Real Grassmann manifold and orthonormal groups

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I'm trying to prove that the Grassmann manifold
$$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) = {E = {rm {it k} - dimensional subspace of } mathbb{R}^n}$$

is equivalent to:

$$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) = frac{O(n)}{O(k)times O(n - k)} tag1$$

Where $O(n)$ is the orthonormal group of $ntimes n$ matrices.

From my research I've seen that Eq. (1) is due to the idea of splitting the original $n$-dimensional subspace into a $k$-dimensional one and its orthonormal complement of $n - k$ dimension; but I don't get how this Grassmann manifold, which is made of vectors ($(ktimes 1)$-dimensional matrices - column vectors), is related to $ntimes n$ matrices since the quotient in Eq. (1) is the following set, as usual:

$$frac{O(n)}{O(k)times O(n - k)} = {M_ncdot (O(k)times O(n - k)) | M_n in O(n)} tag2$$

Can anyone explain me this relation and the prove of Eq. (1)? Thanks in advace! ;)

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  • What is your definition of Grassmann manifold, i.e., in which sense is it made of "(1 times k)-dimensional matrices"?
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:16

  • In any case, are you familiar with the characterization/construction of homogeneous spaces? See, e.g., Theorem 9.22 (Homogeneous Construction Space Theorem) in Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds.
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:18

  • It is a vector space, isn't it? A $k$-dimensional subspace of $mathbb{R}^n$, so $1times k$ - matrices are vectors with $k$ components
    – Vicky
    Nov 16 at 4:20

  • 1

    That description isn't quite right. The Grassmannian $G_k(V)$ is the space of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $V$. It is true that we can specify any such plane by giving a basis, i.e., $k$ linearly independent vectors in $V$, but that choice is not unique.
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:42

  • 1

    The question isn't quite a duplicate, but by chance I explained exactly this in an answer to another question a few days ago:
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:43

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I'm trying to prove that the Grassmann manifold
$$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) = {E = {rm {it k} - dimensional subspace of } mathbb{R}^n}$$

is equivalent to:

$$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) = frac{O(n)}{O(k)times O(n - k)} tag1$$

Where $O(n)$ is the orthonormal group of $ntimes n$ matrices.

From my research I've seen that Eq. (1) is due to the idea of splitting the original $n$-dimensional subspace into a $k$-dimensional one and its orthonormal complement of $n - k$ dimension; but I don't get how this Grassmann manifold, which is made of vectors ($(ktimes 1)$-dimensional matrices - column vectors), is related to $ntimes n$ matrices since the quotient in Eq. (1) is the following set, as usual:

$$frac{O(n)}{O(k)times O(n - k)} = {M_ncdot (O(k)times O(n - k)) | M_n in O(n)} tag2$$

Can anyone explain me this relation and the prove of Eq. (1)? Thanks in advace! ;)

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  • What is your definition of Grassmann manifold, i.e., in which sense is it made of "(1 times k)-dimensional matrices"?
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:16

  • In any case, are you familiar with the characterization/construction of homogeneous spaces? See, e.g., Theorem 9.22 (Homogeneous Construction Space Theorem) in Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds.
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:18

  • It is a vector space, isn't it? A $k$-dimensional subspace of $mathbb{R}^n$, so $1times k$ - matrices are vectors with $k$ components
    – Vicky
    Nov 16 at 4:20

  • 1

    That description isn't quite right. The Grassmannian $G_k(V)$ is the space of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $V$. It is true that we can specify any such plane by giving a basis, i.e., $k$ linearly independent vectors in $V$, but that choice is not unique.
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:42

  • 1

    The question isn't quite a duplicate, but by chance I explained exactly this in an answer to another question a few days ago:
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:43

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I'm trying to prove that the Grassmann manifold
$$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) = {E = {rm {it k} - dimensional subspace of } mathbb{R}^n}$$

is equivalent to:

$$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) = frac{O(n)}{O(k)times O(n - k)} tag1$$

Where $O(n)$ is the orthonormal group of $ntimes n$ matrices.

From my research I've seen that Eq. (1) is due to the idea of splitting the original $n$-dimensional subspace into a $k$-dimensional one and its orthonormal complement of $n - k$ dimension; but I don't get how this Grassmann manifold, which is made of vectors ($(ktimes 1)$-dimensional matrices - column vectors), is related to $ntimes n$ matrices since the quotient in Eq. (1) is the following set, as usual:

$$frac{O(n)}{O(k)times O(n - k)} = {M_ncdot (O(k)times O(n - k)) | M_n in O(n)} tag2$$

Can anyone explain me this relation and the prove of Eq. (1)? Thanks in advace! ;)

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I'm trying to prove that the Grassmann manifold
$$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) = {E = {rm {it k} - dimensional subspace of } mathbb{R}^n}$$

is equivalent to:

$$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) = frac{O(n)}{O(k)times O(n - k)} tag1$$

Where $O(n)$ is the orthonormal group of $ntimes n$ matrices.

