Is the photon pair generated from the electron-positron annihilation entangled?

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Is the photon pair generated from the electron-positron annihilation entangled?

And would they work as a source of entangled photons suitable for experiments in quantum optics?

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    Is the photon pair generated from the electron-positron annihilation entangled?

    And would they work as a source of entangled photons suitable for experiments in quantum optics?

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      Is the photon pair generated from the electron-positron annihilation entangled?

      And would they work as a source of entangled photons suitable for experiments in quantum optics?

      share|cite|improve this question

      Is the photon pair generated from the electron-positron annihilation entangled?

      And would they work as a source of entangled photons suitable for experiments in quantum optics?

      quantum-mechanics particle-physics photons quantum-entanglement

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      edited Nov 19 at 17:56

      Peter Mortensen



      asked Nov 19 at 11:23




          2 Answers




          up vote
          down vote

          Yes, they are definitely entangled. Their combined energy will exactly equal the combined energy of the original electron-positron pair, for example. The same is true for combined momentum and combined spin.

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          • "Combined spin" should also include any orbital angular momentum if the electron and positron briefly orbited each other (positronium) before annihilating.
            – Andreas Blass
            Nov 19 at 16:08

          • That is correct--
            – S. McGrew
            Nov 19 at 16:13

          • And from what I understand about these things (only a layman as far as physics goes), the angular momentum of the electron-positron pair will almost always be non-zero.
            – EvilSnack
            Nov 20 at 0:57

          up vote
          down vote

          The photon-pair is definitely entangled. It is produced from an $S$-wave state of the electron-positron system and as such has orbital angular momentum $L=0$. But it's not useful for quantum optics, the photons' energy is too high for your usual mirrors to reflect. See fig 33.15 on p. 23 of this to get an idea what happens to a 511 keV photon from two-photon annihilation of an electron-positron pair at rest once it hits matter: ionization by Compton scattering dominates the interaction, that's not what you want to happen in a mirror or lense.

          It's worth keeping in mind though, that the electron-positron system (Positronium) can decay to any number of photons $>1$, though numbers higher than three are very rare. An even number of photons can be produced for decays of the singlet ground state ${}^1S_0$ (where the electron and positron are in an anti-symmetric spin state
          $frac{1}{sqrt{2}}left( left|uparrow downarrow rightrangle - left|downarrow uparrow rightrangleright)$, "Parapositronium"). This defines the spin entanglement in the case you had in mind, and it has actually been measured and found to agree with full entanglement, see e.g. here

          An uneven number can be produced from the triplet ${}^3S_0$ ("Orthopositronium"). The triplet is much longer-lived than the singlet state (roughly thousand times), but since it consists of three states and because symmetries ($CP$) prevent the positronium from going from the triplet to the singlet state, an appreciable number of electron-positron pairs decays to three photons.

          In fact, also the $S$ states of higher energy levels can decay to photons directly, but usually they will decay to the ground state first, emitting photons of energies $O(10 - 100 emathrm{V})$ before the actual decay to the high-energy pair or to the three continuous spectrum photons.

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            protected by David Z Nov 20 at 9:58

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers










            up vote
            down vote

            Yes, they are definitely entangled. Their combined energy will exactly equal the combined energy of the original electron-positron pair, for example. The same is true for combined momentum and combined spin.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • "Combined spin" should also include any orbital angular momentum if the electron and positron briefly orbited each other (positronium) before annihilating.
              – Andreas Blass
              Nov 19 at 16:08

            • That is correct--
              – S. McGrew
              Nov 19 at 16:13

            • And from what I understand about these things (only a layman as far as physics goes), the angular momentum of the electron-positron pair will almost always be non-zero.
              – EvilSnack
              Nov 20 at 0:57

            up vote
            down vote

            Yes, they are definitely entangled. Their combined energy will exactly equal the combined energy of the original electron-positron pair, for example. The same is true for combined momentum and combined spin.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • "Combined spin" should also include any orbital angular momentum if the electron and positron briefly orbited each other (positronium) before annihilating.
              – Andreas Blass
              Nov 19 at 16:08

            • That is correct--
              – S. McGrew
              Nov 19 at 16:13

            • And from what I understand about these things (only a layman as far as physics goes), the angular momentum of the electron-positron pair will almost always be non-zero.
              – EvilSnack
              Nov 20 at 0:57

            up vote
            down vote

            up vote
            down vote

            Yes, they are definitely entangled. Their combined energy will exactly equal the combined energy of the original electron-positron pair, for example. The same is true for combined momentum and combined spin.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            Yes, they are definitely entangled. Their combined energy will exactly equal the combined energy of the original electron-positron pair, for example. The same is true for combined momentum and combined spin.

