuming he continues to enjoy doing freelance).

    Another guy I know in your situation, Y, who is a truly elite programmer in a certain specialty - I can't hire the guy because he's always too busy, I just keep emailing please please. !

    I know many examples like this, so, yeah, it's 100% possible.

    Will possible clients be reluctant to work with a freelancer who does not have significant prior experience as an employee?

    If you are truly good you will easily find freelance contacts.

    Note that, sure, you won't be paid top dollar as a new chum - but that's fine. Why would you?

    The fact that you're young, eager, and there's no reason you wouldn't work for a moderate lower rate, makes you very attractive indeed.

    The answer is basically "for sure", there's

    • plenty of work for crusty old ultra-expensive freelancers working on major famous products


    • there's plenty of work for eager starter programmers at a moderate rate working on smaller and garage projects.

    (Particularly with the www, this is of course very true. We don't do any www but you can always find someone "on your block" who need some sort of programming help with a web site.)

    I note that you have two years intern experience which is a lot. You shouldn't have any trouble, so long as you're pretty good.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited 2 days ago

    answered Nov 14 at 13:20




    • Seems you're talking about contracting whereas OP is interested in "freelancing". Pretty different.
      – CrazyPaste
      Nov 14 at 13:29

    • @CrazyPaste do you feel this answer is invalid for freelancing, or are you just pointing out a detail?
      – Vince
      Nov 14 at 13:54

    • 1

      I'll say maybe it's invalid for freelancing. At least for where I'm from. Contracting and freelancing are just so different. But in some cases, maybe they're not
      – CrazyPaste
      Nov 14 at 14:08

    • no difference, @CrazyPaste - use either word
      – Fattie
      Nov 14 at 14:54

    • @Fattie You're wrong, freelancing and contracting are similar but there are differences. Freelancers often work for several clients at once, they generally work remotely and they're self employed and pay their own taxes. Contractors generally work through a staffing company, work on the premises of the company AND work with one client at a time.
      – CrazyPaste
      2 days ago

    • Seems you're talking about contracting whereas OP is interested in "freelancing". Pretty different.
      – CrazyPaste
      Nov 14 at 13:29

    • @CrazyPaste do you feel this answer is invalid for freelancing, or are you just pointing out a detail?
      – Vince
      Nov 14 at 13:54

    • 1

      I'll say maybe it's invalid for freelancing. At least for where I'm from. Contracting and freelancing are just so different. But in some cases, maybe they're not
      – CrazyPaste
      Nov 14 at 14:08

    • no difference, @CrazyPaste - use either word
      – Fattie
      Nov 14 at 14:54

    • @Fattie You're wrong, freelancing and contracting are similar but there are differences. Freelancers often work for several clients at once, they generally work remotely and they're self employed and pay their own taxes. Contractors generally work through a staffing company, work on the premises of the company AND work with one client at a time.
      – CrazyPaste
      2 days ago

    Seems you're talking about contracting whereas OP is interested in "freelancing". Pretty different.
    – CrazyPaste
    Nov 14 at 13:29

    Seems you're talking about contracting whereas OP is interested in "freelancing". Pretty different.
    – CrazyPaste
    Nov 14 at 13:29

    @CrazyPaste do you feel this answer is invalid for freelancing, or are you just pointing out a detail?
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 13:54

    @CrazyPaste do you feel this answer is invalid for freelancing, or are you just pointing out a detail?
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 13:54



    I'll say maybe it's invalid for freelancing. At least for where I'm from. Contracting and freelancing are just so different. But in some cases, maybe they're not
    – CrazyPaste
    Nov 14 at 14:08

    I'll say maybe it's invalid for freelancing. At least for where I'm from. Contracting and freelancing are just so different. But in some cases, maybe they're not
    – CrazyPaste
    Nov 14 at 14:08

    no difference, @CrazyPaste - use either word
    – Fattie
    Nov 14 at 14:54

    no difference, @CrazyPaste - use either word
    – Fattie
    Nov 14 at 14:54

    @Fattie You're wrong, freelancing and contracting are similar but there are differences. Freelancers often work for several clients at once, they generally work remotely and they're self employed and pay their own taxes. Contractors generally work through a staffing company, work on the premises of the company AND work with one client at a time.
    – CrazyPaste
    2 days ago

    @Fattie You're wrong, freelancing and contracting are similar but there are differences. Freelancers often work for several clients at once, they generally work remotely and they're self employed and pay their own taxes. Contractors generally work through a staffing company, work on the premises of the company AND work with one client at a time.
    – CrazyPaste
    2 days ago

    up vote
    down vote

    Is it a smart move to start freelancing when I have very little professional experience as an employee? Will this hinder my ability to find clients?

