Why are real and complex numbers consider rings when irrationals aren't? [closed]

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Irrational numbers are not closed under multiplication, then why are real and complex numbers considered rings? Aren't real and complex numbers supposed to have irrational numbers?

*Made the mistake of thinking if subsets were to be invalid, the higher sets would be invalid too. Thanks to @Zachary Selk for clarify it!

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closed as unclear what you're asking by Bungo, Morgan Rodgers, José Carlos Santos, amWhy, rschwieb Nov 16 at 12:02

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • Irrationals are not closed under addition/multiplication.
    – Lord Shark the Unknown
    Nov 16 at 5:51

  • 3

    You seem to be arguing that if $A$ is not a ring and $Asubset B$ then $B$ is not a ring. This is not correct.
    – MPW
    Nov 16 at 6:24

  • Using the operations of the real numbers, the product of two irrationals isn't necessarily irrational, the sum of two irrationals isn't necessarily irrational, and there is no irrational additive identity, so the set of irrational numbers wildly fails the criteria for being a subring of $mathbb R$. Of course, you could make them into a ring with some weird product, but that isn't apparently what you're talking about.
    – rschwieb
    Nov 16 at 19:52

up vote
down vote


Irrational numbers are not closed under multiplication, then why are real and complex numbers considered rings? Aren't real and complex numbers supposed to have irrational numbers?

*Made the mistake of thinking if subsets were to be invalid, the higher sets would be invalid too. Thanks to @Zachary Selk for clarify it!

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closed as unclear what you're asking by Bungo, Morgan Rodgers, José Carlos Santos, amWhy, rschwieb Nov 16 at 12:02

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • Irrationals are not closed under addition/multiplication.
    – Lord Shark the Unknown
    Nov 16 at 5:51

  • 3

    You seem to be arguing that if $A$ is not a ring and $Asubset B$ then $B$ is not a ring. This is not correct.
    – MPW
    Nov 16 at 6:24

  • Using the operations of the real numbers, the product of two irrationals isn't necessarily irrational, the sum of two irrationals isn't necessarily irrational, and there is no irrational additive identity, so the set of irrational numbers wildly fails the criteria for being a subring of $mathbb R$. Of course, you could make them into a ring with some weird product, but that isn't apparently what you're talking about.
    – rschwieb
    Nov 16 at 19:52

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Irrational numbers are not closed under multiplication, then why are real and complex numbers considered rings? Aren't real and complex numbers supposed to have irrational numbers?

*Made the mistake of thinking if subsets were to be invalid, the higher sets would be invalid too. Thanks to @Zachary Selk for clarify it!

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Irrational numbers are not closed under multiplication, then why are real and complex numbers considered rings? Aren't real and complex numbers supposed to have irrational numbers?

*Made the mistake of thinking if subsets were to be invalid, the higher sets would be invalid too. Thanks to @Zachary Selk for clarify it!

abstract-algebra ring-theory

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edited Nov 17 at 5:02

asked Nov 16 at 5:49




closed as unclear what you're asking by Bungo, Morgan Rodgers, José Carlos Santos, amWhy, rschwieb Nov 16 at 12:02

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

closed as unclear what you're asking by Bungo, Morgan Rodgers, José Carlos Santos, amWhy, rschwieb Nov 16 at 12:02

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • Irrationals are not closed under addition/multiplication.
    – Lord Shark the Unknown
    Nov 16 at 5:51

  • 3

    You seem to be arguing that if $A$ is not a ring and $Asubset B$ then $B$ is not a ring. This is not correct.
    – MPW
    Nov 16 at 6:24

  • Using the operations of the real numbers, the product of two irrationals isn't necessarily irrational, the sum of two irrationals isn't necessarily irrational, and there is no irrational additive identity, so the set of irrational numbers wildly fails the criteria for being a subring of $mathbb R$. Of course, you could make them into a ring with some weird product, but that isn't apparently what you're talking about.
    – rschwieb
    Nov 16 at 19:52

  • Irrationals are not closed under addition/multiplication.
    – Lord Shark the Unknown
    Nov 16 at 5:51

