Creating a Website as a Beginner. Costs Calculating for the Customer [on hold]

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I've got an "offer" to create a Website with an ecommerce Shop. I did not work much in the Webdevelopment and the customer asked me of course how much it will cost. I replied that I've to calculate it when I've got the specification.

So, my Problem is, that I do not know how many hours it will take to develop the site and what I could claim per working hour because im a "Beginner" in Webdevelopment...

Do you Guys have any Hints? A reference Point?

Im not an absolute beginner.
Ofc do i know the usage of html, css, php,... Also I've worked some months with Joomla and WP, but I never had to calculate the needed effort on my own

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New contributor

John Doe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

put on hold as primarily opinion-based by Philip Kendall, Mawg, HorusKol, paparazzo, gnat Nov 26 at 10:00

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 9

    This question sounds like it would be better at Freelancing StackExchange.
    – Brandin
    Nov 26 at 7:38

  • 1

    "I did not work much in the Webdevelopment" - so why I someone offering to pay you for such? Do you know of your lack of experience? If not, and/or you re not doing it for a friend, I cannot see this ending well
    – Mawg
    Nov 26 at 7:49

  • 2

    From your question, you are not ready to be able to accept this mission as a freelancer. Estimating relies on personal experience when it comes to web development => You ARE your OWN reference point. Some people will take 10 minutes to do something whereas others will need an hour. Other than that, freelancing fees are usualy counted per day and not per hour depending on your skill, productivity and the value you deliver. IMHO you need more training/experience to carry this mission according to the question you asked.
    – Answers_Seeker
    Nov 26 at 8:07

  • 3

    @JohnDoe Or just not do it at all
    – Twyxz
    Nov 26 at 8:35

  • 4

    Never, ever work for free. A "reference" is not payment.. If you do work for free, you lose all negotiating power and you'll have to agree to things at least as hideous as working for free in the future, because you've shown how low you're willing to go. If you don't feel confident, don't do the project, but if you do, don't do it for free. And finally, before you start doing anything, sign a contract. Get a template off the Internet or write down in a piece of paper what you will deliver, when, and how much you'll get paid for it.
    – rath
    Nov 26 at 10:38

up vote
down vote


I've got an "offer" to create a Website with an ecommerce Shop. I did not work much in the Webdevelopment and the customer asked me of course how much it will cost. I replied that I've to calculate it when I've got the specification.

So, my Problem is, that I do not know how many hours it will take to develop the site and what I could claim per working hour because im a "Beginner" in Webdevelopment...

Do you Guys have any Hints? A reference Point?

Im not an absolute beginner.
Ofc do i know the usage of html, css, php,... Also I've worked some months with Joomla and WP, but I never had to calculate the needed effort on my own

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New contributor

John Doe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

put on hold as primarily opinion-based by Philip Kendall, Mawg, HorusKol, paparazzo, gnat Nov 26 at 10:00

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 9

    This question sounds like it would be better at Freelancing StackExchange.
    – Brandin
    Nov 26 at 7:38

  • 1

    "I did not work much in the Webdevelopment" - so why I someone offering to pay you for such? Do you know of your lack of experience? If not, and/or you re not doing it for a friend, I cannot see this ending well
    – Mawg
    Nov 26 at 7:49

  • 2

    From your question, you are not ready to be able to accept this mission as a freelancer. Estimating relies on personal experience when it comes to web development => You ARE your OWN reference point. Some people will take 10 minutes to do something whereas others will need an hour. Other than that, freelancing fees are usualy counted per day and not per hour depending on your skill, productivity and the value you deliver. IMHO you need more training/experience to carry this mission according to the question you asked.
    – Answers_Seeker
    Nov 26 at 8:07

  • 3

    @JohnDoe Or just not do it at all
    – Twyxz
    Nov 26 at 8:35

  • 4

    Never, ever work for free. A "reference" is not payment.. If you do work for free, you lose all negotiating power and you'll have to agree to things at least as hideous as working for free in the future, because you've shown how low you're willing to go. If you don't feel confident, don't do the project, but if you do, don't do it for free. And finally, before you start doing anything, sign a contract. Get a template off the Internet or write down in a piece of paper what you will deliver, when, and how much you'll get paid for it.
    – rath
    Nov 26 at 10:38

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


I've got an "offer" to create a Website with an ecommerce Shop. I did not work much in the Webdevelopment and the customer asked me of course how much it will cost. I replied that I've to calculate it when I've got the specification.

So, my Problem is, that I do not know how many hours it will take to develop the site and what I could claim per working hour because im a "Beginner" in Webdevelopment...

Do you Guys have any Hints? A reference Point?

Im not an absolute beginner.
Ofc do i know the usage of html, css, php,... Also I've worked some months with Joomla and WP, but I never had to calculate the needed effort on my own

share|improve this question

New contributor

John Doe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

I've got an "offer" to create a Website with an ecommerce Shop. I did not work much in the Webdevelopment and the customer asked me of course how much it will cost. I replied that I've to calculate it when I've got the specification.

So, my Problem is, that I do not know how many hours it will take to develop the site and what I could claim per working hour because im a "Beginner" in Webdevelopment...