    No to the first and yes to the second question.

    You generally need much more experience to be a (successful) freelance programmer as they are expected to be able to work more independently. Working for somebody would also give you opportunities to network with more people.

    I think it would be good if you tried working for a consulatation company full-time. It's somewhere between being a regular full-time employee and being a freelancer. However, be careful when it comes to signing a non-compete agreement since some of them could be strict enough to noticably limit your future employment/freelancing possibilities.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Simon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    • Thanks, this is what I expected although not what I hoped...
      – Vince
      Nov 14 at 9:50

    • well fortunately that's not the case, @Vince :)
      – Fattie
      Nov 14 at 14:55

    up vote
    down vote

    Is it a smart move to start freelancing when I have very little professional experience as an employee? Will this hinder my ability to find clients?

    No to the first and yes to the second question.

    You generally need much more experience to be a (successful) freelance programmer as they are expected to be able to work more independently. Working for somebody would also give you opportunities to network with more people.

    I think it would be good if you tried working for a consulatation company full-time. It's somewhere between being a regular full-time employee and being a freelancer. However, be careful when it comes to signing a non-compete agreement since some of them could be strict enough to noticably limit your future employment/freelancing possibilities.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Simon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    • Thanks, this is what I expected although not what I hoped...
      – Vince
      Nov 14 at 9:50

    • well fortunately that's not the case, @Vince :)
      – Fattie
      Nov 14 at 14:55

    up vote
    down vote

    up vote
    down vote

    Is it a smart move to start freelancing when I have very little professional experience as an employee? Will this hinder my ability to find clients?

    No to the first and yes to the second question.

    You generally need much more experience to be a (successful) freelance programmer as they are expected to be able to work more independently. Working for somebody would also give you opportunities to network with more people.

    I think it would be good if you tried working for a consulatation company full-time. It's somewhere between being a regular full-time employee and being a freelancer. However, be careful when it comes to signing a non-compete agreement since some of them could be strict enough to noticably limit your future employment/freelancing possibilities.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Simon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    Is it a smart move to start freelancing when I have very little professional experience as an employee? Will this hinder my ability to find clients?

    No to the first and yes to the second question.

    You generally need much more experience to be a (successful) freelance programmer as they are expected to be able to work more independently. Working for somebody would also give you opportunities to network with more people.

    I think it would be good if you tried working for a consulatation company full-time. It's somewhere between being a regular full-time employee and being a freelancer. However, be careful when it comes to signing a non-compete agreement since some of them could be strict enough to noticably limit your future employment/freelancing possibilities.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Simon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    Simon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    answered Nov 14 at 9:30




    New contributor

    Simon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    New contributor

    Simon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    Simon is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.

    • Thanks, this is what I expected although not what I hoped...
      – Vince
      Nov 14 at 9:50

    • well fortunately that's not the case, @Vince :)
      – Fattie
      Nov 14 at 14:55

    • Thanks, this is what I expected although not what I hoped...
      – Vince
      Nov 14 at 9:50

    • well fortunately that's not the case, @Vince :)
      – Fattie
      Nov 14 at 14:55

    Thanks, this is what I expected although not what I hoped...
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 9:50

    Thanks, this is what I expected although not what I hoped...
    – Vince
    Nov 14 at 9:50

    well fortunately that's not the case, @Vince :)
    – Fattie
    Nov 14 at 14:55

    well fortunately that's not the case, @Vince :)
    – Fattie
    Nov 14 at 14:55

    up vote
    down vote

    Although a lack of experience may turn clients away, something more likely to turn them away would be inability to show your work. If you have a personal web portfolio plus side projects that are live on the internet, and can show them off and how they're made, that's huge. To the clients, that's proof that you know what you're doing. This doesn't just go for finding clients in freelancing, but for entering the regular job market as well.

    Finding freelance work is difficult. Sites like or are there but you end up with too much foreign competition working for $3/hour, making it difficult to get your foot in the door.

