Termiated after corporate takeover without severence [on hold]

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I was let go yesterday after 27 years. My company had terminated us 7 months ago during the takeover and the new owner rehired us for the same jobs on the same day. Now I am fired with 2 weeks notice and no severance. What are my rights?

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New contributor

martin dyck is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

put on hold as off-topic by gnat, Erik, Kozaky, BgrWorker, Richard U Nov 16 at 15:55

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions seeking advice on company-specific regulations, agreements, or policies should be directed to your manager or HR department. Questions that address only a specific company or position are of limited use to future visitors. Questions seeking legal advice should be directed to legal professionals. For more information, click here." – gnat, Erik, Kozaky, BgrWorker, Richard U

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 8

    that highly depends on your location an contract. We can't answer this as is. Please edit and supply more details. "What are my rights" will probably end up getting this question closed.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 14:53

  • without the nation, state or region, and locality, we cannot answer this.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 15:52

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down vote


I was let go yesterday after 27 years. My company had terminated us 7 months ago during the takeover and the new owner rehired us for the same jobs on the same day. Now I am fired with 2 weeks notice and no severance. What are my rights?

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New contributor

martin dyck is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

put on hold as off-topic by gnat, Erik, Kozaky, BgrWorker, Richard U Nov 16 at 15:55

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions seeking advice on company-specific regulations, agreements, or policies should be directed to your manager or HR department. Questions that address only a specific company or position are of limited use to future visitors. Questions seeking legal advice should be directed to legal professionals. For more information, click here." – gnat, Erik, Kozaky, BgrWorker, Richard U

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 8

    that highly depends on your location an contract. We can't answer this as is. Please edit and supply more details. "What are my rights" will probably end up getting this question closed.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 14:53

  • without the nation, state or region, and locality, we cannot answer this.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 15:52

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


I was let go yesterday after 27 years. My company had terminated us 7 months ago during the takeover and the new owner rehired us for the same jobs on the same day. Now I am fired with 2 weeks notice and no severance. What are my rights?

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New contributor

martin dyck is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

I was let go yesterday after 27 years. My company had terminated us 7 months ago during the takeover and the new owner rehired us for the same jobs on the same day. Now I am fired with 2 weeks notice and no severance. What are my rights?


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New contributor

martin dyck is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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New contributor

martin dyck is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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New contributor

martin dyck is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked Nov 16 at 14:51

martin dyck



New contributor

martin dyck is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

martin dyck is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

martin dyck is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

put on hold as off-topic by gnat, Erik, Kozaky, BgrWorker, Richard U Nov 16 at 15:55

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions seeking advice on company-specific regulations, agreements, or policies should be directed to your manager or HR department. Questions that address only a specific company or position are of limited use to future visitors. Questions seeking legal advice should be directed to legal professionals. For more information, click here." – gnat, Erik, Kozaky, BgrWorker, Richard U

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

put on hold as off-topic by gnat, Erik, Kozaky, BgrWorker, Richard U Nov 16 at 15:55

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • "Questions seeking advice on company-specific regulations, agreements, or policies should be directed to your manager or HR department. Questions that address only a specific company or position are of limited use to future visitors. Questions seeking legal advice should be directed to legal professionals. For more information, click here." – gnat, Erik, Kozaky, BgrWorker, Richard U

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 8

    that highly depends on your location an contract. We can't answer this as is. Please edit and supply more details. "What are my rights" will probably end up getting this question closed.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 14:53

  • without the nation, state or region, and locality, we cannot answer this.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 15:52

  • 8

    that highly depends on your location an contract. We can't answer this as is. Please edit and supply more details. "What are my rights" will probably end up getting this question closed.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 14:53

  • without the nation, state or region, and locality, we cannot answer this.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 15:52



that highly depends on your location an contract. We can't answer this as is. Please edit and supply more details. "What are my rights" will probably end up getting this question closed.
– SaggingRufus
Nov 16 at 14:53

that highly depends on your location an contract. We can't answer this as is. Please edit and supply more details. "What are my rights" will probably end up getting this question closed.
– SaggingRufus
Nov 16 at 14:53

without the nation, state or region, and locality, we cannot answer this.
– Richard U
Nov 16 at 15:52

without the nation, state or region, and locality, we cannot answer this.
– Richard U
Nov 16 at 15:52