From my research I've seen that Eq. (1) is due to the idea of splitting the original $n$-dimensional subspace into a $k$-dimensional one and its orthonormal complement of $n - k$ dimension; but I don't get how this Grassmann manifold, which is made of vectors ($(ktimes 1)$-dimensional matrices - column vectors), is related to $ntimes n$ matrices since the quotient in Eq. (1) is the following set, as usual:

$$frac{O(n)}{O(k)times O(n - k)} = {M_ncdot (O(k)times O(n - k)) | M_n in O(n)} tag2$$

Can anyone explain me this relation and the prove of Eq. (1)? Thanks in advace! ;)

group-theory differential-geometry lie-groups quotient-spaces grassmannian

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edited Nov 16 at 13:52

asked Nov 16 at 4:14




  • What is your definition of Grassmann manifold, i.e., in which sense is it made of "(1 times k)-dimensional matrices"?
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:16

  • In any case, are you familiar with the characterization/construction of homogeneous spaces? See, e.g., Theorem 9.22 (Homogeneous Construction Space Theorem) in Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds.
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:18

  • It is a vector space, isn't it? A $k$-dimensional subspace of $mathbb{R}^n$, so $1times k$ - matrices are vectors with $k$ components
    – Vicky
    Nov 16 at 4:20

  • 1

    That description isn't quite right. The Grassmannian $G_k(V)$ is the space of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $V$. It is true that we can specify any such plane by giving a basis, i.e., $k$ linearly independent vectors in $V$, but that choice is not unique.
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:42

  • 1

    The question isn't quite a duplicate, but by chance I explained exactly this in an answer to another question a few days ago:
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:43

  • What is your definition of Grassmann manifold, i.e., in which sense is it made of "(1 times k)-dimensional matrices"?
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:16

  • In any case, are you familiar with the characterization/construction of homogeneous spaces? See, e.g., Theorem 9.22 (Homogeneous Construction Space Theorem) in Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds.
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:18

  • It is a vector space, isn't it? A $k$-dimensional subspace of $mathbb{R}^n$, so $1times k$ - matrices are vectors with $k$ components
    – Vicky
    Nov 16 at 4:20

  • 1

    That description isn't quite right. The Grassmannian $G_k(V)$ is the space of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $V$. It is true that we can specify any such plane by giving a basis, i.e., $k$ linearly independent vectors in $V$, but that choice is not unique.
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:42

  • 1

    The question isn't quite a duplicate, but by chance I explained exactly this in an answer to another question a few days ago:
    – Travis
    Nov 16 at 4:43

What is your definition of Grassmann manifold, i.e., in which sense is it made of "(1 times k)-dimensional matrices"?
– Travis
Nov 16 at 4:16

What is your definition of Grassmann manifold, i.e., in which sense is it made of "(1 times k)-dimensional matrices"?
– Travis
Nov 16 at 4:16

In any case, are you familiar with the characterization/construction of homogeneous spaces? See, e.g., Theorem 9.22 (Homogeneous Construction Space Theorem) in Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds.
– Travis
Nov 16 at 4:18

In any case, are you familiar with the characterization/construction of homogeneous spaces? See, e.g., Theorem 9.22 (Homogeneous Construction Space Theorem) in Lee's Introduction to Smooth Manifolds.
– Travis
Nov 16 at 4:18

It is a vector space, isn't it? A $k$-dimensional subspace of $mathbb{R}^n$, so $1times k$ - matrices are vectors with $k$ components
– Vicky
Nov 16 at 4:20

It is a vector space, isn't it? A $k$-dimensional subspace of $mathbb{R}^n$, so $1times k$ - matrices are vectors with $k$ components
– Vicky
Nov 16 at 4:20



That description isn't quite right. The Grassmannian $G_k(V)$ is the space of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $V$. It is true that we can specify any such plane by giving a basis, i.e., $k$ linearly independent vectors in $V$, but that choice is not unique.
– Travis
Nov 16 at 4:42

That description isn't quite right. The Grassmannian $G_k(V)$ is the space of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $V$. It is true that we can specify any such plane by giving a basis, i.e., $k$ linearly independent vectors in $V$, but that choice is not unique.
– Travis
Nov 16 at 4:42



The question isn't quite a duplicate, but by chance I explained exactly this in an answer to another question a few days ago:
– Travis
Nov 16 at 4:43

The question isn't quite a duplicate, but by chance I explained exactly this in an answer to another question a few days ago:
– Travis
Nov 16 at 4:43