  • 3

    You seem to be arguing that if $A$ is not a ring and $Asubset B$ then $B$ is not a ring. This is not correct.
    – MPW
    Nov 16 at 6:24

  • Using the operations of the real numbers, the product of two irrationals isn't necessarily irrational, the sum of two irrationals isn't necessarily irrational, and there is no irrational additive identity, so the set of irrational numbers wildly fails the criteria for being a subring of $mathbb R$. Of course, you could make them into a ring with some weird product, but that isn't apparently what you're talking about.
    – rschwieb
    Nov 16 at 19:52

Irrationals are not closed under addition/multiplication.
– Lord Shark the Unknown
Nov 16 at 5:51

Irrationals are not closed under addition/multiplication.
– Lord Shark the Unknown
Nov 16 at 5:51



You seem to be arguing that if $A$ is not a ring and $Asubset B$ then $B$ is not a ring. This is not correct.
Nov 16 at 6:24

You seem to be arguing that if $A$ is not a ring and $Asubset B$ then $B$ is not a ring. This is not correct.
Nov 16 at 6:24

Using the operations of the real numbers, the product of two irrationals isn't necessarily irrational, the sum of two irrationals isn't necessarily irrational, and there is no irrational additive identity, so the set of irrational numbers wildly fails the criteria for being a subring of $mathbb R$. Of course, you could make them into a ring with some weird product, but that isn't apparently what you're talking about.
– rschwieb
Nov 16 at 19:52

Using the operations of the real numbers, the product of two irrationals isn't necessarily irrational, the sum of two irrationals isn't necessarily irrational, and there is no irrational additive identity, so the set of irrational numbers wildly fails the criteria for being a subring of $mathbb R$. Of course, you could make them into a ring with some weird product, but that isn't apparently what you're talking about.
– rschwieb
Nov 16 at 19:52

3 Answers




up vote
down vote

The irrationals are not closed under multiplication, but the reals and complex numbers are. Why should the irrationals not being closed matter to whether the reals and complex numbers are rings? ${2}$ is not closed under multiplication (or addition), but it is a subset of the integers, which form a ring.

share|cite|improve this answer

    up vote
    down vote

    Yes, real numbers do indeed contain irrational numbers. However, the only thing irrationals can "escape to" are rationals, i.e. reals. So reals are a ring.

    As a matter of fact, every nonzero ring contains a subset that is not a ring.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    • Yea, I made the mistake of thinking if a subset is invalid, the higher set would be too. Sort of a bad question on my part but thanks for the simple explanation. This answers my question best, thanks.
      – John
      Nov 17 at 5:00

    up vote
    down vote

    Well, the irrationals are not closed under multiplication, e.g., $sqrt 2 cdot sqrt 2 = 2$. And what would be the zero and unit elements?

    However, what is interesting is that one can define a ring structure on the set ${Bbb I}$ of irrational numbers by using (any) bijection $phi:{Bbb I}rightarrow{Bbb R}$.

    share|cite|improve this answer

      3 Answers




      3 Answers










      up vote
      down vote

      The irrationals are not closed under multiplication, but the reals and complex numbers are. Why should the irrationals not being closed matter to whether the reals and complex numbers are rings? ${2}$ is not closed under multiplication (or addition), but it is a subset of the integers, which form a ring.

      share|cite|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        The irrationals are not closed under multiplication, but the reals and complex numbers are. Why should the irrationals not being closed matter to whether the reals and complex numbers are rings? ${2}$ is not closed under multiplication (or addition), but it is a subset of the integers, which form a ring.

        share|cite|improve this answer

          up vote
          down vote

          up vote
          down vote

          The irrationals are not closed under multiplication, but the reals and complex numbers are. Why should the irrationals not being closed matter to whether the reals and complex numbers are rings? ${2}$ is not closed under multiplication (or addition), but it is a subset of the integers, which form a ring.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          The irrationals are not closed under multiplication, but the reals and complex numbers are. Why should the irrationals not being closed matter to whether the reals and complex numbers are rings? ${2}$ is not closed under multiplication (or addition), but it is a subset of the integers, which form a ring.