1 Answer




up vote
down vote

You need to talk to a lawyer ASAP. Your rights and what sort of compensation you are owed will vary depending on your location, industry, and all sorts of other factors. Only a lawyer with knowledge in such areas will be able to help you get what you're owed.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    unless they were on probation when they got hired to the new company. Then they probably aren't owed anything because they were let go on probation to what is on paper a new job.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 14:56

  • 2

    @Cubemaster my point without all the details, we can't even say if it worth contacting a lawyer. They don't give advice for free. OP had that option from the start, but they chose to come here first. Blindly recommending a lawyer doesn't help in this case. Once we actually have details, then it may be appropriate to suggest a lawyer.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 15:05

  • 3

    Definitely talk to a lawyer. But probably your problem comes when you were terminated by the old company. You should have got serverance then, and you should have talked to a lawyer then. This sort of thing is exactly why the company wanted to pull the 'fire and rehire' trick.
    – DJClayworth
    Nov 16 at 15:13

  • 2

    If the OP is in the USA and in a right to work state, a consultation with a lawyer is a waste of time.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 15:52

  • 2

    @DavidThornley no, only 27 states are right to work states. so location, even within the US, matters.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 16:10

1 Answer




1 Answer










up vote
down vote

You need to talk to a lawyer ASAP. Your rights and what sort of compensation you are owed will vary depending on your location, industry, and all sorts of other factors. Only a lawyer with knowledge in such areas will be able to help you get what you're owed.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    unless they were on probation when they got hired to the new company. Then they probably aren't owed anything because they were let go on probation to what is on paper a new job.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 14:56

  • 2

    @Cubemaster my point without all the details, we can't even say if it worth contacting a lawyer. They don't give advice for free. OP had that option from the start, but they chose to come here first. Blindly recommending a lawyer doesn't help in this case. Once we actually have details, then it may be appropriate to suggest a lawyer.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 15:05

  • 3

    Definitely talk to a lawyer. But probably your problem comes when you were terminated by the old company. You should have got serverance then, and you should have talked to a lawyer then. This sort of thing is exactly why the company wanted to pull the 'fire and rehire' trick.
    – DJClayworth
    Nov 16 at 15:13

  • 2

    If the OP is in the USA and in a right to work state, a consultation with a lawyer is a waste of time.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 15:52

  • 2

    @DavidThornley no, only 27 states are right to work states. so location, even within the US, matters.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 16:10

up vote
down vote

You need to talk to a lawyer ASAP. Your rights and what sort of compensation you are owed will vary depending on your location, industry, and all sorts of other factors. Only a lawyer with knowledge in such areas will be able to help you get what you're owed.

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    unless they were on probation when they got hired to the new company. Then they probably aren't owed anything because they were let go on probation to what is on paper a new job.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 14:56

  • 2

    @Cubemaster my point without all the details, we can't even say if it worth contacting a lawyer. They don't give advice for free. OP had that option from the start, but they chose to come here first. Blindly recommending a lawyer doesn't help in this case. Once we actually have details, then it may be appropriate to suggest a lawyer.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 15:05

  • 3

    Definitely talk to a lawyer. But probably your problem comes when you were terminated by the old company. You should have got serverance then, and you should have talked to a lawyer then. This sort of thing is exactly why the company wanted to pull the 'fire and rehire' trick.
    – DJClayworth
    Nov 16 at 15:13

  • 2

    If the OP is in the USA and in a right to work state, a consultation with a lawyer is a waste of time.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 15:52

  • 2

    @DavidThornley no, only 27 states are right to work states. so location, even within the US, matters.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 16:10

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

You need to talk to a lawyer ASAP. Your rights and what sort of compensation you are owed will vary depending on your location, industry, and all sorts of other factors. Only a lawyer with knowledge in such areas will be able to help you get what you're owed.