1 Answer




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Let $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ be the Steifel manifold of $k$-frames in $mathbb{R}^n$:
$$ S_k(mathbb{R}^n) = {(v_1, ldots, v_k) mid text{the $v_i$ are orthonormal} }$$
The group $O(n)$ acts transitively on $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ by acting on each vector: $g cdot (v_1, ldots, v_k) = (gv_1, ldots, gv_k)$. The stabiliser of a frame $(v_1, ldots, v_k)$ will be the subgroup of $O(n)$ which fixes the span of $(v_1, ldots, v_k)$ and acts nontrivially on its orthogonal complement. This subgroup is isomorphic to $O(n - k)$, and hence we have
$$ S_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong O(n) / O(n - k)$$
Next, there is a natural map $phi: S_k(mathbb{R}^n) to G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ by taking the span of the frame. The fibre of this map over a point $E in G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ will be the set of $k$-frames spanning $E$, which is a set isomorphic to $O(k)$ (an isomorphism of $O(k)$-sets). Hence $$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong S_k(mathbb{R}^n) / O(k)$$
These together give the equality you were after.

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  • i don't get the last paragraph. Why do you talk about fibres and divide by $O(k)$?
    – Vicky
    Nov 17 at 13:08

  • @Vicky: For $E in G_k(mathbb{R^n}$, its preimage $phi^{-1}(E)$ is the set of $k$-frames in $E$. This set is isomorphic to $O(k)$, since $O(k)$ acts freely and transitively on it. This means that $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ looks like $G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ with some copy of $O(k)$ glued to each point, so $S_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong O(k) times G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ as sets.
    – Joppy
    Nov 18 at 1:43

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Let $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ be the Steifel manifold of $k$-frames in $mathbb{R}^n$:
$$ S_k(mathbb{R}^n) = {(v_1, ldots, v_k) mid text{the $v_i$ are orthonormal} }$$
The group $O(n)$ acts transitively on $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ by acting on each vector: $g cdot (v_1, ldots, v_k) = (gv_1, ldots, gv_k)$. The stabiliser of a frame $(v_1, ldots, v_k)$ will be the subgroup of $O(n)$ which fixes the span of $(v_1, ldots, v_k)$ and acts nontrivially on its orthogonal complement. This subgroup is isomorphic to $O(n - k)$, and hence we have
$$ S_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong O(n) / O(n - k)$$
Next, there is a natural map $phi: S_k(mathbb{R}^n) to G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ by taking the span of the frame. The fibre of this map over a point $E in G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ will be the set of $k$-frames spanning $E$, which is a set isomorphic to $O(k)$ (an isomorphism of $O(k)$-sets). Hence $$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong S_k(mathbb{R}^n) / O(k)$$
These together give the equality you were after.

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  • i don't get the last paragraph. Why do you talk about fibres and divide by $O(k)$?
    – Vicky
    Nov 17 at 13:08

  • @Vicky: For $E in G_k(mathbb{R^n}$, its preimage $phi^{-1}(E)$ is the set of $k$-frames in $E$. This set is isomorphic to $O(k)$, since $O(k)$ acts freely and transitively on it. This means that $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ looks like $G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ with some copy of $O(k)$ glued to each point, so $S_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong O(k) times G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ as sets.
    – Joppy
    Nov 18 at 1:43

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down vote

Let $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ be the Steifel manifold of $k$-frames in $mathbb{R}^n$:
$$ S_k(mathbb{R}^n) = {(v_1, ldots, v_k) mid text{the $v_i$ are orthonormal} }$$
The group $O(n)$ acts transitively on $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ by acting on each vector: $g cdot (v_1, ldots, v_k) = (gv_1, ldots, gv_k)$. The stabiliser of a frame $(v_1, ldots, v_k)$ will be the subgroup of $O(n)$ which fixes the span of $(v_1, ldots, v_k)$ and acts nontrivially on its orthogonal complement. This subgroup is isomorphic to $O(n - k)$, and hence we have
$$ S_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong O(n) / O(n - k)$$
Next, there is a natural map $phi: S_k(mathbb{R}^n) to G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ by taking the span of the frame. The fibre of this map over a point $E in G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ will be the set of $k$-frames spanning $E$, which is a set isomorphic to $O(k)$ (an isomorphism of $O(k)$-sets). Hence $$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong S_k(mathbb{R}^n) / O(k)$$
These together give the equality you were after.