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            share|cite|improve this answer

            answered Nov 19 at 11:40

            S. McGrew



            • "Combined spin" should also include any orbital angular momentum if the electron and positron briefly orbited each other (positronium) before annihilating.
              – Andreas Blass
              Nov 19 at 16:08

            • That is correct--
              – S. McGrew
              Nov 19 at 16:13

            • And from what I understand about these things (only a layman as far as physics goes), the angular momentum of the electron-positron pair will almost always be non-zero.
              – EvilSnack
              Nov 20 at 0:57

            • "Combined spin" should also include any orbital angular momentum if the electron and positron briefly orbited each other (positronium) before annihilating.
              – Andreas Blass
              Nov 19 at 16:08

            • That is correct--
              – S. McGrew
              Nov 19 at 16:13

            • And from what I understand about these things (only a layman as far as physics goes), the angular momentum of the electron-positron pair will almost always be non-zero.
              – EvilSnack
              Nov 20 at 0:57

            "Combined spin" should also include any orbital angular momentum if the electron and positron briefly orbited each other (positronium) before annihilating.
            – Andreas Blass
            Nov 19 at 16:08

            "Combined spin" should also include any orbital angular momentum if the electron and positron briefly orbited each other (positronium) before annihilating.
            – Andreas Blass
            Nov 19 at 16:08

            That is correct--
            – S. McGrew
            Nov 19 at 16:13

            That is correct--
            – S. McGrew
            Nov 19 at 16:13

            And from what I understand about these things (only a layman as far as physics goes), the angular momentum of the electron-positron pair will almost always be non-zero.
            – EvilSnack
            Nov 20 at 0:57

            And from what I understand about these things (only a layman as far as physics goes), the angular momentum of the electron-positron pair will almost always be non-zero.
            – EvilSnack
            Nov 20 at 0:57

            up vote
            down vote

            The photon-pair is definitely entangled. It is produced from an $S$-wave state of the electron-positron system and as such has orbital angular momentum $L=0$. But it's not useful for quantum optics, the photons' energy is too high for your usual mirrors to reflect. See fig 33.15 on p. 23 of this to get an idea what happens to a 511 keV photon from two-photon annihilation of an electron-positron pair at rest once it hits matter: ionization by Compton scattering dominates the interaction, that's not what you want to happen in a mirror or lense.

            It's worth keeping in mind though, that the electron-positron system (Positronium) can decay to any number of photons $>1$, though numbers higher than three are very rare. An even number of photons can be produced for decays of the singlet ground state ${}^1S_0$ (where the electron and positron are in an anti-symmetric spin state
            $frac{1}{sqrt{2}}left( left|uparrow downarrow rightrangle - left|downarrow uparrow rightrangleright)$, "Parapositronium"). This defines the spin entanglement in the case you had in mind, and it has actually been measured and found to agree with full entanglement, see e.g. here

            An uneven number can be produced from the triplet ${}^3S_0$ ("Orthopositronium"). The triplet is much longer-lived than the singlet state (roughly thousand times), but since it consists of three states and because symmetries ($CP$) prevent the positronium from going from the triplet to the singlet state, an appreciable number of electron-positron pairs decays to three photons.

            In fact, also the $S$ states of higher energy levels can decay to photons directly, but usually they will decay to the ground state first, emitting photons of energies $O(10 - 100 emathrm{V})$ before the actual decay to the high-energy pair or to the three continuous spectrum photons.

            share|cite|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              The photon-pair is definitely entangled. It is produced from an $S$-wave state of the electron-positron system and as such has orbital angular momentum $L=0$. But it's not useful for quantum optics, the photons' energy is too high for your usual mirrors to reflect. See fig 33.15 on p. 23 of this to get an idea what happens to a 511 keV photon from two-photon annihilation of an electron-positron pair at rest once it hits matter: ionization by Compton scattering dominates the interaction, that's not what you want to happen in a mirror or lense.