Do you Guys have any Hints? A reference Point?

Im not an absolute beginner.
Ofc do i know the usage of html, css, php,... Also I've worked some months with Joomla and WP, but I never had to calculate the needed effort on my own

salary websites self-employment

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New contributor

John Doe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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New contributor

John Doe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

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edited Nov 26 at 11:20

New contributor

John Doe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked Nov 26 at 7:07

John Doe



New contributor

John Doe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

New contributor

John Doe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

John Doe is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

put on hold as primarily opinion-based by Philip Kendall, Mawg, HorusKol, paparazzo, gnat Nov 26 at 10:00

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

put on hold as primarily opinion-based by Philip Kendall, Mawg, HorusKol, paparazzo, gnat Nov 26 at 10:00

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 9

    This question sounds like it would be better at Freelancing StackExchange.
    – Brandin
    Nov 26 at 7:38

  • 1

    "I did not work much in the Webdevelopment" - so why I someone offering to pay you for such? Do you know of your lack of experience? If not, and/or you re not doing it for a friend, I cannot see this ending well
    – Mawg
    Nov 26 at 7:49

  • 2

    From your question, you are not ready to be able to accept this mission as a freelancer. Estimating relies on personal experience when it comes to web development => You ARE your OWN reference point. Some people will take 10 minutes to do something whereas others will need an hour. Other than that, freelancing fees are usualy counted per day and not per hour depending on your skill, productivity and the value you deliver. IMHO you need more training/experience to carry this mission according to the question you asked.
    – Answers_Seeker
    Nov 26 at 8:07

  • 3

    @JohnDoe Or just not do it at all
    – Twyxz
    Nov 26 at 8:35

  • 4

    Never, ever work for free. A "reference" is not payment.. If you do work for free, you lose all negotiating power and you'll have to agree to things at least as hideous as working for free in the future, because you've shown how low you're willing to go. If you don't feel confident, don't do the project, but if you do, don't do it for free. And finally, before you start doing anything, sign a contract. Get a template off the Internet or write down in a piece of paper what you will deliver, when, and how much you'll get paid for it.
    – rath
    Nov 26 at 10:38

  • 9

    This question sounds like it would be better at Freelancing StackExchange.
    – Brandin
    Nov 26 at 7:38

  • 1

    "I did not work much in the Webdevelopment" - so why I someone offering to pay you for such? Do you know of your lack of experience? If not, and/or you re not doing it for a friend, I cannot see this ending well
    – Mawg
    Nov 26 at 7:49

  • 2

    From your question, you are not ready to be able to accept this mission as a freelancer. Estimating relies on personal experience when it comes to web development => You ARE your OWN reference point. Some people will take 10 minutes to do something whereas others will need an hour. Other than that, freelancing fees are usualy counted per day and not per hour depending on your skill, productivity and the value you deliver. IMHO you need more training/experience to carry this mission according to the question you asked.
    – Answers_Seeker
    Nov 26 at 8:07

  • 3

    @JohnDoe Or just not do it at all
    – Twyxz
    Nov 26 at 8:35

  • 4

    Never, ever work for free. A "reference" is not payment.. If you do work for free, you lose all negotiating power and you'll have to agree to things at least as hideous as working for free in the future, because you've shown how low you're willing to go. If you don't feel confident, don't do the project, but if you do, don't do it for free. And finally, before you start doing anything, sign a contract. Get a template off the Internet or write down in a piece of paper what you will deliver, when, and how much you'll get paid for it.
    – rath
    Nov 26 at 10:38



This question sounds like it would be better at Freelancing StackExchange.
– Brandin
Nov 26 at 7:38

This question sounds like it would be better at Freelancing StackExchange.
– Brandin
Nov 26 at 7:38



"I did not work much in the Webdevelopment" - so why I someone offering to pay you for such? Do you know of your lack of experience? If not, and/or you re not doing it for a friend, I cannot see this ending well
– Mawg
Nov 26 at 7:49

"I did not work much in the Webdevelopment" - so why I someone offering to pay you for such? Do you know of your lack of experience? If not, and/or you re not doing it for a friend, I cannot see this ending well
– Mawg
Nov 26 at 7:49



From your question, you are not ready to be able to accept this mission as a freelancer. Estimating relies on personal experience when it comes to web development => You ARE your OWN reference point. Some people will take 10 minutes to do something whereas others will need an hour. Other than that, freelancing fees are usualy counted per day and not per hour depending on your skill, productivity and the value you deliver. IMHO you need more training/experience to carry this mission according to the question you asked.
– Answers_Seeker
Nov 26 at 8:07

From your question, you are not ready to be able to accept this mission as a freelancer. Estimating relies on personal experience when it comes to web development => You ARE your OWN reference point. Some people will take 10 minutes to do something whereas others will need an hour. Other than that, freelancing fees are usualy counted per day and not per hour depending on your skill, productivity and the value you deliver. IMHO you need more training/experience to carry this mission according to the question you asked.
– Answers_Seeker
Nov 26 at 8:07