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          answered Nov 16 at 5:51

          Ross Millikan



              up vote
              down vote

              Yes, real numbers do indeed contain irrational numbers. However, the only thing irrationals can "escape to" are rationals, i.e. reals. So reals are a ring.

              As a matter of fact, every nonzero ring contains a subset that is not a ring.

              share|cite|improve this answer

              • Yea, I made the mistake of thinking if a subset is invalid, the higher set would be too. Sort of a bad question on my part but thanks for the simple explanation. This answers my question best, thanks.
                – John
                Nov 17 at 5:00

              up vote
              down vote

              Yes, real numbers do indeed contain irrational numbers. However, the only thing irrationals can "escape to" are rationals, i.e. reals. So reals are a ring.

              As a matter of fact, every nonzero ring contains a subset that is not a ring.

              share|cite|improve this answer

              • Yea, I made the mistake of thinking if a subset is invalid, the higher set would be too. Sort of a bad question on my part but thanks for the simple explanation. This answers my question best, thanks.
                – John
                Nov 17 at 5:00

              up vote
              down vote

              up vote
              down vote

              Yes, real numbers do indeed contain irrational numbers. However, the only thing irrationals can "escape to" are rationals, i.e. reals. So reals are a ring.

              As a matter of fact, every nonzero ring contains a subset that is not a ring.

              share|cite|improve this answer

              Yes, real numbers do indeed contain irrational numbers. However, the only thing irrationals can "escape to" are rationals, i.e. reals. So reals are a ring.

              As a matter of fact, every nonzero ring contains a subset that is not a ring.

              share|cite|improve this answer

              share|cite|improve this answer

              share|cite|improve this answer

              answered Nov 16 at 5:55

              Zachary Selk



              • Yea, I made the mistake of thinking if a subset is invalid, the higher set would be too. Sort of a bad question on my part but thanks for the simple explanation. This answers my question best, thanks.
                – John
                Nov 17 at 5:00

              • Yea, I made the mistake of thinking if a subset is invalid, the higher set would be too. Sort of a bad question on my part but thanks for the simple explanation. This answers my question best, thanks.
                – John
                Nov 17 at 5:00

              Yea, I made the mistake of thinking if a subset is invalid, the higher set would be too. Sort of a bad question on my part but thanks for the simple explanation. This answers my question best, thanks.
              – John
              Nov 17 at 5:00

              Yea, I made the mistake of thinking if a subset is invalid, the higher set would be too. Sort of a bad question on my part but thanks for the simple explanation. This answers my question best, thanks.
              – John
              Nov 17 at 5:00

              up vote
              down vote

              Well, the irrationals are not closed under multiplication, e.g., $sqrt 2 cdot sqrt 2 = 2$. And what would be the zero and unit elements?

              However, what is interesting is that one can define a ring structure on the set ${Bbb I}$ of irrational numbers by using (any) bijection $phi:{Bbb I}rightarrow{Bbb R}$.

              share|cite|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                Well, the irrationals are not closed under multiplication, e.g., $sqrt 2 cdot sqrt 2 = 2$. And what would be the zero and unit elements?

                However, what is interesting is that one can define a ring structure on the set ${Bbb I}$ of irrational numbers by using (any) bijection $phi:{Bbb I}rightarrow{Bbb R}$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  Well, the irrationals are not closed under multiplication, e.g., $sqrt 2 cdot sqrt 2 = 2$. And what would be the zero and unit elements?

                  However, what is interesting is that one can define a ring structure on the set ${Bbb I}$ of irrational numbers by using (any) bijection $phi:{Bbb I}rightarrow{Bbb R}$.

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  Well, the irrationals are not closed under multiplication, e.g., $sqrt 2 cdot sqrt 2 = 2$. And what would be the zero and unit elements?

                  However, what is interesting is that one can define a ring structure on the set ${Bbb I}$ of irrational numbers by using (any) bijection $phi:{Bbb I}rightarrow{Bbb R}$.

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  edited Nov 16 at 8:47

                  answered Nov 16 at 6:33




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