              It's worth keeping in mind though, that the electron-positron system (Positronium) can decay to any number of photons $>1$, though numbers higher than three are very rare. An even number of photons can be produced for decays of the singlet ground state ${}^1S_0$ (where the electron and positron are in an anti-symmetric spin state
              $frac{1}{sqrt{2}}left( left|uparrow downarrow rightrangle - left|downarrow uparrow rightrangleright)$, "Parapositronium"). This defines the spin entanglement in the case you had in mind, and it has actually been measured and found to agree with full entanglement, see e.g. here

              An uneven number can be produced from the triplet ${}^3S_0$ ("Orthopositronium"). The triplet is much longer-lived than the singlet state (roughly thousand times), but since it consists of three states and because symmetries ($CP$) prevent the positronium from going from the triplet to the singlet state, an appreciable number of electron-positron pairs decays to three photons.

              In fact, also the $S$ states of higher energy levels can decay to photons directly, but usually they will decay to the ground state first, emitting photons of energies $O(10 - 100 emathrm{V})$ before the actual decay to the high-energy pair or to the three continuous spectrum photons.

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                The photon-pair is definitely entangled. It is produced from an $S$-wave state of the electron-positron system and as such has orbital angular momentum $L=0$. But it's not useful for quantum optics, the photons' energy is too high for your usual mirrors to reflect. See fig 33.15 on p. 23 of this to get an idea what happens to a 511 keV photon from two-photon annihilation of an electron-positron pair at rest once it hits matter: ionization by Compton scattering dominates the interaction, that's not what you want to happen in a mirror or lense.

                It's worth keeping in mind though, that the electron-positron system (Positronium) can decay to any number of photons $>1$, though numbers higher than three are very rare. An even number of photons can be produced for decays of the singlet ground state ${}^1S_0$ (where the electron and positron are in an anti-symmetric spin state
                $frac{1}{sqrt{2}}left( left|uparrow downarrow rightrangle - left|downarrow uparrow rightrangleright)$, "Parapositronium"). This defines the spin entanglement in the case you had in mind, and it has actually been measured and found to agree with full entanglement, see e.g. here

                An uneven number can be produced from the triplet ${}^3S_0$ ("Orthopositronium"). The triplet is much longer-lived than the singlet state (roughly thousand times), but since it consists of three states and because symmetries ($CP$) prevent the positronium from going from the triplet to the singlet state, an appreciable number of electron-positron pairs decays to three photons.

                In fact, also the $S$ states of higher energy levels can decay to photons directly, but usually they will decay to the ground state first, emitting photons of energies $O(10 - 100 emathrm{V})$ before the actual decay to the high-energy pair or to the three continuous spectrum photons.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                The photon-pair is definitely entangled. It is produced from an $S$-wave state of the electron-positron system and as such has orbital angular momentum $L=0$. But it's not useful for quantum optics, the photons' energy is too high for your usual mirrors to reflect. See fig 33.15 on p. 23 of this to get an idea what happens to a 511 keV photon from two-photon annihilation of an electron-positron pair at rest once it hits matter: ionization by Compton scattering dominates the interaction, that's not what you want to happen in a mirror or lense.

                It's worth keeping in mind though, that the electron-positron system (Positronium) can decay to any number of photons $>1$, though numbers higher than three are very rare. An even number of photons can be produced for decays of the singlet ground state ${}^1S_0$ (where the electron and positron are in an anti-symmetric spin state
                $frac{1}{sqrt{2}}left( left|uparrow downarrow rightrangle - left|downarrow uparrow rightrangleright)$, "Parapositronium"). This defines the spin entanglement in the case you had in mind, and it has actually been measured and found to agree with full entanglement, see e.g. here

                An uneven number can be produced from the triplet ${}^3S_0$ ("Orthopositronium"). The triplet is much longer-lived than the singlet state (roughly thousand times), but since it consists of three states and because symmetries ($CP$) prevent the positronium from going from the triplet to the singlet state, an appreciable number of electron-positron pairs decays to three photons.

                In fact, also the $S$ states of higher energy levels can decay to photons directly, but usually they will decay to the ground state first, emitting photons of energies $O(10 - 100 emathrm{V})$ before the actual decay to the high-energy pair or to the three continuous spectrum photons.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                edited Nov 20 at 9:31

                answered Nov 20 at 6:54




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