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  • i don't get the last paragraph. Why do you talk about fibres and divide by $O(k)$?
    – Vicky
    Nov 17 at 13:08

  • @Vicky: For $E in G_k(mathbb{R^n}$, its preimage $phi^{-1}(E)$ is the set of $k$-frames in $E$. This set is isomorphic to $O(k)$, since $O(k)$ acts freely and transitively on it. This means that $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ looks like $G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ with some copy of $O(k)$ glued to each point, so $S_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong O(k) times G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ as sets.
    – Joppy
    Nov 18 at 1:43

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up vote
down vote

Let $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ be the Steifel manifold of $k$-frames in $mathbb{R}^n$:
$$ S_k(mathbb{R}^n) = {(v_1, ldots, v_k) mid text{the $v_i$ are orthonormal} }$$
The group $O(n)$ acts transitively on $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ by acting on each vector: $g cdot (v_1, ldots, v_k) = (gv_1, ldots, gv_k)$. The stabiliser of a frame $(v_1, ldots, v_k)$ will be the subgroup of $O(n)$ which fixes the span of $(v_1, ldots, v_k)$ and acts nontrivially on its orthogonal complement. This subgroup is isomorphic to $O(n - k)$, and hence we have
$$ S_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong O(n) / O(n - k)$$
Next, there is a natural map $phi: S_k(mathbb{R}^n) to G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ by taking the span of the frame. The fibre of this map over a point $E in G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ will be the set of $k$-frames spanning $E$, which is a set isomorphic to $O(k)$ (an isomorphism of $O(k)$-sets). Hence $$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong S_k(mathbb{R}^n) / O(k)$$
These together give the equality you were after.

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Let $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ be the Steifel manifold of $k$-frames in $mathbb{R}^n$:
$$ S_k(mathbb{R}^n) = {(v_1, ldots, v_k) mid text{the $v_i$ are orthonormal} }$$
The group $O(n)$ acts transitively on $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ by acting on each vector: $g cdot (v_1, ldots, v_k) = (gv_1, ldots, gv_k)$. The stabiliser of a frame $(v_1, ldots, v_k)$ will be the subgroup of $O(n)$ which fixes the span of $(v_1, ldots, v_k)$ and acts nontrivially on its orthogonal complement. This subgroup is isomorphic to $O(n - k)$, and hence we have
$$ S_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong O(n) / O(n - k)$$
Next, there is a natural map $phi: S_k(mathbb{R}^n) to G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ by taking the span of the frame. The fibre of this map over a point $E in G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ will be the set of $k$-frames spanning $E$, which is a set isomorphic to $O(k)$ (an isomorphism of $O(k)$-sets). Hence $$G_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong S_k(mathbb{R}^n) / O(k)$$
These together give the equality you were after.

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edited Nov 18 at 1:44

answered Nov 17 at 3:05




  • i don't get the last paragraph. Why do you talk about fibres and divide by $O(k)$?
    – Vicky
    Nov 17 at 13:08

  • @Vicky: For $E in G_k(mathbb{R^n}$, its preimage $phi^{-1}(E)$ is the set of $k$-frames in $E$. This set is isomorphic to $O(k)$, since $O(k)$ acts freely and transitively on it. This means that $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ looks like $G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ with some copy of $O(k)$ glued to each point, so $S_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong O(k) times G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ as sets.
    – Joppy
    Nov 18 at 1:43

  • i don't get the last paragraph. Why do you talk about fibres and divide by $O(k)$?
    – Vicky
    Nov 17 at 13:08

  • @Vicky: For $E in G_k(mathbb{R^n}$, its preimage $phi^{-1}(E)$ is the set of $k$-frames in $E$. This set is isomorphic to $O(k)$, since $O(k)$ acts freely and transitively on it. This means that $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ looks like $G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ with some copy of $O(k)$ glued to each point, so $S_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong O(k) times G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ as sets.
    – Joppy
    Nov 18 at 1:43

i don't get the last paragraph. Why do you talk about fibres and divide by $O(k)$?
– Vicky
Nov 17 at 13:08

i don't get the last paragraph. Why do you talk about fibres and divide by $O(k)$?
– Vicky
Nov 17 at 13:08

@Vicky: For $E in G_k(mathbb{R^n}$, its preimage $phi^{-1}(E)$ is the set of $k$-frames in $E$. This set is isomorphic to $O(k)$, since $O(k)$ acts freely and transitively on it. This means that $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ looks like $G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ with some copy of $O(k)$ glued to each point, so $S_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong O(k) times G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ as sets.
– Joppy
Nov 18 at 1:43

@Vicky: For $E in G_k(mathbb{R^n}$, its preimage $phi^{-1}(E)$ is the set of $k$-frames in $E$. This set is isomorphic to $O(k)$, since $O(k)$ acts freely and transitively on it. This means that $S_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ looks like $G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ with some copy of $O(k)$ glued to each point, so $S_k(mathbb{R}^n) cong O(k) times G_k(mathbb{R}^n)$ as sets.
– Joppy
Nov 18 at 1:43


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