share|improve this answer

You need to talk to a lawyer ASAP. Your rights and what sort of compensation you are owed will vary depending on your location, industry, and all sorts of other factors. Only a lawyer with knowledge in such areas will be able to help you get what you're owed.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited Nov 16 at 15:35

answered Nov 16 at 14:55

Lee Abraham



  • 1

    unless they were on probation when they got hired to the new company. Then they probably aren't owed anything because they were let go on probation to what is on paper a new job.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 14:56

  • 2

    @Cubemaster my point without all the details, we can't even say if it worth contacting a lawyer. They don't give advice for free. OP had that option from the start, but they chose to come here first. Blindly recommending a lawyer doesn't help in this case. Once we actually have details, then it may be appropriate to suggest a lawyer.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 15:05

  • 3

    Definitely talk to a lawyer. But probably your problem comes when you were terminated by the old company. You should have got serverance then, and you should have talked to a lawyer then. This sort of thing is exactly why the company wanted to pull the 'fire and rehire' trick.
    – DJClayworth
    Nov 16 at 15:13

  • 2

    If the OP is in the USA and in a right to work state, a consultation with a lawyer is a waste of time.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 15:52

  • 2

    @DavidThornley no, only 27 states are right to work states. so location, even within the US, matters.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 16:10

  • 1

    unless they were on probation when they got hired to the new company. Then they probably aren't owed anything because they were let go on probation to what is on paper a new job.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 14:56

  • 2

    @Cubemaster my point without all the details, we can't even say if it worth contacting a lawyer. They don't give advice for free. OP had that option from the start, but they chose to come here first. Blindly recommending a lawyer doesn't help in this case. Once we actually have details, then it may be appropriate to suggest a lawyer.
    – SaggingRufus
    Nov 16 at 15:05

  • 3

    Definitely talk to a lawyer. But probably your problem comes when you were terminated by the old company. You should have got serverance then, and you should have talked to a lawyer then. This sort of thing is exactly why the company wanted to pull the 'fire and rehire' trick.
    – DJClayworth
    Nov 16 at 15:13

  • 2

    If the OP is in the USA and in a right to work state, a consultation with a lawyer is a waste of time.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 15:52

  • 2

    @DavidThornley no, only 27 states are right to work states. so location, even within the US, matters.
    – Richard U
    Nov 16 at 16:10



unless they were on probation when they got hired to the new company. Then they probably aren't owed anything because they were let go on probation to what is on paper a new job.
– SaggingRufus
Nov 16 at 14:56

unless they were on probation when they got hired to the new company. Then they probably aren't owed anything because they were let go on probation to what is on paper a new job.
– SaggingRufus
Nov 16 at 14:56



@Cubemaster my point without all the details, we can't even say if it worth contacting a lawyer. They don't give advice for free. OP had that option from the start, but they chose to come here first. Blindly recommending a lawyer doesn't help in this case. Once we actually have details, then it may be appropriate to suggest a lawyer.
– SaggingRufus
Nov 16 at 15:05

@Cubemaster my point without all the details, we can't even say if it worth contacting a lawyer. They don't give advice for free. OP had that option from the start, but they chose to come here first. Blindly recommending a lawyer doesn't help in this case. Once we actually have details, then it may be appropriate to suggest a lawyer.
– SaggingRufus
Nov 16 at 15:05



Definitely talk to a lawyer. But probably your problem comes when you were terminated by the old company. You should have got serverance then, and you should have talked to a lawyer then. This sort of thing is exactly why the company wanted to pull the 'fire and rehire' trick.
– DJClayworth
Nov 16 at 15:13

Definitely talk to a lawyer. But probably your problem comes when you were terminated by the old company. You should have got serverance then, and you should have talked to a lawyer then. This sort of thing is exactly why the company wanted to pull the 'fire and rehire' trick.
– DJClayworth
Nov 16 at 15:13



If the OP is in the USA and in a right to work state, a consultation with a lawyer is a waste of time.
– Richard U
Nov 16 at 15:52

If the OP is in the USA and in a right to work state, a consultation with a lawyer is a waste of time.
– Richard U
Nov 16 at 15:52



@DavidThornley no, only 27 states are right to work states. so location, even within the US, matters.
– Richard U
Nov 16 at 16:10

@DavidThornley no, only 27 states are right to work states. so location, even within the US, matters.
– Richard U
Nov 16 at 16:10

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