    When you start your freelancing journey you're going to rely on word of mouth and learning to market and advertise yourself to get started and keep a clientele. And I believe that's where challenge is, not your lack of experience.

    tl;dr The challenge of starting freelance will be finding the clients, not hooking them.

    share|improve this answer

    • Indeed, "upwork" (rofl) and "freelancer" (rofl) are jokes. Forget them.
      – Fattie
      Nov 14 at 15:53

    up vote
    down vote

    Although a lack of experience may turn clients away, something more likely to turn them away would be inability to show your work. If you have a personal web portfolio plus side projects that are live on the internet, and can show them off and how they're made, that's huge. To the clients, that's proof that you know what you're doing. This doesn't just go for finding clients in freelancing, but for entering the regular job market as well.

    Finding freelance work is difficult. Sites like or are there but you end up with too much foreign competition working for $3/hour, making it difficult to get your foot in the door.

    When you start your freelancing journey you're going to rely on word of mouth and learning to market and advertise yourself to get started and keep a clientele. And I believe that's where challenge is, not your lack of experience.

    tl;dr The challenge of starting freelance will be finding the clients, not hooking them.

    share|improve this answer

    • Indeed, "upwork" (rofl) and "freelancer" (rofl) are jokes. Forget them.
      – Fattie
      Nov 14 at 15:53

    up vote
    down vote

    up vote
    down vote

    Although a lack of experience may turn clients away, something more likely to turn them away would be inability to show your work. If you have a personal web portfolio plus side projects that are live on the internet, and can show them off and how they're made, that's huge. To the clients, that's proof that you know what you're doing. This doesn't just go for finding clients in freelancing, but for entering the regular job market as well.

    Finding freelance work is difficult. Sites like or are there but you end up with too much foreign competition working for $3/hour, making it difficult to get your foot in the door.

    When you start your freelancing journey you're going to rely on word of mouth and learning to market and advertise yourself to get started and keep a clientele. And I believe that's where challenge is, not your lack of experience.

    tl;dr The challenge of starting freelance will be finding the clients, not hooking them.

    share|improve this answer

    Although a lack of experience may turn clients away, something more likely to turn them away would be inability to show your work. If you have a personal web portfolio plus side projects that are live on the internet, and can show them off and how they're made, that's huge. To the clients, that's proof that you know what you're doing. This doesn't just go for finding clients in freelancing, but for entering the regular job market as well.

    Finding freelance work is difficult. Sites like or are there but you end up with too much foreign competition working for $3/hour, making it difficult to get your foot in the door.

    When you start your freelancing journey you're going to rely on word of mouth and learning to market and advertise yourself to get started and keep a clientele. And I believe that's where challenge is, not your lack of experience.

    tl;dr The challenge of starting freelance will be finding the clients, not hooking them.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered Nov 14 at 13:34




    • Indeed, "upwork" (rofl) and "freelancer" (rofl) are jokes. Forget them.
      – Fattie
      Nov 14 at 15:53

    • Indeed, "upwork" (rofl) and "freelancer" (rofl) are jokes. Forget them.
      – Fattie
      Nov 14 at 15:53

    Indeed, "upwork" (rofl) and "freelancer" (rofl) are jokes. Forget them.
    – Fattie
    Nov 14 at 15:53

    Indeed, "upwork" (rofl) and "freelancer" (rofl) are jokes. Forget them.
    – Fattie
    Nov 14 at 15:53

    up vote
    down vote

    Most of the other questions already get to the point: it is probably not a good idea to start as a freelancer when you don't have work experience, in general: it is difficult to find clients.

    I want, however, to focus on some points other answers did not touch:

    • Professional network: while websites that put freelancers and potential clients in contact do exists, the real freelancers I know get the majority of their clients from contacts they made in the past, while working as employees. This was also my case when I worked as a freelancer.

    If you don't have a strong professional network, it will be difficult to find clients. A potential client that never worked with you in the past has probably no good reason to hire you over another potential freelancer. But managers and co-workers of the past who know that you can get the job done and are professional will absolutely hire you over an unknown freelancer.

    • Being a freelancer has a lot of variance: you don't have a secure income. In order to gain an average salary, you will earn almost no money some months, and a lot some other months: be prepared to that. If you're the kind of person who have problems to save money, you will have a lot of problems.