@JohnDoe Or just not do it at all
– Twyxz
Nov 26 at 8:35

@JohnDoe Or just not do it at all
– Twyxz
Nov 26 at 8:35



Never, ever work for free. A "reference" is not payment.. If you do work for free, you lose all negotiating power and you'll have to agree to things at least as hideous as working for free in the future, because you've shown how low you're willing to go. If you don't feel confident, don't do the project, but if you do, don't do it for free. And finally, before you start doing anything, sign a contract. Get a template off the Internet or write down in a piece of paper what you will deliver, when, and how much you'll get paid for it.
– rath
Nov 26 at 10:38

Never, ever work for free. A "reference" is not payment.. If you do work for free, you lose all negotiating power and you'll have to agree to things at least as hideous as working for free in the future, because you've shown how low you're willing to go. If you don't feel confident, don't do the project, but if you do, don't do it for free. And finally, before you start doing anything, sign a contract. Get a template off the Internet or write down in a piece of paper what you will deliver, when, and how much you'll get paid for it.
– rath
Nov 26 at 10:38

1 Answer




up vote
down vote

I do not know how many hours it will take to develop the site and what I could claim per working hour because im a Beginner in Webdevelopment...

That's a bit worrying.

If you're really a beginner in web dev and have no experience in doing this sort of thing previously, then you shouldn't be taking on something like this on your own in the first place - it's a bit of a recipe for disaster.

Try to work with an existing experienced dev for a while before going solo, or get a job as a junior web developer so as to build up your skills and experience.

We all have to start somewhere of course, but usually that somewhere isn't jumping into a solo project with no knowledge!

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you very much! Ofc do i know the usage of html, css, php,...Also I've worked some months with Joomla and WP, but I never had to calculate the needed effort on my own.
    – John Doe
    Nov 26 at 9:55

1 Answer




1 Answer










up vote
down vote

I do not know how many hours it will take to develop the site and what I could claim per working hour because im a Beginner in Webdevelopment...

That's a bit worrying.

If you're really a beginner in web dev and have no experience in doing this sort of thing previously, then you shouldn't be taking on something like this on your own in the first place - it's a bit of a recipe for disaster.

Try to work with an existing experienced dev for a while before going solo, or get a job as a junior web developer so as to build up your skills and experience.

We all have to start somewhere of course, but usually that somewhere isn't jumping into a solo project with no knowledge!

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you very much! Ofc do i know the usage of html, css, php,...Also I've worked some months with Joomla and WP, but I never had to calculate the needed effort on my own.
    – John Doe
    Nov 26 at 9:55

up vote
down vote

I do not know how many hours it will take to develop the site and what I could claim per working hour because im a Beginner in Webdevelopment...

That's a bit worrying.

If you're really a beginner in web dev and have no experience in doing this sort of thing previously, then you shouldn't be taking on something like this on your own in the first place - it's a bit of a recipe for disaster.

Try to work with an existing experienced dev for a while before going solo, or get a job as a junior web developer so as to build up your skills and experience.

We all have to start somewhere of course, but usually that somewhere isn't jumping into a solo project with no knowledge!

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you very much! Ofc do i know the usage of html, css, php,...Also I've worked some months with Joomla and WP, but I never had to calculate the needed effort on my own.
    – John Doe
    Nov 26 at 9:55

up vote
down vote

up vote
down vote

I do not know how many hours it will take to develop the site and what I could claim per working hour because im a Beginner in Webdevelopment...

That's a bit worrying.

If you're really a beginner in web dev and have no experience in doing this sort of thing previously, then you shouldn't be taking on something like this on your own in the first place - it's a bit of a recipe for disaster.

Try to work with an existing experienced dev for a while before going solo, or get a job as a junior web developer so as to build up your skills and experience.

We all have to start somewhere of course, but usually that somewhere isn't jumping into a solo project with no knowledge!

share|improve this answer

I do not know how many hours it will take to develop the site and what I could claim per working hour because im a Beginner in Webdevelopment...

That's a bit worrying.

If you're really a beginner in web dev and have no experience in doing this sort of thing previously, then you shouldn't be taking on something like this on your own in the first place - it's a bit of a recipe for disaster.

Try to work with an existing experienced dev for a while before going solo, or get a job as a junior web developer so as to build up your skills and experience.

We all have to start somewhere of course, but usually that somewhere isn't jumping into a solo project with no knowledge!

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Nov 26 at 9:47




  • Thank you very much! Ofc do i know the usage of html, css, php,...Also I've worked some months with Joomla and WP, but I never had to calculate the needed effort on my own.
    – John Doe
    Nov 26 at 9:55

  • Thank you very much! Ofc do i know the usage of html, css, php,...Also I've worked some months with Joomla and WP, but I never had to calculate the needed effort on my own.
    – John Doe
    Nov 26 at 9:55

Thank you very much! Ofc do i know the usage of html, css, php,...Also I've worked some months with Joomla and WP, but I never had to calculate the needed effort on my own.
– John Doe
Nov 26 at 9:55

Thank you very much! Ofc do i know the usage of html, css, php,...Also I've worked some months with Joomla and WP, but I never had to calculate the needed effort on my own.
– John Doe
Nov 26 at 9:55

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