    • If you fail to find clients and projects for some long time, this will somehow appear like a gap in your resume. This not be a problem for you since you're right out of school and involved in open source development, but be wary.

    • At last, personally, I had a lot of problems to keep in touch with new frameworks and tech stuff when I was a freelance. Working in a team with other developers, you will always be learning new things even if you don't actively try to. Working by your own, you really need to be careful about learning new stuff constantly.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      Most of the other questions already get to the point: it is probably not a good idea to start as a freelancer when you don't have work experience, in general: it is difficult to find clients.

      I want, however, to focus on some points other answers did not touch:

      • Professional network: while websites that put freelancers and potential clients in contact do exists, the real freelancers I know get the majority of their clients from contacts they made in the past, while working as employees. This was also my case when I worked as a freelancer.

      If you don't have a strong professional network, it will be difficult to find clients. A potential client that never worked with you in the past has probably no good reason to hire you over another potential freelancer. But managers and co-workers of the past who know that you can get the job done and are professional will absolutely hire you over an unknown freelancer.

      • Being a freelancer has a lot of variance: you don't have a secure income. In order to gain an average salary, you will earn almost no money some months, and a lot some other months: be prepared to that. If you're the kind of person who have problems to save money, you will have a lot of problems.

      • If you fail to find clients and projects for some long time, this will somehow appear like a gap in your resume. This not be a problem for you since you're right out of school and involved in open source development, but be wary.

      • At last, personally, I had a lot of problems to keep in touch with new frameworks and tech stuff when I was a freelance. Working in a team with other developers, you will always be learning new things even if you don't actively try to. Working by your own, you really need to be careful about learning new stuff constantly.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        Most of the other questions already get to the point: it is probably not a good idea to start as a freelancer when you don't have work experience, in general: it is difficult to find clients.

        I want, however, to focus on some points other answers did not touch:

        • Professional network: while websites that put freelancers and potential clients in contact do exists, the real freelancers I know get the majority of their clients from contacts they made in the past, while working as employees. This was also my case when I worked as a freelancer.

        If you don't have a strong professional network, it will be difficult to find clients. A potential client that never worked with you in the past has probably no good reason to hire you over another potential freelancer. But managers and co-workers of the past who know that you can get the job done and are professional will absolutely hire you over an unknown freelancer.

        • Being a freelancer has a lot of variance: you don't have a secure income. In order to gain an average salary, you will earn almost no money some months, and a lot some other months: be prepared to that. If you're the kind of person who have problems to save money, you will have a lot of problems.

        • If you fail to find clients and projects for some long time, this will somehow appear like a gap in your resume. This not be a problem for you since you're right out of school and involved in open source development, but be wary.

        • At last, personally, I had a lot of problems to keep in touch with new frameworks and tech stuff when I was a freelance. Working in a team with other developers, you will always be learning new things even if you don't actively try to. Working by your own, you really need to be careful about learning new stuff constantly.

        share|improve this answer

        Most of the other questions already get to the point: it is probably not a good idea to start as a freelancer when you don't have work experience, in general: it is difficult to find clients.

        I want, however, to focus on some points other answers did not touch:

        • Professional network: while websites that put freelancers and potential clients in contact do exists, the real freelancers I know get the majority of their clients from contacts they made in the past, while working as employees. This was also my case when I worked as a freelancer.

        If you don't have a strong professional network, it will be difficult to find clients. A potential client that never worked with you in the past has probably no good reason to hire you over another potential freelancer. But managers and co-workers of the past who know that you can get the job done and are professional will absolutely hire you over an unknown freelancer.

        • Being a freelancer has a lot of variance: you don't have a secure income. In order to gain an average salary, you will earn almost no money some months, and a lot some other months: be prepared to that. If you're the kind of person who have problems to save money, you will have a lot of problems.

        • If you fail to find clients and projects for some long time, this will somehow appear like a gap in your resume. This not be a problem for you since you're right out of school and involved in open source development, but be wary.

        • At last, personally, I had a lot of problems to keep in touch with new frameworks and tech stuff when I was a freelance. Working in a team with other developers, you will always be learning new things even if you don't actively try to. Working by your own, you really need to be careful about learning new stuff constantly.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Nov 14 at 14:50




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